1.) 11 Sep 2013
Because he is a global icon of good looks and a models body he doesn't want his face to be spoilt with a bandage - so I have heard.

2.) 11 Sep 2013
Because it was a big gash, and if it opens up again who knows! His brain could fall out.

3.) 11 Sep 2013
I agree Syd.

Saw the pic of his scar on the Daily mail - it was a nasty injury but surely he could be ready for this weekend - stick a plaster on it and suck it up ;)

4.) 11 Sep 2013
He probably had concussion looked like a big bump on his head so I think that has a mandatory 10 - 14 day rest or something?

5.) 11 Sep 2013
Originally was he not due back for the Palace game this weekend? Stick a rugby scrum cap on him, ala Cech, and he should be fine!

6.) 11 Sep 2013
His wound must still be susceptible to opening up again, which by judging its sheer size, may lead to significant blood loss.

7.) 11 Sep 2013
Being a rugby league player I have had my mush opened up a fair few times and have learned a few things, cuts like that can be tricky for example it will be healing and knitting together if he were to open it up again sometimes it will not heal properly again so it requires an operation to remove the scar tissue on either side of the wound then re-stitching and then it has to start healing allover again.

8.) 11 Sep 2013
He should play, our wingers can't cross the ball so there is no danger of him heading the ball.

Plus he is one step closer to the real Shrek with that gash, might scare a few opponents into giving us some space to play.

9.) 11 Sep 2013
What you see is maybe not accurately the extend of his injuries as he might have an under layer of stitching with an over layer of stitching if it is as deep as people say.

If it opens up again it can lead to lot's of issues and for the sake one game not worth jeopardizing him.

10.) 11 Sep 2013
I've not been Rooneys biggest fan over the past year or so and have been angered by his lack of fitness etc, but even I can accept that a gash that size is going to take time to heal sufficiently for it to be possible for him to play. He could play now I'm sure, but if it hasn't healed sufficiently, then it would be very easily reopened again, which would mean an even longer lay off so it is important that enough time is given now.

11.) 11 Sep 2013
Part of me thinks he may play in the Leverkusen game. He needs at least 30 minutes of that game to be ready for the City game. I hope it's a bit of a bluff as I am sure there are ways around a cut to the head. We can put man on the moon, we can split and atom, we can perform transplants, but we cannot design a plaster that will keep a cut safe ;)

12.) 11 Sep 2013
Syd, a head injury is usually accompagnied by a mild traumatic brain injury, or concussion. The patient needs at least 3 weeks to fully heal. If not rested properly a grade 1 concussion can last longuer, and a blow could take it to grade 2.

That is also not taking into account the wound, which needs to be taken care of until it closes fully. Beeing a former thai boxer myself, I know all about head wounds. During training, sweat can cause mild discomfort to the wound, also making it more prone to an infection ( in rare cases obviously ) but it should not be taken lightly

13.) 11 Sep 2013
If you look at the gash, it must have tore part of his rug away LOL

Can't risk damaging the repair

14.) 11 Sep 2013
Playing with a gash never bothered him before

15.) 11 Sep 2013
I know Rooney likes his old gash but he obviously wants to protect this one {Ed007's Note - That's nearly funny from you Kloot, you better be careful or people will start to think you are mellowing!}