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DSG's rumours posts with other poster's replies to DSG's rumours posts


20 Aug 2022 10:40:45
Maguire and Mctominay linked with moves away.

Could be a clever way for the club to recoup some relatively decent transfer fees because of the british tax and the perceived “Pashun”value.


1.) 20 Aug 2022 11:35:07
The so called "English tax" has nothing to do with how they play or passion, but everything to do with both having to have a number of "homegrown" players, and the perception that clubs want to have by having players from their own nation playing for their side.

PSG want to have top French players, Italian clubs want the best Italian players, Spanish clubs want the best Spanish players, German clubs want the best German players, and of course English clubs want the the best English players.

There is a premium on English players simply because English clubs are among the wealthiest in the world, and there is a serious lack of top end English players. Simple supply and demand.

2.) 20 Aug 2022 16:33:56
What would seriously be a worthwhile fee for Maguire? Even half what Utd paid would be daylight robbery. I think there are some qualities in there but he is so devoid of confidence right now like many Utd players. I think he’d be a better player without the burden of the red shirt which draws so much press.

3.) 20 Aug 2022 17:20:28
The reality is that Maguire was made to look the business by Jonny Evans - a player deemed not good enough.

Then, with confidence on a high, he translated that form to the England team.

Since at United, he's played mainly alongside Lindelof who is mid-table level with full backs who don't offer decent protection and a midfield that cannot deal with pressure.

Ultimately, if he was surrounded by better defensive players and wasn't so relied upon to organise, he'd perform better.

I still don't think he's at the level we'd like, but he's far from the worst defensive member of the squad and has seen his greater urgency render him, from the outset, more culpable.

Shaw, imo, is one of the most overrated players I've ever seen, just like McTominay - they both, along with Dalot, AWB and Telles, have failed their defensive teammates consistently.

4.) 20 Aug 2022 23:33:53
Woggle I hope you were trying to wiggle in some banter because wtf.

5.) 21 Aug 2022 02:21:43
If the deal for Pulisic does indeed never materialise or is just click bait can we send them Maguire anyway to say sorry?

6.) 21 Aug 2022 08:34:15
Keefy, sending them Maguire as an apology is akin to throwing a brick with a note attached through your neighbors window to apologise for kicking your football into their garden.

7.) 21 Aug 2022 09:28:56
Woggle. Maguire messes even simple passes to GK. He will be found out even if he plays in all time great teams. AWB can do a solid defensive job in right back. He may be very useful as a sub in seeing off tight games after 70 mins or so.

8.) 21 Aug 2022 09:58:28
Would be more pleased to see Luke Shaws name on the list tbh, can’t wait to see the day he leaves.

9.) 21 Aug 2022 11:31:50

Maguire is most certainly not good enough, I basically believe he's made to look even worse by other people.

AWB is a truly awful defender.
Just because he has better lally-flapping ability, it does not make him a decent defender. His reading and positioning are absolutely pathetic - he should be the first guy to go.

Couldn't agree more, Shaw is pish.

Ultimately, United have spent £160m on the aforementioned three and their combined value now would be half of that at best.
United have 7 defenders out of 10 senior options - AWB, Dalot, Williams, Shaw, Maguire, Lindelof and Bailly, who are simply not good enough to be starters. That's the problem, at least one player who isn't good enough will need to start.
Selling Maguire would make me happy, but does it solve our problems defensively?
No, because we'd still have to play Lindelof or Bailly when Varane isn't fit and we'd still be reliant on 3 RB options who are all mid-table level.

As for this consensus that, in light of how poor he is, Maguire must be our worst defensive option - bollards!

AWB is easily the most incompetent defender I've ever seen at United.

We need another RB now, and will need at least one more CB before we can think about selling Maguire who, whilst certainly not good enough, is no worse than Lindelof or Bailly.

10.) 21 Aug 2022 12:23:47
United's squad problem is simple to understand. Imagine there are two boxes. Box one is labelled technical ability and intelligence. While box two is labelled physical ability (pace/ power) .

Now go through the squad list and place each player in the appropriate box based on their best aspect.

Now step back and realise box 2 is overflowing and box 1 has very few players in it, while there are probably only a couple of players who could go in either box.

Any manager who has tried to get these players to play as a team with intelligence, adhering to a tactical plan based on making smart decisions and technical ability rather than playing on instinct trying to outpace or overpower the opposition with physical traits has failed miserably to do so.

This is simply because this group of players lacks the technical quality and intelligence to play that way.

11.) 21 Aug 2022 13:20:45
Realistic transfer fee for Maguire
Half a bag of Hola Hoops and 3 jellybeans. Although I'd feel we we're robbing the other club blind.

12.) 21 Aug 2022 13:23:41
Props to the Shappy, that's the most perfect yet, frustratingly, simple way of explaining why United's squad is so disjointed.



01 Jun 2022 09:52:47
Hi Ed002, you mentioned on the Everton page that Richarlison could be offered to Real Madrid or Man United through his agent.

Do the club have any interest in signing him?


{Ed002's Note - Not that I am aware.}

1.) 01 Jun 2022 11:37:11
Lets hope. not.



19 May 2022 23:12:00
Dean Henderson to Newcastle?

Makes a little bit of sense as a permanent move if we need to bring in money.

But doesn't make much sense as a loan deal, if were being honest newcastle will potentially be challenging for europe next season, doesn't make sense to strengthen a rival.


1.) 19 May 2022 23:26:24
Think I’d prefer Dubravka….



18 Jun 2021 18:24:36
Reports that ole is going make a definitive decision on the number 1 spot and has opted for Henderson.

Not an easy call to make and leaves the club in a tough position with DDG.

An alexis type loan deal most likely for him I assume if he wants first team football next season.


1.) 18 Jun 2021 22:23:23
The sensible decision.

2.) 19 Jun 2021 07:32:32
The sensible decision in what way? DDG has been a loyal servant, Henderson has had one good season at Sheff Utd and has more market value. Just because it’s the decision you’d make doesn’t make it sensible Shappy. Think i speak for many on here when I say the sooner you realise that the better.

3.) 19 Jun 2021 07:37:47
What are the loan options, most clubs seem settled in the goalkeeping department, and then there is the matter of his £375k a week wages to cover.

4.) 19 Jun 2021 07:57:45
Thats why its going to have to be an alexis type deal where we pay a fair chunk of the players wages while they play for their loan club.

5.) 19 Jun 2021 09:21:28
Red Whiskey, DDG has continued to decline every year for the past 3 seasons. That is not a blip but a clear pattern of decline.

Currently Henderson and DDG although having different strengths and qualities are probably on par.

So if you have two keepers, on a similar level, but one is declining while the other is improving then surely backing the keeper who is on the up is the sensible thing to do.

DDG has been a loyal servant and he has been paid handsomely for it. He is the highest paid player in the league, yet he isn't even in the top ten best players in the league currently. He has also had a little dig at the club in a post wishing Romero the best. Saying that Romero deserves to be treated well by his next club. He might be 100% right in what he is saying. Yet to publicly back a player leaving the club over the club doesn't look great.

Personally given that it will be hard to sell DDG this summer then loaning him out seems like the best and most sensible decision.

That way both keepers understand their role and it removes the indecision that has impacted both of their performances this season.

Henderson gets a shot at proving himself without the spectre of DDG hanging over his head.

DDG gets a fresh club to play at which might give him the jolt needed to get him back to his best form.

While if Henderson flops then we still have DDG on the books to come back.

6.) 19 Jun 2021 09:30:51

What are you on about? It looks like you have a massive soft spot for DDG. Logically thinking, DDG does not deserve to be first choice gk anymore. He has been horrible for past three years and yet is the highest paid player in the league.

Form loss usually only last for weeks or months. DDG has lost his form for 3 years now which means he is in decline. As much he has done for the club, it is time to say good bye.

It is sad to see many people slating henderson just because he is here to replace their beloved DDG. Henderson is still learning and can only be better. He is better in everthing compared to DDG except shot stopping. To be fair, DDG has never been good at anything except shot stopping and there was no one better than him.

As Shappy said, sensible thing is to go for Henderson as first choice and sell DDG. If he was at low wage then i would understand but he is at incredibly stupid wage which is not healthy for the club.

7.) 19 Jun 2021 10:31:40
Henderson is a perfectly adequate goalkeeper, but is that what we want, adequate.

