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AJH's rumours posts with other poster's replies to AJH's rumours posts


08 Jan 2023 17:47:43
Latest rumour I've seen is we want Weghorst and Felix, which makes more sense to me. Options, and more creativity.


1.) 08 Jan 2023 18:26:33
That would do for now. Though not sure how felix would fit in our new wage structure?!

2.) 08 Jan 2023 22:07:35
how many players are a club allowed to loan in the PL?

3.) 09 Jan 2023 07:18:06
I wouldn't want Weghorst, but you have to trust the manager if he has identified him.

Joan Felix I think could be a fantastic signing. He doesn't fit the type of football being played at Atletico but he has all the minerals.

4.) 09 Jan 2023 07:46:44
I'd take both in a heartbeat. I'd take one in a heartbeat actually.
Neither are the ideal candidate but we need bodies up front.
Garnacho is a bonus and has stood in well for sancho but he is just a kid and the Ronaldo gap needs filling too.

5.) 09 Jan 2023 20:48:33
You are only allowed 2 loan signings and we already have butland, so it was never going to be both.
We probably moved onto weghorst when Felix was no longer an option.

6.) 10 Jan 2023 19:51:59
Wouldn’t touch Felix with a barge pole. His style and physical make up won’t suit the Prem one bit.



22 Jul 2022 10:00:09
Jesse Lingard.

Could have gone to West Ham and been at the upper end of the table fighting for Europe.

Decided to go to Forest for what will likely be a relgation dog fight. Hmm, I wonder why.


1.) 22 Jul 2022 10:13:20
I'd imagine it's so he doesn't have to move his family to London.

2.) 22 Jul 2022 10:18:30
A one year contract too. His agent was talking about PSG, Milan and Juventus interested in him a couple of months ago. Maybe the teams that actually did want him didn't match his ego.

I'm sure he thinks why not get paid handsomely for a year, finish top scorer and then join Madrid next year.

3.) 22 Jul 2022 10:25:00
Surprised he’s not gone on that Love Island!

4.) 22 Jul 2022 10:32:08
And only on a one season deal in case it's straight back down to the Championship. That over the MLS or trying to nudge his way back into the England set-up with West Ham as he was starting to do when on loan there.

5.) 22 Jul 2022 10:35:58
1 year contract on £200K a week plus signing n fee. He'll be able to do the same next year. Seems like the lad has done a pretty decent deal for himself.

6.) 22 Jul 2022 11:13:33
It's all about the money money money.

At least he will get game time. So many players move for money and see their careers die, Sinclair, Drinkwater spring to mind as examples.

7.) 22 Jul 2022 12:31:04
So much on Lingard all the time. Good luck to him if he's getting more money.

So what?

8.) 22 Jul 2022 13:32:13
He's not united so I don't care.

9.) 22 Jul 2022 15:47:46
Shappy is right, he isn’t allowed out of the house without his babysitter. Last time he gave them the slip he spent all his pocket money on chocolate and fizzy sweets. Best to keep him away from that London or he’ll be onto those American Candy stores and spend his £200k weekly wage on milk duds.

10.) 22 Jul 2022 16:28:28
Danny, I think you'll find that he has had to assume the care of his two school aged children while his mum was unable to care for them. On top of having a daughter of his own who lives with her mother after they split up.

Living in Nottingham means he is still close to his family.

While a big wage packet certainly won't do him any harm.

I'd imagine he will see it as an opportunity to stay close to his family earn a big wage and potentially put himself in the shop window for a club like Everton, Leicester or Newcastle.

11.) 22 Jul 2022 17:24:31
Shappy, trains to Nottingham from Manchester take 2 hours, the same time it takes to drive. 2 hours also for Leicester, 3 hours for Newcastle.

Trains to London take 2 hours, and are far more regular. Nottingham is not close to his family, but its a lot more lucrative.

same as driving,

12.) 22 Jul 2022 17:26:17
That should be school aged siblings.

13.) 22 Jul 2022 18:23:06
Poor babysitter has their work cut out. Get two kids to school and then back to cut the crusts off Jessie’s sandwich and get him down for a quick nap before training.

14.) 22 Jul 2022 19:52:32
This is some mad post about why an ex United player has signed for a football team ?

Has anybody here spoke with him? How would any of ye know and who cares why or why he didn't sign for a club.

Got get that money Jesse, enjoy yourself and keep being you.

15.) 22 Jul 2022 21:04:28
Couldn’t give a damn about what Jesse Lingard is doing. When he was coming through I liked the lad, but the past 2 seasons at least I’ve thought he was a git.

Forget him.

16.) 22 Jul 2022 21:08:05
Indeed. It’s his business and his alone. He’ll play every week, it’s a great traditional club, and he’ll be handsomely paid.

As for logistics, I’m sure he’ll work it out by himself ???.

17.) 22 Jul 2022 18:59:50
Despite all this, Lingard’s going straight into my FPL Team!

18.) 23 Jul 2022 13:57:49
Shappy is so busy now googling travel times to uphold the most ridiculous argument of the day?? nice one ajh. Lots to be said b
For knowing your geography??.



14 Nov 2021 08:56:04
I was told last night that Ole has agreed to step aside once a replacement has been found.

Don't know where this rumour came from but hopefully it has legs.


1.) 14 Nov 2021 09:22:12
It does seem like the club have used the international break and particularly Ole and the players not being there to assess their options and hopefully through intermediaries reach out to potential candidates to test the waters.

2.) 14 Nov 2021 10:11:33
I think there’s zero chance of Ole agreeing to step aside. If the club replace him, he’ll be getting compensated handsomely.

3.) 14 Nov 2021 11:56:13
If this is true, at least the club aren't rushing around and are taking their time to make a decision.

4.) 14 Nov 2021 16:05:17
I don’t doubt it Danny, but if it is true, at least Woody can crack on without having to be too secretive.

5.) 14 Nov 2021 18:29:34
Maybe he doesn't know he agreed to step aside, just sayin.

