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11 Jul 2024 15:57:33
Welcome to Manchester United Matthijs de Ligt!
Hope he fulfills his potential under familiar territory of Ten Hag.


1.) 11 Jul 2024 16:17:36

Where did you see that. Is it confirmed by a reputable journo?

2.) 11 Jul 2024 19:11:41
Romano been reporting that MdL deal is progressing, MdL only wants United, should be next after Zirkzee then hopefully Ugarte, but we will see.

3.) 13 Jul 2024 11:09:54
Romano……. pah!



12 Jun 2024 15:52:47
Hi Ed002
What was the reason that United chose to persist with Ten Hag?
Will he still have major voice on transfers or would he need to accommodate to the new structure?

Finally is any contract extension planned for Ten Hag?
Thanks in advance.


{Ed002's Note - I have no idea about contract extensions but others they spoke to were not interested in the job. See what happens after the Euros.}

1.) 12 Jun 2024 17:24:19
If a manager became available after the euros would the club consider changing manager ?

{Ed002's Note - It is not quite as simple as that.}

2.) 13 Jun 2024 07:50:35
I can understand keeping him on a year. Perplexed by the 2-year extension.

If as rumours are circulating he still has demands for transfer and tactical control before signing then it’s a disaster if the club cave on these. He’s shown questionable ability in both areas. In particular tactical nous against a low block which for me is why we won’t get top-4.

I’m curious Eds if any of you have the time. Did Wilcox have any influence on tactics for Cup Final? The switch to a false nine the game before seems to be credited to him in some quarters.

{Ed002's Note - I really don't know.}

3.) 13 Jun 2024 09:55:51
I think it's fairly simple, the club have done their due diligence, they have assessed the situation. Sounded out potential candidates and from the options they have EtH is the best man available right now.

He hasn't done a bad job, two trophies in two years, especially under the circumstances is actually a great return. Only Jose managed better, and he arguably had a better squad and definitely more favourable conditions.

The club will have said their expectations to EtH and he will know what is expected of him and his role at the club.

The new contract could be to formalise his new role, possibly with changes to what was in his previous agreement. If this means EtH gives up certain powers or control I'd expect he'll be compensated for that in some way.

The main reason for the contract though is to put to bed speculation and to try and create an environment where the club can be successful. They have a one year option so in theory he has two year left on his deal, so there is no need to extend from that perspective. Yet if they just left it as it was and then maybe looked to either activate the extension during the first half of next season then all the speculation around the manager would continue and would make his job more difficult.

By giving him a new contract, their contract, they are publicly backing the manager. Which should for the most part put all the speculation to bed and allow the team to focus on performances on the pitch. With the added bonus of maybe having a contract that outlines the managers role within the new set up.

They don't really have much of a choice but to give him a new contract to be honest. Anything less would just see a continuation of the media BS, that has more then likely had a negative effect on the team in the final few months of this season, roll on into next season.

It'll probably be a two year deal with a one year option, taking him to 2026 (2027 with the one year option) . Which is effectively the same two years he has now as the club would absolutely have to activate the one year option (which would take him to 2026 anyway) . As they can't go into next season with the manager out of contract at the end of the season.

Personally I think EtH is a good manager, he has led the club well during a very difficult time, installed discipline, developed young players, improved most players, and has shown tactical acumen.

Is he perfect? No of course not. His main flaws are that some of his transfer signings haven't been great (Antony, Casemiro being the main two) . Although to be fair in context the spending has been oddly constrained with him making more loan signings in two years than SAF made in 27 years. While given the clubs recent history in transfers over the past decade can anyone blame him for wanting control over the signings? Only Bruno can be called a total success in 10 year prior EtH taking over, with maybe Dalot joining him. While I'd say Martinez and Højlund look nailed on successes. Mount if he can stay fit should be a success. While given the fees paid Malacia, Evans and Eriksen haven't been bad signings. You could easily make a case that on balance the permanent signings since EtH joined have been better than the ones made in the near 10 years before him. Although to be fair that's a very low bar.

