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To Wallace's last 5 banter replies


Wallace's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Wallace's rumours posts


19 Jul 2024 15:29:34
Afternoon Ed002, hope you’re enjoying the UK weather!

If you get a minute, would you mind giving us the latest on Casameiro pls?

Lots of conflicting reports in the media today, such as

Saudi lost interest in him due to wanting to bring in younger talent (and question marks over his fitness)

United telling the PIF that they want to keep him

The player desperate to leave the club.

Any info gratefully received!


{Ed002's Note - Casemiro (DM) Manchester United would be willing to let him leave but will take a huge loss. Michael Emenalo spoke of him as one option for Saudi clubs but will be concerned about persistent injuries. PSG offer a wildcard option but only as cover and that option has likely moved on. The player will want to understand his options before deciding with the club what to do.}

1.) 19 Jul 2024 23:32:34
Id prefer we move SMc on and keep Casemero (IYKYK) on. As long as we bring someone in circa Ugarte. Case is better cover.

(Here come the salary police)

2.) 20 Jul 2024 06:53:49
You’re assuming Casemiro would be happy in a role as cover though. Not sure at this stage in his career he would be.

3.) 20 Jul 2024 07:34:28
IYKYK? Spill the beans big boy.

4.) 20 Jul 2024 07:38:47
I think that all depends on which Casemiro stays. The one from his first season, or last season’s?

That being said, nobody in the squad covered themselves in glory last season.

5.) 20 Jul 2024 09:07:48
Cas’s legs have gone, and positionally he was all over the place last season, which was a big factor in our midfield being overrun.

He was great in his first season up until the league cup win, but since then has proved to be an expensive mistake.

We need to solidify our midfield with an out and out DM who’s happy to sit and allow others to take the glory. Kante style.

6.) 20 Jul 2024 10:05:51
It seems likely that it'll be one of McTominay or Casemiro who leaves this summer. Although ideally it should be both out with two new signings coming in.

That might be a bit too much change and will potentially be difficult for the club to do.

The question over which is better to move on though really depends on what you value.

McTominay is a model professional, hard working, a leader and is a United lad through and through. He also counts towards our homegrown quota. I also suspect he'll be more accepting (although not happy) with being a back up player. He is also on lower wages.

That said he really isn't a defensive midfielder, and shouldn't be playing deeper in midfield. His best role is probably as a No.10, a physical presence who can press from the front and create chaos with his physicality in the final third. He's also excellent at being that late arriving player in the box who finds pockets of space to score.

Yet that isn't really the profile we need, he's a useful option off the bench for certain stages of play in some games.

What we really need though is a deeper, defensive option. Which is where Casemiro is a much better profile for our needs. The issue with Casemiro though is that he doesn't have the mobility or stamina to be a single pivot or cover a large area anymore. Which is why we are seeing him dive into tackles much more as he knows he doesn't have the legs to stay with the runner. Yet if we play with a double pivot and have someone who can provide more energy alongside him then I don't think his days are as numbered as some would have you believe. I think if he moved to Italy where they tend to play far more compact and keep the spaces much smaller that Casemiro could play there at the top level for another couple of season's.

The problem with keeping Casemiro is not as some have suggested his high wages, although they are less than ideal. It is both his lack of interest in being a back up player at this point in his career, along with the much bigger issue in that he is the type of player who needs to play regularly to stay match sharp.

We saw even during his first season, where he was generally excellent, that after he missed a few games that it would take him 2 to 3 games to get back up to speed. This was most evident when he had his suspensions, he'd miss a few games, then when he was back he'd be a yard or two off the pace for the next couple of games.

That inability to stay match sharp when not playing, and the length of time it takes him to get back up to speed make him a very poor option as a squad player.

I think half of the issue he had last season was niggling injuries meaning he was in and out of the line up, meaning he rarely had a run of 5-10 games to get fully up to speed. Add that to the tactics/ decisions of other players, meaning our midfield was very open and he had too much space to cover just exasperated the problem.

Which for me is why I'd probably look to sell Casemiro first if possible, as if he isn't going to be first choice and play most games then his ability to be useful as a squad player is minimal.

Although ideally we'd sell both and bring in two new midfielders capable and comfortable playing deeper in defensive midfield.

7.) 20 Jul 2024 10:19:49
Thank you for taking the time to reply Ed002!

8.) 20 Jul 2024 16:23:13
McT is an excellent squad player if not a starter. Casemiro's legs appear to have gone, we should take whatever we can get for him. Sorry to be brutal it i don't see this one as complicated.

9.) 20 Jul 2024 16:32:13
I’d keep McT, sell Cas if possible and Eriksen.

10.) 20 Jul 2024 23:45:11
Cant remember the last time I made it through the whole of one of shappy's posts ?.

11.) 21 Jul 2024 08:13:50
Dodgy Banter……. got to be honest mate, I skip ‘em! ?.

12.) 21 Jul 2024 10:36:24
Don't worry, I know some people ain't got the stamina ??.



25 Jun 2024 09:53:33
Morning Ed002, hope you’re well and enjoying the sunshine if you’re in the UK.

Would you mind giving us the latest on Casamero please?

