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09 May 2024 12:14:17
I don't follow this logic that the same players who are not working hard enough in the games, work so hard in the trainings that they get injured? Also, the training is done by coaches who have done it for decades - it makes no sense to blame ETH for this.

It presents a worse reality that like Martial and unlike Bruno - many players are not upto it. It also means the manager is hence a goner.


1.) 09 May 2024 12:48:21
Jose said there was a problem with some players physicality and always being injured.

I think a huge part of the problem is the medical team being sub par and maybe the recovery not being handled correctly leading to further / repeat injuries. ETH has voiced frustrations with the medical team.

2.) 09 May 2024 13:52:53

I may be wrong but think the esteemed Ed said the injuries were not the fault of the medical team about 2 weeks ago

I will say again, when we were drastically short of CB last week why were the fit ones not looked after. There are far too many injuries and muscle injuries from training. There has to be questions

We do not know who is driving training but to keep doing the same things expecting a different result, yet bringing more injuries is the definition of madness.

3.) 09 May 2024 13:54:11
Glasner went into Palace in Mid-Feb. Since then he has improved the strength, fitness and intensity of the side. That comes from hard work. They only have 4 or 5 players out injured currently. Fernandes played every game up until Palace and I assume attends every training session. Our medical team need a serious review of them.

4.) 09 May 2024 15:50:56
Fair statement Red Man.

I may have missed Eds comment. It's difficult to pinpoint where the injuries are coming from. We can't fairly say it's all down to EtH, as there will be numerous coaches including Strength and Conditioning working with the players.

To keep doing the same things expecting a different result is the definition of madness. It's a shame you don't share that same view on sacking managers.

5.) 09 May 2024 16:17:43
we can always just skip training and hope they show up match sharp and fit and give us a rousing performance.

6.) 09 May 2024 17:43:12

The club not the manager comes first, we also need to accept that just giving time is not always the answer. We have not made good decisions, examined character, skill set, leadership, vision. If so would we have appointed Moyes, Ole? Would we have appointed ETH if we knew what this mess looked like or that he would be intransigent, to the point of embarrassing the club? That he has thrown players, young ones under the bus?

Apart from Sexton, Moyes and Ole, I waited to see what they could do. However, your point should not be about why do the same thing over and over by sacking them, the point should be why we appointed these managers over and over.

When SAF retired I felt we should have changed structure because we would keep on lurching left and right as each manager changed, and we have. All the while losing our identity. Real Madrid haven’t lost theirs or Liverpool, Chelsea don’t blithely let a manager ruin the club and nor should we.

Having done this in business and if I was DoF I would be asking ETH what his plans, vision and thoughts are about what he is doing, why, what his aim and vision is and what his plan to get us there is. I would look at what has happened, ask him for observations on it all. Given what we are seeing it’s a shambles and we have not been sold a vision, a key element of leadership.

When you realise that then you realise it is ripe for someone who meets all the criteria and at least it looks like people are capable now. Unless of course they think the answer is Southgate, in which case a repeat of the above will take place in 2 years.



19 Apr 2022 22:05:42
The heartache watching another toothless performance . and of course another miserable result. I have pretty much seen the full 90 mins of every game United has played (only on tv) since 95. I don't think I have felt lower in 27 years although you would think I would be used to it now over past few seasons.

Question I have for us here: what can we as fans do, to help our club?


{Ed0666's Note - you could riot? Oh wait….

1.) 19 Apr 2022 22:11:23
This is worst united squad i have seen, they have no balls, no desire to work, was a training game for liverpool.

Our players juet don't give a s. a few do but the majority don't care

MASSIVE job for ten hag and his staff.



17 Sep 2021 03:38:48

You said below ole Said 1-0 loss is improvement over 2-0 in semis. I think we lost 2-0 in semis in 2021 Jan and this is what he said - verbatim. Not what you think he said. It actually barely matters what he said to the press but I am just curious to understand this made up story

“City can score many great goals and you can accept that. But when you concede two set-piece goals, simple ones we should have cleared, you are very disappointed. We were just not good enough in those moments. We didn’t do enough to win the game, didn’t create enough big chances ourselves, we didn’t have the extra finesse in the games we’ve had in the league lately. We played against a very good team, they played well, and when they play well you have to play really well to beat them. That’s just the reality of where we’re at. We were just lacking that little bit. They deserve it. But we are getting closer. This is a much better version of Man United than a year ago. That’s positive, but that’s not enough. It’s not psychological, you meet good teams in semis and we just didn’t have enough. They are probably the best team in England.


1.) 17 Sep 2021 04:14:58
Were Villareal the best team in Europe or Spain? I remember us losing to them too.

