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20 Feb 2023 21:51:01
Not Utd related but Mason Mount was at Liverpool today picked up by a Liverpool chauffeur at Heathrow from my sons's mate who's dad is the chauffeur

I couldn't careless if he went there as don't rate him one bit.

Blackpool Red

1.) 20 Feb 2023 22:27:01
Perfect rumour love this type of rumour.

2.) 20 Feb 2023 23:20:29
Certainly a tap-up.

Straight from the Klipperty textbook.

Maybe he's offered his mum a job in the laundry room. ?.

3.) 21 Feb 2023 08:42:33
Love this stuff Blackpool Red. Brilliant!

4.) 21 Feb 2023 09:31:15
Great - a proper old school type rumour, no twitter/ fb/ insta nonsense but a "my mate. " Thought Mount would be holding on for his mate Rice to join him at Chelsea but can also see Klopp moving for Mount.

5.) 21 Feb 2023 13:12:48
Great rumour Blackpool, what the overall site is all about. Can he pick up Oshimen at Heathrow and drop him off at Carrington. Or the Glazers from OT and tip them out at Liverpool docks?

6.) 21 Feb 2023 16:17:47
The Glazers would actually have to show up at OT for that to happen lol.

7.) 21 Feb 2023 19:32:25
I do love these sort of rumours. Proper old school.

8.) 22 Feb 2023 20:11:57
He was actually being interviewed for a chauffeur's job.

9.) 23 Feb 2023 02:25:59
Rumour has it Davy he was turned down since chauffeurs are required to drive forwards not sideways.

10.) 28 Feb 2023 17:52:38
Wait, so Mount flew from Chelsea to Heathrow and then a chauffeur drove him from Heathrow to Liverpool?



19 Aug 2022 20:19:42
Casemiro done only 6 to go.

Blackpool Red

{Ed014's Note - is that a good deal, is he any good, never really heard anything of him, guess he’s been in the shadow of Fabinho and Fernandinho has he.

£70 million too!

1.) 19 Aug 2022 20:43:24
His left toe is better than McTominay and he didn’t do too shabby against the scousers
Why are people so bothered about money
Don’t forget the £72 million wasted on Pepe.

{Ed014's Note - not so much a waste as the £70+ million wasted on Sancho but hey I obviously hit a nerve asking a simple question.?‍♂️

2.) 19 Aug 2022 20:49:43
14 would’ve been banned by now if he was a regular poster ? love it.

{Ed014's Note - never! ??

3.) 19 Aug 2022 20:50:37
Time will tell with Sancho.

{Ed014's Note - what something similar to the time you’ve been waiting for countless other players to come good!

4.) 19 Aug 2022 20:57:23
I haven’t been waiting for anybody to come good as I know what a shambles we have become.

Since Fergie retired I can honestly say I would of probably signed 3-4 players that we signed so that says it all really.

{Ed014's Note - cool ??

5.) 19 Aug 2022 21:03:14
Never heard anything of him ? good one. Euros not pounds.

{Ed014's Note - I haven’t as don’t watch Spanish football but they said he’s Brazilian and is a DM and I have heard of the other two. Fred I’d obvs heard of be as he’s shite didn’t mention him.

I’ll look forward to seeing your €70 million player to see if he’s as good as the rest of your class squad. ??

6.) 19 Aug 2022 21:00:23
I hate this transfer, I hate the direction we are going in compared to what I went into the summer hoping would be our new way.

Still we've bought him, he's a United player now, I hope to God I have to eat humble pie and he's a massive success as are all the players we buy and I also hope Murtagh proves to be the SAF of football directors!

Welcome to United Cas, please make me look like the Ed Woodward of this message board and be brilliant!

7.) 19 Aug 2022 21:23:53
We seem to specialise in signing players for their one last big contract, I used to laugh at teams for doing that.

8.) 19 Aug 2022 21:43:14
Sancho - rubbish - over rated - don’t waste your time.

