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17 Jul 2024 10:23:17
Ornstein saying Leny Yoro on his way for medical and to sort terms looks like we might have our second signing.


1.) 17 Jul 2024 10:30:56
It's getting there. And would be a fantastic acquisition. He looks an incredible talent.

2.) 17 Jul 2024 10:52:45
Must have said he’s going to be the starter along side Martinez.

Sell Linder and get another cb in, will we still go after de ligt now?

Like the fact we’re are looking at young players with high potential.

Still need to try and sell a few players but it’s looking professional so far this window, early on good signs.

3.) 17 Jul 2024 10:53:45
Can anyone, who was watching Lille this season a lot, can tell me what are Yoro's weaknesses, because I haven't watched him at all and I don't want to watch just YouTube clips?

4.) 17 Jul 2024 10:58:23
Complements Martinez perfectly, as did Varane. Silky, quick and skilful, good at intercepting counter attacks, next to aggressive tackler.

Similar partnership dynamic to Ferdinand + Vidic, Bruce + Pallister etc.

5.) 17 Jul 2024 11:05:45
Physical I see he is not Sol Campbell, what about his play in the air?

6.) 17 Jul 2024 11:06:18
I feel really uneasy on this one. The boy has quite clearly nailed his colours to the post from the get go and stated he wants Real. If he hits the ground running and looks an absolute world beater, 2 years time the Real BS campaign is in full swing. And then we get all the nonsense and upheaval that’s associated with it, 5 year contract or not.

I’d sooner we pay Everton what they want (assuming the finances allow) for Branthwaite. I am after all assuming Yoro is an alternative.

In any case, until Yoro is pulling on a United shirt I still think it’s brinksmanship with Everton.

Out of interest, where does this leave us with the MDL deal? I can’t help think that if we were 100% on him then that deal would have happened by now.

7.) 17 Jul 2024 11:21:54
Looks like Yoro is on.

Everton holding out for £70m, so MDL looks better value, and feels like we’re close to signing him too.

Much will depend if we sell Lindelof and Maguire, or just Lindelof then on whether we go in for Branthwaite would be my guess.

8.) 17 Jul 2024 11:28:06
FiremanC, I get what your saying but one of our biggest issues since FFP is we never sell anyone at a profit.

If, in a few years time we're back challenging for titles, he may be happy to stay.

If not, and he's looking world class in a bad team, then we get a profit on him.

Either way it's a win win situation and finally an intelligent business acquisition, which is not something we can say often.

Also, Ronaldo wanted Madrid and he turned out ok when he played for us (the first time)

9.) 17 Jul 2024 11:56:18
I wonder if this puts us in a good position to negotiate a better price for MDL as we, hopefully will have a CB in and therefore the need for another one is not as high. I don't know whether Bayern have to sell MDL before they can buy or not?

10.) 17 Jul 2024 12:02:42
And they said United can't attract players.

11.) 17 Jul 2024 12:28:48
Fireman, you think Manchester United is flying in a player for a medical to trick another football club?

12.) 17 Jul 2024 12:29:25
Pretty sure if we get Yoro that means we won't get De Ligt the 2nd CB will probably be to cover the left side

I expect us to go back after Branthwaite as he can cover both sides so there would be plenty of games for the 3 we then have Jonny Evans as a back up.

13.) 17 Jul 2024 12:33:56
Ronaldo’s dream was always to play for Real Madrid as long as he makes the team better and we win some things with him in the team

Then if he wants to go so be it

Players come and go.

14.) 17 Jul 2024 12:46:08
Wazza……it has been known!

But yeah, looks pretty nailed on. I just hate the fact we may open ourselves up to getting bullied in future by Real. I hate ‘em! In fact, I’d have a ‘no sell to Real’ clause written into every players contract!

15.) 17 Jul 2024 13:54:29
Pretty sure we’ll end up losing Yoro on a free in six years time. If we can get six good years out of him before then, I suppose it will have been a good deal.

16.) 17 Jul 2024 14:21:38
Fireman, Eni Aluko called, she wants her conspiracy theory back.

