25 Aug 2020 08:58:45
Unfortunately I missed the update while on holiday, is anyone able to briefly summarise, or is it too soon?
A lot of time and effort must go into managing and maintaining this site. The info is second to none and some of the people on here a great to discuss football with. They are the reasons my company sponsors the site as do many others, so it's a shame to have content removed due to trolls.
Still plenty of time in the window to improve on what is already a very exciting young team.
{Ed002's Note - A hige amount of effort went in to doing it but there go. I am am not willing to be subject of abuse posted by other editors. There will not be any more such updates.}
1.) 25 Aug 2020
25 Aug 2020 09:22:37
Thanks for all your effort ed002 it was a good read whilst it was there.
{Ed002's Note - It has gone and there will never be any more.}
2.) 25 Aug 2020
25 Aug 2020 09:37:54
Ed002, sorry to hear about the abuses.
As always, we appreciate all your efforts, time and inputs.
3.) 25 Aug 2020
25 Aug 2020 09:46:30
Wazza, there's not a lot to get excited about pal.
Ed002. Your hard work is appreciated mate. Unfortunately the anonymity of the internet makes little cretins feel 10 feet tall.
For every one little mouth, there's 100 posters who value your input.
Stay safe and take care!
4.) 25 Aug 2020
25 Aug 2020 09:47:54
Anyone tell me whst happened yesterday.
5.) 25 Aug 2020
25 Aug 2020 09:51:12
Good grief. The Eds have all been magnificent during the lockdown in particular, and ED002 has gone out of his way to be extra courteous and responsive to our stream of unending questions. This week's update was the most detailed and specific I think I've ever seen - I was looking forward to rereading it! Mindless, moronic, keyboard warriors always crawl out from under their rocks and onto forums to ruin it for the rest.
Huge thanks to ED002 for the update, and full solidarity with your stance
Thanks to all the Eds - when there was no football, we still had you.
6.) 25 Aug 2020
25 Aug 2020 09:56:32
That’s perfectly understandable 002 life is too short to put up with abuse from keyboard warriors. Sorry I missed it but I hope the trolls are blocked and you return soon.
Currently in Cornwall and the weather is bleak to say the least so could have done with something to read 😂.
7.) 25 Aug 2020
25 Aug 2020 10:01:23
I saw the update and the next day it was gone. Just to hear that abuse to Ed led to this. What is wrong with people?! We ask for updates which we would be near last due to our abuse and it seemed we understood. Yet surprise posters have done it again and looking at the length of the post, would have taken a considerable amount of time. Pathetic.
Thank you Ed002 and to those posters, please leave the site.
{Ed002's Note - I will answer questions but there will not be any more updates like there have been.}
8.) 25 Aug 2020
25 Aug 2020 09:29:04
Maybe the other editors should be better with what is posted. Abuse of any sort is unacceptable particularly when ed002 puts in all that effort to update us on transfers.
Ed001 is there anyway we can make this better?
{Ed001's Note - there shouldn't be any abuse posted up by any editor towards anyone, so I will have to find out who did it and explain that. Other than that, we keep deleting the idiots but IPs change, plus there are VPNs available, so it is impossible to stop them coming back time and time again. All we can do is delete them when we find them.}
9.) 25 Aug 2020
25 Aug 2020 11:09:05
Appreciate it ed001. And of course all the work that you all do and have been doing particularly throughout this crap time.
Your analysis and input is incredible, honestly. I pay no attention to any other football related site.
Sorry you have to put up with this crap.
{Ed001's Note - thank you mate, it is always the same sadly. People hide behind keyboards and get arsey with all around them for no reason other than that their lives are a bit pathetic.}
10.) 25 Aug 2020
25 Aug 2020 11:12:06
I read it fully several times Ed002 and really appreciate the work that goes into providing this info.
I full respect your decision as you don't need to do this for us. The transfer window seems to bring the worst out of a lot of 'fans' and unfortunately the brunt of it is aimed at people like you or journalists providing info.
Hopefully this will push those idiots away from the site so the rest of us can enjoy discussing things again.
11.) 25 Aug 2020
25 Aug 2020 11:33:32
Eds, have you considered a paid membership? Doesn’t have to be huge but something nominal to help cut out the rubbish?
{Ed001's Note - yes, many times considered it, but then you are blocking off those who can't afford it from access to the information. Secondly, people expect this much from a free-to-access site, can you imagine how entitled the trolls would be if they paid money for it? In my experience, sadly, trolls are just as likely to pay as any other people.}
12.) 25 Aug 2020
25 Aug 2020 11:53:05
OK - what about an additional registration step? No idea what the legal GDPR implications are for the me site but accountability is the issue here.
Re: paid subscription, at least you’d be getting paid for the rubbish ;)
{Ed001's Note - I think making it more difficult to register is going to have to be the next step, as at least it will slow down the re-emergence of the troll after deletion!
As for the subscription, I am not sure it would earn enough to make it worth the trouble it would take. Plus I like that we provide information for free, that is what the internet was meant to be and should be imo.}
13.) 25 Aug 2020
25 Aug 2020 12:11:13
Sounds wise and I agree. Best fo luck with it all anyway Ed. I hope you don’t mind my suggestions, I’m sure the vast majority will agree but I’m keen to support the site.
{Ed001's Note - I am always happy to receive suggestions on ways to move forward. I am so busy just trying to research and write articles that I don't have time to consider how to improve the sites.}
14.) 25 Aug 2020
25 Aug 2020 13:21:46
I've been posting and reading this site for almost 10 years now and the Eds have done an incredible job. Not only is the information provided hugely appreciated by most on here but the fact the Eds get involved in posts they are interested in is another great part of the site.
Hopefully the clowns who spoil it for others are eventually pushed away.