Some reports suggesting that he’s refusing to move to the ME and wants to stay at United?

Surely he knows that he won’t get much playing time at United this season?

Could the MLS be an alternative?

(Though maybe he’s happy to run down his contract on the huge wages United gave him…)

Furthermore, if I may, are we still looking for a DM even if he stays?

(And sell McTominay instead? )

Thanks for any info you can provide about Casamero and United’s midfield.


{Ed002's Note - Casemiro (DM) Manchester United would be willing to let him leave but will take a huge loss. Michael Emenalo spoke of him as one option for Saudi clubs but will be concerned about persistent injuries. PSG offer a wildcard option but only as cover and that option has likely moved on. The player will want to understand his options before deciding with the club what to do.

I expect him to leave and I doubt the MLS will be of interest.}

1.) 25 Jun 2024 12:51:01
Thank you for the swift reply!

{Ed002's Note - You are welcome.}

2.) 25 Jun 2024 13:56:40
Ed002, who are the options United are targeting to replace Casemiro?
Are United also trying to find a replacement for Eriksen and Amrabat.

{Ed002's Note - Done to death.}



13 Jun 2024 10:51:33
Morning Ed002,

Any truth to rumours about United swapping Greenwood for Juventus’s Gleison Bremer?

Or just usual click bait?

Thanks for any reply!


{Ed002's Note - Gleison Bremer (CB) Juventus do not want to sell and the player wishes to stay but the club need to raise funds which has led to his representatives testing the waters with Manchester United, Spurs and Chelsea to see if there is interest. He may well emerge as a first choice target for Spurs and Manchester United but Chelsea has a preferred option, but could turn to him as the are struggling to sign their primamry targets. Will cost perhaps €100M.

Mason Greenwood (F) Time to move on - offered to Lazio, Marseille and Atalanta but none seem to be biting. Turkey, perhaps with Mr Mourinho at Fenerbahce, or the Middle East might provide permanent options. Napoli, Atletico Madrid or Real Sociedad may offer an option but the fee will be too high for Getafe to buy, but they will try to find a creative solution or another loan. He is on the list of Michael Emenalo, but that may not suit the player. Agent wants him to move to Italy for a fresh start and has suggested to Juventus that they offer an exchange for Chiesa. Juventus will want to keep transactions clean and may be willing to pay €20M or so.}

1.) 13 Jun 2024 11:41:12
Thank you for your swift and detailed response Ed002!

Bit of a difference in respective valuations so can’t see swap happening….

{Ed002's Note - I would agree.}

2.) 13 Jun 2024 14:31:50
I think the difference in valuations has always been our issue when it comes to selling players.

Because we pay high fees AND high wages we have to sell for a certain price to avoid taking a big financial hit.

As is my understanding when we sell a player unless the buying club takes on their wages in full the club still have to pay the difference in most cases (unless the player will forgo what they are owed just to leave) .

If we sell Antony for example, he has three years left on his deal of 200k per week. That's 31.2m in wages he is owed. While there is still around 34.4m left of his fee to amortised.

If a buying club is only prepared to pay him 100k per week (and to be honest who'd be prepared to pay him that? ) then that means he'll get 15.6m over the next 3 years. Meaning he misses out on a further 15.6m which he'd get at United. Manchester United would need to pay him that to make up the difference.

Which means to break even United would need to sell him for a bare minimum of 50m (34.4m fee to be amortised + 15.6m difference in wages) . Anything less and United take a loss, and that's if someone would pay him 100k a week. If they offer less in wages we'll have to pick up the difference.

No one will pay that for him. So the decision is whether it's better to keep Antony in the squad, or take a financial loss which means we probably can't afford to replace him.

It's the same with Casemiro and his monster wages. Meaning we are probably better off selling to Saudi for a smaller fee but with them taking all the wages then selling for a larger fee to a European club who'll only pay half his wages.

In terms of Greenwood his wages aren't too high, he might be more inclined to take a slight loss to just move on and we have no fee to amortise. So it's purely profit.

However, he is one of the fee saleable assets we have, and even that is limited due to him being considered "damaged goods". Without the arrest and everything that followed he'd be a 70-100m player right now. What he's worth and what the club can get will not be the same as buying clubs know United need to sell more than they need to buy. So unfortunately for us it will have to be United to take the hit and sell for less than they would like to move him on. Especially as every year this drags on his contract dwindles along with his value. United's best chance is to sell for a smaller fee to a "smaller" club but included a sell on clause. Sell him to a Getafe sized club where he can develop and hopefully attract the attention of a top European side who'll pay a large fee for him of which we get a percentage. Rather than sell him to a Juventus for a larger fee, even with a sell on clause, as few teams will buy him for a big fee from a club like Juventus.

3.) 13 Jun 2024 15:53:38
I guess Rashy is still technically our most valuable asset, although I wonder what prime Garnacho would fetch these days.
We are lumbered with these players on longer contracts. Hopefully there's now going to be some kind of wage structure in place.

