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13 Jul 2024 07:28:00
Amrabat decision to be made next week apparently.

Regardless of the other ins and outs expected in midfield, should he stay?


1.) 13 Jul 2024 08:08:59
Hard one. His work ethic is unquestionable but lacks passing skills and can look quite labored. All depends if cas goes imo and then would make sense to have him as a squad player plus a proper new number 6 coming in. By all accounts a good character and professional.

2.) 13 Jul 2024 08:14:21
Mmm. It’s a no from me. Good heart, work rate, attitude etc, just a bit too slow for the Premier League in the ball for me.

We need an Amarambat type player absolutely, but a better version of him.

Different positions entirely, but Mason Mount has to be like a new signing for us this season. Top player and passer of the ball and a pressing machine. He’ll add a new level of energy to our midfield.

3.) 13 Jul 2024 09:12:38
Got to agree I don't think he is good enough, but maybe just lack of game time. The amount of times he gave the ball away with simple 5 yard passes that led to the opposition bearing down on goal. Great work rate but will cost us games IMHO.

4.) 13 Jul 2024 09:16:45
I’ve seen Amrabat a lot for Fiorentina including in the flesh. He played exactly the same way for United.

As I said a year ago, an unspectacular signing. Better than McTominay as a DM, but a squad player at best.

Imo we need to sign a DM as a priority, regardless of whether Cas stays.

5.) 13 Jul 2024 09:41:50
Ugarte priority as DM unless we have the money to get the Benfica lad. Then once that is done do we want another in midfield at which point I would be happy with Amrabat as rotation.

Mount next year will be like a new signing for the team.

6.) 13 Jul 2024 09:49:27
Wazza same as you, I see Amrabat as a better player and option in midfield than McT. Selling McT and getting a squad player like Amrabat for small amount would be good business. I think Ugarte will be a United player too.

7.) 13 Jul 2024 10:00:29
Think Ed002 said something about Amrabat was an expensive and complicated loan deal so financials might also be at play here.

Decent squad player though rather sell him and promote Collyer.

8.) 13 Jul 2024 10:14:03
Dont see him as better than free agent Ndidi from Leicester - PL experience if we are talk squad/ europa league.

9.) 13 Jul 2024 11:00:30
I thought he had a great game in the FA cup final, but that was his only great game for us. All his other performances were average at best.

He's a decent squad player, but I don't think we should be committing to buying average players. Not if we want to move on from making the same transfer disasters of the past decade.

Supposedly we could get him for 18-20m, yet there are options like Youssef Fofana available for 25-30m. For me Fofana is a much better player, and nearly 3 years younger. He has the potential to become a first choice player with us, something that Amrabat doesn't. Fofana isn't the only good value option out there, André from Fluminese is supposedly available for a similar fee.

While all signings are a gamble, and they may be no better than Amrabat. There is every chance they would be better, while signing Amrabat just means signing a player we KNOW isn't good enough, which just seems silly.

10.) 13 Jul 2024 21:33:22
Nope. Good attitude, but his first touch gives me the fear.

11.) 14 Jul 2024 07:21:39
Save the cash and buy Ugarte. Massive upgrade.



10 Aug 2023 19:45:24
So Fred and Kovar say goodbye to United tonight, a few more to join them over the coming weeks.


1.) 10 Aug 2023 20:55:52
Shame to see Kovar leave, I thought he looked really promising in pre-season. I wonder if there is a buy back clause.

2.) 10 Aug 2023 20:58:16
An absolutely ruthless, yet long overdue exodus is occurring at OT.

ETH is firmly getting his own way and I for one am delighted. Bailly, McTominay, vdBeek and hopefully Martial to come.

3.) 10 Aug 2023 21:13:18
Kovar is a weird one. I really liked what I’d seen and I’m hugely surprised he didn’t stick around at least as 3rd choice keeper. What do we actually want in a back up keeper….

4.) 10 Aug 2023 21:52:54

I think he set his own tone with how he managed the Ronaldo situation.
Since then, we've all expected him to continue being bullish about what must happen for his vision to be realised, but we've all been rightly dubious because of the significant levels of incompetence we're so used to from all levels.

Finally, we're getting rid of so much that should have been shipped off when it had greater value.

5.) 10 Aug 2023 22:25:28
Kovar will have a sell on fee no doubt. Gutted to see Fred fo especially with the low fee. He always worked his socks off, covering every blade and was good at breaking play down. i'd rather us have sold scott. he was massively under rated by a lot of our fans like the other neville and oshea used to be.