6.) 15 Nov 2021 11:22:14
Any truth to the Zidane rumours?

7.) 17 Nov 2021 08:11:26
TOHoM, only that it is true that they are rumours ?.



03 Aug 2019 14:20:49
I’ve loved reading the posts this week and for what it’s worth, here’s my view.

Maguire is not necessarily the greatest defender but he seems like a big character and as has been said he is better than what we have. The price is irrelevant to me, fees are soon forgotten (unlike wages) . I think he will settle quickly and make a difference.

AWB looks a quality buy in a position where we have struggled so I’m confident that will look a steal as the season progresses.

James has huge potential, looking forward to seeing how he develops.

Dybala I don’t want. No idea where it came from and we really shouldn’t be entertaining it. Fancy name, not pulled up any trees for a couple of years, really don’t see where he fits in.

Fernandes look quality and would be a good signing and if we are interested then I have no idea why it is taking so long.

We need to ship Pogba out as quickly as possible, assuming anyone has made any sort of sensible offer. I don’t buy the line that he’s really popular. If he isn’t committed to the cause then he needs to leave.

Sanchez also needs to go. I’d even let him go on a free or nominal fee as it would free up at least £15M because of his ridiculous contract.

Lukaku also needs to go and again I’d take the best offer that is on the table. We may lose on the fees but the benefit to team spirit and morale of shipping out players who don’t want to be her is immense. There’s a bunch of other players we need to move on and again we should make it attractive to potential buyers. Darmian and Rojo for starters.

Imagine those 5 gone, 4 new signings (I’m assuming a CM is coming), and a few from the youth promoted. The feel and mood will be lifted and with the extra fitness and energy, with everyone committed and pulling in the same direction, who knows where we will get to.

I fear there is not enough time left to move players on but for me that is just as important on bringing new ones in.


1.) 03 Aug 2019 14:37:38
It would be foolish to let pogba leave so late in the window, no chance we have enough time to obtain a replacement.

Saul would fit the bill, but that would be a complicated deal and there are questions marks over whether he would even want to come.

Are SMS or fernandes as good as pogba? if looked at objectively you would say they were not on his level.

Dybala is probably the clearest route to getting rid of lukaku as inter milan are unable to source the funds to do a deal, so this swap deal is a pretty good compromise to get rid of a player who doesn't fit oles style and bring in a player who does.

25, 5 year contract means we have plenty of scope to get a resale value when he inevitably pines for a move to madrid or Barcelona like pogba. Could be a shrewd bit of business by the club.

2.) 03 Aug 2019 14:49:29
DSG, if you put my reservations aside, Ed002 has said Dybala doesn’t want to come. If he’s having to be convinced then we shouldn’t do it,

3.) 03 Aug 2019 15:15:18
Tony do you honestly expect Dybala to happily want to leave a team with Ronaldo and several stars which is guaranteed at least a major trophy and also UCL football every season and come over to us because we are Manchester United?

That ship has sailed!

No matter how attractive a team is, it still has to make an effort to appeal to a prospective player.

4.) 03 Aug 2019 15:18:42
I honestly think you will be surprised how many player would not want to join us this summer. No champions league is a big loss especially in a window where bayern, real, Barcelona and juve are all making big deals.

Look at sancho, he realised that coming to united this window would be not be ideal for his development when we are undergoing significant changes and his development was much better suited staying at dortmund.

Does that mean we shouldn't go in for him next summer when we will still need to convince him we are the right club with the right stability for him to continue his development?

Dybala is an oppurtune signing granted but if he does join it won't be against his will, quite a few player over the year have needed to be convinced/ persuaded to join clubs.

5.) 03 Aug 2019 15:23:18
I really don't get why people would wants Pogba to stay. Old may say all the right things about Pogba having a great attitude blah blah blah, but the player clearly wants out.
If we keep hold of him against his wishes we will just have the same circus every transfer window. It's unsettling for everyone, including Old, despite what he may say in public.

Pogba is obviously talented and is a match winner on his day. I understand that, but keeping an unhappy player is counter productive.

On the flip side, we shouldn't be forced to sell him on the cheap. But over inflating his price so that he is effectively priced out of a more is daft in my opinion.

Despite the fact that some fans 'hero worship' some players, Pogba is not worthy of that label. Talent is nothing without application, effort and desire and Mr Pogba is severely lacking in the later.

6.) 03 Aug 2019 15:35:43
Until last week his name hadn’t come up, nobody on here had suggested we try and buy him or he would add anything to our team. Now suddenly many are drooling over him and I don’t get it. We should have learned from Di Maria. He doesn’t want to come, allegedly he wants £350K a week, allegedly his agent wants £13M, it’s possibly taken our focus from Fernandes. The only positive I can see is we lose Lukaku, that’s about it.

I don’t really buy the Champions League argument. Actually I do buy it and it hacks me off. There’s only a few teams that will win it, and there seems to be a snobbishness that has materialised with players ‘not wanting to take a step down’. I’m not sure how we’ve allowed it to become so important, for me the domestic title is still the biggest trophy by far.

7.) 03 Aug 2019 15:37:47
Of course he needs convincing AJH. He is not a fan like is. He is at a top club where his life family and friends are and you think a good pitch and lots of reassurances are not required.
You don't seem to be the sort of chap to make knee jerk life changing decisions without due consultation and thought process and advice. Do you think dybala should?

8.) 03 Aug 2019 15:56:18
Is aguero not a good example why is it always di Maria.
Do people think aguero was a life long city fan desperate to move to a team that had won nothing for years?
Or did him and his agent need a bit of convincing and a bucket of cash .

I'm not saying we should or shouldn't sign him but there's a bit of a line in the sand starting with one or 2 players,

9.) 03 Aug 2019 16:02:27
Of course he's reluctant. We're not exactly known for stability are we. He enjoys life in Italy and is reluctant to leave. But Juve are forcing him out.

10.) 03 Aug 2019 16:03:54
Madrid have been making sensible offers for Pogba throughout this window.

UTD think they can get more with very little other clubs being able to afford him.