4.) 13 Jun 2024 17:05:59
If €20m is the most we can get for Greenwood then I’d rather we kept him. It would cost us four or five times that amount to sign a player of his quality. We spent €80m on Antony, and he’s not fit to clean Greenwood’s boots.

5.) 13 Jun 2024 18:03:26
redseven, selling Greenwood has nothing to do with his ability. He needs to move on for the best of both the club and the player. Now its just about getting the best deal for the club.

6.) 13 Jun 2024 18:11:47
Antony = £86m
Mitoma = £2.5m

Someone should go to jail over that.

7.) 13 Jun 2024 19:09:08
Shappy. I don’t think that letting one of our best players go for a fraction of what he’s worth is what’s best for the club and I don’t think that being sent off to another country where he doesn’t speak the language is what’s best for a 22 year-old with clear behavioral issues (nor his partner, who will once again be isolated from all of her friends and family) .

8.) 13 Jun 2024 19:53:29
I imagine Greenwood’s italian is stronger than tevez’s english was lol.

9.) 14 Jun 2024 06:26:13
Redseven, he's only worth what another club will pay for him. If 20m is that figure then he's worth 20m.

As for what is best for him, I can't imagine that is the absolute dog's abuse he'd get in every away ground in England, or the constant social media campaigns against him, or the print media articles putting every aspect of his and his young families life under the microscope on a weekly basis, etc etc.

We got a small glimpse of what to expect last summer when the club made him available for selection again and he was front page of every tabloid, and trending on social media, we had charities coming out and lambasting the decision and even politicians.

Do you think that is best for him, his partner or their child?

Many players play in countries where they don't speak the language. I absolutely have reservations over her being potentially isolated in a foreign country with a man who has been abusive in the past. Yet for right or for wrong she has chosen to stay with him and even have a child with him. She is now tied to him through that child forever.

Hopefully he is able to access the help he needs in other countries, I don't think the UK has a monopoly on therapists, so he should be able to.

10.) 14 Jun 2024 07:04:24
€20m may be what other clubs are willing to pay for him, but he’s worth a lot more than €20m to us. As per one of my previous posts, replacing him with a player of equal quality will cost us three or four times that amount.

As for the abuse, he’s going to get that wherever he goes, as we saw during his time in Spain. He’ll probably get some racist abuse thrown in there too if he goes to Italy, if their track record is anything to go by.

Ultimately, abuse is something that he’s just going to have to learn to live with. At least in the UK, though, there is a support structure in place for him and (more importantly) his young family.

11.) 14 Jun 2024 09:53:52
Is he worth more than 20m to us? If having him in the squad creates a negative media storm around the club next season that distracts the players, effects performances and ultimately results in finishing outside of the top four would you say he was worth keeping then?

As for the abuse if you can't appreciate that it would be significantly worse in the UK then your mistaken. Also the UK has a habit of targeting those around their targets as well. In Europe most abuse will be restricted to chants in stadiums. Not ideal but something footballers have to learn to deal with.

In the UK it's social media, it's at the supermarket, in a restaurant, at a petrol station, outside your kids school gates. They try to get quotes from friends, family and loved ones. His partner will be asked if he's apologised, why she's forgiven him, maybe be harassed that she's endangering her child by staying with an abusive man.

He has to take that into consideration in terms of whether he wants to stay playing in the UK. Especially at a club like United that increases that media focus 100x.

Apparently he has asked his agent to find him a club in Spain or Italy, that suggests that he doesn't want to return and play in the UK.

12.) 15 Jun 2024 09:18:31
Greenwood should 100% stay. It is silly how everyone knows better than those who are actually involved.

If Greenwood himself would want to stay and can handle the "noise", then we should keep him. Everything comes to an end, and so would the crowd noises. In a year or so, it will be an old story and a new "scandal" will appear.

13.) 16 Jun 2024 11:29:41
Trololo, it's funny how you know better than the player, the agent, his family and the club. Who all feel it's best for him to move on and have spent nearly a year exploring various moves away.

14.) 16 Jun 2024 15:10:21
Because of the fans, Shappy, and you know it. I'm pretty sure he wanted to stay, but cant, because of the so called "fans".



07 Mar 2024 08:04:44
Rumours circulating in media today about Thiago Motta as potential ETH replacement.

Quick google suggests that, if there’s any foundation to the gossip, he’d be a smart choice: quick, vertical football, disciplined, solid defence, good at bringing through players.

Has resonance of what INEOS did at Nice: found lesser-known manager who then focused on coaching.


1.) 07 Mar 2024 08:45:12
Would be of value to read Ed's thoughts on the OP.

{Ed002's Note - It is as I have previously stated:
Thiago Motta (C) MIlan are showing some interest in taking Motta in the summer as his coaching career has been picking up and he is well thought of. Will perhaps be considered by former club Barcelona, but they certainly have preferred choices but could look to integrate him in to the larger coaching set up. There has been no approach by Manchester United or Liverpool that I am aware of.}

2.) 07 Mar 2024 09:54:36
Thanks for detailed response Ed002 - always good to know what’s really going on, as opposed to Media click-bait.