There has also been rumours that he can be difficult to get on with or distant. If true that's obviously not great, but they are just rumours so that might not be accurate. Certainly he and the players seemed to have a good relationship when celebrating the FA cup win. Maybe it's true, maybe its overstated, or maybe he isn't as open and friendly when things aren't going well as these rumours weren't about during his first season.

The final possible flaw could be in terms of fitness training. Without knowing what has been happening or why it's difficult to assess. But there have been a lot of injuries this year, and a few murmurs that some players aren't happy with the demands. Firstly, if the players aren't prepared to work hard then they aren't the right players for our club. Secondly, this very much depends on what the plan is, if the focus is to try and build up the squads stamina and resilience to play a more physically demanding style then the increase in training intensity is a requirement. As long as this is done with expert input and in line with the most recent science then it's just one of those things we have to accept. If it's not based on good science or without purpose then it's a problem.

Which is why I've said it's only a possible flaw as we don't know the context of it. Also there is a good chance that the increase in injuries is less linked to the club and more linked to the peculiar circumstances caused by having a mid season world cup last year and the knock on effects of players playing back to back international tournaments along with club football and no real break or recovery time. After all we are not the only club to see a big spike in injuries this season, with there being around 28% more player injuries this season across Europe's top 5 leagues.

In balance EtH has done some things well and other things not so well. Depending on his role and the structure put in place by the club many of his potential flaws could be mitigated. If he has less control over transfers for example or if the club bring in a dedicated fitness team to plan training schedules. Then two of the three potential flaws are less influential.

Likewise I'd have expected the club review to assess everything and have a far better idea of the context in which the manager has been working and a better idea about the reasoning behind certain decisions.

If after all that they think EtH is the best man available for next season then who are we to argue. After all they are making that decision with far more knowledge and understanding than we have.

Now is the time to do our job and get behind the manager, and get behind the club and show them support. Otherwise can we really call ourselves supporters?

What I'm interested to see is what tactical evolution we make next season. EtH has shown good tactically flexibility in his first season. Changing things after the first couple of games. Then this season he seemed to change things and be more stubborn with his tactics. Now was that because he wanted to imprint a specific style? Or was that due to him wanting to limit the constant changing of tactics when there was already constant change due to injuries. Was he just trying to limit the demands on players who were already stretched.

It'll be interesting to see what we get next season, especially as you'd assume that the club have said they will want a specific style of play, and you'd assume that EtH must be willing to adapt to that (or it aligns with his preferred style) for him to be staying as manager.

4.) 13 Jun 2024 19:45:16
I think we all agree that the right people are in place in the football hierarchy now.

If they have assessed EtH and consider he is the best way forward for the club, then who are we to argue.

5.) 13 Jun 2024 21:18:21
Exactly grim.
Let's see how the news of Mason staying goes down.

6.) 13 Jun 2024 21:55:46
They have to prove they are the right people first same as everyone else does, they don't get crowned until they have earned it.

7.) 14 Jun 2024 00:26:10
Very well elaborated and understandable context Shappy. I was going to say that our defence injuries are due to the amount of forward and tracking back runs they have to do. It would make sense because AG and Rashford never had those injuries. The demand on the muscles to canter out of the box, pass to midfield. and then scurry to defend maybe?

8.) 14 Jun 2024 10:05:29
Reddevilfan, defenders tend to pick up more injuries as their role is more physically demanding. All the jumping for headers is hard on their back, knees and ankles. They tend to take more impacts during a game, they also have to change direction quickly when tracking forwards which with them typically being bigger means more weight going through those joints when they quickly change direction.

The other position that tends to pick up a far few injuries are quick forwards who rely on bursts of pace. They tend to end up with hamstring injuries from the quick sprints or impact injuries from late tackles.