9.) 19 Aug 2022 22:07:07
Nice to see Ed is the first to exaggerate the fee we paid, I’m expecting it to rise to £90 million by Sunday!

{Ed014's Note - it said a fee rising to £70 million on the BBC website you chump! ?‍♂️

10.) 19 Aug 2022 22:33:37
Ed14 your constant sniping of boring tbh. Constantly reply with rubbish comments. Probs won’t post this either.

{Ed014's Note - I started by asking a simple question there was no sniping, grow up!

11.) 19 Aug 2022 22:47:48
Thought it was euros. and it seems to go up with United in the media. But he's a very good player and it's not our money so who cares or did you think united aren't going to buy anyone in the last 2 weeks ? it's panic buy season and united need players if course they're going to send a shed loads of money, it's not exactly a suprise is it.

12.) 19 Aug 2022 23:24:18
It said I think 70 million euros which was 59.something million pounds and 10 million in add ons, so everyone can be right on this one.

13.) 20 Aug 2022 00:08:59
East Stand Nick, it literally is our money, this is why we are protesting?.

14.) 19 Aug 2022 22:48:12
Edp14 sniping? Never???.

On a serious note, and this is a genuine question but how can he be in their shadow when he's won the CL 5x and is a starter for Brazil ahead of the two?

{Ed014's Note - mate wasn’t it big news that Fred started ahead of Fabinho and no one could work that out either by all accounts? ?‍♂️?

15.) 19 Aug 2022 23:46:45
BBC not helping by reporting the total figure including add ins in pounds instead of euros. It’s still a large fee but for a world class player in a position we’ve needed for years.

Do you not watch the champions league Ed?



11 Sep 2019 06:06:16
Utter disgrace if the rumours are true about giving Lingard and Lindelof extended contracts. Does this club never learn. Probably give them a massive rise too.

Blackpool Red

{Ed047's Note - didn’t they give Smalling and Jones new contracts? so anything’s possible.

1.) 11 Sep 2019 08:02:55
Weren't you all singing Lindelof's praises at the start of the season?

He's a good defender, but with an obvious weakness in his physicality. Similar player to our own Christensen in fact. If you ask me, extending Lindelof would be the right move. And Lingard is a useful squad player I'd say. You need those as well.

2.) 11 Sep 2019 08:26:46
What's wrong with giving Lindelof a new contract? He's everyone's first choice CB alongside Maguire.

3.) 11 Sep 2019 08:42:11
So you'd rather let them run their contracts down and leave for free?

At least with a contract if they leave we will get a fee.

And they are both decent players, internationals and first team players.

{Ed047's Note - and there lies one of your major problems, if they are the way ahead as players capable of winning the big ones then in the words of Turkish, “Your proper f’d” 😉

4.) 11 Sep 2019 09:01:05
Lindelof is a good centre half.

{Ed047's Note - compared to Chris Smalling or Phil Jones?

5.) 11 Sep 2019 10:58:00
Maybe spend another 80 million on Keane, then him and Maguire can be the new chuckle brothers.

6.) 11 Sep 2019 10:58:58
Lindelof was our best player last season. And he's halfway through his contract so yes he's due for contract talks and an extension. He's made a couple of mistakes this season but is miles ahead of the three stooges.

Lingard only signed a new deal something like 18 months ago so shouldn't be being offered another one at this moment in time.

7.) 11 Sep 2019 17:32:53
Fishing surely 🎣🐟👌👏.

8.) 11 Sep 2019 21:16:07
We reward mediocrity.

9.) 12 Sep 2019 10:22:53
Lindleof is a great CB and is still relatively young in his position. Was solid last year and can form a good partnership with Maguire.

Lingard I'm not sold on though. doesn't offer much on the pitch for me. A good back up player but should never be starting games for us.

10.) 12 Sep 2019 13:36:47
All the problems we have and you choose to get annoyed about us giving one of our best defenders a new contract?

Some fans are strange.