{Ed002's Note - There is some distance to go still.}

3.) 07 Mar 2024 12:48:40
Thank you Ed. Very much appreciated.

4.) 07 Mar 2024 16:08:12
He is doing a good job where he is.
We are linked with every room deck and Harry both with players and managers. The hype is predictable and very normal.
As frustrating as it is for supporters its a waiting game for us all.
I think with the introduction of sjr and team we are under the spotlight even more than usual. There is very little other than unknowns for us all.
Considering we all would like to see different things and see things very differently there will be lots of debate and opinions.
We saw even yesterday questions about Dan Ashworths suitably and the methodology of how we went about hiring him.
Impossible to keep everybody happy no matter what they decide.

5.) 07 Mar 2024 19:31:06
I am still laughing and getting up of the floor for someone said that Carlo not a good manager, just very lucky one! so I looked up exactly what he won and where, I don’t even want to type the list out because it would rival an essay from you know who and with lots of clubs not just Madrid as was suggested and not just 1 country, and he is the most decorated manager in the history of the game, Jesus if that’s all down to luck does someone know his number so he can buy me some lottery tickets… that remark as got to have an agenda, because like him or not that record is not luck, far far from it.

Probably be in trouble now for saying it, but come on guys credit where it’s due, like saying Pep ain’t no good because he got given money!

6.) 07 Mar 2024 22:38:19
Seen us linked with 8 different managers in the last 3 days, would take it all with a pinch of salt.

7.) 08 Mar 2024 07:55:51
Strangebloke, you don't READ posts, do you? You pick the bits you want and react. You've been sussed good and proper. Multiple times too it appears. ????.

8.) 08 Mar 2024 09:15:12
Absolutely Fizz and he has the cheek to say someone's comments must have an agenda! ?.

9.) 08 Mar 2024 10:54:15

This is about his 10th account, he started as maze and has had loads of other names over the years, he usually just stalks Shappy and weirdly knows everything about everyone.

10.) 08 Mar 2024 11:31:24
He's a strange bloke for sure G to S.

11.) 08 Mar 2024 12:41:16
G2S is it actually the MAZE?

I actually thought maze had a bit of personality, rather than just consistently repeating the same nonsense post after post.

12.) 08 Mar 2024 14:05:31
I think it’s the same person yes, was possibly originally rainfishtrombone and I am Kloot as well actually before they were banned and he became Maze. Maybe the stint in Strangeways has changed him into this, the gap in his posting would tally in with a prison stay.

13.) 08 Mar 2024 15:57:05
Didn’t he you to pretend I am KLOOT was a clue to who he actually was as if we’re all supposed to know him or am I imagining that?

14.) 08 Mar 2024 16:18:47
This is Man Utd page not guess the poster that you appear to be so in love in wasting time about, I have told you million times I am not and never been Maze or none of them names you mention, so sorry Sherlock your wrong again and very dim indeed.

Have you not got nothing to talk about United instead of being infatuated with me…. Only thing I ever see you post is about me, your wife will be getting jealous.

15.) 09 Mar 2024 06:08:26
Lol the irony in Strangeways talking about being infatuated with a poster on here ??.

16.) 10 Mar 2024 07:12:59
Having been outed by Ed as a troll and banned multiple times, it would be funny to hear his previous personas. ??.



24 Jan 2024 13:13:21
Dear Ed002,

So refreshing to have proper structures being instilled into United by SJR, as well as squad management being addressed with players going out on loan.

As such, do you think that United will try to bring in any forwards/ strikers this window? If so, any potential names to watch pls?

Thanks again for any info you can provide.


{Ed002's Note - It is difficult to redict the timing of transfers and January is difficult because clubs may not have replacements available. There will be loan options - such as Benzema who has been offered to Chelsea, Arsenal and Manchester United - but there are wages and another issue making matters difficult and his club could yet block an exit. Eric ten Hag would like Brian Brobbey but his club will not want to sell in January and there is no guarantee the ten Hag will be at the club after the summer. That sort of leaves Eric Maxim Choupo-Moting who Bayern would like to keep as cover but will not stop departing if he wants to.}

1.) 24 Jan 2024 13:44:46
Thank you as always for the swift and detailed reply - very much appreciated!

2.) 24 Jan 2024 13:45:57
News that Martial is out for 10 weeks (makes zero difference to us) may mean a push for Benzema? Previously I’d be against this sort of move but if it were for the rest of season and his role was clear and that it wouldn’t have a huge impact on Hojlunds game time for the rest of the season, having him train everyday with Hojlund could be a wise move. It’s whether Benzema would want to come in on non-guaranteed game time agreement.

3.) 24 Jan 2024 16:43:31
Maybe hoylund could learn about the dark arts of extortion?

4.) 24 Jan 2024 17:12:18
I’m sure Benzema would be happy to come here on megabucks and toss it off like Casemiro and Varane. Surely we won’t go down that road again?

5.) 24 Jan 2024 20:21:17
Isn't Varane still our best CB? Wasn't Casemiro our best player last year?

A 6 month loan for Benzema surely is a significantly better move than a 6 month loan for Weghourst? I think we all think that summer will have meaningful transfers but we shouldn't give up on this season completely yet.