Only a few clubs or so at the over inflated fee and wages able to afford Pogba which sees UTD keeping a player who wants to leave *evil laugh*.

Barcelona not going to sign Pogba.

11.) 03 Aug 2019 16:09:33
What offers have real made?

12.) 03 Aug 2019 16:24:59
Guys AJH has a point. The problem is not there is a convincing required for Dybala. But why to convince a player who is not seen as much needed who is not willing to move to us who will demand monstrous wage who has stalled for the past year. If it is someone who we have identified as main target it's worth going through the trouble. Imagine we sign him and has not really worked out then we will have another player on 350k wages very difficult to move.

13.) 03 Aug 2019 16:35:27
I said the same to shappy last week jred.
People are saying don't sign him he doesn't want to be here. Yet those same purple are saying keep pogba even though he doesn't want to be here.
If dybala comes and he and the team are successful he will love it at United. Just like aguero has done.
Im not desperate for him to sign if he does it would be potentially a very good and exciting signing.

14.) 03 Aug 2019 17:00:59
My wider point is he hadn't been mentioned by anybody, the fans hadn't suggested him nor were the club pursuing him. Suddenly a swap is on, not exactly thought through is it?

15.) 03 Aug 2019 17:02:49
You could say the same with pogba, if go his and uniteds way he may have a change in heart .
Not sure why everything needs to be set in stone .
I'm far from convince dybala would be a good fit in the epl, who who knows.

16.) 03 Aug 2019 17:11:34
Is it possible for a player to come in, not really wanting to come in at first and then change his mind? If he is the consummate professional, he might also put in some decent performances.

Also, he could just say no right now?

17.) 03 Aug 2019 18:00:01
He was mentioned a few month ago, don't know if the reports where true but he was linked a few months back.
But some times a player becomes available and you take a chance, any Cole, king Eric.

Is it possible that a player wants to leave then circumstances change and he changes his mind, Or do we hold it against him for the rest of his career.

18.) 03 Aug 2019 18:01:09
The club have had interest in dybala for 12 months according to ed002. i'm not convinced but he is a very talented player so if he settles it could work out.
Pogba is here and if he stays and does well he may well have a change of heart i agree but i'm not one for keeping unhappy players it usually doesn't work out. We can on my hope it does if he stays.

19.) 03 Aug 2019 19:33:15
Hi jred, not at all. I think if a player has a change of heart and wants to stay, put in the performances etc, he should most definitely get the chance. I think that's quite fair. But definitely no point keeping a player that is unhappy and wants to move. Does this answer work?

Is there a particular player you are talking about or just anyone in general?

20.) 03 Aug 2019 20:00:04
To many to mention to be honest once any one makes a mistake or reportedly does you want them out.
Lazy bad attitude said this said that.

21.) 03 Aug 2019 20:17:14
No, I'd like you to mention them. Very happy to give you my reasons behind everyone.

I'm quite sure that when I have shown my dissatisfaction in a player it is usually merited, justified.

I don't call for players to be bought and sold like in a game of FIFA.

I also am very happy to back good, hard working and loyal players when many dont. Again, when I feel its justified.

Feels like you're just having a pop though. It's something you like to do quite often. I hope I haven't upset you at any point. Or will you hold my opinions against me for the rest of my time posting on here? 😊.

22.) 03 Aug 2019 22:15:30
We have appointed Director of football - it's AJH

All sound decisions taken. 🤫.

23.) 04 Aug 2019 09:23:15
Reading the page the last day or two it’s clear we don’t need any insight from Ed002 as maxlfc knows absolutely everything about our club lol.

24.) 04 Aug 2019 20:42:32
Oh man :P
Wrote a post about how the youngsters are doing, and how you feel about them and this turned into Pogba/ Dybala debate.

25.) 05 Aug 2019 07:31:02
To be honest guys I don't care and the reason is we are focusing on players not playing for our club.
When the focus should be #GlazersOut.



24 Mar 2018 10:31:23
There are some that said Jesse wasn’t good enough and I guess there are still some that think he is at best a squad player but you have to give the lad credit. He keeps popping up scoring important goals and he plays with a smile on his face and seems to enjoy every moment. I’m so pleased for him and I hope he can take that final step and be consistent.


1.) 24 Mar 2018 16:25:04
He has always been highly thought off within the club. It was always accepted that he would take longer to find his feet due to his size. I read an interview with him where he said that Sir Alex always said he would become a real player when he's 25 like Tigana. I wonder how much of him really stepping up this season is down to him feeling that this year was going to be his year.

I did worry when we signed Sanchez as it was going to push either Lingard or Martial out of the side when arguably they we our best two forwards at that time. Maybe its time for Sanchez to be dropped for a game or two and make him fight for his place against players who are in form.

2.) 24 Mar 2018 16:40:40
Shaps, I don’t know why we bought Sanchez other than to stop City buying him. We had needs inother areas way before a left sided attacker was needed and even if he starts firing it just relegates Martial or Rashford. This smacks of Woodward and his marque signing obsession. I don’t want to upset you but if Bale is available you can bet your mortgage Ed will be there waving his chequebook.

3.) 24 Mar 2018 16:46:51
The thing with Jesse is you know he will work on the pitch and not hide. He has proven this year that he has more in the locker than people thought imo but he had the beginnings of a good season couple of years back when he got ani injury early on at Swansea I think. Change of personel and management has not deterred him and I think he has saved us a good few bob on bringing in a n other player.

4.) 24 Mar 2018 16:58:44
I was one of those thinking he wasn't going to be up to it and would be sold, at times I feel foolish, but then he can be anonymous far too often for me (like most of our attacking players) .

I still think in order for us to be competing at the very top we need better than Lingard. But if he improves again as much as he has over the past 18 months then he will deserve a regular berth in a top Utd team.

I love his energy and clever runs, maybe there is even more to come from him once we get back to playing proper attacking football and those runs will be picked out by players that currently refuse the pass and opt for 'safety' instead. I certainly would like him to impact games more consistently as well, 10 seconds of brilliance now and again is good, but we need more than that over a 90 minute match from an attacking midfielder.