Maybe the lack of cover in front of our defence has exasperated the injury issues. Yet it seems more like poor medical advice has been a big factor. With Malacia's knee surgery going wrong first time, and both Martinez and Shaw being rushed back and then breaking down injured again. While in truth both Shaw and Varane are pretty injury prone, and Evans is at an age where injuries are more common. I'd say only Lindelof and AWB's injuries are ones I'd wonder about.

The others make sense or we know what happened.



20 Jan 2024 18:31:18
Hi Ed002,
What is your view on Omar Berrada as the potential new CEO for United?


{Ed002's Note - I don’t know him but he his largely an administrator who has done well at the City Football Group working with the footballing structure. I doubt his impact will be something the fans need to concern themselves with.}

1.) 21 Jan 2024 06:25:45
I would think the DOF announcement will be coming shortly and that should the main piece of the puzzle or even maybe a couple of announcements depending how they will structure things.

Its positive to see us moving at this pace for a change and not ponder for months.

2.) 21 Jan 2024 08:35:55
Looking likely that, after ratification, Paul Mitchell be announced, though be interesting in what role: Director of Football (with a Director of recruitment under him like Dougie Freeman) or as DoRecruitment working with with a DoF like Dan Ashworth: if so, be interesting to gauge how two very capable, established people like these will be positioned and work together.

Just really excited that United finally getting a professional structure aimed towards football success.

They’ve started with the very top, now will work their way downwards, employing best in class. This is what they did at City to create their ongoing success.

Also, looks like Glazers accepting all these changes as they recognise the dire state of the club and need help improving it (though does make you wonder why they let things get so bad before being forced into the strategic review and their abilities as competent business owners)

3.) 21 Jan 2024 16:20:18
Personally I think every appointment at the moment will have a big impact on the supporters.

The person at the top is responsible for setting the tone and agenda for putting us back on track. Make the wrong appointment and we see more of the same, the right appointment and hopefully we can see both improvements on and off the pitch.

4.) 21 Jan 2024 17:56:41
Rat getting off sinking ship vibes.

5.) 21 Jan 2024 18:38:35
Not sure about that Danny: from what I’ve read, he really likes to challenge himself by constantly moving out of his comfort zone to master something, then either being promoted for his excellent work, or moving on.

What better challenge could he get - and promotion, which will no doubt be well paid - than to revive an ailing behemoth like United, possibly the best supported club in the world?

6.) 21 Jan 2024 20:07:07
Man City sinking ship? ???.

7.) 22 Jan 2024 12:07:21
Agreed ed002.

However, to fans, it looks as though that they are being proactive 8n appointing the right people in different positions which should only benefit the club on the pitch (where our main concerns lie) .

8.) 24 Jan 2024 04:09:34
Just happy he's not a Glazer banker.



14 Sep 2023 06:20:43
Hi Ed002,

Do United plan to move on Jadon Sancho?
Amid uncertainty around Antony, who would you think United are targeting for RW position?


{Ed002's Note - Jadon Sancho (W) Borussia Dortmund will take the player back but will not pay more than half they sold him for. Newcastle may provide an option but have signed an alternative already. Spurs may provide an option. Perhaps a loan to buy in January.

I would not expect a permanent deal for a RW in January and expect the club to make do until then and perhaps look to a loan then. Next summer will be a better time to buy. They have shown interest in Antonio Nusa (LW/RW) but likely heading elsewhere and Nico Williams (RW). There will be others looked at.}

1.) 14 Sep 2023 10:50:31
Sancho just hasn't worked out at all at United. It's a shame because he's a very talented player, but he seems to lack the mental fortitude needed to succeed at a club that has the kind of media attention that Manchester United gets.

Read a story this morning that he was apparently promised the No.7 shirt when Cavani would leave. But apparently got upset when it obviously went to Ronaldo when he rejoined the club instead. While he was further upset this summer when the shirt passed to Mason Mount instead of him.