6.) 24 Jan 2024 20:44:28
If Benzema signs and that means we can get top 4, it is a great signing.
But do you really think ETH is a manager that can handle big players?

7.) 24 Jan 2024 21:11:32
Would not want to see benzema in a united shirt. He is 36 and the pl is different beast to playing in a star studded Real team.

Prefer signing the bayern guy on a loan and move on. He showed up two weeks late after the saudi break and a pretty lousy character if you ask me.

If you want real change signing players like him is no change and just a repeat of the past.

8.) 25 Jan 2024 11:19:55
Not the Benzema thing again.
I think Erik wants Brobbey, but why a struggling Ajax desperate to rescue the season will sell their main man, let alone loan him, is beyond me. We're going to get Choupo-Moting I expect.

9.) 25 Jan 2024 12:57:47
We need bodies up front. Simple as that. Choupo-Moting is a decent back up to rest Rasmus. Unless there’s a top youth prospect in the wings, but not seen/ heard of any ready for the step up right now.

10.) 25 Jan 2024 14:57:10
I don't get the hate for Varane.
His only fault is that he's a bit injury prone but isn't every player at United injury prone.
Apart from Martinez he's by far our best centre back.

11.) 26 Jan 2024 07:53:54
It's because Varane was never a sensible signing, he coat a fortune in few and wages for a player who by the time this team would be ready to challenge at the time we bought him would be over the hill over paid and hampering us in terms of budgets.

Varane also looked best when Ramos was telling him where to go and what to do.

Cas was the same, these aren't bad players, they just are not very sensible signings for a club that needs a total rebuild, in effect if your aim is to win title buying two players costing 250 million in wages and fees or whatever it is who will not be a part of that title team because by the time you get there are past it is idiocy, it's awful planning and a total failure of the clubs policy.

It did help RM help fund their rebuild and exciting young team though.




Wallace's banter posts with other poster's replies to Wallace's banter posts


01 Jul 2024 08:47:53
Lots of United rumours/ news this morning:

Dan Ashworth finally been agreed and can start work immediately. Rumours that it was PSR compliance linked.

Deal for De Licht progressing.

Really hope United have done their homework on this as smells of old era where ETH targets were acquired, driven by ETH, not best recruitment special-ist)

DL is slow injury prone and a Juve Bayern reject. Really hope he’s just an amazing opportunity at cheap price and not main CB target.

Think his persistent injuries linked to where he had a man’s body at such a young age and wasn’t given the chance to strengthen properly.

Really hope Ashworths first job is to veto this transfer.

Deals for Ugarte and Zirkzee seem to be developing also.

If we get him, Zirkzee will make a huge different to our attack, helping Rashford and Hoijland in the process.

So really promising news - just hope United know what they’re doing pandering to ETH’s obsession with past Ajax players who have question marks over them.


1.) 01 Jul 2024 09:53:03
Ashworth getting completed and being able to start immediately is huge news. Berrada starts officially on 13th July which means the structure will be fully functional for the remainder of the summer and start of the season.
I am certain that the work undertaken by the team led by Wilcox/ Blanc would have been working towards the players that aligned to Ashworth/ Berada.

De Ligt is a quality CB and if he is coming in I would expect the price to be on the lower end especially if we are picking up his wages and as is pointed out that Bayern were driving the sale. I do not think this is the only deal ongoing so we may be talking to multiple options but if we end up with De Ligt, Martinez, Another (Would this deal allow us to be able to fight/ wait on Todibo) as our main 3 CB's we would all have to be happy with that. Kambawala/ Evans/ Maguire as back up.

Ugarte hopefully in would add some real steal and would indicate Mainoo as more of the box to box/ link for next season.

2.) 01 Jul 2024 13:06:07
De ligt summed up on the Liverpool site as the Dutch Maguire.

I don't see him as a good buy. He is injury prone aswell.

3.) 01 Jul 2024 15:19:19
Don’t get why you would go for somone who is just as much injured as varane to replace varane

And unless your paying half of what Everton want for braithwaite why not just go for your number 1 target instead. and pay the money it will take to get your number 1

He might be a good defender when fit but why are byern so willing to sell him if he’s that good. smells of casimiro type deal this.

Have we not learnt thought we had football brains now at the club.

4.) 01 Jul 2024 17:52:53
His career hasn't really progressed. He is a good age, has experience in top leagues but I read a stat that he missed more games through injury than Varane in the last 2 years so what's the point of buying him? A bad buy for me.

5.) 01 Jul 2024 18:01:03
He plays football the way we want to play. He plays high. He is a top quality ball playing CB who can also step up and break lines. He is a leader who was captaining Ajax at something like 18. He is still only 24, so coming into peak years.

People calling him the dutch HM clearly do not know how he plays.

6.) 01 Jul 2024 19:07:13
Is Branthwaite the number 1 target for CB then?

7.) 01 Jul 2024 23:17:54
More the injuries for me dodgy. he did look a cracking player for Ajax in the ucl and like you say is a cb that couldn’t be a perfect partner for Martinez

But is he injury prone big risk especially after last season and we have not got a ray of quality cbs.