11.) 12 Sep 2019 17:59:04
Gds2.This is where the problem lies. Yes he might of been one of our best defenders but that doesn’t say much these days. He’s not physically strong enough in my eyes to be a top drawer centre half in our league. He doesn’t come close to McGrath Bruce Pallister Johnsen Stam Rio or Vidic. i'm not saying he’s a bad player but we need better if we want to close the gap.

12.) 12 Sep 2019 19:35:43
My opinion that has been so since before the Summer is that we needed 2 new CBS. Maguire is great and Lindelof is a good defender but he isn’t strong enough in the air. I think it’s time we have Tuanzebe a chance.

13.) 13 Sep 2019 10:35:42
"Maguire is great" Giggsy? What is he great at? Not defending that I am sure. What is he great at other than heading a ball. Lindelof is a better player overall in my view. Maguire is decent but he isn't half the player media is making him out to be

But it all personal opinion though and judging by my track record I am likely in the wrong.

14.) 13 Sep 2019 19:56:33
Deependra I completely agree with you.

15.) 14 Sep 2019 08:54:48
Lindelof and Maguire are both better than we had and need time to form a partnership and need a settled choice of fullbacks alongside them. Are their better out there - probably - but give these guys a chance. Our priority transfer area is midfield now anyway, not defence.




Blackpool Red's banter posts with other poster's replies to Blackpool Red's banter posts


21 Oct 2023 16:05:25
Very sad day as Englands greatest ever player leaves us

RIP Sir Bobby.

Blackpool Red



06 May 2021 09:59:18
As good as city are how lucky have they been to have virtually no competition in the champions league, barring Bayern every other team is below average. Why did we have to face probably the best club side there's ever been in 2 finals. I'm not bitter HONEST.

Blackpool Red

1.) 06 May 2021 10:22:51
Yep with Real, Barcelona and Juve all struggling this year with ageing squads and coming to the end of their cycle, it has worked out well for city.

But they are comfortably the best team in europe at the moment all things considered and deserve to be in the final on merit.

I think the kicker for us has to be chelsea, in january they were languishing in 9/ 10th position in the league under lampard, basically where arsenal were and just like that bringing in tuchel a quality coach have turned their season around.

It makes going out to leipzig all the more difficult to take as i feel with the poor quality in the champions league this season we could have potentially followed a similar route to the final as chelsea have done.

2.) 06 May 2021 14:04:44
Bayern are still the best side in Europe for me. Gnabry and Lewandowski they missed massively against PSG and I believe they would have sailed through if they were both available.

3.) 06 May 2021 15:45:22
I say fair play to them and well done on getting this far.
Not much Blackpool🤣🤣.

4.) 06 May 2021 16:08:13
A lot of teams are struggling or rebuilding but this City team is very very good. I expect them to win it.

5.) 06 May 2021 17:00:51
They are a brilliant team but how good will they be when Pep leaves?
I think he's the reason why they are so consistently good.
It's going to be almost impossible to replace like we found out when Fergie left.

6.) 06 May 2021 19:26:33
As much as I can't stand City I don't think there is any doubt that they have been the best and most consistent team this year.
They have skill and tough players across the pitch. Foden is starting to look a real quality player.



07 Apr 2021 14:49:46
It all seems to be imploding at the scousers. My sons best mate is Liverpool's 3rd keeper who was on the bench last night. Looks like Klopp might be gone sooner than we thought and also Salah

Salah wants out and Klopp was heard saying to his assistant, he can't take any more of this rubbish and anymore and he's off back to Germany

My lad always rinses his mate calling him fake as he was an Everton fan

As much as I despise them his mate is a good kid and it's all good banter.

Blackpool Red

{Ed077's Note -love these kinds of posts. Keep em coming. Losing Klopp would be a big blow for them if he left but I highly doubt it.

1.) 07 Apr 2021 15:34:19
I'd love to believe this, yet the keeper on Liverpool's bench last night was the 34 year old Adrian and not their third choice Kelleher.

2.) 07 Apr 2021 15:34:57
To be honest Blackpool, I don't think you should be naming the kid on your post. It would be very easy to figure who he is and I don't think it will do his career any good to know he's telling people Klopp is off.