We all agree that DDG needs to be moved on, ideally he would like to go back to Madrid, but neither club there looks an option at the moment. Heard that he sounded out Barcelona as he is close friends with Aguero, but the money situation is too difficult to overcome.

The more you look at it the madder his contract looks, with three years to run and £60million still due to him. Those are big numbers for loan clubs to consider and even bigger for United for someone who might not be playing for you, dwarfs the cost of sacking Jose which cost us only £20million.

Personally I would prefer if we went for someone like Meslier, who is already ahead of Henderson in ability, yet three years younger.

8.) 19 Jun 2021 10:50:58
Grim, he only has two years left on his contact until June 2023. I fully agree that in hindsight the length and size of his contract seems like a bad decision.

I disagree that Henderson is merely "adequate". I think he is a very talented keeper. I'm also not the only one, with teams such as Chelsea, Spurs, Arsenal, PSG and Dortmund all having had him seriously scouted and interested in signing him (although with PSG signing Donnarumma I expect their interest has gone now) .

Top sides are interested because they see the talent in him. I'd say his current level is greater than that of DDG during his first couple of season's with us.

It would be madness of the club to let him go without giving him a season as first choice to see if he can prove himself at the highest level.

9.) 19 Jun 2021 11:40:05
For me there is no contest between them. If DDG can restore his confidence, which is the problem, then in terms of skill I haven't seen Henderson do anything in the numerous chances he was given last season to suggest he's anywhere near the same level. He's English and has come through our ranks and people like that. But he's not really done a thing as far as I'm concerned other than play well for a lesser side on loan where he was tested far more often.

10.) 19 Jun 2021 11:56:26
Hendo for me all day long. If we lose him we will be searching for a new number 1 in a year or 2 and will struggle to find a keeper as good as him because if he's playing every week he's going to get better.

11.) 19 Jun 2021 12:40:00
Option on the additional year Shappy, we usually extend those because we want to get a fee for a player. With the exception of the Dog Walker, have we ever let a player at DDG's level go without asking for money in return?

I agree Henderson is talented, but so is Lingard, at United he is a squad player, not a first team player.

Interesting that Chelsea, Spurs, Arsenal, PSG and Dortmund all looked at Dean. However PSG decided on Donnurumma, Dortmund went with Kobel, Spurs were actually looking at Maignan until he went to Milan, Chelsea considered Donnarumma, but now he has gone to PSG will stick with what they have and Arsenal want Onana.

12.) 19 Jun 2021 13:52:27
The problem is, is that DDG has made mistakes for the past 3 years and until this season wasn't dropped. Romero deserved to be our number 1.

In OGS first season DDG cost us a place in the CL by making some very silly errors, which were partly down to OGS wanting to play out from the back. The club then went on to offer him a huge new contract, which he didn't deserve due to how poor his form was. Even Mourinho said on Sky Sports that is was very surprised that he got a deal like that given how poor he had been.

OGS can't make a decision. He Brough Henderson back, left Romero in the lurch and the only GK who was probably happy was Grant.

I can't wait for the club to offer pogba a new monster deal and watch him play poorly again. He clearly doesn't want to be at the club. During the Euros his comments have made it obvious.

Utd are a poorly managed club, run by amateurs.

13.) 19 Jun 2021 14:08:12
There is no proof that Henderson will only get better and improve and there is no proof that a goalkeeper at 31 will keep declining.
The only real question is if we believe Henderson will become a top top keeper, i personally don't. So we have two options:
1) We believe in him becoming a top keeper and far better than the current ability of De Gea so we keep him.
2)We don't believe in him and believe that it is a risk so we sell him NOW because now his price is higher. After 1-2 average seasons his price will go down. Furthermore between two "average" keepers i would prefer the one with the expiration date (De Gea) . He has two year contract and we have enough time to think about his replacement if we won't renew his contract. He will also be 33 and we will have an easy desicion. With Henderson it will not be an easy desicion because of age and nationality, so if he is half decent stick with him so stick with an average keeper.
So the sensible choice is stick with De Gea and at the same time try to find his replacement after 1-2 seasons.

14.) 19 Jun 2021 14:14:59

You’ve just said OGS can’t make a decision then described the decision he made. I think what you mean is he made a decision you didn’t agree with which is different.

15.) 19 Jun 2021 14:37:30
Id sell them both and go for Oblak. You never know until you ask.

16.) 19 Jun 2021 15:17:47
Is this a new trend over here where players are judged without being given a proper chance to prove themselves? And yet we got Ole in charge.

I agree DeGea is the more experienced and better shot stopper of the two and if possible I would have him as No.1 with Henderson as backup rotating with him and gaining experience in the process.

However, if we have to make a choice then based on the mistakes made by both I would keep Henderson as he is much younger and a better all round keeper and has time on his side to improve upon his weakness. I would give him a season to see if he can step up and if not we can always get someone better.

The problem though is with DeGea's contract right now and we somehow need to handle that.

GrimisnotDead as far as Lingard is concerned he was given more than enough chances in the first team which he failed to take. And other teams haven't come in for Hendo probably because we are not yet ready to let him go.

17.) 19 Jun 2021 16:02:25
It's definetely the riskier of the options. Ole immediately alienated Lukaku upon his arrival in place of the local lad. After numerous options up front the situation will require major attention at the end of this season. Will history repeat itself?

I personally think it's the wrong decision but I hate the idea of rotating GKs. If he's chosen Henderson then so be it.

18.) 19 Jun 2021 21:08:56
LPU, wasn't Lingard only behind Lukaku in the scoring stats in 17/ 18 under Jose, hardly not taking his chance. He then had his dip in form which was due to his well know off field issues. Ole initially refused to let him go on loan, its was only because Jesse forced the issue that Ole buckled, and you have to agree he took his chance at WH.

Teams haven't come in for Hendo because clubs know we aren't ready to let him go? That is not how football works, if a club was truly interested in him they would have already sounded out his agent about the possibility of a move, the fact that the majority have scouted him and moved on says alot.

But that is the beauty of football, we all have opinions, for me Henderson would be perfect for an Everton or West Ham, but not a top four team, which is what we expect to be.

19.) 20 Jun 2021 04:47:01
GrimisnotDead, Lingard played well for a while but he was afforded a lot of chances to make the position his own which he failed to do so. So, effectively he has not taken his chance.

How do you know that other clubs haven't come in for him? And without even giving Henderson a proper chance why are you even judging him to not be good for us? Just give him a chance to prove himself before making a hasty judgement.

20.) 20 Jun 2021 07:53:18
Grim, I don't think Lingard and Henderson's situations are comparable.

Lingard has made 133 appearances for the club over a 7 year period, under three different managers.

Henderson has made 13 appearances, in one year, under one manager, with 8 of them coming in a run of consecutive games.

Teams have come in for Henderson, they have approached his agent and they have approached the club and have been met with a flat out no.

The fact they have moved on when a top club have refused to sell them a player, only says they are well run and not stupid.

21.) 20 Jun 2021 08:12:12
Herrera, while there might not be any definitive proof that a 24 year old goalkeeper will continue to improve. It's pretty well accepted that most players hit their peaks in their late 20's or early 30's. With keepers often hitting their peaks later and sustaining it for longer.

So while there is not proof that Henderson will improve, probably around 90% of keepers at his age will continue to improve.

Is there any definitive proof that DDG will continue to decline? No, but he has shown a steady and continuous decline over the past 3 seasons. That's more than a blip. Poor form lasts week's, maybe months, but not years.

For me the only way I see DDG rediscovering his form is if he moves and has a new challenge. Even then I doubt that will see him return to his absolute best.

For me he is a similar keeper to Casillas. Great shot stopper, average at everything else. Even at his peak DDG was weak in the air, his distribution was average, his command of his area was poor. But he made saves that no one had a right to make. His reactions were freakish.

The issue is as you age your reaction speed declines first. We saw it with Casillas and we are seeing it with DDG. His shot stopping is still way above average, but it's not anywhere near where it was when he was 26. And in my opinion it never will be again.

This has exposed DDG's lack of quality in all other goalkeeping departments. His inability to play out from the back has seen him lose his spot for the national team, first to Kepa now to Simon.

Both decent keepers but not world class.