5.) 24 Mar 2018 17:39:38
I agree Beastand that was my point about consistency. When he is good he is very good but often you can forget he is on the pitch, which is very frustrating when he gets himself in such good positions and scores such important goals. He needs to turn up for more games than he does, which I think he will if he continues to develop as he has done in the last year. And he is home grown which means a lot to me,

6.) 24 Mar 2018 17:52:11
Does he go missing or as mentioned above is it a case of him making good runs and his team mates not playing the creative pass to find him?

The best players score in the big games, which he does more consistently than those around him. H deserves his place in the team, he works hard, he offers movement and he can finish. I think he will thrive if we add more quality to the midfield. He is a bit of a social media whore, but as long as he performs on the pitch it’s not a problem. I wish pogba put half the effort in he does.

7.) 24 Mar 2018 18:33:58
Agree with all of the posts regarding jesse in some degree, better than dele alli in my opinion who plays a similar role especially this season.

8.) 25 Mar 2018 05:21:49
I must be the only one who doesn't yet rate him. He for me is going through his Smalling patch where player looks good for a season or 2 but with lingard it has only been 2 months rather than the whole season.

He was mostly anonymous until December and has been anonymous for most part since February. That is 2 good months in 3-4 years. Yes he scores some important goals from time to time but he going to have to perform much better to be more than a squad player.

9.) 25 Mar 2018 16:58:04
No MU player apart from De Gea has been sensational for long, playing good for some time and then playing poorly.

10.) 26 Mar 2018 14:14:47
CSM, that's not really fair, even if he's only started looking like a real top player this season, he's actually been doing well for the last couple of years. He was hardly "anonymous" before December anyway. 8 goals and assists in 17 games, 11 of which he played 30 minutes or less in, may not be setting the league on fire, but it's certainly not "anonymous".

Re: the consistency, I'm inclined to agree with Huggy. He's suffering from the way the team is playing, and would have a much more consistent impact if the runs he makes were picked out a bit more often by players behind him. Now, I'm not saying he's doing everything right, maybe he'd still be a bit inconsistent with players behind him looking for those runs and playing more positive football, but the point is that we don't really know, and I don't think it's fair to judge him too harshly when we don't really know how much of the inconsistency is down to him, and how much is down to the way the teamas a whole is playing.

I would really love to see Herrera used in a more advanced role, ahead of Matic rather than alongside him, where he can look to play the passes that someone like Lingard can feed on. It's too easy to see his great defensive performances last season and forget that he's a great passer of the ball, with an eye for getting team mates in behind the defence.

11.) 26 Mar 2018 14:23:10
That FA cup winning goal seemed to really kick him on and he’s improved a lot since then.


How you can say he’s been anonymous is beyond me, he’s probably scored more important goals than any other player in the last 2 years.

12.) 26 Mar 2018 14:53:27
Gds important goals don't mean consistency. Yes he scored against Chelsea and in fa cup final but can you remember a run of games until December where you could say he was consistently good. A first team player needs to be consistently good and unlike rashford or martial lingard isn't exactly in the youngster category.

Thorne he has been good this season but last season he had 5 goals and 3 assists in 42 games in lvg's last season he had 7 goals and 4 assists in 41 games. Those are not good figures and he needs get similar to his current nos before we can be sure that he has improved rather than going through a purple patch.

Also where exactly will he play next season jose wants savic added to the team and jorginho as replacement for carrick, so we most likely will be switching to a mf 3.

13.) 30 Mar 2018 18:44:50
Good player, nice lad, silly dancer.




AJH's banter posts with other poster's replies to AJH's banter posts


20 Jul 2024 16:39:45
There is a lot of excitent and optimism on here, so where are we, and does it look good?

1. Greenwood has gone and Willy has also brought a fee in, as has Donny and Alvaro.
2. Wages have been reduced with a few leaving at the end of their contracts.
3. Yoro looks a real talent.
4. Our focus appears to be on young potential which is better than recent years when we brought ageing pros in.
5. Transfer business seems to be more efficient, a lot less drawn out deals and public haggling.
6. Sancho is back.

1. We still need a proven goalscorer and haven't signed one.
2. Signing potential is all well and good, but potential doesn't always translate into quality.
3. We still have a lot of players to move out, particularly if we want to bring more in.
4. Personal view, not convinced about Zirkzree. (or Hojlund) .
5. Sancho is back.

Lots of activity, but still much to do. On the plus side, surely we can't have as many injuries next year which will have a real impact.

Potato, potarto, time will tell, but currently I am not sharing the excitement of others.


1.) 20 Jul 2024 19:31:35
Sancho is back, when did he arrive?

2.) 20 Jul 2024 20:07:16
A complete transition will not be accomplished in the first summer window. If we end up in the top 4 and win any cup we should all be delighted. We're looking for right direction and right attitude, rather than the finished article.

3.) 20 Jul 2024 20:46:32
I agree Shaw, I'd like to see progress, a better team culture and club approach.

4.) 20 Jul 2024 21:12:46
While I’m not getting my knickers in a twist about the signings (young and need time) I am very optimistic about the structure above EtH and his new coaching team.
Less injuries, a settled back line and some better coaching should see us competing for top 4.
Zirkzee and Hojlund will be getting coach by Ruud this season. Not many better to learn from.

5.) 20 Jul 2024 23:29:58
How many goals do you think a young rasmus should have scored in his first prem season? His chance to goal ratio is excellent. He needs to keep improving, and we desperately need to start looking for him is a1 position. Too often he was in the right place and our wingers ignored him, cut back to option 2 or 3, shot from stupid positions or lost the ball.

We had 1 striker. It is not enough. Now we will have 2 plus youth, that is a good start.

Looking forward to seeing this new squad come together.

6.) 21 Jul 2024 00:00:50
Totally agree Dodgy, his goal to chance record was second only to Haaland. Even with a supposedly proven goalscorer, how are are they going to score more goals unless the service dramatically improves.