27 Apr 2024 21:31:48
Sir Jim has apparently met with “super-agent” Jorges Mendes, whose clients include:

Gonçalo Ramos

Diogo Costa

Jaoa Neves

Ruben Neves

Lenny Yoro

Rayan Ait Neuri

Wonder if he’s using his charm to grease the wheels for a deal or two?


1.) 28 Apr 2024 00:26:15
Utd are interested in Joao Neves out of that list and maybe Ait-Nouri.

Could be talking about being back JM or Ronaldo ??.

2.) 28 Apr 2024 09:13:27
Why would Ratcliffe meet with agents when he's nothing to do with the football structure ?‍♂️.

3.) 28 Apr 2024 09:44:32
Could he be meeting him for sales?

I’m sure he represents some of our players too.

4.) 28 Apr 2024 11:51:22
I guess because our CEO and Ashworth are not yet legally in place at the club?



20 Mar 2024 12:16:11
I’ve read that perhaps the main blocker to keep ETH on as manager is the issue over how much control he’ll have over transfers (his current contract allows him significant input)

However, if new regime take these decisions out of his hands and just want him to coach, ETH might find this a bit undermining.

So guess what kind of contract INEOS offer him if they want him to stay.

Also read Rumours that, if he doesn’t get a significant say in issues and transfers, he’ll go back to Ajax - so might leave anyway.


1.) 20 Mar 2024 14:23:47
I never heard that ETH had control of transfers at Ajax. He had Overmars and Van Der Sar above him. I don’t believe it was a factor in him leaving Ajax that he didn’t have control of transfers so we have to ask the question why did he want it at United? Quite possibly it was because previously United have shown to be very incompetent in that department and he wanted a greater hold on this. And I’m sure the usual lot will jump on this and point out his transfers but, it’s believed some of his 1st choice targets included Mazraoui, Timber, De Jong, Gakpo and Kane. All of whom as we know he didn’t get so to judge him on HIS signings maybe harsh. Either way, there is no suggestion that he wouldn’t be prepared to work under a more structured hierarchy apart from the current set up where he has most of the control on transfers but we don’t know the reason for this as previously he worked, successfully in a structured regime.

2.) 20 Mar 2024 14:29:09
Nothing will happen before the end of the season I suspect.
Very few people know for sure what will happen.
Does eth have a lifeline? Is he even under pressure?
Have they made up their mind to change regardless of how the session finishes?
Will eth want to stay if they have a different structure?
It's a wait and see situation.
We all have our own hopes, expectations and fears about what's about to unfold this summer.
Should be good craic watching how it all unfolds.

3.) 20 Mar 2024 15:36:57
I have to say the prospect of Southgate fills me with dread, he has the inspirational qualities of half a pound of sprouts, the players have thrown better than him under the bus. They will eat him alive.

His record as a premier league manager is 114 matches in charge and the grand total of 29 wins! 33 draws and 52 losses, 115 goals scored and 159 conceded. Average of 1.05 points per game.

ETH is 66 games in charge 38 won and 8 draws and 20 losses 95 goals for and 82 against. Average of 1.85 points per game.

I really hope ETH is still here next season, I feel he deserves the opportunity

IF, and obviously it's an unknown, this should come to pass all the optimism I have felt since SJR's deal was confirmed will instantly disappear and be replaced by a sense of foreboding I have never before felt in over 50 years as a supporter, and that also includes being in the Stretford End that day in 1974 against City when Denis Law backheeled the ball into the goal down at the Scoreboard End.

Please, please NO, NO, NO.

4.) 20 Mar 2024 15:50:55
There is certainly a lot saying Eth will be replaced in the summer including ed002. I just don't see it. I don't think the fans are clamouring for it as they were on previous managers, I don't think there would be great justification for a sacking due to the amount of side issues eth has had to deal with and in fairness he has dealt with it well. Maybe ineos want to start on a blank sheet but the board is not yet even in place. I see him being here next year and maybe he deserves that.

5.) 20 Mar 2024 16:53:32
How can you compare Southgates club management stats to ETH'S club management stats.
Southgate managed mid to lower Middlesborough team that had pretty much bang average players.
ETH has had the luxary of spending spent over 400 million pounds.
It's just nonsense comparing the two.
That's not to say i like the idea of Southgate getting the job, i think ETH deserves another season in my humble opinion.

6.) 20 Mar 2024 17:46:59
I want our trophy back

I was in K stand in 1974, remember the feeling well, awful. Have to say I felt that terrible sense of dread when Moyes was appointed and again when Ole was made permanent. The club just seemed incompetent. If they appoint Southgate they will look incompetent again.

I am not getting younger and to be honest, if they give Southgate years I may not live to see another league title or European cup. As I sat in the stadium waving the red flag in 2013 I had a very strong sense it could be the last time in my life because I knew about Moyes, about how poor the team looked.