The reality is that he is likely to continue to decline. Apparently Ole has set him with specific training to try and improve his distribution. Something I wonder why no other managers/ goalkeeping coaches have done. Over the past 8 years he should have been working to improve his weaknesses and make himself a better all round keeper, that would have mitigated his loss in reaction time as he aged and would have kept him near the top.

Currently there are maybe 4 or 5 keepers in the EPL better than him. With some young ones who over the next year or so might overtake him as well. Dean Henderson being one of them.

I expect if you went to all the top sides and offered them DDG or Henderson right now for the same price, say 30m. The majority would pick Henderson. That tells you all you need to know about who should be out No.1.

22.) 20 Jun 2021 08:38:42
I miss van der Sar : (.

23.) 20 Jun 2021 09:39:56
Trololo, I miss VDS, my personal favourite keeper during my lifetime.



04 Jan 2021 20:54:57
Rojo to boca juniors? Not sure if accurate but Would make sense for him to finish his playing back in his natice argentina.





DSG's banter posts with other poster's replies to DSG's banter posts


30 May 2024 12:23:48
-------------We really don't want to go there - sorry---------------


1.) 30 May 2024 15:03:08

2.) 30 May 2024 17:09:34
Whatever the original post it was worth it for Danny's reply.

3.) 30 May 2024 17:42:16
Top man for the funnies.



16 May 2024 17:31:25
Would anyone take De Gea back on reduced wages.

I think Onana has been okay in the league tbf but was abysmal in the champions league and could do with some competition. Also the budget will be tight and money needs to be prioritised on outfield positions with Varane, Casemiro leaving.


1.) 16 May 2024 17:48:42
Should never of gone
We could of had Kane if we didn’t get rid of De Gea and buy Mount too.

2.) 16 May 2024 17:49:51
I’d take him back on £100k a week and the understanding that he isn’t first choice and play him in the cups.

3.) 16 May 2024 19:12:49
Is it even an option? Not sure it is. Also not sure why he’s hasn’t found a new club, unless he’s tied to the area near the club for personal reasons.

4.) 16 May 2024 19:42:22
De Gea’s situation is a very weird one. No idea why he hasn’t found a club, because he’s far too good to be out of the game. Wage demands maybe? Or taking a gap year?

5.) 16 May 2024 19:57:56
I think there's a few reasons Eric. Last I read he doesn't have an agent so probably isn't being thrown at every club. I think he's also just been enjoying his time not playing.

With regards to the first question - in a heart beat. Not only for his ability but his presence in the dressing room. I think individual errors by Onana cost us not getting out of the champions league group stage and also dropped points in the league. Mistakes De Gea would not have likely made.

6.) 16 May 2024 21:23:37
No, I wouldn't. He had not had a good season and there were plenty of people who were ready for a change. What makes anyone think his game will have improved after a year off? Besides which, prior to the end of his contract he was the highest paid goalie in the EPL by a good distance, and quite frankly he didn't justify it. I also think he was quite happy to spend some time at home with his wife. Whether or not you like Onana, de Gea had reached the end of his time at United.

As for Kane, it's entirely speculative to think that the club would have been able to buy him had they not bought Onana or Mount, or that he even wanted to come to us. There's also nothing to suggest that we would have been much better off if we had Kane, given all of the injuries to our defenders. If there's anyone we should have stumped up for it would have been Rice, but then again, why would he move from London to Manchester when a better footballing team was offering him a good contract?

Note: We're not that attractive a proposition for top level footballers.

7.) 16 May 2024 21:54:06
I think he has a pretty decent side gig/ hustle with his e-sports team so isn't sitting around twiddling his thumbs, therefore isn't in a rush to find a lower standard team or move to saudi like other players his age.

8.) 16 May 2024 23:48:00
He had a good year in his last season, winning the golden globe. But okay.

We need to be looking forward, not backwards. can't bring him back now.

We had no chance of getting Kane, so please stop with the nonsense. Tottenham have a bad taste in their mouths from selling off their stars to prem rivals, so Levy clearly wanted to avoid. Tottenham wanted to overtake us, why would he strengthen the team they were looking to replace in the top 4?

9.) 17 May 2024 09:40:07
Don’t remember him winning the golden globe, what film was he in?

He made a number of high profile errors last season and he is not good enough with his feet, whether Onana is the correct replacement is debatable but we definitely needed to improve on a keeper who couldn’t play how we wanted to play and was one of the highest paid players at the club.

10.) 17 May 2024 10:21:56
Having two top GKs at one club never seems to work. Always one master and one apprentice there are.

I'm sure many would say Onana doesn't fall into the top category. I'm still unsold on him, personally. He does make some great stops but has been responsible for a lot of goals due to errors, and seems to let in a few where we'd expect a player of his reputation to do a lot better.

Mystery why Dave the Save hasn't found a club. Maybe he's holding out for one that he really fancies, or just wanted a gap year. But let's not forget how much he was slated on here before we lament how much we're missing him.

11.) 17 May 2024 12:42:28
Giggs, he made less errors than many "top" keepers. But the hipsters wanted to clip him up constantly and were obsessed with a ball playing goal keeper. How is that working out?

We brought in a sweeper keeper ball playing keeper before we had the team to play with him. His distribution has been worse than DDGs at times. His keeping has been no where near his level. There are signs he can settle and be a good player for us, but his settling period has been painful.

12.) 18 May 2024 11:46:33
Nope, I want to be able to remember him as the great player he was for us, why taint that legacy.

He's a phenomenal shot stopper, for 4-5 years he was head and shoulders the best shot stopper in the world. Making world class saves pretty much every game.

Unfortunately the role of the goalkeeper has changed and in the current football landscape DDG just doesn't have the all round skills needed for top clubs. In fact many "smaller" clubs are looking to have keepers who are better with their feet and capable of playing as a sweeper keeper. Brighton for example were happy to sell Sanchez (whose a really good shot stopper and probably one of the best keepers in the league for coming out and collecting crosses) because they preferred to play with Steele as he suited their style of play better.

That's probably a big part of the reason why DDG has not found a new club in almost a year.

Let his legacy stay untarnished I say, and move on.



31 Mar 2024 14:10:04
Two questions:

1.) Has anyone been able to make sense of our tactic of letting the opponent have 30 shots on our goal every game? Has Ten Haag even been asked about it at a press conference lol.

2.) Ten Haag pushed for us to loan Andrew Tate from Fiorentina for a huge loan fee but never plays him, another odd signing.


1.) 31 Mar 2024 14:41:54
1 Eth says he does not mind us conceeding so many chances as long as we win. So he has perfected making us porous we just have to wait for him to get the hang of the winning part of his philosophy.
2. Eth got his man. Same as Anthony and weggy and erikson etc.

2.) 31 Mar 2024 15:33:23
Yesterday we still have to play with wan Bissaka, lindelof, mcguire, mctominay. Bruno, rashford. We need to realise what we are and move all these players out and rebuild. It is shocking how little value our players put in possession. No effort or energy to win the ball through pressure, no commitment in 50 50s, when we have the ball we simply hoof it away. If we are not dealing with the terrible playing staff we still have at the club, then we are not moving forward. With these players jn the team we are where we deserve to be in the league. If we had martinez, cassemiro, shaw, varane fit all season, I suspect we would be challenging for top 4. But it is still not good enough, and Fernandes and rashford, our two stars, are synonymous with how poor we are compared to other top 6 teams.

3.) 31 Mar 2024 16:41:50
I fully agree DB.

However, where I do sympathise with some of the EtH outers is his team selections, although it would be remiss of me to just dismiss the injuries he’s had to contend with, I just can’t fathom the over reliance on some players.

If he continues to play Rashford and Bruno he’ll almost certainly lose his job, if he hasn’t already.

Hoijlund up front, Mount at No10, Garnacho left, Ahmed right, Mainoo and Casemiro in midfield. Hopefully Varane and Martinez at CB but he might just have to rely on whoever is fit and available at CB.

We simply can’t get any worse than what happened last night so EtH might as well roll the dice and reward young Ahmed with a run in the team for not only his impact and performance against Liverpool but his work rate and intensity. Now Mount is fit again, he might as well give him at run at No10. He might at least try and look after the ball a bit better.

What’s the worse that can happen now?

I’m not suggesting that team will suddenly start playing fantastic football but at least it has more players aligned with how EtH wants to play and to be honest I just can’t stand the same underperforming players being selected all the time.