6.) 10 Aug 2023 22:53:44
First option and buy back clause in the kovar deal by the sounds of it. Giving him chance to progress but securing option if he does well.

7.) 10 Aug 2023 23:11:34
Can't see Martial going anywhere with his injury record. Who's going to want to pay him £13m + a transfer fee when they can have him for a whole lot less next year? And since he's unsellable I think ETH will keep him as a decent back up who he hopes will be available to play maybe 10 games this season. Who knows, with his contract expiring, maybe he'll actually be motivated to do something to earn himself a decent new one somewhere else next season.

8.) 10 Aug 2023 23:47:44
Kovar needed to go because he could actually be a decent keeper bit aitting on the bench for 5 years behind Onana is going to ruin his career. Best he goes and plays and if we have put the clauses if he does become what we hope then we bring him back.

I am not a fan of keeping kids around who don't play it doesn't help thwm at all. I do we think we should have a squad small enough to allow us to give kids a chance but that's not easy with a keeper as generally they cam play every match and you csnt give em 30 mins as a sub here and there and starts every now and then.

I also think it helps us if we are a team helping players to do what's best for tbem in terms of reputation amd attractiveness of the club as well.

9.) 11 Aug 2023 11:19:02
I agree Kovar needed to play regular football this season, I just thought a loan deal might have been best. Then the club would still have the option for him to come back and challenge Onana if his loan went well.

I suppose if the club have an option to bring him back though a buy back clause or similar then it makes sense to sell and bring much needed revenue back into the club.

It's a tactic other clubs have used to great effect. Selling some of their best young talents to raise funds for purchases, but inserting buy back options so they can bring those kids back if they progress and reach their potential. It can be better than a loan as the buying club has more of an investment in the player, more reason to invest time in developing the player than they might if it was just a loan. While for the player it gives them a sense of certainty over their immediate future and allows them to focus on their career and their development.

So it can be a good way of raising funds and giving players a clearer development pathway, while keeping some level of control over the future of the player.



10 Jun 2023 06:27:25
SS reporting that United have contacted Min-Jae representatives about signing him. Bid will be made when the release clause of £42m kicks in on 1 July. Let's see what happens in 3 weeks.


1.) 10 Jun 2023 10:37:04
Didn’t one of his representative come out recently and say he wants the United move? Really great business if we can get him. Add a sweeper keeper and we’ll play a high line next year with great play out potential. Hopefully we get a really strategically focused transfer window.

2.) 10 Jun 2023 14:41:09
yep, we should be ready to pounce in about 12 months once the sale of the club is done.

3.) 10 Jun 2023 14:57:35
Don't know whether to laugh or cry at the comment bfbw.

4.) 10 Jun 2023 15:05:43
It would be nice if we could complete a deal without a huge saga starting. KMJ looks a great deal. But i think for most fans it is a lower priority role after the performances of Lindelof and shaw since Jan.

Hopefully it is done easily and shows others our intent to sign even through the sale process.

5.) 10 Jun 2023 16:06:26
No it’s definitely not a lower priority, we need a top class CB to come in and rotate with Varane, Lindelof is option 4 let’s be honest.

6.) 11 Jun 2023 12:32:03
City's CB options are out of this world.
Ake, Stones, Laporte, Dias and Akanji

We need similar standards.

7.) 11 Jun 2023 13:23:59
Lindelof has done a great job this season. There is always a need for rotation and as long as he's happy to be a rotation player then he stays for me.

8.) 11 Jun 2023 16:08:15
What Linelof performances? Everytime he played he made mistakes and just is not good enough. He's better than maguire yes but not by much.

9.) 11 Jun 2023 18:51:10
Ake is average, Laporte too.

Diaz has been world class at times, but can blow a little cold for periods of the season.

I wish we had got Akanji, he looks the business and I think we looked at him.

Stones has looked very good this year, stepping into his new hybrid role between midfield and CB. He has matured under Pep and the coaching team at city, he used to make a lot of mistakes when he first went to city.

If you compare our defenses I don't think Shaw, martinez and varane are much of a drop off. We need a new starting 8, a top class striker and we need better creativity and cohesiveness from our attacking play (whether we achieve that from just adding those 2 players and coaching, or we need to change more) .

10.) 12 Jun 2023 07:40:47
RR recommended Akanji to Utd.

11.) 12 Jun 2023 13:39:57
Pretty sure Ralf Rangnick recommended Akanji, Caicedo and Juilan Alvarez. All could have been bought for less than 40m combined.

12.) 12 Jun 2023 13:40:37
They are a great team and give credit where its due. very difficult feat to achieve.