2.) 17 Sep 2021 05:02:13
Look, the guys played fantastic. We were lacking a little bit (had we scored a goal from our second shot we would have been 2-2). They parked the bus really well, I got a SMS from Jose later and he was very happy with the shape of the bus.
Jesse and AWB made some mistakes, but I guess that's football. We are getting better and better and will continue to improve. We are 3% better than what we were 3 seasons ago, we get 1% better every year.
Switzerland is a hard place to come to, their crowd was fantastic, the players felt really cold, the weather was not nice but look that's just football. I promised Donny time and he got a 45 min cameo, more than what he got last game which was 10 mins, he's constantly improving. We lacked a little bit of everything, if we get that ronaldo pen, my tactics would have worked. But that's just football you know.

3.) 17 Sep 2021 09:15:24
FGIC, though it's not word for word what he said as it was awhile ago but is he not praising the team for getting closer? Is he not saying it's a positive that we're closer to them after losing?

I watched the game and I remember watching the interview and it sums him up. He's happy to be just in the mix. 4 semi final defeats, 1 final defeat and one towel thrown in the ring being 6 points behind the 1st spot in the league with 45 points to play for.


4.) 17 Sep 2021 09:34:59
United Addict, what results did we achieve against the mighty Villareal in 2005 and 2008 under Sir Alex when we played them in the group stages?

In fact when we played them twice in the 2008/ 09 UCL group stages we were the defending champions and would make it to the final again that season. So we're very much at our peak in terms of European football performance.

Yet across the four games that Sir Alex faced Villareal we didn't beat them once, in fact we didn't even score a single goal against them.

In the Europa League final we out played them, we had more possession and more shots, while their keeper had to make two very good saves while DDG didn't have to make any. We then lost on penalties.

So it's not like we were schooled, or played poorly. In truth we were a little unlucky and didn't have quite enough quality to force the ball over the line to win it.

I didn't feel anywhere near as bad after the loss to Villareal in the final as I did after both times Barcelona absolutely took us to school in the UCL finals in 2009 and 2011. They made us look like a Sunday league team.

5.) 17 Sep 2021 10:35:23
"We went out early last season, but still made it to a European cup Final, so it's ups and downs "

Who said this?

answers on a postcard to norwayhecouldbeourmanager@gmail. com.

6.) 17 Sep 2021 10:38:32
Mumbles, is he wrong though? Are we not closer now then we were when he took over? Are we not a better side now then when he took over?

Also if the side isn't good enough to win, then what is gained by putting additional outside pressure on the side by publicly saying that they should be winning these games?

I expect ALL managers to say nothing of real interest and just tow the line and bring out the same old tired clichés and same old rethoric during these planned public statements. I expect it to be bland and vanilla, there are dozens of press officers and people working with the manager to prepare him on what to say. Which journalist and which questions are planned in advance.

The only time these things get interesting is when the manager and the board are at loggerheads and the manager goes rouge and tries to put pressure on the board to get what they want. It's interesting when that happens but it's rarely a good sign for the club involved as it just highlights a divided club.

7.) 17 Sep 2021 10:49:30
Just another half a billion and we might be able to scrape a draw. Progress.

8.) 17 Sep 2021 10:49:37
Ole took over a team that had qualified from their group in the champions league, something we haven't done since then.

9.) 17 Sep 2021 11:14:44
And got 81 points
We have not improved we have gone backwards and will continue to do so until wole is sacked. I do feel a little more confidant that will happen this season lately. The earlier the better imo.

10.) 17 Sep 2021 11:26:48
“They made us look like a Sunday league team”

Is this against the greatest club side in history Barcelona or is this Ole’s comments after getting beaten by the might of European football Young Boys?

11.) 17 Sep 2021 11:42:02
Shappy, knocking Sir Alex to big up Ole is a new low.

12.) 17 Sep 2021 12:11:53
Pathetic attempt.

13.) 17 Sep 2021 12:28:07
Mumbles, I'm not knocking Sir Alex, just pointing out that our greatest ever manager struggled against Villareal. They are somewhat of a boogy team for us.

After all we couldn't beat them when we were arguably at our absolute best.

I'm not bigging up Ole either. He failed to beat them after all.

Nice try at a defection though.

14.) 17 Sep 2021 12:42:43
We are streets ahead of where he took over. We have a fantastic squad now, we are in position to challenge this year across all fronts.

We lost a game of football against a UCL side after going down to 10 men.

Their equaliser has a whiff of good fortune with the deflections.

Their winner 5 mins into injury time came from a once in a career disaster backpass from Jesse.