Wishful thinking but do we really want to see another game of Rashford not trying, Bruno giving the ball away and Mctominay playing hide and seek?

4.) 31 Mar 2024 17:24:58
All those players did quite well last season. 2 Cup finals and 3rd. They are hopefully going to have another cup final this season.
They are consistently inconsistent.
To my amateur eye they're is no obvious game plan. That is not the players fault imo. A man leading that nobody knows how to follow is just a man going on a walk on his own. If he can't get everybody follow him every week then you get what we have.
No doubting we have players not up to following anybody and they need to be weeded out too.
There is no quick fix no magic wand.
If anybody has any doubt about eth then now is the time to change imo.
For me it's not a case of whether he has been a failure it's more the question do I think he will be much better or a success?
I genuinely can't point to 1 thing that leads me to believe that no matter what the circumstances he will get things right.

5.) 31 Mar 2024 18:28:01
Last season we sat deep and played long ball (counter attack) all season.

If everyone wants better with these players then we can do that, get ole back. We might get UCL some seasons.

You don't challenge playing like that. And these players can't play any other way.

Could rash and bruno be better if the back four could squeeze up and play a high line? Maybe. But I think we all know that they can't play like that. We have always been poor against a low block with those two I the team.

Mctominay is terrible as a midfielder. He is plan d, when chasing a game in the 80th minute.

6.) 31 Mar 2024 20:28:44
Ken, do you think that perhaps the players are incapable of sticking to a game plan?

Jose had a game plan.
Van Gaal had a game plan.

Both, at various points, said the players weren’t doing what they were asked to do on the pitch.

ETH looked like he had a plan during the first few months at the club. There was more pressing, a higher line, and evidence of the team moving in the right direction. Since then it has reverted to the style these players seem to like to play. Sit deep, break fast, and hopefully win by nicking a goal.

I’m far from convinced by ETH. He has made some dubious decisions in regard to transfers and keeps picking underperforming players. But. I think he came into the club with a plan and is now in a position of abandoning it in the hope that it panders to the players and saves his job. There is obviously something rotten in the culture at the club and in the dressing room that results in successive managers being unable to implement any sustained footballing approach. Every time the team reverts to sit and break. Not sure if ETH can solve it, but somebody in the new footballing directorate needs to.

As for Arambat. A few clubs were looking at him as someone who could be a good fit in the EPL. It hasn’t worked out. At least we didn’t sign him permanently.

7.) 31 Mar 2024 21:55:43
Sack ETH and bring in Roy Keane. At least the run in would be entertaining?.

8.) 01 Apr 2024 14:31:24
A couple of wins will quite the crowd and we will be well in for a top4/ 5 finish. It will not be easy but doable. Chelsea away game harder to win than Scousers at home imo.

Finally watched the game yesterday and Mainoo, Garnacho, rash, Hoiland, Bruno, mc and plenty more had either poor or stinkers. Personally thought Bruno and awb had stinkers and both defensively Just awful and offensively nothing.

Team looked slow, gassed early and no legs and if I am not mistaken we have done this after every break.

Onana is starting to show he is a top keeper and must be a nightmare to be a keeper with this bunch in front of him.

I might not be popular opinion but playing any combination of midfielders with Bruno is a defensive weakness, he does nothing defensively and makes everyone else look awful whether its cas or mc or mount or name whatever combination you put out there. dilemma is what you lose offensively if you don't play him and maybe mount can do a better job playing as a 10 but he has hardly played with this team and this group of players this year and not match fit and it takes time to play that role properly.



11 Mar 2024 12:27:20
Shots conceded in the last 10 games:

Arsenal : 79
Man City : 82
Liverpool : 106
Man United : 200

I know Martinez and Shaw are out but come on this is ridiculous lol.


1.) 11 Mar 2024 13:30:25
Don't compare us to them it's not right to look at the clubs that are doing well and draw any conclusion apparently.

2.) 11 Mar 2024 13:45:42
ETH needs to figure out how to properly set up a defence.

3.) 11 Mar 2024 14:31:22
EtH needs a fully fit defence to do that. Our best defense is Martinez. It's not coincidence that whisky's he's been out, Utd have been well off the pace.

4.) 11 Mar 2024 17:02:50
We are playing a deep defense because they can't play a high line.

But we are also pressing high to try to be proactive.

Imagine we parked the bus at home against Everton. What would people say then?

We need to keep possession better, but our players have been making individual errors. Cassemiro lost the ball alot. Lindelof is filling in at leftback, but is not accomplished there.

In those 2 games we conceded 2 against fulham and 3 against city. The only poor defensive result was the 2 against fulham. City was a decent effort with. Daft goal at the end when we were pushing to get back in it. The others were clean sheets, so can't be that bad.

5.) 11 Mar 2024 17:03:06
Jesus that is such a silly stat. We haven't had our first pick back 4 all season.

6.) 11 Mar 2024 17:39:16
Teams play through as they press when losing position and the defence is too deep as they have no legs.

We need to play to the style the players are capable of.

Personally I’d go 532 or 442 for the rest of the season. Defence and midfield aren’t right.

7.) 11 Mar 2024 18:58:23
It's not just the defence though, we have very little to no cover in midfield ahead of that defence.

For me the most important transfers we need this summer is TWO CB's and TWO midfielders. After that then look at a back up to Højlund and then possibly a RW. But we can't even consider trying to fix/ improve the attack until we have a solid base/ heart of the team.

8.) 11 Mar 2024 20:31:34

So why when we needed midfield did ETH focus on Mount and Amrabat?

A CF is vital, our goals scored is a serious problem.

9.) 11 Mar 2024 20:35:02
Shappy I agree. Our midfield is nowhere near good enough. Teams play and get straight through to our defence so it's no surprise.

10.) 11 Mar 2024 21:07:35

Amrabat was a loan with fee. Who else would we get for 10m?

Mount has been injured all season, so wasnis your point? We have no idea what he would have done with a fit squad, because we haven't had it.

11.) 12 Mar 2024 05:47:53

A few days ago Shappy posted about how we had no midfield players and that Amarabat and Mount were not what we needed. I asked him why then did ETH push to get Mount and Amarabat, last summer, why was the position that Shappy highlighted, not seen by the Manager? He didn’t reply, hence why I asked him again.

On ETH, I think we should have seen far more cohesion as a team than we have, players, even the ones stepping in, knowing what they are doing, playing in a pattern. We haven’t and for me need to see something quickly.

12.) 12 Mar 2024 11:38:09
Red Man, we needed a RB and a CB and a ST and a winger last summer as well.

We can't sign endless players for all of our weaknesses in one window.

I'd imagine a combination of factors played into the decisions to sign the players we did last summer.

Maybe the CDM player we wanted wasn't available, or maybe we could have only signed our 4th or 5th choice option for that position and felt it made more sense to sign our first choice option for another position rather than an option way down the list for another position.

We signed Amrabat on loan as we were strapped for cash, he can and has played as a deeper midfielder. Unfortunately he does not seem to be at the level required to play that role in the EPL.

Could we have signed a better player on loan or permanently for a similar or lower fee? I doubt it.

Maybe the decision was made that Casemiro was still going to be able to be a key contributor and they thought Mainoo was ready to step up.

If Casemiro was playing at the same level as last season and Mainoo had been available for the first half of the season then things would look very different.

Unfortunately Casemiro has struggled with injury and form this season, he's clearly declining and not able to keep up with the pace of the EPL. While Mainoo missed a big chunk of the season out injured.

Maybe exposing a weakness in the squad that didn't look as big a weakness last June.

I disagree that we didn't need Mount. I think he'll prove to be a very good signing for us. Unfortunately he has also been struck down by the injury curse that has plagued us this season.

If you look at his competition in the squad we have an aging Eriksen who is also declining and struggling to stay fit. Along with Bruno who turns 30 in September and there is a question as to whether he is the right kind of player for an EtH system. He probably doesn't have a long term future, and I wonder if that would have been clearer this season had Mount stayed fit all season.

As mentioned we needed a new CB, but when Maguire refused to leave we couldn't raise funds and replace him so we couldn't sign a player more suited to play the way the manager wants. Similar thing with McTominay in midfield, we couldn't arrange a sale which would have potentially brought in 30m or so. If we add that to the money spent on Amrabat's loan then maybe we could have had 40m or so to buy the CDM needed last summer.