Grim's banter posts with other poster's replies to Grim's banter posts


06 Jul 2024 07:44:20
Now Portugal are out, the rumours of Bruno to Saudi will start to increase. if it does happen, who would everyone like to see replace him?


1.) 06 Jul 2024 08:49:46
If we are looking like for like, only De Bruyne can replace him. In terms of numbers, Bruno is in the top 1% of midfields of all time for goal contributions.

I don’t really know who can replace him, but it would cost a lot of money and I think there are plenty more reasons to stick with him. I’d hope to get another couple of years under a new contract, and then talk to Saudi.

You can guarantee that if he was available, the world’s biggest clubs would be interested, not just Saudi.

2.) 06 Jul 2024 09:01:15
Musiala but absolutely no chance.

3.) 06 Jul 2024 09:01:17
If the club receive an offer of £70 million upwards, I'd imagine that they would be quite tempted to cash in on him.

The club need to sell players. Unfortunately those players the club wish to sell are proving difficult to move on.

If Mount stays fit, then he could play as a 10, but I'm not sure if he would excel in that position.

Wirtz would be my pick, but that won't happen.

4.) 06 Jul 2024 09:31:00
I don't think any of the world's biggest clubs will come in for a player turning 30 next season for a big fee and astronomical wages.
He can stay here or go to Saudi and double his wages and the club get a badly needed high value sale.
Good start for a rebuild for many reasons.
Makes an awful lot of sense imo and it's a win win.
If he stays it's no problem he performs to a high level in terms of his goal assist contribution. If he goes we can use the income to build for the future.
Eth has said he doesn't have the players he wants to play like he wants perhaps Bruno is part of that in terms of he doesn't quite fit what eth wants the team to play like.
No drama if he goes no drama if he stays.

5.) 06 Jul 2024 11:57:33
Ideally we keep him this summer unless a massive offer comes in.

In terms of replacing him, I don't think we should. At least not directly. The truth is that we almost certainly won't find anyone who can come in and match his numbers.

I think the better option would be to use his exit to evolve the team. Bruno plays best as a No.10 or even as a second striker. Great energy, phenomenal creativity, but needs the freedom to move where he can find the space. It's a very individualistic style, that still has huge benefits for the team.

On the ball there is no problem playing that way, off the ball it can lead to defensive fragility. It requires other players to sacrifice to plug those gaps where they can.

In the squad we have a couple of different options who could play in Bruno's place. Mount if fit seems a very sensible option. He has proven he can get big numbers in terms of goals and assists, is a smarter presser of the ball, and can play a more possession orientated style.
Amad is another who has excelled playing in the No.10 role as well as wide right. He would offer a different option.

While if we sign Zirkzee he could be an interesting alternative playing in the No.10 with Højlund up top. His skill set is pretty close to an old school No.10 rather than a traditional No.9. Playing both Zirkzee and Højlund would be a pretty bold way to play, and it might not suit some games.

However, in terms of signing someone I think it would make more sense to take a leaf out of Liverpool's book. Coutinho was a similar player to Bruno in many ways, played best in a free central role, very creative and scored a lot, a bit of a liability in terms of team shape off the ball. When he left they signed a different sort of player, someone who could still get forward, but actually played slightly deeper and closer to the midfield giving them more control in games.

If Bruno leaves maybe moving away from a 4231 shape and more towards a 433 shape would be a smarter move.

Look to sign a midfielder who can still offer ball progression, but can defend better, retain the ball better and improve those around them rather than being the star player.

Ugarte looks like a probable signing, maybe bring in someone like Youssef Fofana as well. Playing a midfield three of Ugarte, Fofana and Mainoo when we need more control, with players like Mount or Zirkzee playing in some games depending on the opposition and the tactics needed.

6.) 06 Jul 2024 12:23:45
A fully fit Mount, Ugarte and Mainoo isn’t a bad midfield by any stretch. You could argue having Zirkzee will ease the loss of Bruno and help with link up play.
If we were thinking of a straight swap for a similar type of player then Wirtz, Olmo, even Kudus, . Ideally Palmer, but there is no chance of it happening.

7.) 06 Jul 2024 12:31:29
Joao Neves and Xavi Simons with the Bruno cash. Simons has similar offensive stats to Bruno but with better passing and carrying metrics, I’m in no way saying he’s better I’m just saying he’s at a great age with great out put.

8.) 06 Jul 2024 13:24:08
It makes 0 sense to sell Bruno Fernandes, 0.

Would be a HUGE mistake to sell our only viable world class individual. The only player that would probably get into any of the top 4 sides.