I really think some peoples fears and concerns have been activated by one bad night in europe.

Suddenly every game we played so far we were abysmal. Even Newcastle, who we dominated.

It is early season, there is a long way to go. Does no one enjoy supporting their team any more? If we were bitten of the league after this many games I might understand it.

15.) 17 Sep 2021 13:22:25
Dodgy I've not enjoyed watching my club for 2 years now.
Its not just 1 game, its one more game.
I don't share any of your positivity I think we are miles behind when he took over. Better players here now under achieving to an even greater degree than before.
Awful submissive negative tactics when we are under the kosh.
I've said it before that ole and his approach are anti United or at least most of what I identify with as being manchester united for the last 50 years.

16.) 17 Sep 2021 13:43:45
Lowest of lows. I cringe every time I see people comparing Ole's situation to that of Sir Alex during his early tenure at United or to that of Klopp at Liverpool. Coaches with proven pedigree before coming to their respective clubs, so you can understand why faith was placed in them before taking drastic measures. And no being a good man manager and bringing a positive atmosphere back in the dressing room and club is not sufficient enough. Anyone in here can achieve that. At the end of the day Ole will/ should be judged on his achievements and though the top 4 finishes and unbeaten away run are commendable, that alone shouldn't justify keeping him in the job. The managers he's being compared to delivered, it's time for him to do the same. No more excuses.

17.) 17 Sep 2021 16:20:33
Dodgy "doesn't anyone enjoy supporting their team anymore? "
Enjoy? Frankly no.
I can remember when, win or lose, I enjoyed watching, not anymore.
About18 months ago I took to watching grassroots footie in the local park - best decision I ever made.
Have ventured to watch united a few times. Haven't seen anything to tempt me back yet.
We have a manager who doesn't or cannot manage - especially in game.
Ole seems to have done a good job so far of getting morale up and players in. The missing link is the weakness in the position he occupies.

18.) 17 Sep 2021 17:17:14
I'm not deflecting Shappy. You constantly say you can't use Jose finishing with more points in a season than Ole because that's not allowed apparently. Then you jump in your dolorean to go back 12 years to try and explain why Ole lost a final.

{Ed014's Note - ??

19.) 17 Sep 2021 18:22:14
We might not have beaten Villarreal back in 2008/ 09, but we got out of the CL group and made it to the final.
I think even Fergie did concede he did underachieve in Europe.




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08 Jun 2024 15:17:27
To say the morality is low linked to poor background? Shawthing?




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27 May 2024 21:45:35
He had perhaps 2-3 good games and 1 excellent game. It should never be enough to earn a contract at United.




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27 May 2024 21:44:14
Thanks for sharing Ed002. Can’t wait for us to start a new season with a new focus and perhaps one of lesser negativity than this season was. So be it if ETH stays but with Pochettino, Tuchel and others ‘available’ and I assume some of them also interested in managing United, it seems like ETH’s time is done. His interviews certainly make it seem like he knows he’s gone.




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27 May 2024 21:41:27
I hope it’s not true. I am sure ETH has given it his all and the injuries have not been kind to him. I am glads he gets to go out on a sort of a higher spot than he would otherwise after winning the FA cup. It doesn’t mask over the whole season of being absolutely below average.

He has not helped his case by being unable to manage the playing style (a goal difference of NEGATIVE 1 after 38 games! ), asking for players (even if you excuse the amount we paid for them) like Antony, Onana, Mount etc.




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27 May 2024 21:35:42





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18 Jun 2024 00:56:37
This website maybe called rumors but it's more than that. It's a community.




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30 May 2024 02:30:54
It's not just that the FA Cup means very little compared to a second place with one or two points gap to winning it. it's also how the team plays for fs sake! Who in their right minds doesn't want United to play like Arsenal did all season and compete as a big team, play in the CL every year . you can't be serious that FA cup winning means more!

History books may not credit second place finishes but that doesn't mean it doesn't record a negative goal difference!




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25 May 2024 14:00:25
Frank is the next Moyes. We need a manager who has at least tried to handle a large dysfunctional club before. Pochettino, Tuchel, McKenna have that experience. Would be very surprising if we didn't choose one of them.




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07 May 2024 11:46:13
The assumption is that we will finish 8th even if we just played youngsters. It's never a given. No one has a right - even Man Utd - to stay up.

The manager is gone, probably now so that the FA cup game can be actually a competition.




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26 Apr 2024 12:21:01
The main problems I see are where we are in the league, the performances we have, the relationship he has with players and the transfers (Onana, Antony, Mount costed 180M)

With new owners trying to effect change, there is no way he gets another go.