The signings and rebuild of this squad have been and will continue to be severely impacted by our ability to move players on. Both to create space for new signings and to create the financial freedom to do so.

If the club was in the hands of INEOS last summer I'd have expected a very different outcome.

However, we had a bloated squad lacking quality and suitability to play progressive front foot style of football to the required level. An inability to trim that squad, in part due to the wages we pay making finding buyers difficult, but also due to the amateurish way the club was being run. Which was probably exasperated by the fact the club was up for sale and there was massive uncertainty over all decisions.

That led to us being unable to move on enough players to free up funds and space to make the required signings. As well as impeding our ability to sign the players we did have funds for.

That left us with unbalanced squad, making us particularly vulnerable to injuries to key players. Which unfortunately is exactly what happened.

The fact that EtH has had to rely on making more loan signings in 18, months than SAF made in 27 years tells you everything you need to know about the difficulties the manager has faced trying to reshape this squad into a coherent team capable of playing a good style of play consistently.

13.) 12 Mar 2024 15:30:41

Fernandes and rashford can't.

Lindelof at leftback cant.

McGuire can't.

Mctominay cant.

If you play out from the back with a couple of weak links, the pressing team simply targets those players.

Successful football with these players is parking the bus and counter attacking. But when he does that, you come on here and slate him for being a small time manager and not utd standard.

You are literally expecting the impossible. He prioritised winning last year and he was slated for style of play.

He actually does play with a style of play now, but with the major concession of the defenders sitting too deep due to lack of pace. We often get the ball to our attackers in promising positions, but they have been awful, both individually and as a group, so we have not scored anything like the goals we should have.

We either accept that we need a full reset of this failed team, or we prolong the agony.

14.) 12 Mar 2024 15:35:51
Stop talking sense and reason shappy incase it catches on ….

15.) 12 Mar 2024 16:04:30
Dodgy - what style of play?
The football that we played last season was better than this season.

16.) 12 Mar 2024 17:14:23
Wonder why that could be Simmo?

What possible reason could there be for a drop off in ball playing. Higher line back four?

Maybe playing Lindelof Evan's and McGuire more than we have played Shaw, Martinez and varanne?

17.) 12 Mar 2024 17:42:25
We lost 11 league games so far.
How many did Shaw play in of those 11?
How many did martinez play in?
How many did varane play in?

18.) 12 Mar 2024 17:43:47
Let's see what sense is talked by the experts running the football side of the business in the summer.

19.) 12 Mar 2024 19:33:14
How many did they play together Ken, presumably you’ll know?

20.) 12 Mar 2024 19:45:24

You are missing my point. You said that Mount and Amarabat were not what we needed last summer, so why did ETH push for them?

You said “Maybe the CDM player we wanted wasn't available” and we signed our first choice option for another position rather than an option way down the list for another position. ”

What position was Mount first choice and bought for? If ETH bought Mount rather than the position you identified as critical that was surely an error?

21.) 13 Mar 2024 09:37:03
Ken., those 11 games, Varane played in 5, Shaw 4 and 2 of them at CB, Martinez 3. The only time all 3 played together was against Tottenham 1st game of the season and since then there has never been a premier league game this season when at least 2 of them played in the same game.



04 Mar 2024
New image uploaded to the
Manchester United Player Sightings page entitled, Maybe a tiny little tactical/coaching issue?

Click picture for larger image


1.) 04 Mar 2024 21:10:42
That’s embarassing.

2.) 05 Mar 2024 08:31:52
Not exactly a surprise with the lack of control we have in games and needs to be majorly addressed next year. It is embarassing.
To add some balance however we have conceded the 6th least number of goals so whilst we are conceing a lot of shots those shots are not being converted.
Is Onana having a better season than his errors suggest? Are the last line of defence actually doing better at making the shots not clinical ones, are the shooters actually making poor shots!
All of the above maybe.

3.) 05 Mar 2024 11:35:36
Hardly surprising, our defence have been injured for the majority of the season.

How many games have we conceded 16+ shots when we have had a back four of Dalot, Varane, Martinez and Shaw?

This is exasperated by issues in midfield with Casemiro being injured and seeing a drop off in form when he does play. We have no other natural defensively minded midfielders to come in and replace him.
McTominay doesn't have the reading of the game to play as a CDM.
Eriksen has spent most of his career as an offensive midfielder, he's also been injured for periods this season.
Donny just hasn't been good enough, isn't a defensive midfielder and has also been injured.
Mount isn't a CDM and has been injured.
Bruno isn't a CDM, and doesn't have the discipline to play that role.
Hannibal likewise as Bruno, not a CDM and lacks discipline.
Amrabat has not stepped up and proven himself in the EPL. To be fair he's been injured and hasn't been able to get a run of games, yet when he has played he looks well off the pace for the EPL.

That leaves Mainoo who's been our best and most consistent midfielder. He has also been injured for the majority of the season and has only been able to play for the last two months. He's an 18 year old kid with limited senior experience. There is some debate about what his best role in midfield is, is he a No.6 holding player, is he a No.8 box to box player, he can even play as a No.10. personally I think he's probably best suited to being the box to box No.8 at this stage in his career, then I could see him dropping into being a holding No.6 later in his career.

The fact remains the only midfielder we have had who can play as a shielding player for our defence who has been in any sort of form this season is an 18 year old kid with less than 20 games under his belt who has also been injured for the majority of the season.

Meaning we have a defence that is a shambles due to injuries and a lack of consistency. A defence in need of more protection than it would normally expect. Yet due to a lack of options and quality in midfield they have had less protection than they would normally receive.

Is it any wonder that in those circumstances we have been conceding more shots than we would normally expect.

Arsenal have the best defence in the league, they have also had the most consistent team selection in defence, along with one of if not the best defensive midfielders in Declan Rice operating in front of them giving them loads of protection.

If White, Saliba, Gabriel and Zinchenko missed as many games as Dalot, Varane, Martinez and Shaw this season do you think they would still have the best defence in the league?

While if on top of that they had both Rice and Partey out injured for pretty much the entire season as well, would that not massively effect their performances?

People have been quick to write off Onana, but look at what sort of protection his goal has had this season? The number of shots he has faced, and the fact that he actually ranks in the top three keepers in the league for save percentage, clean sheets, and has the best post shot xG rate in the league.

If Raya and Onana swapped places this season United would have conceded more goals and Arsenal less based on the performances of the goalkeepers this season.

No manager could have come up with a way to have improved this. If we played with a deeper defensive line, looked towards a low block and invited that pressure onto us then we would have been asking a weakened defence with no defensive midfielders to deal with more pressure and that would almost certainly have lead to more goals conceded.

We've tried to play a higher line, defend from the front and press high. Limit the pressure on our weakened defence by keeping the ball away from them. The problem is that our forwards line are inconsistent in their ability and motivation to press, making the high press inconsistent and ineffective. They also lack the technical skills to hold onto the ball once they get it. Meaning that even when we successfully press high and win the ball we lose it quickly to a miss control, a poor decision, a bad pass or an off target shot.

This squad while dealing with these injuries are forced to play the game like a basketball match. End to end with no control. This has meant that when our players do well scoring or defending we tend to win games, but if they aren't in form or the other team are better at defending them we lose.

I've said many times to those who feel we play the wrong tactics to come up with an effective alternative yet still no one has been able to think of a solution to get this group of players playing an effective brand of football.

This is the same manager who with his players fit massively improved us last season, won a cup and comfortably got top four.

The only difference this season is that he hasn't been able to play his team at any point this season. Always having to make changes due to injuries, massively affecting the teams ability to play an effective style of play to any level of consistency.

When a first choice player is unavailable and the back up player cannot play the same style or to the same level then you will see a drop off in the teams ability to function. When that happens to 4, 5 or 6 of your players then you have no hope of being able to play effectively.

Take 3 or 4 cogs out of your watch and replace them with differently sized cogs made of different materials and see if you can tell the time accurately.

Teams that can manage injuries and not see a big drop off in performance and results have players who can play the same way as the players they are replacing, even if at a lower level. Teams that win major honours have back up players who can play the same way and to or almost to the same level.

We don't have that, and we won't for 2-3 years. So to expect to see a consistent style of play with little drop off in performance when players are missing is just unrealistic.

The only real question here is why are so many people surprised to see a side without a defence and with no midfield to shield it's patched up defence concede a lot of shots.

Is that surprising? Is it shocking?