3.) 07 Apr 2021 15:18:01

Everybody says stuff in the heat of the moment but here’s hoping.

{Ed077's Note - Oh I didn't think it was a serious post. Losing Salah and Klopp would be too much of a rebuilding job for anyone.

4.) 07 Apr 2021 18:04:10
Shappy he’s not there 3rd keeper normally just has been on the bench for the last 2 champions league games. He’s 17.I don’t make rubbish up

5.) 07 Apr 2021 18:10:59
Good post BR I love the old school gossip rumours🤣 You can belive BR.

6.) 07 Apr 2021 18:11:06
Shappy there was a 3rd goalkeeper among their squad last night. So it's entirely believable.

7.) 07 Apr 2021 18:23:21
Fair enough Blackpool, I didn't think you were the type to make things up. Apologies if I've caused offence.

I just saw Adrian was on the bench and assumed that they wouldn't name two keepers on the bench.

I've since double checked and can see the lad you've mentioned, but I won't name him here.

Very interesting information, maybe it was just a heat of the moment thing. It's been a traumatic year for Klopp losing his mother and not being allowed to go to the funeral. I certainly wouldn't blame him for wanting to readdress where he lives and works after that, especially with how things have gone for him this season.

I guess it's a wait and see, although sadly Liverpool are good at recruitment and will replace Klopp well, just as they replaced Rodgers well.

8.) 07 Apr 2021 18:48:25
I don’t take offence at anything Shappy. At the end of the day were all reds and want what’s best for Utd
I could tell you a lot about both Utd’s academy and Liverpool’s as my lad has been at both and it ain’t pretty reading. Most coaches still think bigger is better.

9.) 07 Apr 2021 20:22:01
Even though we are United supporters, I think we all have a lot of time for Klopp. It will be a sad loss to the premiership when he does eventually leave.

Have to agree with Mumbles as well, no need to give too much away about who the player was. Stuff like that getting out doesn't go down too well at clubs and it only takes one of the journos that read this page to publish it and the player could be in real trouble.

10.) 08 Apr 2021 09:23:42
No time for him sooner he goes the better.

11.) 08 Apr 2021 10:13:38
I'm pretty sure things would have to get much worse before Klopp throws the towel in. It looks extremely likely they won't progress in the CL and there is a good chance they won't make top 4, but I think they will. I expect Klopp to at least start there next season but if it continues to deteriorate then who knows. VVD will be back by then too. They're still being linked with other CBs as they didn't resolve the issue as it was midseason and no decent ones were available. Kabak is only on loan and hasn't really impressed. Add Konate to the mix and things look better defensively.
However I do expect one of the three strikers to leave, most likely Salah although arguably Firminho would make more sense as Jota has looked excellent when coming in for him.

12.) 08 Apr 2021 10:55:13
If Klopp leaves Liverpool then Utd should go all out to bring to OT. I don't care that he was previously managing the scouse.

13.) 08 Apr 2021 11:22:02
Klopp will never manage United, He turned us down once before and he has too much integrity to manage us now he has been a part of Liverpool.

I think we should be looking to the next great manager rather than trying to get a few more miles out of the last great one. It didn't really work out well for us with LvG and Jose.

There are some very good manager with a similar mentality/ style to football management around atm. Marco Rose, Jesse Marsch, Roger Schmidt, Hansi Flick (to and extent), Ralph Hasenhuttl, and of course Julian Nagelsmann.

All of which play variants of pressing football, rather than possession based football.

14.) 08 Apr 2021 12:34:53
The Nagelmeister will make a great manager when he steps up. I see Spurs as a potential side for any of those candidates Shappy, esp Hasenhuttl. True to form, Mourinho's tenure has gone rotten. You can't continually lay into your own players publicly like he does. It's unprofessional and unlikeable.

15.) 08 Apr 2021 12:46:28
I would take potter or hassenhutl at united. With the right players, they can be excellent to watch.