17.) 17 Jul 2024 14:40:15
Zirkzee Anne toro don't excite me at all at this stage because I know nothing about either to be honest. But I hope they prove to be big successes.
Let's hope they are ready to go into the team straight Away amd make a significant impact.
Most signings are a lottery these 2 even more so due to their lack of experience.
I'm not suggesting they are poor or bad signings just indifferent until I get to see them.
Very hopeful they will do well.

18.) 17 Jul 2024 14:52:12
I’d be very happy with the signing. I think it works for his club, and if he still wants Madrid a few years down the line, there’s the chance to make a profit, like Ronaldo.

Ideally would like another cb, but that’s hard with both Maguire and Lindelof still on the books. For me a true holding midfielder is now the priority. If we can get the defensive core right this summer, we’ll be in a much better position to look at attacking players next year.

19.) 17 Jul 2024 14:27:08
I don't see how redseven, I asume he will either leave earlier for a fee or extend his contract to increase his income.

20.) 17 Jul 2024 16:10:15
Just read what wages are on offer to Yoro. If true it’s madness.

I understand it’s not my money and I shouldn’t care.

But if the reports of £150k a week are true it’s complete and utter madness.

He’s 18 and untested, could be a world beater, could be Phil Jones. Who knows.

Again, if true, smacks of having to throw cash at someone who isn’t really that in to joining.

One hell of a gamble.

21.) 17 Jul 2024 16:18:52
Wazza……. who’s Eni Aluko?

22.) 17 Jul 2024 17:33:53
I've no idea how good he is or can be fall guy.
Let's hope he is another japp stam not another martial.
Could go either way.
The only positive there is at the moment is that he was a primary target. That was my hope at the start of the window is that we got who the club wanted. But not excited by the signings at all at this point I hope to be by end of October or so.

23.) 17 Jul 2024 20:24:45
I've heard his yearly wages are 7m Euro plus another 2m in bonuses (top 4, trophies etc) so that's approx £115-130k pw which is absorbable should things not work out. He looks very promising though. Between that and Zirkzee, that's probably still less than Martial's wages for a significant upgrade to the squad.


Dalot / Yoyo / Martinez / Shaw

If everyone stays fit that's not too shabby at the back. A solid DM in front of these I feel is the logical next move.



09 Jul 2024 13:06:57
Journalist in France saying we have had an offer accepted for Leny Yoro dunno how true ed have you heard anything? Guessing the player may still hold out for real and it's up to us to convince him.


{Ed002's Note - Yes the player awaits Real Madrid.}

1.) 09 Jul 2024 14:41:05
Any chance Real don’t come in for Yoro Ed? Is this a case of United looking for 3CBs or is one an alternative to Branthwaite Ed? Thanks.

{Ed002's Note - Try not to over complicate things.}

2.) 09 Jul 2024 14:55:14
Cheers ed, Madrid don't see keen to pay the same amount we are at the moment so we might be able to get this over the line.

3.) 09 Jul 2024 15:00:48
I don't mind if he wants to go to Real Madrid. We know he does, so if he's willing to come to United, spend a few years here, then move on to Madrid, I don't see a problem.

Yes, it would be nice to get such a talented youngster for the rest of his career, but we still get a good player for a few years before selling him on at a profit (and how often have we sold at a profit in recent years? ) . There's also the possibility that in a few years time, Madrid have found other targets and aren't interested any more, and he ends up staying with us. Either way seems like a win for us.

We just need good dialogue with the player so we can be prepared to sign a replacement, maybe even get them in before Yoro leaves and other clubs jack up the prices knowing we have money to spend.

4.) 09 Jul 2024 16:04:32
Don’t see the point in that as we will be doing all the development then when he’s in his prime he is somewhere else

Rather move on and get someone else in or pay the extra 15 million and get braithwaite.

5.) 09 Jul 2024 16:32:02
I think its great news. He might want Real Madrid but we are not chicken farmers and any player would would have to really think through turning down a club like united. If real match the offer then I guess he goes there.

Many of players end up going to a club that might not be their first choice and staying for a very long time based on the environment and achievements so not too bothered about him wanting Madrid today. By all accounts chelsea's best player is a united fan and would have jumped coming here had we made a bid. That does not mean he will not be playing at chelsea for a very long time.