4.) 05 Mar 2024 13:52:09
Liverpool have played 60% of their games without their 1st choice lb and are playing a cb at lb.
Taa been out for 27% of their games replaced by a kid with less games than mainoo.
Allison been out for 27% of their games
Salah for 28%, jota the same.
Did you not post the other day how all clubs have had injuries this season. But that was for an argument to cover eth for our injuries.
I'm not shocked we are not winning the league. I'm shocked we are 11 points of 4th place and losing ground still.
Eth is a goner and that's good news.
Excuses don't cut it. He talks like ole completely delusional.
It was eth that chose mount over a cdm.
It was eth that chose Antony and still picks him.
No more time for excuses. Lack of goals over 2 years lack of attacking football. No improvement in any of our players.
Garnacho is getting worse and might end up like Antony has after 4 years of eth non coaching.
Rashford making same mistakes with final ball.
Shappy for every positive stat you can give for eth I'll give an equally compelling negative one.
You were like this with ole.
The club has more ambition than anything eth will deliver.
Yes he seems like a good guy and had done some bits well. But not nearly enough.
Everybody has injuries our have been worse than others but that does not excuse the way we play.
Nobody wants to follow the leader.

5.) 05 Mar 2024 14:32:22
What are you talking about tumble? Garnacho has been excellent this year. Are you criticizing a kid for have a couple of of games against Fulham and city? He has won his place as a first team regular and doing very well. Eth doing a great job of developing him, after also sorting his attitude last summer.

Mainoo has emerged as a fantastic talent, a player who ten hag was looking to bring into the first team this season- but injury meant that he was not available in the first half of the season.

The club has been totally mismanaged. What other club jn tge top 8 is struggling to afford a loan deal for a back up striker? Or sending a loanee leftback away to save pennies in loan fee and wages. We are broke. That is not eth's fault, that is mismanagement above him. I don't care if EtH sanctioned 150m for anthony, you cannot blame the financial situation on him.

People don't like excuses, but injuries are real. And they are a key reason why we have been poor this year. Until we rip out the remaining huts of this squad and properly rebuild, we will not be successful. Regardless of manager, we have to accept where we are and act accordingly. My worry is that the players who should go will see out another manager. We are already hearing that the likes of rash, bruno, maguire, lindelof, mctominay will not be going. Instead we will sell varane, cassemiro and the players out of our squad. So expect more if the same next season. But probably leaking more goals!

6.) 05 Mar 2024 14:51:18
Ken the other day you said you didn’t dislike ETH now that’s changed ?.

7.) 05 Mar 2024 15:12:12
I like Garnacho but I don't think he would be starting every game for most other teams in the top half of the league. I don't think ETH expected to be starting him so much either. But we have no one else to take the pressure off.

8.) 05 Mar 2024 15:30:22
Really db excellent?
2 assists all season.
Final ball after final ball going nowhere.
His shortish work is good no doubting his effort but he has not been making goals.
I don't think he has improved 1 iota this season.
Won his place in the team?? you keep trekking me at have no players fit so had he won it or is he in because we have no option.
Great prospect but imo will stagnate without better coaching.

9.) 05 Mar 2024 15:33:14
Again db who has blamed the financial situation on eth?
Who is blaming him for that.

10.) 05 Mar 2024 15:35:54
I don't dislike him but I don't want him to be manager any longer than the end of the season.
I don't think he is doing g a good job and don't think he will ever do much better than he did last season regardless of who is above him or playing for him.

11.) 05 Mar 2024 15:40:02
I also like Garnacho but I don’t think he is anywhere near as good as he thinks he is in his own head, which is bit of a concern, but I still think he better on the right than the left but got lots of learning to do, hopefully he gets a proper coaching team to bring him to frutition.

I always have concerns when you see so many photos and outside life from the football pitch of youngsters modelling etc, I know it’s 2024 but maybe concentrate first on your game, Garnacho guilty of it, Mount all the time and he not even playing, took the number 7 shirt for same reason, Onana even guilty of it, actually win something first or get your game in order first then do the rest… appears to be other way round nowadays.

12.) 05 Mar 2024 15:30:22
Really db excellent?
2 assists all season.
Final ball after final ball going nowhere.
His shortish work is good no doubting his effort but he has not been making goals.
I don't think he has improved 1 iota this season.
Won his place in the team?? you keep trekking me at have no players fit so had he won it or is he in because we have no option.
Great prospect but imo will stagnate without better coaching.

13.) 05 Mar 2024 16:35:34
Always maintain the most worrying game of the season was the first Monday Night Football when we played wolves and conceded 25+ shots on goal.

We had our full team out and ETH went with his first choice midfield of Casemiro, Bruno and Mount and Wolves walked right through us.

Throughout all the injuries which have been a lot granted we have always looked too easy to play against.

Shappys lengthy points don't hold much water imo.

14.) 05 Mar 2024 16:51:30
DSG for every ying there is a yang.

15.) 05 Mar 2024 18:40:01
Maybe someone needs to write 5,000 words to Peter schemieichel because he is confused too, like some of us are! maybe he needs to be put right in line, how dare he criticise! Cheek of it….

16.) 05 Mar 2024 19:14:02

You said “We have no other natural defensively minded midfielders to come in and replace him. (Cas) ” McT, Eriksen, Donny, Mount, Bruno, Hannibal and Amrabat, all not CDM or well off the pace.

So last summer tell us how ETH saw what was needed, assessed our priorities at CDM? His answer, Buy Mount, get Amrabat on loan. What do you think of that decision making?

How are we left with no left back at all in March? Why is there no real update on Malacia? Why did we not look for another loan or why not give the youth left back a chance? Better than zero left backs.

For all the essay, it looks to me like ETH didn’t understand what he had, what he needed or the standard of English football. Plus struggles to coach a strategy that makes a team cohesive as a unit. How many times do you start with make it difficult to beat and start from there? 15 losses, that’s embarrassing.

ETH also keeps trying to big up Antony, that looks like desperation, the desperation of a manager who knows he has made a right mess, spent the money poorly in directions that were wrong.

If ETH had set a structure, youth players could drop in, like at Liverpool, knowing what was needed, it’s a befuddled mess now and that is poor leadership and coaching. Care to defend that?

17.) 05 Mar 2024 19:28:57
Shappy made every excuse under the sun for ole too.
Told me over lunch it was all Jose's fault that the players were great.
The penny will drop eventually. It usually does.
Anybody that knows anything about leadership can see that eth is leading but nobody wants to follow him.

18.) 05 Mar 2024 19:43:24
For me, if you thought last season was good or not, ETH dropped a right Bo***** in the way he handled DeGea situation, if you wanted him or not after 10 years it was clear he would have close friends in the changing room, it was not the way to treat someone, then he moved on to Ronaldo, again if you like him or not or think he should come back or not, you don’t send Ronaldo or Messi on the pitch with a minute to go, that’s disrespectful the way he handled the Sancho situation was schoolboy…again he will have friends in that dressing room, the McGuire and McT situation trying to push them out the door then have to rely on them, it’s really just all round poor management at that level, he seems to stumble from one catastrophe to another, I just think the job was/ is too big for him and his never seems to learn either, he can’t be stupid, so it must be just the stubbornness, but I doubt there is one player in that dressing room who would shed a tear when he is gone certainly not one would run through any walls for him.

19.) 05 Mar 2024 20:09:28
Almost 100% convinced that tumbleweed and Strangeways are the same person after this.

20.) 05 Mar 2024 20:25:29
There is far more to leadership than kicking everyone up the backside. You have to make people believe in the direction you re going in, implement changes, even simple ones, that make a positive difference early but can be seen to make a positive long term one, communicate well so everyone buys the direction. You do that it gives you the chance to make tough decisions. I don’t see that looking in from the outside with ETH.

21.) 05 Mar 2024 21:02:58
Player power. Players don't want to follow. He is making them run too hard in training - yet we get out run in every game we lose.

We have the wrong players. Our players suit a bottom half team that want to sit back, absorb pressure and play on the counter.

Now if you want to change that, it might take more than 5 mins. Especially when some of the problems are bigger than the club. Some players cannot be dropped. Some players won't leave, even when we strip the captaincy and say they need to go.

Arteta was allowed to finish 8th twice and sell all the so called arsenal stars. Their wage bill probably came down. Did it benefit them? Are they a better team? Are they following his leadership?