Plus, there isn't anyone out there you could replace him with. Madness. There isn't a figure in world football I would take to sell him at this moment in time.

9.) 06 Jul 2024 13:52:01
Love him or hate him I reckon he's currently the player who'd leave the biggest void if he left. There is zero creativity without him. Mount for whatever reason just hasn't worked so far, maybe that will change if we've start to get to the bottom of these injury issues.
As for who we'd replace him I'm not sure. Paqueta would have been a shout but hasn't done himself any favours recently. I'm yet to be convinced myself but Simons seems a popular shout, maybe an easy link with the Dutch connection.

10.) 06 Jul 2024 14:16:59
I’d let him go for a ridiculous offer (£120m-£150m) .

11.) 06 Jul 2024 15:25:49
Angel, many, many Liverpool fans said the same thing about Coutinho when Liverpool sold him.

Personally I'd prefer Bruno to stay for another year or two, I don't see him as a problem and he contributes more than most.

That said, a rebuild of the squad will take 3 to 4 years before we are truly ready to complete for major honours. By which time Bruno will be 33-34 years old.

Which means at best he is a sticking plaster over a gaping wound, and helps bridge the gap between this ragtag squad and the one the new owners are looking to build.

He will not be central to any rebuild we make.

He's on massive wages and will start to decline at some point.

If the club can get a big fee for him, remove his wages to help restructure the wage bill. While raising funds to bring in players who will be key to our next title winning team then its definitely something the club should consider.

The thing with losing a big personality and key player for a team is that it creates the space and opportunity for others to flourish and step up.

While the team is built around Bruno that will limit other players as well as the tactical set up of the team.

Lots of cases of clubs selling big players and actually improving afterwards. So I don't see it as all doom and gloom.

Like I said, personally I'd rather keep Bruno. Yet that doesn't factor in what the club, the manager or indeed the player wants. While there can also be upsides to selling him this summer that I think you've either not considered or just flat out dismissed.

Would your opinion change if you were to find out that Bruno wanted out? Would you want to keep a player who doesn't want to be here?

12.) 06 Jul 2024 15:27:47
I'd take it if they offer a good figure. Bruno is aggressive but his pressing is sloppy, and he's more of a second striker than a playmaker, he regularly fails to spot teammates making good runs.

Overall, even a less individually brilliant player might offer more to the team as a whole. Plus, getting rid of his ridiculous behaviour on the pitch might be good for the team too.

He is at a stage where he is still worth a lot, but his resale value is going to start dropping. If we are going to cash in, this is probably the time to do it.

13.) 06 Jul 2024 15:35:40
Shappy, your posts are getting more and more ridiculous each time I read them.

Coutinho is not and has never been Bruno Fernandes. the importance of that man to our team is unrivalled. Not just because he is a world class player, but because he is our only world class player in a time of change. He is our only constant.

You go on to dribble and still say that you'd keep him ?

And if he wants to leave that is a completely different conversation. No player should be held at a club he doesn't want to be at. But if th club have the choice, they must keep him.

14.) 06 Jul 2024 15:46:25
Good post Thorne.
It's up to him and imo he has earnt the right to make his own choice. I think most people can see the benefits on both sides of his decision.

15.) 06 Jul 2024 15:59:25
Would sell. Not captain material very unlikeable. Looking forward to when he leaves along with a few others.

16.) 06 Jul 2024 18:28:25
RewZ, how much do you think Fernandes would go for? £200m? That’s roughly the current price for Neves and Simons with Benfica and PSG both wanting around £100m for them. Not sure the fee for Fernandes would even be £80m tbh although you can never tell with ME teams.

17.) 06 Jul 2024 18:38:55
Angel, who were the other "world class" players at Liverpool when they sold Coutinho?

Benteke? Sturridge? Clyne? Ibe? Lovren? Lucas? Allen?

I'd say the squad Liverpool had when Klopp took over is certainly no better than the one we have now.

Coutinho wad their one world class player, he was also at or approaching his peak, which made him someone they could have potentially built around.

Yet he didn't fit what they were looking to do, so they sold him and used the funds to start to build a squad that went on to win every single titles available.

I think it's a very comparable situation to where we find ourselves now with possibly selling our best player.

Again you're just being dismissive because it doesn't suit your narrative.

Does selling Bruno weaken us in the short term? Yeah, absolutely.

However, long term and even over the medium term it could be what is best for the club.

It allows us to receive a big fee, raising funds that we need to rebuild the team.

It allows us to readdress the wage structure.

It allows us to move to a more team based style over an individual based style.