It also looks like the Br bid was a last bid and a decision was made to move on. If he comes I will be delighted, different class altogether and at 18 hard to believe he is where he is at.

6.) 09 Jul 2024 16:34:39
If Madrid are not willing to pay and Yoro is willing to move to us regardless of his future aspirations then I am okay with that.
Madrid will be the can't say no team for the majority of players on the continent, if we have him for a few years and he excels then we will have been successful.

The risk is do Madrid match the bid or does Yoro stay put for one more year and go on a free next year.

7.) 09 Jul 2024 17:20:48
Brad if he really wants Madrid he could well do that. Personally I'd prefer if we signed JB. I say that having only seen clips of yoro. I doubt anybody here has seen yoro play extensively but he is well thought of scoring to all reports.
He would pregnant be the 1st teenage cb in the prem and Imo it's very high risk for the 40 odd million he is probably one for the future and that's where the pay off could be. Not too many cbs have come from that league and adapted quickly. The epl is like a different sport.

8.) 09 Jul 2024 17:45:28
What's the point in putting in a bid if he has chosen Madrid already.

Maybe the club know something.

9.) 09 Jul 2024 18:04:39
United boxing clever here, using links to Yoro (accepted bid but know he won’t come) to put pressure on Bayern and Everton to lower their bids for JB and MdL.

10.) 09 Jul 2024 19:02:58
Anyone understand United's thought process on this one. The kid clearly wants Real and only needs to wait another 12months.

I thought we only were going for players who want to be at United, Have we had encouragement from his agent, or are we just being dupped?

11.) 09 Jul 2024 19:10:26
If there's a smokescreen going here, I actually think it might be JB.

I have no doubt he'll be a great player, and he's a good one already, but I don't see how he fits what ETH is trying to build.

Now, I haven't watched that many Everton games this season, but from what I've seen he is poor on the ball, especially under pressure, which is not a trait you wAnt when playing out from the back. Poor to mediocre passing, control and dribbling, with a lack of composure in top.

Maybe he can be coached to be better in this respect, but it just seems like a poor fit to me.

{Ed025's Note - its obvious that you have not seen a lot of JB Thorne, he is very composed on the ball mate, his passing and reading of the game is very good as well, is he worth £70m?, but when you compare it to what you paid for slab head...its the bargain of the century.. :)

12.) 09 Jul 2024 19:32:12
Stop it Wallace, don’t say the S word… ?.

13.) 09 Jul 2024 19:45:09
Thorne said it, tin foil hat brigade out in force ?‍♂️.

14.) 09 Jul 2024 21:16:20
Can’t hurt but try to get this player if the scouts have recommended him.
Get him in the room and sell him the new project. Can’t do any harm?

15.) 09 Jul 2024 21:25:05
I agree with Ken, big fee to pay for someone so young and untested in the EPL.

We've seen seasoned pro's get chewed up and spat out by the EPL.

Centre back is a man's position, especially in England, where you will be in real physical battles for the entire game.

From what I've seen of York he looks a talented lad with a high ceiling. Reports from Spain suggest that Real Madrid are very keen on him, but feel he needs another year at Rennes. Which suits them just perfectly as they can then get him for free.

I wouldn't be surprised if Real have a lower offer accepted by Rennes with the stipulation that Yoro returns to France for a year on loan. That would suit all parties, Yoro gets to join Real Madrid, Rennes get a fee for a player they'd lose for nothing in 12 months time, and Real Madrid get their player and he is given a year to further develop before moving to Spain.

16.) 09 Jul 2024 22:14:16
Doesn’t Yoro play for Lille? What have you been smoking Shappy?

17.) 09 Jul 2024 23:01:30
Wazza, I meant Lille, I was writing that reply while chatting with a friend about Desire Doue who plays for Rennes. We were chatting about players who France could have called up who might have offered them something different while they were chasing an equaliser against Spain this evening.

18.) 09 Jul 2024 23:16:55
Maybe I've just caught JB on his bad days. As I said, I haven't watched that many Everton games this year, but from what I saw, he seemed to give the ball away a lot, and often in bad positions.