Personally, given how he has struggled to live up to the expectations it's probably a good thing he never did get the No.7 shirt. While some people feel the shirt is a bit of a poison chalice with no one really living up to the expectations of it since Ronaldo left first time. Owen, Valencia, Di Maria, Depay and Sanchez all really disappointed in that shirt. While Cavani and Ronaldo himself didn't really hit the highs we wanted in the last few years, Cavani due to injuries and just not playing enough, Ronaldo just didn't work out second time around. Personally he did okay, but at the expense of the team, followed by a unsavoury exit.

Sancho would not have bucked that trend and would have drowned quicker than he has with the added expectations that the No.7 brings.

He needs to move on, the club will have to take a hit, but that's a recurring theme on pretty much every player signed during the Woodward era.

2.) 14 Sep 2023 11:35:50
After MG was suspended in early 2022, Sancho really should have had the sense to make that RW role his own but he's always seemed to prefer the LW role where our best attacker plays.

Since then he's lost out to Elanga and Antony in that RW role when he is much more talented than both.

He only has himself to blame.

3.) 14 Sep 2023 12:27:17
Shirt numbers 1-11 should be earned and not given as part of a buying tool. Sancho like Martial needs to move on over these pathetic excuses and realise the name on the front is more important than the one on the back.

4.) 14 Sep 2023 12:38:05
I read that too Shappy about Sancho and the number 7 shirt, we have no idea if it’s true.

However, if it is, the young man is even more cabbage-brained than I first thought. If he thinks he’s fit to follow the greats who have wore the number 7 shirt for Manchester United, he’s delusional beyond words.

The number 7 shirt being a poisoned chalice is nonsense. Quite simply the club’s standards have dropped so far, we haven’t managed to produce a player of the quality to carry that number. Other than Bruno, who has posted fantastic numbers for us, or arguably Rashford if he has another good season and sorts out his sulky demeanour. Those are the only two. In recent years.

Sancho isn’t fit to lace even Tony Valencia’s boots, let alone Best, Robson, Cantona, Beckham or Ronaldo.

Hopefully we see the end to the Sancho and Antony sagas by Christmas, so the manager can focus on what’s happening on the pitch towards the business end of the season.

5.) 14 Sep 2023 12:41:04
Maybe Fzzz but we have perspective of the real world where the number on your shirt makes absolutely no difference whatsoever. All these lads know is football and have been wrapped in cotton wool and so these things matter to them. Pathetic, but true.

6.) 14 Sep 2023 12:43:41
With Antony away, Sancho could have had an opportunity to show that he has what it takes to succeed at United, which makes his response to Ten Hag's mild public rebuke potentially even more damaging.

I don't know about shirt #s but Ronaldo's second coming per se (allusions intended), rather than inspire seems to have been seen by the players as a lack of confidence in their ability to rise to the occasion. Did anyone become a better player for having Ronaldo in the team? United have had an uncanny knack of late of buying good players and making them worse, but Ronaldo's arrival seemed to spread the malaise throughout the existing squad.

Question is, if Sancho continues to fail to endear himself to ETH, how will his reportedly extremely high wages affect the price. Does anyone at BD make anywhere near what Sancho makes at United?

7.) 14 Sep 2023 16:14:03
The biggest thing with this whole sancho saga is ultimately he’s nowhere near good enough and nowhere near professional enough! Simple!

8.) 14 Sep 2023 16:35:03
Soon to appear in the Utd bargain bin like so many expensive flops in recent times. Utd have paid double the value for so many failures in the last decade.

9.) 14 Sep 2023 17:06:04
Supposedly he was like this at Dortmund, too. Only our club would have signed him for that money without checking things like that first. Miki, Kagawa, Sancho. Dortmund must have had a right giggle at us over the last lot of years ?.

10.) 14 Sep 2023 18:14:59
I thought Kagawa was decent NC. Won a league title in his preferred position and would’ve kicked on if Fergie had stayed.

11.) 14 Sep 2023 18:47:31
Ironic that Sancho claimed he was a scapegoat at Dortmund as well, I fear he has cried wolf once too many times and has only himself to blame for his current situation.