Let’s see what the new owners do but Southgate sends all the wrong messages and our rivals will start the laughter again


Yes control over transfers is a sticky point. Can understand ETH wanting some control based on what he came into, but he has not done well at all. Mention the ubiquitous Antony but a lot of the players seem to have to have some connection, be directly or indirectly through the Dutch league. That cannot be allowed to continue.

Said for a long time, actually since SAF retired, move to a coach not the all powerful manager, have one direction under a DOF and stop this must give five years nonsense.

Personally I think ETH will leave, Ed has said so but new broom sweeps clean is an old saying and I suspect apt here.

7.) 20 Mar 2024 20:06:05
Sim, how else do you make a rational and informed decision about such a significant and important decision without looking at previous achievements, or otherwise.

You say Southgate managed a mid to lower team, but the point is if someone is managing such a type of team then you get a much bigger job by being a success, not by being bang average. Many have started at that level, been successful and got a bigger job on the back of it, he did not. Let's not also forget he had an excellent owner in Steve Gibson who was supportive of his managers financially.

The point of making a comparison with ETH was to see how Southgate performed at a lower level against ETH performance at a much bigger club. Given the significant differences in achievement then how can any credibility be given to the idea Southgate offers a superior option to ETH.

The only other way of assessing Southgate is from his record as an International manager and that would not be of any real value as it bears no real similarity to club football and is nothing more than a false equivalency.

Again, your referencing of £400m does not equate, as cost comparison from 20 years ago makes it totally meaningless given inflation in football.

Your opinion that it is nonsense to compare the two records seems to me to be complete nonsense, as how else can can any assessment of suitability be made without any form of examination of the facts.

8.) 20 Mar 2024 20:37:54
Red Man, you are quite right about the message this would send to other supporters. I am quite sure they would all be desperately keen to see Southgate appointed as our manager. That really say's everything that needs to be said.

I too have very vivid recall of that day in 1974, leaving the ground and returning to the coach, parked alongside the cricket ground, the journey back to North Wales in a virtually silent atmosphere. Then the next day returning to London for work on the Monday, knowing full well how my work colleagues would enjoy the moment!

Having said all that I still had huge positivity about the future, I was totally convinced we would return to Div 1 straight away and indeed everybody who tried to take the pi** I challenged to make a £5 bet we would go straight back up. I ended up making something like 35 or so bet's. That could of been of been quite awkward if thing's had been different!

The point about this being I felt more positive about the future following relegation than I would now with Southgate in charge. Like you I hope to see success again before it is too late and that includes seeing a new state of the art stadium. Just my view, but no Southgate and that is perfectly possible, feasible and likely.

9.) 21 Mar 2024 12:57:28
I want our trophy back - You cannot compatre the two managers and the positions that they are and were in.
It's just stupid!

10.) 21 Mar 2024 13:21:03
Sim, instead of just being insulting, try saying something sensible.
Of course you can compare people's previous achievements, they do not have to be concurrent.

11.) 22 Mar 2024 11:56:46
agreed Ken.

No one knows. Andy Mitten and David Ornstein are probably the two most reputable journalists with their ears to the ground on all things united and they seem to think that SJR and INEOS are remaining very silent on the whether or not a new manager comes in.

I think they'll have a plan, but it all depends on how ETH finishes the season. With stronger players coming back and the run we have, I hope for a strong finish and ETH forces their hand.

My opinion, it would be a huge mistake to get rid of him. He will walk into a much more structured club and do very well. Whereas, should we remove him, there is absolutely no inspiring names that stick out.



12 Jan 2024 19:54:22
Ed002 in Everton page suggesting that 4 United centre Backs could leave in the Summer.

Thinking that means:


Which potentially only leaves

Rhys Bennett

As well as names being touted such as Braithwaite, Silva and Todibo, does anyone have enough knowledge about any of the younger players who might be ready to step up?


1.) 12 Jan 2024 20:10:31
Really mate!? shocking that!

2.) 12 Jan 2024 20:51:28
Always good to get there first with a bit of info DB ?.



08 Sep 2023 09:47:08
Club currently rotten from the top downwards, all predicated by Glazers desire to run United as a financial institution rather than a football club.

All decisions are linked to money, cost and profit implications, with no thought to actual football decisions.

Hence the chaos and stinking moral cesspit that United is becoming. (Greenwood, Antony, team spirit etc)

My only hope is that the Glazers see United as the sinking ship it currently is and cash out while they can.

Then new owners - motivated by achieving football success rather than financial - can sweep out all the fetid structures and actually start to invest in the football team and infrastructure do we can start to catch City, rather than continually falling behind…

Being pessimistic (am really down on United at the moment) can see us doing a Chelsea this year and finishing mid-table: this season has that feel about it, with the injuries, internal politics, bickering, etc.

Maybe short term pain for long term gain if it means Glazers finally go if they cash out now because of crumbling season.


1.) 08 Sep 2023 10:01:19
Unfortunately I agree with all of that and feel the same way.

2.) 08 Sep 2023 12:37:00
I’m sure I’ll be called negative and pessimistic, but from what I’ve seen so far I think United will be lucky to finish mid table. So many good looking teams in the league this year, most of which look to be playing with far more fight and belief.