The club are in a huge mess and the players have learned that they don't have to follow what the managers says. They use their agents, the media and friends who have national reach as pundits to get their way. We will not get better until we realise our leg is gangrenous and we cut off our rotting leg. Window dressing the same old same old will not get us back. That is the painful lesson we need to learn.

22.) 05 Mar 2024 21:08:20
You don’t half talk a load of guff Strangeways. He didn’t want McTominay or Maguire, that’s football. You’d probably flog Fernandes on day 1 if you went in with no thought for him. The club refused any offers so he was stuck with them. They’re both back in the squad and don’t cause problems. De Gea wasn’t in his plans but the club offered him a contract extension. They then removed the offer because it was probably clear he was not in ETH’s plans. You reckon we should have just let him have the contract though? Who is he playing for now anyway? He gave Sancho 3 months off to get his head sorted and eased him back into the team. How about a little respect from Sancho? Ronaldo needed to move on to move the team forward. He refused to come on v Tottenham, he did a childish tv interview with Morgan. You need a player like that in your squad.

Bottom line is this, if Ten Hag was at Ajax now, you’d be crying out for him to come in and work under SJR and Ineos’s structure. SJR is looking to recruit 4 positions on the football side? That’s 4 important positions that have not been there since ETH came in or any of the other managers. Might be best you and others stop comparing ETH’s 18 months to Klopps 9 years or Guardiola’s unprecedented backing from the his club.

23.) 05 Mar 2024 21:50:17

Would we be screaming out for ETH if he was at Ajax?

Perhaps that is the issue, City got Pep, Liverpool Klopp, would the manager of a club like Ajax, really be at that level? Given the list of managers that Ed kindly posted recently, do you really believe ETH would be on that list?

24.) 05 Mar 2024 21:24:36
Wazza once again your 100% conviction is wrong.

25.) 05 Mar 2024 22:10:57
Red Man. As fans I can’t see why we wouldn’t? We were 18 months ago (cue everyone claiming they didn’t want ETH then) from that list the likely candidates from my interpretation would be Potter, De Zerbi and the Lisbon boy. Why wouldn’t the Ajax manager be of their calibre?

26.) 05 Mar 2024 22:35:30

I am not sure we were all convinced at the time that he was the very top level, that doesn’t mean many didn’t want him.

Said before, we need to get away from the all powerful manager who must be given 5 years.

27.) 05 Mar 2024 23:23:00
EtH is the manager and the books stops with him.

Plenty of teams have injuries but good managers adapt and motivate.

EtH has done neither since the League Cup win.

28.) 06 Mar 2024 04:16:38
I never wanted him from day 1 I never ever see what credentials he had, winning in the Dutch league with Ajax is nothing special, they tanked a good lead in the champs league under ETH, all this rubbish he leads with iron fist may work at Ajax with kids was never ever going to work in epl at club size of United, Carlo, Pep, Klopp, don’t take crap but they don’t earn that respect by putting people on the naughty step like our school teacher does!
Yes ok he never wanted DeGea no problem but do it the right way.
ETH lacks man management skills required at the top level, he will never ever be considered for any top level club, would he be at Barca, Real, city, Liverpool, Bayern…not a chance.

29.) 06 Mar 2024 07:11:04
*Almost 100% Ken. There has to be some sort of relation, maybe a love child of yourself and Danny Murphy? ?.

30.) 06 Mar 2024 07:32:00
Bayern wanted him, Barcelona wanted him to replace Koeman but yeah ok ? unbelievable United are even considering Ashworth and co when a Strangeways is out there.

31.) 06 Mar 2024 10:07:18
Really ports. When did eth turn down the bayern and Barcelona jobs.
There is no public record of them ever offering him a job as 1st team coach.
I don't think that's true at all.

32.) 06 Mar 2024 10:41:01
Great banter wazza. That one made me laugh.

33.) 06 Mar 2024 10:45:49
Ken, I've seen houses that I like in the past and wanted them, never put in an offer in for 1 reason or another, doesn't mean I didn't want them. As we like to jump on any little thing though, let's say he was on their list of coaches. Bayern had him, apparently as fall back if their approach for Naglesmann didn't work, and Laporta, apparently identified him to replace Koeman. But then again this is all media hear say so you can choose to or not to believe that. However, most of people's criticisms of ETH are from what they read in the media. Sancho, Maguire, McTominay, Ronaldo, De Gea, no one really knows the discussions etc that took place regarding any of them but when you have an agenda you can't see the woods for the trees.

People can absolutely criticise team selections, game management decisions, signings but let's not use internal situations that we aren't privy of to criticise and also choose to ignore the incompetency of the club hierarchy as a stick to beat the manager.

34.) 06 Mar 2024 11:10:45
I get a bit of a sinking feeling Tuchel might be a serious contender. Available at the end of the season at a time when Utd are trying to save big money (as opposed to a £10m+ for some of the names being mentioned) and fair play vastly experienced. Just not overly keen on the character and a fair few players at recent clubs haven't taken to him. I know there's a suggestion that that's tough, and players have to get do as the manager asks, but look at the dividends of having that great relationship that Klopp and Pep have with their squads.

35.) 06 Mar 2024 13:41:17
The only major criticism I have is that he is not improving our players imo and the football offered up is poor.
You can't believe most of what's written in the media so I go on what I see and what conclusions I come to after seeing and listening to him.
If bayern wanted him he would have taken the job i'm sure. If Barcelona wanted him he would also have taken that job I'm sure. But they didn't want him or the would have offered him a job but they never.
If you wanted a house but never made an offer you didn't want it badly enough.
I'm sure he will pick up a job really easily and I hope he does well.
Just like when most players leave I hope they do well in their next job.
The United job is difficult playing for or managing. There is no shame in not being a huge success it's not for everybody.

36.) 06 Mar 2024 14:13:13
Have we had injuries this year? Only I’m not quite sure.

37.) 06 Mar 2024 14:57:57
So Ken. 3 players you think he should have improved and why? Bearing in mind you’ve been very vocal about these players having been coached poorly for 2 years and being on a holiday camp under Solskjaer.

38.) 06 Mar 2024 16:00:39
Ports I think he should have improved all the players. That's his job as coach.
I think he should have improved us all individually and as a team. That's what the best coaches do.
I only see significant disimprovement both individually and as a team.
We have not attacked effectively for his whole time here. Very few goals scored and very little exciting football and players at most other clubs look happier than our players in their job.

39.) 06 Mar 2024 16:27:57
I'm still utterly mystified by the dummies on here who can't quite seem to fathom the clear an obvious link between having all you best defensive players out of the team for 90% of the season and a down turn in the quality of defending during that time.

I mean really? Really?

I suppose they are the reason they put the "may contain nuts" warning on a packet of nuts??‍♂️?‍♂️.

40.) 06 Mar 2024 17:16:21
Your childish snipes at EtH just highlight the kind of person you are. It's one thing to think a manager isn't good enough, or not the right man for the job. Yet you feel the need to make it personal and take swipes at his personality despite not knowing the man, the situation he is in or anything other than the outside perspective

I wonder who posted that a few hours before calling others dummies.
Must have been a dummy.

41.) 06 Mar 2024 17:18:25
Shappy I’m with you.

I discuss things on here, sometimes wondering if one or two posters lack just a little intelligence to understand we’ve fielded 21 different back 4 combinations so far, have more injuries than any other top 6 club, and substantial off the field issues.

But people still expect us to be challenging and think the manager should be doing more ?.

{Ed025's Note - i think Liverpool may have had more injuries Wassa..

42.) 06 Mar 2024 17:38:52
Good to see you back. Hope all is well.
No Liverpool have had no injuries its a media conspiracy theory.

{Ed025's Note - yeah im good thanks Tumbleweed, they have got some decent kids there mate to cover injuries, but as we all win nothing with kids.. :)

43.) 06 Mar 2024 18:31:12
Think this is the issue Ken, you continue to compare 9 years of Klopp with 18 months of ETH. It’s unrealistic and unfair to judge ETH with this group of players because they are simply not good enough to play his system. Dann’s is 18, he would have started the process of playing Klopps way at 9 years old which is why he can come in and not look out of place. Liverpool have scouted academy players who can come in and play his system. You want ETH to have a system of play and then expect Maguire to play like Martinez. He’s simply not good enough and it’s clear when United try to play out that back when Martinez is out it looks uncomfortable. The majority of this team are conditioned to play counter attacking football not possession based but that’s not his system. So should he abandon his system to suit the players or stick to his system and sell the players who aren’t good enough and get players in who are?! Like the other top managers who you hold in higher regard. Shouldn’t have Guardiola made Phillips, Palmer, Porro, Zinchenko, Jesus better?