I think he said in his social media post that he will continue to fight for the badge no matter what, he hasn't fort once for that badge in 2 years, why would he start now.

12.) 14 Sep 2023 19:03:05
Kagawa doesn’t deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence as Sancho. Kagawa came in at a time we had Darren Gibson in midfield. I sometimes felt Kagawa was a step ahead of his team mates in his thinking, and came in at a time when we were going through too much of a transition for him to settle.

13.) 14 Sep 2023 19:14:47
I did like Kagawa. Just thought he was underwhelming compared to what I'd seen of him before. I much preferred Evil Kagawa ?.

14.) 15 Sep 2023 10:53:04
kagawa was a disappointment. was signed with big hype but a bit time player at united. P step up was too much for him.

15.) 15 Sep 2023 13:03:04
Ahmad, Kagawa was signed to replace Rooney at 10 which he did pretty well. Fergie was giving him a season to settle which he did very well winning a league title and making the game look simple in the process. Rooney would then be sold at the end of the season had Fergie stayed. Rooney was being bombed out.
Fergie had Thiago Alcantara ready to sign to replace Scholes.

Then Moyes came in and ruined literally every thing, and gave Rooney a 5 year contract and returned the number 10 position to him. Every multiple title winning player turned to rubbish so not just Kagawa. We signed Fellaini instead of Thiago ?.

16.) 17 Sep 2023 11:29:47
Shappy, lacking mental fortitude = lazy and soft.

17.) 17 Sep 2023 12:21:55
MancMan, Not quite, lacking mental fortitude is more a lack of resilience. Someone who has not been brought up in a way that enables them to deal well with external pressures.

That might be that they cannot handle criticism well, or struggle with how the world perceives them, or they cannot handle demands placed upon them.

This tends to stem from growing up in an environment where the person doesn't feel safe or cared for, or they are overly criticised leaving them feeling judged, undermining their self-esteem. Creating a fragile ego that perceives any sort of criticism as a personal attack often triggering the fight or flight response.

If you are a person who was lucky enough to have caring, engaged parents. Who brought you up to feel safe and secure in your environment, then from that perspective it might seem that the other person is "soft" or "lazy". However, that will often just come across as a personal attack to a person who struggles with handling such criticism because of their childhood.

If Sancho doesn't have the skills to handle the pressure that probably isn't his fault, as you develop those skills in early childhood (3-7 years old), with further reinforcement as you go through adolescence. If he wasn't given the tools or provided the environment needed to develop those skills at that age then I think its terribly unfair to blame him for not having learned those life skills.

Unfortunately it happens, far more now than it has ever happened in the past. Kids not given the care they need during their childhood to develop the life skills needed to navigate life successfully.

18.) 17 Sep 2023 19:54:03
Wow Shappy, I wasn't expecting such a full and interesting reply but thanks.

Although you're right I was trying to suggest how his lack of mental fortitude manifests itself on the pitch in the form of laziness and softness.

He doesn't exactly but a gut and when did you ever see him make a tackle?

Crap player, almost as bad as Pogcrap.



28 Aug 2023 14:43:30
Hi Ed002,
Are Bayern working on a deal for McTominay?
Are United proposing any swap deal for Gravenberch or Kimmich?


{Ed002's Note - No I am not aware of an exchange and there are discussions with another side over Kimmich.}




TrueRedDevil's banter posts with other poster's replies to TrueRedDevil's banter posts


07 Jul 2024 15:12:44
Welcome to Manchester United Joshua Zirkzee.
6ft 4' monster will be well suited for PL.


1.) 07 Jul 2024 19:07:14
Bit ahead of yourself!

2.) 07 Jul 2024 20:39:28
I have to say I wasn't too impressed with him Zirkzee last night.

3.) 07 Jul 2024 22:17:03
Zirkzee came on in the 87th minute, how could he possibly impress anyone in 3 minutes for god sake.

4.) 07 Jul 2024 22:32:27
Feel for that guy's wife if 3 minutes is meant to leave a good impression.