If the service to a striker dramatically improves, given the high conversion rate of Rasmus, then by definition Rasmus will become a proven goalscorer!

It's not a proven goalscorer we need, it's just someone who can get the ball, consistently and accurately, into the striker.

7.) 21 Jul 2024 09:22:52
Exactly. Now he also has to make the movements to be in the right place, and later in the season he had been ignored so much he stopped making as many sharp movements - probably also tired from overplaying. Sure the new coaching set up will take him to a new level.

8.) 21 Jul 2024 09:33:11
Agree Dodgy.

Our lack of creativity and chances created is well documented. Common sense says our strikers won’t be scoring many.

I think Rasmus did very well last season under the circumstances, and also considering our spoiled brat hasn’t let him into his inner circle.

9.) 21 Jul 2024 10:04:27
Will bet my left nut Rasmus scores atleast 20 goals all comps this season barring any lengthy injury.

10.) 21 Jul 2024 10:18:54
We have two inexperienced strikers, but interesting Wheatley is now at an age where he may step up a level, some do some don’t, we will see. The club are actively and allegedly trying to sign the lad from Arsenal youth who seemed to be a goalscorer and that is a positive if it happens.
Two things for me. Not seen Zirkzee but he is untried when we already have little experience of goal scoring in the club. I would probably have looked for a more experienced striker. Secondly, we buy these tall strikers but don’t cross the ball. That’s a negative for me. Other teams cross it a lot, City create by manouvering fullbacks, overload and cross. We just pass it back. More emphasis needs to be using a crossed ball, then winning it back if not successful. We are playing chess on a football field. What’s the point in having strikers if they don’t get service. That must change this season.

11.) 21 Jul 2024 12:17:20
Ruud thrived on crosses. There is a reason eth was told the coaching needed changing.
I'm sure we will see a different approach. Eth's job depends on big improvement.

12.) 22 Jul 2024 11:15:03
Ken, to be fair football was played differently back then, while Ruud also had two of the best crossers in EPL history in Beckham and Giggs whipping inch perfect crosses for him.

Changes in the game mean crosses are less impactful in terms of creating a scoring chance then they used to be. That might well change in the future, football goes in circles as they say.

Personally I think the lack of crosses, cuts backs or even passes from our wide forwards has far more to do with their natural instincts as players and less to do with the tactics.

Rashford, Antony and Garnacho all prefer to play on the opposite side to their dominant foot. They naturally don't want to go round the outside and cross, but to cut back inside and shoot off their stronger foot.

When attacking in the final third instinct plays a much bigger role than in other areas of the pitch where you get a little more time and space to think about your options.

We saw the change in Garnacho's game when he switched from the left to the right. His game went from being one dimensional and predictable, to suddenly him seemingly having more options. Because his instincts to cut in were no longer the overriding decider in his actions.

I've said previously that I think Garnacho needs to play more regularly on the right while he's developing and growing as a player to help round out his development and make him a better player.

This natural instinct for most of our wide players to cut in and attack the space on the inside channels is one of the reasons I believe Zirkzee could be an inspired signing (if he adapts and steps up to the EPL) . His skillset to drop deep pulling a CB with him then to link up the play with the wide forwards could be transformational for our attack. It would both create more space for our wide forwards to attack centrally, creating both more and higher quality chances.

Potentially Zirkzee could see one or even both Rashford and Garnacho go up a level or two in their goalscoring output.

Looking at the skills of the players at our disposal, Zirkzee would work well with Rashford, Garnacho and Antony in those wide positions.

While Højlund probably needs one or Mount or Amad to be playing in those wide positions for him to thrive. Having someone whose natural instincts is to create for others rather than looking to score themselves.

Either way, I actually really like our current attacking options going into this season. In an ideal world we'd replace Antony with someone like Olise or similar. Obviously Olise isn't an option now, while finding someone to sign Antony probably requires a blind sporting director.



10 Jul 2024 15:49:51
New owners but same old story. Lots of rumours and purported bids, no clear strategy, nobody signed, nobody released, it's a shambles.


1.) 10 Jul 2024 16:16:54
Utter disgrace! They can’t blame the Euros or Copa America for getting in the way, or the fact that the better players have all been busy and are either still playing or taking a deserved rest.

If we were really serious, players would gladly leave their national teams or the beach to sign for the best 8th placed team in the world!

2.) 10 Jul 2024 16:27:16
Exactly Brendan, players of today SMh!

3.) 10 Jul 2024 17:37:11
Hoping this is satire AJH, but you never know on here ?.

4.) 10 Jul 2024 17:39:45
Hurrah satire is alive and well ?.

5.) 10 Jul 2024 17:59:19
It's a disgrace.

6.) 10 Jul 2024 18:43:09
Sneijeeederre - GET TO THE CHOPPER!

7.) 10 Jul 2024 22:02:14
I'm losing patience with them already.

8.) 11 Jul 2024 04:31:50
A Yorkshire man grabbing two phone books for his car seat is satire.

9.) 11 Jul 2024 07:00:24
Dodgy ?.



06 Jul 2024 14:12:44
Angel and Brino, sitting in a tree
First comes love, then comes marriage
Them comes the baby in a baby carriage


Angel, I agree with you most of the time but when it comes to Bruno, I have a different view.

His stats remain strong, but I think he goes missing regularly and can be anonymous. He's also a whining drama queen, when he's supposed to be leading by example. I see the stats and watch the game, and the 2 things never add up for me.

Now the Bruno who arrived was awesome, what he did in his first season was incredible, but he's not that player any more.

If a huge offer comes in from SA, we should take it, assuming we invest it wisely in rebuilding.


1.) 06 Jul 2024 14:29:22
Bit childish but I’ll bite.

Bruno goes missing? Doesn’t lead by example? Well that’s an alternative view.

For me he leaves it all out on the pitch, has led to the best of his ability when other players REFUSED to be captain (confirmed by Ole), and as Angel says he’s our only genuine world class player.