16.) 08 Apr 2021 14:22:35
Admittedly I hadn't thought of the boy wizard.
Does he have it in him to step up?

{Ed077's Note - we wont know for sure until he gets a "top" job}

17.) 08 Apr 2021 17:38:38
Potter has England manager written all over him.

18.) 08 Apr 2021 17:43:09
Agreed Shappy. No chance Klopp would change to Utd but I'd still snap him up at OT without question.

19.) 08 Apr 2021 23:17:43
agree angel.



04 Apr 2021 17:29:33
Supposed team
Wan Bissaka

Let's see.

Blackpool Red

{Ed077's Note - nothing abnormal here

1.) 04 Apr 2021 18:06:25
Good team. Good to see pogba back. Less defensive looking with only 1 natural holder.
Good to see cavani back.
3 points today and our top 4 spot is nearly cemented.
Its all about the EL. For me then.
Obviously want to win as many points as possible and finish as high as possible but if top 4 is secure the el begins to take preference.
Let's hope we win tonight and increase that buffer.

2.) 04 Apr 2021 18:23:58
Probably our strongest XI.
Has Henderson ousted De Gea?



03 Mar 2021 17:48:21
Leaked team for tonight
Wan Bissaka

Let's see if it's right.

Blackpool Red

1.) 03 Mar 2021 17:55:00
I really hope McGuire is a new centre backs that replaced the resident fridge.

2.) 03 Mar 2021 18:30:50
Fresh 😂.

3.) 03 Mar 2021 19:19:31
spot on Blackpool.

4.) 03 Mar 2021 19:28:53
De Gea not even in squad. Ole says its for personal reasons.

5.) 03 Mar 2021 22:14:55
Yeah personaly thinks he was playing crap🤣.




Blackpool Red's rumour replies


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17 Dec 2024 20:28:39
Over the moon. Never rated him and his attitude is awful
Won’t be easy to shift him in those ridiculous wages.

Blackpool Red



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06 Jul 2024 09:11:28
Xavi Simons is no where near top level but has a Pogba sized Ego. He has had this from a young age with people pampering to him. My lad came up against him in a tournament when he was at Barcelona and absolutely rattled him in a fair tackle and he had to be stretched off. The way people were acting over him it was as if he’d finished Messi’s career. It was pathetic. My lad has the footage on his phone and we have a little giggle now and then. Unfortunately my lad had injuries and got long covid and isn’t playing anymore but he went into coaching and was one of the youngest to ever get the eufa B coaching badges.

Blackpool Red



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23 May 2024 19:08:09
The players didn’t like his coaching when he was there because he’d come from the academy
Proved those charlatans wrong.

Blackpool Red



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18 Apr 2024 17:49:58
Couldn’t give 2 hoots

Million miles off competing at the highest level.

Blackpool Red



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20 Mar 2024 17:34:42
The agent won’t get much off Patino he’s shocking
Absolutely useless at Blackpool on loan
Another one massively hyped by the media.

Blackpool Red




Blackpool Red's banter replies


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06 Feb 2025 16:48:38
Keep the red flag flying high because Man Utd will never die.

Blackpool Red



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03 Feb 2025 17:58:40
Redcon he hasn’t scored lots of goals
Another overhyped youngster
Not for me.

Blackpool Red



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03 Feb 2025 16:24:00
To be honest I’m not bothered as it would only be a stop gap and isn’t going to make a great difference any way
Amorim is going to have to work miracles in the summer if we truly don’t have any money.

Blackpool Red



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02 Feb 2025 08:17:49
I hate it when i'm right about one our players as it means they have been poor and let the club fans and themselves down
I was one of the first to say he was overrated and overhyped years ago but was told by many he was world class
He should of been shipped out when PSG were sniffing around years ago for £100 million
Let’s hope that’s the last of the massively overrated ego type players we have.

Blackpool Red



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25 Jan 2025 11:52:38
Let’s buy another player who misses more games than he starts and hasn’t exactly shone when he has played.

Blackpool Red