5.) 07 Jul 2024 22:50:56
I've seen the highlight reels and he looks like he has bags of talent, but the EPL can be brutal. It concerns me that he's getting virtually no time on the field for the Dutch. He's 23 so he should be coming into his prime. Let's hope so.

6.) 08 Jul 2024 06:47:10
lol 3 minutes in a game where the opposition were throwing the kitchen sink at an equaliser. Good job you’re not a scout.

7.) 08 Jul 2024 09:36:01
I'd be more worried that Memphis Depay was keeping me out the team and Wout Weghorst was coming on ahead of me.

8.) 08 Jul 2024 12:17:15
Its guaranteed he comes on against England and scores the winner and is then booed by all away fans at United next season.



02 Aug 2023 13:08:35
Hi Ed002,
Any update on the Greenwood situation?
Also, do United plan to offer a short term deal for Jonny Evans?
Wondering if he is planned as the possible Maguire replacement.


{Ed002's Note - 1. Not yet. 2. I expect them to. 3. Makes no sense to me at all so I cannot say.}

1.) 02 Aug 2023 19:10:06
Utd announced a year deal for Evans yesterday ??‍♂️.

2.) 02 Aug 2023 20:50:51
When I first heard about Evans I figured it would be like the deal we recently had with mcshane and huddlestone could that be the case? Obviously I'm not sure if that appeals to the player.



29 Jul 2023 20:15:30
Welcome to Manchester United - Rasmus Hojlund

We finally have a striker!


1.) 29 Jul 2023 20:21:32
Not sure how I feel about this. Massive outlay for another unproven. We really needed a 25 goal striker, we’ve not had one hit 20 PL goals since Fergie left, and we’ve gone very risky paying all that for a guy who got 9 goals last season.

2.) 29 Jul 2023 20:42:56
No one should be expecting him to cone in and be a 25 a season striker, he is still youn and developing.

United have paid the money for the player that they think will become a top striker in time and if he is that man for several years the fee is immaterial.

3.) 29 Jul 2023 20:52:31
Stand, can't be any worse than what we had last year. It should be fairly easy to score 20 goals up top for us.

I think he will be a good player for us and score a lot of goals, I have faith in eth and benny to mould him into a top player. there's not many good strikers around and a good few top teams have been keeping an eye on him, so must have something about him.

4.) 29 Jul 2023 22:04:52
We need a CF right now who can guarentee the goals. Kane does that. Osimhen probably. I’d even bet Ivan Toney gets 20 a season in this side. The cost is huge for a guy with no record of prolific goal scoring.

5.) 29 Jul 2023 22:17:16
We played last season without a striker, will be nice to have one this year.

6.) 29 Jul 2023 23:40:10
Jesus! Why are people putting him down before he even kicks a ball for us?

There are plenty of payers who have stepped up at a young age, why can it not be him?

Have some faith in the management. And just quietly, 64mil is nothing these days.

Personally I am glad Kane has not jumped across. Proven striker, yes, longevity and injury free, no. We cannot keep going for the quick fix. History has proven, with a few exceptions, that is does not work.

7.) 29 Jul 2023 23:54:22
If he went on to be a goal machine worth double in a couple of years then we would have posts criticising the club for missing out.

Ultimately trust the manager.

8.) 30 Jul 2023 00:00:30
If we are using the term guarantees 20 goals then you are looking at a handful of strikers who are either not moving or we currently can't afford.
The price for Hojlund puts him in that second bracket with Ramos etc that is up and coming so we have to trust EtH.
Personally think he could be really good and based on last year he will smash the goals tally for our strikers.

9.) 30 Jul 2023 00:27:55
I think it's highly unlikely that he's going to be an instant 25 goal striker.

He's young and unpolished, and needs to work on a few things. His finishing is decent but not outstanding, and his passing could use work. Mostly it seems to be decision making though, which can be fixed through coaching and experience.