I think the home form will keep united’s heads above water. But another season of getting spanked away from home I feel.

But as you’ve said, if a terrible season means the owners go, then maybe it will be worth it.

Suppose the worrying part of that type of scenario is will the manager and some of the better players be around next season if it ends up being that bad a season.

3.) 08 Sep 2023 13:55:05
I said years ago I’d take relegation if it meant getting rid of the leeches

Really sad that I’m more bothered about what is happening off the field than what goes on it

Being saying it now for over a decade that the club is rotten to the core

Praying for a miracle.

4.) 08 Sep 2023 14:44:58

How much money do you want with me that we are not ‘lucky to finish mid table’ by the end of the season? What a crazy thing to suggest of teams that came 3rd last year, got to 2 finals and has improved in the summer.

5.) 08 Sep 2023 16:29:02
It would be a bet I’d be happy to lose. Just because we finished third last year doesn’t mean a thing this year.

Chelsea finished third in 2022 and then look at them the year after! Liverpool finished second in that same year and they fell off last year.

I want to be wrong. I hope I’m wrong. But I’m not seeing anything (yet) to prove we are in line for a top 4 battle and a trophy hunt.

You can’t guarantee we’ve improved. We’ve bought players. No guarantee they will make an improvement to the team.

6.) 08 Sep 2023 12:26:55
Exactly right, Wallace I think the club, needs to start again afresh, hoping it’s new owners come in and have total new team from top to bottom, have some sort of plan moving forward and all singing from same hymn sheet, purchases made with the plan in mind, all teams playing the same way get an identity, so every club knows how we play and it’s there job to stop it, just like City have managed to do in a relatively short space of time.
Manager moves on anytime another steps in same progression, ATM we just lurch from one catastrophe to another, nothing convinces me we have any direction on or of the field, the football style ain’t great, the acquisitions are not great, we clearly have no youngsters coming through, then problems in the camp etc etc. terrible attitudes of players.
Due diligence needs to be done competently, because clearly atm that’s not happening.
That’s why I say every department needs an overhaul
But of course to do that you need someone with very deep pockets who is prepared for the project, sadly they may only be a state ownership, who wants to use it as a promotional vehicle, but it can’t go on like this, because we are falling further behind every season that goes by.
I know most of you on here see things in your red tints but you seriously need to wake up and smell the coffee. It’s a total mess
To those of you that say we are improving be honest with yourself, how many times have you actually sat down and seen a great game from united and think wow that was fantastic…
This is not being a Debbie Downer this is being realistic, stop accusing me of not being a supporter of united, but I am not liking one bit what I am seeing, some people seem to be in a time warp.

7.) 08 Sep 2023 19:47:49
Wish my red tints could filter out commas!

8.) 09 Sep 2023 00:44:26
The issue isn’t with your opinion Maze, it’s that you feel the need to constantly write the same thing on every single post whether it is about that or not, we get that you think all the players are crap and Ten isn’t good enough, even you must be bored of typing it 200 times a day even if it is for a reaction.




Wallace's rumour replies


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22 Jul 2024 20:03:58
Thanks for taking the time to respond Ed002, much appreciated.




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22 Jul 2024 17:31:08
Would that still be to the Middle East Ed002, or are other clubs interested in him please?

Thanks for your time!


{Ed002's Note - If the player wants to go there is interest from several sides. The club will need to speak with him.}



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22 Jul 2024 08:55:59
Dunno whether it’s a slow day for transfer rumours but reports also about PSG being interested in Sancho and Bruno Fernandes….




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20 Jul 2024 10:19:49
Thank you for taking the time to reply Ed002!




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19 Jul 2024 19:12:03
Insightful planning by United Youth leadership: heard they recruit youngsters in terms of gaps in their youth teams.

As can’t remember any strikers coming through (Rooney in Under 14/ 15s I think) so guessing they’re now filling that gap.

A team working towards a cohesive plan, now and for the future.





Wallace's banter replies


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26 Jul 2024 09:03:26
Also had an operation on his foot.




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20 Jul 2024 21:39:46
Amass looks talented but not physically ready yet - was too easily pushed off the ball. Agree about Murray though - thought he did really well.




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20 Jul 2024 19:17:16
Thanks MH - Yoro just looked really comfortable and composed, hopefully will develop into a Ferdinand or Varane type player for us. On evidence of today, won’t take long.

In second half, though Max Oyedele looked really good also, as well as Fish.

Hannibal was nothing special - needs to be sold.

Can see Collyer getting plenty of first team minutes this season also.




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20 Jul 2024 17:36:20
You can already see that Yoro an elite player. Silky smooth, quick and barely a mistake.

Much better passing than I expected also.

Amad excellent in first half.

Mount and Collyer really impressive too.

Thought Sancho bit too casual at times but some nice moments.

Casameiro weak link to start with but grew in influence.

Thought Onana bit erratic with his passing - get Vitek in!




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20 Jul 2024 10:23:42
Feel really sorry for the Everton fans - great club and don’t deserve to be treated like this.


{Ed025's Note - we are getting used to it now Wallace," it never rains but it pours" was written for Everton mate..