19.) 10 Jul 2024 08:52:27
Wazza, in my defence, I did say ". IF there's a smokescreen. "

{Ed002's Note - Embarrassing.}



04 Jul 2024 13:35:30
Apparently a new bid has been made for João Neves around €70m this time maybe get him in a similar feeling/ deal as Liverpool pad for Diaz around €85m with bonuses taking it over the €100m they want.


1.) 04 Jul 2024 13:52:36
Wouldn’t surprise me if he emerges as the flagship signing: he’s been top target all along.

Maybe a few sales will help United cobble the cash together.

(OR, as PSG want him as well, maybe a tactic to get a better deal for Ugarte? Cunning Jim if true)

2.) 04 Jul 2024 16:31:44
It’s got nothing to do with Jim. He hires people to do this sort of stuff for him smfh.

3.) 04 Jul 2024 17:02:18
Be careful Wallace, you almost used the term “smokescreen” there.

4.) 05 Jul 2024 20:30:42
Hope not. He's just tye same player as kobbie. Need more of a 6 in my opinion.

5.) 05 Jul 2024 21:00:13
Who reported this?
I follow bunch of accounts and no one has said anything.

6.) 06 Jul 2024 13:43:54
I just don't see him working with Mainoo as a pairing, unless we played them both ahead of a proper 6. Ugarte the better option IMO.

7.) 07 Jul 2024 07:28:37
Maybe Neves will be Bruno's replacement if he goes.

A midfuels three of Ugarde, Mainoo and Neves does sound like it has potential.



26 Jun 2024 12:11:02
Afternoon ed understand if this doesn't get posted as you don't want to get drawn it to blow by blow updates etc. however I always felt Branthwaite was likely to be our first signing and likely before the end of June I've noticed you said we offered lindelof in exchange an Everton player I'm guessing that's Branthwaite, is there anything further on this deal? I imagine we'll hear soon on this one either way with everyone's supposed demands rather high and no pressure to sell after June 30.


{Ed002's Note - There is nothing new. Everton value the player considerably higher than Manchester United would be prepared to offer - they have have other targets and will consider the way forward. They will likely make another offer.}

1.) 26 Jun 2024 13:01:28
Cheers ed looks like Everton are struggling with that last sale to clear them hopefully a compromise can be found I'd imagine around 50 plus add-ons maybe AWB involved if he isn't set to go elsewhere.

{Ed002's Note - They have others they can sell.}



05 Jun 2024 13:06:07
After reports yesterday of the bid made for neves today the reports are saying we've made an offer for Leny Yoro not said if accepted or declined and report is from the Madrid journo who is quite reliable so maybe Madrid putting it out so their fans don't wonder why he potentially signs for us.


1.) 05 Jun 2024 15:37:37
Dare say we’re being used as a pawn by his agent to get Madrid to hurry up.

2.) 05 Jun 2024 17:38:27
Utd still serially underbidding for players? Understand not going in with your final offer first thing and underbidding as a negotiation tactic etc, but at what point does a bid become derisory.

3.) 05 Jun 2024 19:28:34
Underbidding? None of us know the fact's, so can only go on rumour.

It is reported that Lille value Yoro at approx 60m euros and we have reportedly offered 60m euros!

That does not seem anything other than a very fair offer to me, indeed more than you would expect from a first offer, and if true show's the seriousness of our interest. Supposedly, Madrid are only prepared to pay 40m euros.

If any of the foregoing is true it would suggest a very different approach from the previous regime.

{Ed002's Note - Lille are not selling Yoro for €60M.}

4.) 05 Jun 2024 19:42:40
Fuser, we’re also likely to have a poster complaining about paying over the odds in the same thread. A player is only worth what a club is willing to pay for him.

We’re also going to hear “smoke screen” and “exactly what we need” multiple times a day until the window shuts.

Roll on 1st September.

5.) 05 Jun 2024 20:23:46
I have not seen any reputable source reporting we have bid on yoro.
Bit like the other lad I think we did put in a bid for, Neves. Another teenager.
I've not seen yoro play ever I'm not sure many have, neves I've seen glimpses. Eye-watering fees for unproven potential and a squad on its knees.
Sep 1st can't come quick enough I agree.