In the short term, I think he'll do well. He's my favourite type of striker: fast, strong, agile, a pretty good dribbler, hard working and with good movement. Even when he isn't scoring, he'll make defenders lives difficult, opening space for others and causing defenders to make mistakes. I think he'll bring the best out of Rashford particularly.

10.) 30 Jul 2023 00:57:55
Super optimistic about how we have gone about putting pieces of puzzle together. We may still do one more piece of business and have a squad depth and interchangeable parts. Credit to the manager and the club execs

Looking forward to the new season, we will be very good.

11.) 30 Jul 2023 00:58:26
I am very excited about the signing of Hojlund. I think fans should be pleased if he comes through the season with a few goals, and shows some presence as a true #9. I would expect to see some flashes of brilliance, along with his share of mistakes. If he plays with hunger and desire he will deserve plenty of support. People demanding a certain goal tally have the wrong outlook. I am more interested to see what he is capable of and seeing if he grows over the course of the season.

12.) 30 Jul 2023 01:18:42
He won't take free kicks or penalties, so a goal every two games that he starts would be a good first season in my opinion.

He likes to take defenders on and runs towards the goal, which is always a good thing.

Will want to see Anthony and Rashford get the crosses in more often for him and be less greedy, Shaw will do well, AWB will need to do better.

We will see, but our width being unimpressive with crosses and the fact he will not take the dead balls means 15-20 goals would be a fabulous first season.

13.) 30 Jul 2023 01:28:19
Ivan tony will be going some to score 20 goals this season, given that he is banned until January!

I think we were after Kane and Rasmus. Maybe we still are?

We keep asking why we let clubs like Dortmund buy this type of signing, then cash in 2 seasons later for 100m. We are buying a developmental player who has a high ceiling and it sounds like other top clubs in europe were at least interested. Very excited to watch him grow with us.

14.) 30 Jul 2023 06:04:38
Absolutely buzzing! Quick, strong, tireless and with an immense ceiling of potential.

15 goals next season, 20 the following.

Would now love us to bring in an experienced forward to share the load with him - a Teremi etc. But think our no.9 options for the season will be Hojlund, Rashford (gets Garnacho regular games) and Martial, although I’d happily drive the latter to Saudi myself.

15.) 30 Jul 2023 08:40:45
Have read that ETH will phase him in gently, rotating him with Rashford and Martial.

Immense potential, plus McCarthey’s coaching.

Media will love Hoijland vs Haaland matchup .

16.) 30 Jul 2023 09:33:46
I believe Hojland is 6 foot 3 inches and was recorded running very quickly indeed last season. Can he head a ball? or like Ronaldo, can he learn? Physically he sounds the part, what little I have seen shows him to be quite agile, which is unusual for someone so tall. In fact I didn’t realise he was that tall from the clips, it was only when I looked it up realised how tall he was. He didn’t look lanky and awkward like Weighorst.

At 20 I hope we have scouted him very well for the price being looked at. My guess is he will need time to settle and work off the weight of expectations. I think it is an investment longer term, so can’t see us winning the league this season. With Kane we would have challenged but in two years be looking for his replacement.

We are trusting ETH, although one of his other choices was Antony and we will see how he progresses this season. A strong quick CF is important. Martial needs to give him the No9 shirt.

If it goes through I still think we need another forward, however unpalatable it may be to some, given our financial mess, that may have to be Greenwood.

17.) 30 Jul 2023 09:49:20
No one is putting him down at all, people are just asking for him to be given time and not be crucified by unreallistic exoectations such as should be down with any young player. I for one and most i am sure are very excited for his arrival. But we also want the lad to be given time and not judged as if he was 28 y3ars old and in his prime.

18.) 30 Jul 2023 10:04:32
Dodgy Banter,

Don’t make out like we’ve gotten in early and signed a development player before the big clubs stump up huge fees for them. He signed for Atalanta last summer for €17m and we’ve just paid €70m 11 months later. So it’s hardly a coup.