Watching his workrate in the flesh is not what you see on tv. He’s constantly moving players around, tracking back, and giving his all for the team.

He’s also a drama queen you’re right about that, I think that takes the shine off how good he is.

The top clubs will be in for him if he’s available (Bayern confirmed by Ed002), but he’d cost a fortune and only Saudi can afford him. You can bet your bottom dollar that Barcelona and Madrid would take him in a heartbeat if they had the need, and I’m sure Pep would too. I’m not saying those clubs are in for him but he would get in their teams.

2.) 06 Jul 2024 15:43:43
Bayern are not interested at a big fee as confirmed by ed002 no big clubs are. This is a good chance to cash in on a player that will not improve over the next couple if years.
Happy for him to stay but I see good opportunities if he leaves.
He will make his own choice for his own reasons.
Perhaps he doesn't want to play in a team that can't compete to win the big trophies. He might as well get paid double in Saudi competing for minor trophies.
If our own fans don't think we can compete even for top 4 then if I was him I'd be leaving too.

3.) 06 Jul 2024 16:01:51
That was a bit dramatic AJH ?

Bruno is our only world class player and everything goes through him, his stats over the last 5 years are just incredible, no other word to describe them. Plus he's always been a drama queen, has never bothered me. As long as he performs, which he does. And performs in poor united teams.

A good chance to get rid of a player that won't improve. Your crystal ball has been well off lately Ken, i'd stop looking into it if I were you ?.

4.) 06 Jul 2024 16:24:13
Just trying to have a bit of fun Wazza, no offence meant, especially to my buddy angel. It is interesting that we see different things. I see Bruno as a busy fool, here, there, and everywhere, but most of the time not doing a right lot. I'm not saying he's poor, clearly he is a quality player, in the 2021 season he was amazing, perhaps that's why I think he has fallen off, he's a long way from that player.

5.) 06 Jul 2024 17:19:19
He might be a sh1thouse, but he's our sh1thouse. Rival fans don't like him, but when he is on form he is very very good. Much of last season he was nowhere near his level.

I would only sell if he is pushing to move. If he is, no idea how we replace him. Not sure mount is that guy - but he could be a good linking player who defends with more disciplin. We would need a leader like MDL added to the team though.

6.) 06 Jul 2024 19:16:42
I agree with ajh, if a silly offer was recievd I'd sell him. Think there are better players out there.

7.) 06 Jul 2024 19:48:44
He was outstanding in the cup final a few weeks ago.

8.) 06 Jul 2024 20:27:03
Angel players don't usually improve as they get older.
His personal stats are good his teams stats are not.
Couthino leaving libel is a good example of how a team can lose its best player but improve as a team.

9.) 06 Jul 2024 20:31:22
Name better players attainable to us tom.

10.) 06 Jul 2024 20:57:27
If the money that we are offered is enough that we can improve the team by selling and using it to buy it makes sense.

Remember that with accounting as it is, it isn't just £x it frees up it frees up more due to amortisation if it's managed properly.

I love Bruno but understand that if the sale makes sense in the bigger picture because it's best for a United then it should happen if possible.

11.) 07 Jul 2024 07:04:42
We all know he is out best player by a mile, for the first 18months of him arriving we were a one man team.

However, he will be 30 this year will need to be replaced in the next few years and if he wants to go, we wish him all the best.

12.) 07 Jul 2024 10:56:13
I said a while ago, Bruno is not coordinating within a team tactic, runs around haphazardly, drags us out of shape. Again. Why did we buy Mount to play in Bruno’s position? If a good offer from Saudi comes in for Bruno I think we should consider it.

13.) 07 Jul 2024 12:39:12
Red man. I do not see that at all. And I'm sure ETH doesn't see it that way either. It will be a massive mistake to accept a bid, no matter how big.

14.) 07 Jul 2024 14:39:00
I don't know who is available angelred.
I think Bruno is over hyped. He's a good player but not getting any younger. He wants a big contract and I think the team would cope without him. If you don't agree that's fine it's your opinion.
We have mason mount who I think would suit the team better if he can stay fit, again just my opinion.
His 2 best games for utd was playing as a false 9, funny how we looked better in midfield without him.

15.) 07 Jul 2024 14:47:51
Bruno is our best player by so far its ridiculous. It would be an absolute disaster selling him. Not a player in world football who we could replace him with imo.

16.) 07 Jul 2024 14:57:07
I'll accept your first line Tom. Cheers ?.

17.) 07 Jul 2024 15:19:18
Be utter madness to sell Bruno, why on earth would utd even think about selling their best player. which he is and has been for years. only if he wants to move do you think about selling.

18.) 07 Jul 2024 16:46:29
I think Utd aren't going to hang onto any player who wants to leave. In his televised interview he said he'd stay if Utd wanted him and I suspect most managers would.
But if he or Rash in particular hand a request in I doubt Utd will refuse, it's time to get back to getting players who are gagging to be here. Admittedly because of where we are these tend to be the younger emerging players which suits me fine.

19.) 07 Jul 2024 17:48:43
I'd move him on. He gives the ball away far too much and conceeds fouls I dangerous areas.

If you think he is utds beat player then that is just a reflection on the rest of the squad.

20.) 07 Jul 2024 18:06:52
Angel and Bruno were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby pestered the ref to send me off while the other team scored.

21.) 07 Jul 2024 20:42:57
Imo, if Bruno goes it's because we have unsettled him by saying he's available at the right price. At this rate the squad will be weaker at the end of the window rather than stronger. Haven't been impressed by any of the suggested targets so far.

22.) 08 Jul 2024 06:52:10
We should also consider whether Bruno has asked for a totally unrealistic wage to sign a new contract and the club are not prepared to give it. To fire a warning shot across his bows is to say they are willing to sell, that may also bring out his attitude to wanting to stay. Does he want to be there enough and we should want that in all our players. Most won’t remember but it is reminiscent of United putting Law on the transfer list. Still I would consider a very large offer, because he can be chaotic tactically and it was only in the free false nine role that we could afford him being so loose.