6.) 05 Jun 2024 21:10:43
Yoro going to do an Mbappe to move to Real. No point getting involved.

7.) 05 Jun 2024 23:21:20
Grim it's a possibility.
I'd like to think if lille developed him from a kid that he would sign a new contract with a reasonable release clause that Madrid can trigger next year so the club get much needed fee even if its not their valuation. At his age the riches will come if he is staring for Madrid so I know my thoughts are slightly idealistic loyalty to his club must count for something.

8.) 06 Jun 2024 02:09:45
IWOTB not just Yoro (Lille want nearer to €100m but will likely settle around 80) but I meant with Neves too (bidding half what Benfica values him at) . Utd have always underbid massively and then ended up overpaying in the end. Thought it might have changed with the new structure. Utd bid £51m initially for Anthony and ended up paying £85m.

9.) 06 Jun 2024 09:49:25
I’d rather have Silva for that money! Plus get Neves and Inacio too while in Lisbon.




Dbrooks90's banter posts with other poster's replies to Dbrooks90's banter posts


11 Jan 2024 22:31:10
Check the everton site ed says potentially up to 4 CBS leaving in the summer meaning a full rebuild in the position I imagine the 4 leaving would be:


Leaving just licha, based on this I would like us to look at inacio although I've also seen ed say arsenal have made a bid that's been/ expected to be rejected form him on the Liverpool page

If we cannot get him I would look to Branthwaite everyone are in trouble we may be able to get a good deal off them not sure if there's a possibility for January?

Antonio Silva first choice for the right side but will be mega money Chelsea apparently made an offer of cash plus a player hopefully he's still available for summer and we can get this done.

With licha Branthwaite/ inacio for lcb it the options I've heard for rcb are obviously Todibo but I doubt ineos really want to go straight into nice, and the other option I've seen is Leny Yoro he's young but seems to have a bright future not sure on cost may be significant.

Anyone heard any other names? anyone any of the eds could suggest?


1.) 12 Jan 2024 05:35:56
imo lindelof and maguire will not be leaving.

2.) 12 Jan 2024 06:09:27
Two should be enough, I'd want to see kambwala given a chance, I've been impressed every time he's played plus do we early want to spend all the transfer kitty on 3 centre backs?

3.) 12 Jan 2024 07:58:29
Re:RCB other names mentioned are that of Marc Guehi, Giorgio Scalvini and Fikayo Tomori.

4.) 12 Jan 2024 08:04:52
cant see both staying ahmad, maybe one, surely not both.

5.) 12 Jan 2024 08:55:10
Lindelof has had his contract extended until 2025.

6.) 12 Jan 2024 08:59:07
Utd only recently extended Lindelof's contract. We need at least 4-5 centrebacks, he's a solid backup in my opinion. I reckon we'll end up with two new players in the position, maybe one a starter.

7.) 12 Jan 2024 10:08:49
I can only see 2 of them going, likely Maguire and Varane with Evans, and Lindelof staying with Martinez. However I would not be surprised if the stubborn Maguire stays.
Hopefully they will try and bring through kambwala over the next 12 months.
Incomings I think will be Todibo, yes there may not be a desire for Ineos to look like they are taking from Nice but he will be leaving in the summer to go somewhere so assuming they like the player it would only make sense that we try and bring him in. Also, maybe one other more up and coming CB.

8.) 12 Jan 2024 10:10:11
Branthwaite is very raw at the moment and i don't think he would be good enough. Especially when you take in to consideration that Everton will probably want an absolute shed load of money for him because he is young and English.
There are better centre backs around than him.

9.) 12 Jan 2024 10:20:00
Potentially up to four is the key part there.

That just means that there are four CB's that the club do not see as having a long term future and will accept offers for. However, those offers need to be acceptable to both the club and the players. If not then they will still be here next season.

I'd imagine 2 maybe 3 of them will leave. Depending on who goes we will likely see one maybe two CB's joining this summer.

Martinez, Kambwala and one or two of Maguire, Varane, Lindelof or Evans will stay. With one or two new signings.

10.) 12 Jan 2024 10:33:03
Pretty underwhelmed by Branthwaite. I saw some clickbait headline that Real Madrid were looking at him and spat my coffee out.