We got Pellistri and Diallo in because they were talented but was there a thought process behind how they played?

Managers are dealing with Millionaire’s now, Mourinho said it himself, they are a different beast to 10/ 15 years ago and when they get challenged they sulk, they know they can outlast the manager and that’s what happens. Until that cycle changes, things will continue. Best thing SJR could do is back the manager and set the standard for the players, get on board or get out. If it happens to 1 manager you can question them but 3,4, 5 managers?!

44.) 06 Mar 2024 18:38:21

I thought with the money spent we should see a challenge but didn’t think we would be challenging and said that from before the start of the season, I didn’t think we bought well and there were large gaps. I had us finishing in fifth this season.

Are our high priced defenders, even second choice ones not able to coordinate or be coached to coordinate with midfielders and defend as a unit? Can none of them be coached to play as a team, to follow instructions? Coaches are supposed to be able to coach players into units, get them playing as a team. ETH has not done that, we haven’t played as a unit, no great football, not one game. However, ETH thought we played well against City.

I am just not seeing it. Whilst I don’t call for the sack, he has to prove very quickly he knows what he is doing, show signs of a coordinated team playing football.

Alonso joined BL in October 22, were they second from bottom? ETH joined us in April 22. How long do you need to implement a style, a pattern? ,

45.) 06 Mar 2024 19:06:41
No other clubs had any injuries, no other club gets constantly picked on by the media, no other club had all the problems to deal with like ETH got/ had/ coming…. maybe just maybe the other clubs deal with all those things much much better, but it’s ok let’s follow the conspiracy theories we are so hard done by.

So we agree last year we did not have all those injuries, so why was the football still dire, why could we not score many goals, in fact one of the lowest and in fact if you took the one person you all abuse now out, where would we have finished. But guess your come up with more excuses for that too…

Oh sorry forgot we got such a stronger squad than last season too, the mind boggles, but let’s get personal in the replies even though we are not allowed to get personal with ETH now by all accounts…it’s laughable.

46.) 06 Mar 2024 19:44:22
Ports I completely disagree.
And I never mentioned klopp or eth comparison.
They have had loads of injuries and done great.
We have had more injuries and done badly.
I've not compared anything just 2 statements of fact.
It's not about comparisons.
I'm sure the multi billionaires SJR will appreciate the 'best thing he could do' tip from you. But I really do admire your effort at making dann a 9 year klopp veteran. Brilliant??
What sort of player do you think Anthony is after 4 year under eth? Because eth thinks he is unplayable at his best.
Eth has said on numerous occasions the difference between us and then is not that great.
These are ole like statements. He is finished here ports I see no way back for him.
I could well be wrong all we can do is wait and see.

47.) 06 Mar 2024 22:21:51
So liverpools academy is running to a different tune to what the first team do then Ken? Fair enough, I always assumed first priority of an academy was to get players prepared for the first team, clearly you have a greater insight.

You literally refer to Liverpool in your first response on this thread is comparing our situations ?.

48.) 06 Mar 2024 22:48:20
Ed025 it was a stat shown online on Monday. It showed Liverpool with less but in 2nd place. It was Sky or BBC, but they often get things wrong.

{Ed025's Note - stats dont always reflect the truth Wazza and may include fringe players mate, i think if its about players who effect the first team then Liverpool shade it i suspect..

49.) 07 Mar 2024 12:41:20
Ports I have a little insight. I've been to 4 epl academies.
I can assure you that they do not prepare or look at tactics for 1st team below age of 16ish I'd guess.
The under 9 10 11 etc they don't even play 11 a side football don't play like the 1st team or prepare tactically like the 1st team.
Our u18s don't really set up like our 1st team at all either.
The closest I've seen kids being educated to a defined football principle / rigid philosophy is ajax and even there they play with 8, 9's 10 11 and 12s all on one team or training together with the older lads restricted to 2 touches and no tackling etc. If was brilliant to watch. Lots of kids think they are great until they are exposed to kids that really are great. The talent you see at those ages is unreal yet so few of them ever play professionally or at highest level. Leaves you scratching your head all the time and wondering why. Asking yourself how did they not make it.

50.) 07 Mar 2024 14:54:05
Ken you take every statement and interpret to what you want for your point. I am fully aware U9’s don’t play 4-3-3 thanks ? but there is a link from academy to first team that makes the transition to first team easy and when you have longevity with a first team manager who influences the academy then pushing players through is easier. Chelsea have one of the best academies around but let’s be honest it’s to support the financial side of football as they sell a lot of youngsters rather then bring through so the purpose is different.

Klopp on creating a healthy environment for youngsters to thrive in.

We were not involved in the timing, to be honest, too much because we had to use them because we don't have other players. I would like to say we waited five years and I saw them first time when they were 13 and I said, 'In February 2024, we will bring them. ' We have a very, very good and a very close relationship with the Academy for the obvious reasons, you all know that – Vitor Matos. Alex [Inglethorpe], Barry [Lewtas], Marc [Bridge-Wilkinson], we have a really close relationship, we actually work in the same building, just on different sides.

The way Liverpool wants to play is clear as well. On a specific day a few years ago, it was probably set up by me but the club needs to agree on that. I cannot stand in the Academy every day on the training pitch and say we do that in training. Everybody bought into that. It's the best news because it's not about how you play, because there might be different styles, different ways, but you have to make sure that these exceptional talents understand that a football game starts with defending. They are all talented, otherwise they would not play for Liverpool. But in the youth department, it's a little bit like that you can really be much better than the opponent – that doesn't happen that often in adult football, to be honest, and you have to be ready for that.




DSG's rumour replies


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26 Jul 2024 13:59:16
Better play than Mount. I wouldn't be against bringing back Andreas Pereira back if we were to bring in an advanced midfielder, has improved significantly at Fulham and looks to moving on this summer with Atletico interested.




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19 Jun 2024 10:55:17
Zirzkee, good enough to play for a europa league team which we are currently but also not so good that he is going to be demanding to start week in week out instead of Hojlund. Seems like an ideal signing to take the load of Hojlund.




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07 Jun 2024 13:52:02
Loan was a good decision by the hierarchy last summer, probably best to get this situation over and done with this summer for final, whatever the club does in this situation they will be criticised.




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16 May 2024 13:31:37
I find it hard to believe the club will remove and replace every other key position at the football club but yet keep the manager the same.

Even if Ten Haag has legitimate excuses for this season performance, it makes sense to make a fresh start.




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26 Mar 2024 14:28:58
I know Rashford is not flavour of the month but would be concerned if we sold him leaving only Hojlund and Garnacho as the only players who have shown themselves as having the capability of playing premier league football and that's only been for half a season really lol.

The idea that just because we have new owners, our recruitment of replacements for the current squad is suddenly going to be successful is a huge leap of faith.





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26 Jul 2024 13:01:23
If i'm not wrong we recently had a season where we scored like 1 goal from set pieces in the entire season, not sure if it was under Ole or ETH.

But suffice to say this new guy doesn't have a particularly high bar to beat in the set peice department.




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23 Jul 2024 17:14:47
Wasnt Antony the guy who openly had a strop in middle of a game because he was asked to play in a different position?




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22 Jul 2024 14:07:23
Cant run and neither can Casemiro. Both should be sold and replaced by one signing who fits ETH style.

ETH is in his third season now and needs to hit the ground running both performance and results wise.




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20 Jul 2024 12:12:41
As good and talented Yoro, i can't imagine him starting straight away. Even Saliba who was signed at 18 and was probably the best cb last season in the league was loaned back to france for two year to lear his trade.

It would make sense to bring in De ligt as he's played at the highest level and is familiar with ETH system who will need to hit the ground running this season otherwise he will be sacked.




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24 May 2024 12:48:32
He works well with young players who are less well established, his coaching time at Man United i think the more experienced players found his methods too overbearing or school teacher like.

Ineos reportedly want to move the recruitment strategy to younger players on less initial wages and will need a coach who meshes well with that strategy.