23.) 08 Jul 2024 08:41:25
"We all know he is out best player by a mile"

Do we? I don't.

I'd say Licha is. People keep talking about Bruno being "our only World class player" and the like, but he's not as good as Martinez, and while he's right on the cusp, I don't think Bruno is world class.

His vision and ability to pick out his team-mates' runs is suprisingly poor. His pressing is enthusiastic but poor. I'm pretty sure Refs have gotten so fed up with his histrionics that he's costing us decisions now. He is a really good player, but not so good we can't go on without him.

24.) 08 Jul 2024 09:34:18
Thorne, I strongly have to disagree with your post mate.

Bruno isn't as good as Martinez?! Martinez is a centre half who has been injured for more time than he has played. I don't get how this can even be a thought however appreciate each to their own.
He's a leader and probably slightly better than Bruno in that regard but he's also petulant and makes rash decisions when things aren't going his way.

Bruno has been our best player by a country mile since he's been with us and I think that gets forgotten by a lot of us.

Both are important to the team but to say Licha is better, I'm sorry but that is just silly.

25.) 08 Jul 2024 11:47:50
BigGiv, Bruno is also petulant and makes rash decisions. I can't agree with you that Bruno has been our best player since he joined us. For that first season or so? Sure, he probably was our best player, but since then? Absolutely not.

He's so overrated. He scores good goals, but his playmaking is really sub-par for a player of his supposed quality, and he doesn't understand how to press. When he sees the pass, his execution is very good, but too often he doesn't see the pass in the first place. In a team based on flashes of individual brilliance under Ole he looked great, but the more the team plays as a unit the less influence he has, and he simply doesn't have the vision to tie the attacking elements together.

He is still a very good player, on the cusp of world class, but he's not quite there, and at his age, he never will be.

I also firmly believe his behaviour is costing us decisions. There's a look on Refs' faces when they see him running up to them, it reminds me of the look my wife has when I'm trying to explain why she's wrong, and you can guess how that always ends up!



04 Jul 2024 13:33:54
Lots of talk about new players and whilst ability is very important, I would venture that attitude and character is more critical right now.

We lack backbone and grit, the team lacks real leaders. For those old enough to remember the '93 and 94 team, we had Schmeichel, Bruce, Palliater, Ince, Keane, Cantona Hughes, every one of whom would not back down or walk away. Looking at today's team, we have Martinez and beyond that, I struggle to see someone with real cojones.

We have talented players, but we need leadership, I think this takes precedence.


1.) 04 Jul 2024 14:09:16
Leaders need to emerge. Martinez came in and led. But it’s very difficult to bring in new players and expect them to lead. Casemiro should be a leader, but is here for a holiday. Bruno could be a leader, but is too concerned with complaining.

Players in the squad, even young ones need to step up. I think it will help when the squad is trimmed. Too many players is never helpful.

2.) 04 Jul 2024 14:24:18
Ugarte and De Ligt are certainly players who like to get stuck in, and I for one am pleased to see the club targeting this profile of player. Leaders are few and far between these days, we'll never replicate that group we had in the 90's as the world has changed so much.

It will be interesting to see how our mentally feeble players respond. Although Martial has gone and Sancho won't be far behind, so we are slowly but surely ridding the cabbage brains and finding those rarities who have a bit more about them.

3.) 04 Jul 2024 15:16:08
I don't know what the issue is Danny but too many seem to shrink them things get tough. Try amd thi k of a Captain in the team, other than Martinez, I struggle.

4.) 04 Jul 2024 16:26:10
Totally agree with our players lacking leadership. Looking at De Ligt and Ugate I think we would be bringing in players that want to set an example and along with Onana and Martines we would be in a much better place.

I think even someone like Mainoo has a leadership quality about him that will grow over time.

Fernandes will remain captain for next year and I am comfortable with that and a larger leadership group.

5.) 04 Jul 2024 16:45:56
There isn’t AJH, but some of them need to start stepping up or we’ll never get anywhere. Having a huge squad hasn’t helped because it divided things into factions. I think having a smaller squad, and getting rid of the factions will help. I want to see young players like Hojland and Manioo to start pushing players. They clearly have the desire to be top class. Part of that is pushing others, even if they’re older players.

6.) 04 Jul 2024 17:49:02
Yes, its not age. I remember Tony Adams becoming captain at Arsenal when he was 21, Fabregas was the same age, De Ligt was captain at Ajax at 18.

7.) 04 Jul 2024 17:57:38
Bruno, Dalot and Martinez stand out to me.

8.) 04 Jul 2024 18:03:41
Honestly I think it needs to come from the younger lads. Players like Rashford and McTominay have had their chance to grow into leaders, and didn’t take it. I just want a group of players to drive the team when they’re struggling.

9.) 04 Jul 2024 21:30:05
I genuinely do not think Casemiro is here for a holiday. That is not his character nor his makeup. I think last year was a tough realisation that his legs are not what they were.

It’s always a shame when real legends of any sport go that one year too long.

Who knows, with the right people around him he could have a hell of a swansong.

{Ed025's Note - your kidding yourself KEEF, he came here for a payday mate and it worked out just fine for him...lets not be naive about it..

10.) 04 Jul 2024 21:44:53
Just my opinion Ed025. I like to see the good in people! I just think he is a better person than that.

But hey, I am often more wrong than right!

{Ed025's Note - so am i KEEF, but i have a distrust of most footballers mate, but only because most of them are selfish, egotistical money grabbing rats.. :)

11.) 04 Jul 2024 21:46:25
And in all fairness it’s not his fault he was signed. Where was the due diligence? Hopefully that’s a thing of the past eh!

12.) 04 Jul 2024 22:40:15
Biggest thing we need this summer is the new people coming in and setting clear rules and a code of conduct.

No more running your mouth on social media or acting like a spoilt brat because you've been put on the bench or subbed off.

Have pride in the badge on the front of the shirt and okay for it or on your bike.

13.) 04 Jul 2024 22:49:06
Agreed ed!