11.) 12 Jan 2024 11:49:19
I think a lot will depend on Maguire and his desire to leave and be a regular somewhere or if he chooses to stay. Martinez and a new signing will be the starting pair I imagine with Kambwala as back up plus one other. Shaw can always play CB IF needed with Malacia in at LB (assuming we have these players fit next season! ) So potentially 5 CB's to choose from which is sufficient. If Maguire shows intent to stay then Lindelof will be off, if Maguire expresses a desire to leave then I think Lindelof will stay or maybe be a late in the transfer window deal if we can get another CB target in.

12.) 12 Jan 2024 12:24:49
Honestly think we have to bring 2 in, let Maguire and Varane go. Evans I would at best give him the role we had mcshane in to help the youth, but if he wants to play i would let him go.

I'd bring in one for the left side and one for the right and keep lindelof to be replaced next year.

13.) 12 Jan 2024 13:24:41
Varrane is gone and not sure if we can seriously extend evans again. That means 2 cb coming i would think. Maguire and lindelof part of the squad.

We have no cover at left back at the moment as malacia seems to have some form of injury that may not be straight forward even when he comes back. I know Dalot can play there but that leaves the right side short.

Plenty of things for the club to ponder and plan come summer.

14.) 12 Jan 2024 17:50:13
Branthwaite looks excellent, but I doubt Everton would let him go anytime soon.

15.) 12 Jan 2024 18:29:13
Sepp check the everton page they are in the rubbish financially they may have to sell Branthwaite and I doubt they would be able to hold anyone to ransom.

16.) 12 Jan 2024 18:33:48
Centre half situation will be addressed but another important one is right back
We currently have two bang average right backs who are prone to giving away goals!
I can see Dalot staying as back up awb to be sold!

17.) 12 Jan 2024 21:41:44
Yeah they're borrowing from 777 and will likely go into administration if the takeover falls through. Then they would.

{Ed025's Note - he wont go to united Sepp, the big clubs will come in for him and he will go to one of them mate..

18.) 12 Jan 2024 22:29:05
I meant be forced to sell, Ed, but yeah, I agree.

{Ed025's Note - he just signed a new 4 year deal Sepp, and i know that means very little these days but if he does go it will be for very big money mate imo..



02 Jan 2024 19:31:27
Looks like Sancho might be off to Dortmund hopefully they can get a loan with option that converts to mandatory after x amount of games.


1.) 03 Jan 2024 08:47:15
Sounds like it will cost us 100k a week net to ship him out. Small cost assuming there is something very rotten with this player that the club is willing to do that. I fear he will flop in Germany and be back come June. Let's prey he does well goes permanently afterwards.

Lets hope we do not have another Martial saga on our books.

2.) 03 Jan 2024 18:21:33

You do wonder what will happen on that basis with Antony.

3.) 04 Jan 2024 06:58:43

Same thing if we move him and a nose bleed loss although his wages are not at Sancho level and I don't think there is any questions with the guys application and effort.

Antony will probably end up being a squad player. I always said we bought the wrong guy and should have bought Kudus and he is doing quite well. Said the same thing a few years ago when we bought Sancho and should have bought Bellingham funny enough:)

Reality is if Antony had cost 40 or even 50 mill it would not be such a shamble and you can move him on for even a profit a few years later based on his undepreciated value. Plenty of players in that range that you accept when they don't pan out can be decent squad players. A complete retarded deal whoever signed off on it is incompetent imo.

Sancho for me is an overhyped Deli Ali type English product who had 2 good seasons in Germany and was not good enough to make it at city. In 5 years time he will be a journey man. He lacks character and has no guts and pulls out of any 50/ 50 ball that might hurt if you compete for it. The fact that even with the new ownership they are fast tracking his exit tells me so much more behind the scenes stuff with this player that we are not aware off and they know about and want him gone and not related to the manager being at fault. He is a littel sh. t

I read during Fergie's time we had a 70 percent success target which we usually achieved on transfers. we have had 7% since he left. Not sure what is criteria used as a measurement.

Anyone see what Messi has said about the current crop of young talent and who he rates and can go on to do big things?