19.) 30 Jul 2023 11:30:42
Agree Redman although I read somewhere that Holjund may want the no17.

20.) 30 Jul 2023 11:02:22
Agree with Red Man, if there is no bidding for Kane at a late stage like Ed002 says, then we will almost certainly be bringing Greenwood back in. As an injury to Hojland puts us in a worse position than when we had Weghorst. EtH would not let us risk falling into that position again. It'll be Greenwood or another striker.

21.) 30 Jul 2023 14:42:34
There is Martial Rashford and Greenwood who could potentially play striker behind Hojlund assuming he is first choice.

Ok one of them is injury prone, one has been out of football for 18 months and a couple may go on loan but i think they is options enough there and i don't see anyone else coming in until one of the big earners move on and are replaced.

22.) 30 Jul 2023 15:45:40
Forget the the finances of it, it’s a fixed feel with add one, some achievable, some less so, no doubt the press and other clubs will add it altogether as a stick to beat him with, let’s not do the same, we’re paying for his potential as much as anything else, isn’t that bad a fee in the grand scheme of things.

23.) 30 Jul 2023 15:59:39
We had Rashford, Weghorst and Martial.

This season probably Rashford, Hoijland and MG.

So I suspect it will be another striker or MG staying put.

I think money will play a factor and it will end up being MG staying.



23 Nov 2022 04:44:21
Manchester United club is for sale, officially confirmed on the club website.
Great news to start the day!


1.) 23 Nov 2022 08:38:38
Can’t find that announcement on the club site.

2.) 23 Nov 2022 09:34:29
Oh look. Mr Positive replies on another thread. The club statement is in the Twittersphere.

3.) 23 Nov 2022 10:05:24
Oh look, you do the same, but so long as it’s on twatterbate ……. ??.



05 Sep 2022 12:26:23
Antony - What a debut!
A proper Brazilian with magical foot work.
We have been missing someone of his profile.

Forget the goal, his defensive contribution was immense.
Time and time he tracked back, tackled and recovered possession.


1.) 05 Sep 2022 18:39:34
First game and a good team goal well finished by Antony. Early days but fingers crossed for the future.

2.) 05 Sep 2022 22:26:46
What an amazing start for him and I think he willl be a huge success for us.




TrueRedDevil's rumour replies


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25 Jun 2024 13:56:40
Ed002, who are the options United are targeting to replace Casemiro?
Are United also trying to find a replacement for Eriksen and Amrabat.


{Ed002's Note - Done to death.}



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31 May 2024 15:47:18
Great response Shawthing. Sent Bill all alone to walk :)




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19 Apr 2024 19:41:16
Another step in the right direction.




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22 Jun 2023 15:18:16
Onana to United is a good bet.




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11 Jun 2023 12:32:03
City's CB options are out of this world.
Ake, Stones, Laporte, Dias and Akanji

We need similar standards.





TrueRedDevil's banter replies


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19 Jul 2024 02:59:55
Ugarte is an elite ball winner.
Another player about to hit his peak. Would complement Mainoo well.




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29 Jun 2024 11:23:16
Excellent reply Ahmad.
Last season's injuries were ridiculous. We never fielded our best backline.

This year we finally have a proper structure in place with footballing people being appointed in key areas.


{Ed025's Note - i love the optimism guys but lets not get ahead of ourselves, unless you buy very big and are fortunate enough to get some of the Dutch Elm off the wage bill i dont see anything changing quickly im afraid, i would love to be wrong because the Premier league needs a strong United team but at the moment i just dont see it, but best of luck..



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03 Jan 2024 17:23:26
He set the club back few years by having Maguire as captain.
Won nothing and bottled when mattered.




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05 Nov 2023 15:04:21
We are the first team to get a goal ruled out for a 'subjective offide' :)




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04 Oct 2023 20:13:52
Onana almost single handedly lost us the game against Bayern and Gala.
Pressure is getting the better of him.
We need to get behind him as we did with DDG during his calamitous start.