14.) 05 Jul 2024 01:41:31
This kind of things needs to come from the top. If we want a team with a never say die attitude, Ten Haag needs to stop giving them excuses to underperform. Sadly, as long as he keeps writing seasons off before a ball has even been kicked and blaming all of our problems on injuries, I don’t see anything changing.

15.) 04 Jul 2024 23:04:23
Lol 25, brutal! ?.

{Ed025's Note - but fair DB.. :)

16.) 04 Jul 2024 23:53:47
Could not agree more AJH.



08 Jun 2024 13:11:31
For all the optimism of the SJR involvement, we are yet to see anything. Our 2 major backroom targets remain missing, Berrada agreed but can't start yet, Ashworth on gardening leave even though no agreement has been reached. Surely we should have reached agrrement with Newcastle, a chance to be decisive and move forward wasted.

I guess we will see when the window opens, are we able to shift people out, and also bring our targets in more efficiently than in previous years years, hopefully at appropriate fees.

I can't help feeling that if ETH was staying, we would know by now, again I'm not sure what the issue is. If he's staying fine, if he's going, say so.

I know it takes time, but it already feel like we could be a bit more decisive.


1.) 08 Jun 2024 13:27:53
Maybe they are waiting till he gets back from his holiday.

2.) 08 Jun 2024 14:22:51
I don't get the concern.
Timings on certain things in business don't always go to plan the only difference here than with most businesses is that it's happening under the glare of 1 billion fans and under the spotlight of the media.
These issues are everyday issues that most businesses have.
This is a complete restructure it will take time and the pieces don't always fall into place ideally.
Relax the kaks it will be another 18 months at least until there is real clarity and significant progress.
Everything going on is normal imo in a situation like the one the business is going through.
Let there be no panic. Everybody wanted a new structure so let them get on with it and accept they're are things we don't know or understand.
I swear there are people here that would tell a heart surgeon how to do their jobs having never performed open heart surgery themselves.

3.) 08 Jun 2024 14:33:09
Do they have to announce that they're keeping him, if that's what they do? Maybe there won't even be this big announcement we're all waiting for.

4.) 08 Jun 2024 15:01:25
INEOS culture is to keep everything quiet - why broadcast your intentions to your business rivals? That’s why SJR is a billionaire.

There will no doubt be an announcement out if the blue, after weeks of secret negotiations.

Things ARE happening in the background no doubt - we’re just not used to a professional business keeping their cards close to their chests.

5.) 08 Jun 2024 16:19:23
Whilst we all want information and answers If the right manager comes in or stays, if the hierarchy and transfer team improve everything over the next couple of years, if they decide what to do and implement a strategy for the ground. then this short period where have been made we will hear.

6.) 08 Jun 2024 16:41:58
So everything is fine, nothing to see here, all very professional. Apart from the rumour about Southgate, obviously.

7.) 08 Jun 2024 19:12:53
Ken I agree, I don't get the concern either.

If ETH is staying, why are people expecting an announcement? Clubs don't make an announcement each year that their manager is continuing with their contract.

If ETH is leaving, then it will be announced.

Either way, we have no control over it whatsoever. Go outside, enjoy the sunshine ?.

8.) 09 Jun 2024 02:53:47
Longer it takes, less time there is to make changes to the playing staff. Cheaper it will be. More loan can be repaid, lower I interest charges will be. More profits for the Glazers and the glazers 2.0.

Why worry, just sit back and watch the other teams around you run out of sight while we spend another year sitting on our hands.

We want to believe you inneos, but you seem to be fluffing it up at the moment.

9.) 09 Jun 2024 12:29:31

What are ineos fluffing up exactly? they've just brought into the club. They haven't got the backroom staff all inplace.

Most of us when they came in wanted a plan in place that seems to be happening but also from ourside surely abit of patience should be expected?

10.) 09 Jun 2024 14:41:39
Yes we need patience, but surely they know whether they want to keep ETH or not, given that are talking to so many others it seems not. It's a bit ham fisted for me.

And just pay the compensation for Ashworth.

11.) 09 Jun 2024 16:31:47
Just pay ?
One of the reasons he is a billionaire and your not.

12.) 09 Jun 2024 18:15:53
Just pay Newcastle what they want when frankly they're making ridiculous claims like £20m? One of the things ineos want to do is stop ye being mugged off and overpaying all the time.




AJH's rumour replies


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20 Jul 2024 16:23:13
McT is an excellent squad player if not a starter. Casemiro's legs appear to have gone, we should take whatever we can get for him. Sorry to be brutal it i don't see this one as complicated.




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20 Jul 2024 07:34:28
IYKYK? Spill the beans big boy.




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04 Jul 2024 06:37:04
I like Scott, he may not be a starter but he would be a great squad player. 100% effort, fully committed, great attitude, and a far better player than many give him credit for.




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02 Jun 2024 19:48:29
Great first season, post that, not so much. I have no issue with him leaving, how he ever became captain is beyond me.




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30 May 2024 06:22:13
If we sign Olive, perhaps we could also sign Popeye as a holding midfielder.


{Ed025's Note - or even Stan from "on the buses" AJH.. :)




AJH's banter replies


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24 Jul 2024 14:35:57
I've called it our regularly. I wouldn't have paid what we did for him, I probably wouldn't have signed him, but he isn't crap, nor is he a donkey.




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24 Jul 2024 07:08:23
Hilarious. Maguire may not be the great CB we need, but the abuse is ridiculous. He us well respected within the club, never complained, and was solid every time he played last year. I'm not saying he's great, ir he should stay, but the narrative that he is a donkey is both wrong and childish.




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23 Jul 2024 20:04:28
Some people excel at 'smaller' clubs but struggle with the expevtaty9ns of a really big club.

Antony isn't the first to seem to lose his mojo, I've found him to be incredibly one dimensional and timid.




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20 Jul 2024 20:47:24
Brendan ???.




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20 Jul 2024 20:46:32
I agree Shaw, I'd like to see progress, a better team culture and club approach.