28 Jul 2023 20:43:21
20m bid by west hand for Maguire seems a little short as a fan 30m seems fair, supposedly they also made a verbal offer for mctominay, i'd probably say 70m for both or a package including add-ons around this figure would be fair.

Am I even close ed. or should I forget about the money haha.


1.) 28 Jul 2023 21:10:14
How much did they get for Rice? McTominay is worth 45m in today's market all day long, and unlike a lot of players we look to sell he isn't on a ridiculously high wage which is prohibitive to many clubs.

Maguire is also worth a minimum of 35m for an England international starting CB in the prime of his career.

We should be getting a minimum of 80m for those two.

2.) 28 Jul 2023 21:53:01
Prime of his career……. chuckle. I’d hate to see what he’s like when he fades! But I get your point. Definitely worth more despite his uselessness at United.

3.) 28 Jul 2023 21:57:24
For how west ham play, maguire would be absolutely brilliant for them.

4.) 28 Jul 2023 22:24:53
If i were WHU i would be playing hardball here.

He is on big wages, we need to raise funds to buy, he isn't a key player for us. It is known the manager isn't a big fan of him and he isn't going to play much.

There isn't likely to be a lot of takers here and he's also likely to cost more in wages than WHU would want to pay.

In these circumstances its smart by the hammers. I rather fancy they will have more options at a new CB than we will with buyers. Now don't get me wrong i think we should obviously get as much as possible but if i take my red tinted glasses off i can see West Ham may have a cery different take on the situation.

As an aside I think Moyes and WHU is an excellent move for Maguire.

5.) 28 Jul 2023 22:48:12
Shappy Maguire is on a massive wage west ham won't be able to cover it all so you have to take a hit I think 30m for Maguire 40m for Scott maybe some bonuses if they get European football.

6.) 28 Jul 2023 23:37:11
Shappy ???? mate thanks for that made my Friday.

7.) 29 Jul 2023 06:56:59
It can be spun to suggest Maguire is worth more than the £20m offered by West Ham by saying he's an England International with PL experience.

However, it can be spun the other way as well. He's a 30 year old, 5th choice CB, on huge wages who has just had the club captaincy taken off him as he's rarely going to start a game for United. Asking much more than West Ham offered in that scenario seems daft.

McTominay is exactly the same. He's at best 5th choice of our midfielders and it looks as though Mainoo may well have jumped ahead of him too. Again asking £40m for a player many fans would be more than happy to sell because they don't think he's good enough seems strange.

8.) 29 Jul 2023 07:53:30
I agree with shappy regarding mctom if you look at recent midfielder sales he is worth about 40-50 mill considering his age and a full international.

With maguire though I think we will have to sell cheap due to his wages.

9.) 29 Jul 2023 08:08:47
No worries John, after the season you've had it's a public service to give you guys chuckle ?.

10.) 29 Jul 2023 10:36:31
Does being a full international for Scotland make much difference to a players value, other than knowing most summers they should get a rest?

11.) 29 Jul 2023 11:21:03
Tell me about it ??‍♂️ enjoy your weekend shap.



16 Jul 2023 20:46:01
Bit of a weird rumour tonight we want Xavi Simonds. whilst at the same time it appears he's going to RB Leipzig think on loan not sure if we are supposedly trying to buy or loan have you heard anything ed?


{Ed002's Note - Not in relation to Manchester United.}

1.) 17 Jul 2023 09:03:52
Cheers ed seemed a bit odd.



28 Apr 2023 22:38:49
Right the bids are in ed it's been 10 minutes has either been accepted!?

(Yes this is sarcasm)

There's been a lot of talk at the end of this as long as they glazers aren't in control of the club I'd take it.

I'd prefer a full sale and them gone, but if that doesn't happen it means they wanted a stupid amount no one would bid so I'd much rather SJR had control even if it means they had a chunk they could sell on for more at a later date

Any SJR bid is for control of the club don't let any confusing explanations online make you think different even if the glazers still have shares they won't have any control over the club.


1.) 28 Apr 2023 22:53:50
People will rage if the Glazers retain an interest at all, it doesn't matter the reality of the situation.

I hope at the end of this whole process we have an owner who will get the right people in to run the club, and we develop in terms of the squad and the infrastructure. Who owns what matters little to me if these things are achieved.

2.) 29 Apr 2023 01:56:01
Does Jim's bid say anything about the existing debt? Will the glazers take out dividends?

3.) 29 Apr 2023 10:34:06
I was all for jim at the start, but with the latest rumoured bid I'm not keen, nothing will change, we need the glazers out and a clean break. Jassim is the man to take us forward, full sale, debt free and deep pockets to fix the stadium and facilities.

4.) 29 Apr 2023 11:28:09
This is the confusion even with the latest bid from SJR he would have control and can change what he likes the glazers may get a seat on the board but SJR would have more and would over rule them.

SJR bid is better than the glazers remaining in control yes I agree full sale is best but if the option is the glazers or this SJR bid I'm taking this all day and everyone of us would have 12 months ago.

5.) 29 Apr 2023 21:29:59
Oakbark it matters if they retain an interest due to an American 'group if they' win. If the glazers go. they go.

6.) 29 Apr 2023 22:15:19
If they stay I'm sure they still have some power and a say. We all want a clean break from them. It's like breaking up with your Mrs but still living together and sleeping with her. It's like nothing changed.




Dbrooks90's rumour replies


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24 Jul 2024 18:35:46
Honest to god amrabat had like 2 good games end of the season and everyone seems to have forgotten how crap he was for the rest of it.

We need a couple of players in midfield you'd want to replace Eriksen, McTominay, and Casemiro.

Been linked to Ricardo Rios but only seen stuff on twitter so no idea if it's true, the youtube videos show good attributes but that's all they're designed to show supposedly had a good copa.




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18 Jul 2024 17:35:38
Ed when. You said heading elsewhere did you mean Neves or guimares? I've seen you say guimares looks most likely to city on other sites, if it's neves is it us that he may be heading too?


{Ed002's Note - Both.}



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17 Jul 2024 12:29:25
Pretty sure if we get Yoro that means we won't get De Ligt the 2nd CB will probably be to cover the left side

I expect us to go back after Branthwaite as he can cover both sides so there would be plenty of games for the 3 we then have Jonny Evans as a back up.




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16 Jul 2024 12:38:15
Think 55 + 5/ 10 bonuses gets it done or maybe something around £50+ Hannibal? Yoro and branthwaite would be ideal CB additions.




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13 Jul 2024 16:02:45
Cannot just bring in Yoro and De Ligt both are right sided and we'd be in the same mess again if licha got injured.

Needs to be 1 of Yoro/ De Ligt and a left sided defender Branthwaite would be the best option as he can cover both sides.

If we sell Kambwala, Maguire and Lindelof we could bring in all 3 but I'm not sure that happens.

We have to get cover for licha we cannot be stuck changing our tactics because we're stuck with Maguire again next season.





Dbrooks90's banter replies


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17 Jul 2024 21:56:14
You never know ed by the time Madrid come back united might be in a place where the player doesn't want to leave.


{Ed001's Note - that is always a possibility.}



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08 Jul 2024 18:57:13
There was an interview done a while back when he was manager of psv ed with Gary Neville RVN said he was a no10 until I think he moved to heerenveen and the coach there worked with him and moved him to number 9 showed him how to use the offside spaces etc. so hopefully, for us, he can pass it on to hojlund Rashford and zirkzee.


{Ed001's Note - thanks Dbrooks, I haven't seen that but it makes sense. If he can pass that on, it would make a particular difference to Hojlund. He really struggled with his movement.}



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02 Jul 2024 14:11:25
PSG have gone through a phase of buying all the midfielders recently so it's difficult to say anyone who doesn't play is bad.

They've signed in the last 2 years

Renato sanches

They've had already

Zaire emery

There are others that can play cm like Kang in sarabia asensio so with that kind of turn over it's difficult to judge everyone.




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01 Jul 2024 21:34:40
Looks like I clicked the wrong reply button.




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01 Jul 2024 21:12:01
It's seems odd to have someone say if a deal is fair value if you're going to block deals anyway.

Or is the fear more in the line of tapping up? As in others teams wouldn't get the same opportunity to talk to and convince the player a connected team would?