It creates space for others to potentially step up, or for potential new signings to flourish.

It allows the manager to select a new captain who might be better at bringing all the team together with the right mentality.

So there are plenty of potential advantages to selling him now.

Obviously none are guaranteed, which makes it a gamble. I understand that for many people the fear of the unknown makes them feel it's better the devil you know.

The truth is though that Bruno will not be a part of our next title winning side whether he leaves this summer or not.

18.) 06 Jul 2024 19:17:35
I'd look at eze to replace Bruno. Or maybe just play mount.

19.) 06 Jul 2024 20:32:37
I can't take you seriously shappy, coutinho world class. There is absolutely no point reading the rest of it.

20.) 06 Jul 2024 22:33:08
The feelings mutual Angel, take your United tinted glasses off and see things clearly.

Bruno in 13,857 EPL minutes has 94 goals and assists.

Coutinho in 13,571 EPL minutes has 85 goals and assists.

They have a near identical record in terms of goals and assists.

Which one is the better passer? Has better technique? Is a better dribbler?

Probably Coutinho in all three. How many times has Bruno been at fault for giving the ball away?

It's often said that Bruno doesn't offer much other than goals and assists, but his record in that is so good he's still world class.

So why would you then say Coutinho has never been world class despite a near identical record, while being a superior player in many key skills?

21.) 07 Jul 2024 13:53:48
Bruno is not world class never was never will be. Has great moments but not all that at all. Never Brough united up levels because he was not capable like cantoa or Rooney or keane. Fur coat no knickers best way to describe bruno.

22.) 07 Jul 2024 14:49:26
Only world class player we have at the club.



31 Oct 2023 05:56:20
Should Bruno no longer be captain, a few of us have said this over the last year and now Keane has come out and said the same.

It would be a massive decision and risk alienating our most creative player when he is in the right mood.

Problem is, you look around that United team and it devoid of leaders, which maybe part of the reason why we are struggling to get out of this current slump.

Perversely, Maguire has acted more like a captain over the last few games than Bruno, says it all really.


1.) 31 Oct 2023 07:05:53
Never mind Bruno, we have a much bigger problem. 1 goal and 1 assist all season. The party boy was at it again on Sunday night after being hammered 3-0.

I don’t mind players having a drink at all, but his lifestyle is not suitable for a player at the level he thinks he is.

This squad has no discipline, which really surprises me because I thought this manager wouldn’t stand for it. He needs dropping for a run of games.

2.) 31 Oct 2023 07:30:32
Nevermind captain, I think Bruno should sold. He is totally unsuitable for what Ten Hag is trying to do.

3.) 31 Oct 2023 07:34:50
It was his 26th birthday. if he wants to go out and have a party its his business. Not surprised the media is going to make a story of it and people here have something new to have a go too. typical.

4.) 31 Oct 2023 08:14:53

That's an interesting point. Funny thing I was thinking come summer if we will see a major change of direction and someone like him sold. He struggles in games where we get pressed and find it difficult to find space. He does great for Portugal as he has the luxury of a lot of top players around him who are all excellent technically on the ball.

I would personally rebuild our midfield with players like Onana from everton, Palacios from leverkusen and Wirtz, who is excellent as a like for like replacement for Fernandez and would go as far as saying we would not see a drop in productivity with him as our number 10. Just clean slate changes.

5.) 31 Oct 2023 09:09:20
There are very few players who are captain material in that squad. Maguire was/ is the obvious choice but that ship has sailed. Ironically he's our most in-form defender, who'd have thought? Casemiro and Varane would be contenders, but do they even start? It has to be a steady player who plays consistently, and at a consistent level. I think Shaw would be a shout but again he's made of glass.
But all in all, I think the negative effects of yet another captaincy change would be quite negative. It would certainly affect Bruno adversely. Armband or not, there should be enough experience and leaders in that squad to 'lead' on the pitch.

6.) 31 Oct 2023 10:47:31
Maguire has performed better in the last couple of games (a narrow 1-0 home win against Copenhagen and the utter shambles that was the City game), but the team performances were pretty dire. Probably not helped that Maguire is a part of the reason why the team have had to try and shift tactics. Such as getting Onana to play it long rather than play out from the back, or the defence playing 10 yards deeper which is creating too much space in midfield and making it impossible for us to get a foothold in the game. He isn't the sole reasons for these changes but he may be the main beneficiary of them.

At no point though has Maguire ever in his United career shown anything that even looks like leadership. He shouts at his team mates and blames them for his own mistakes. He doesn't take responsibility or do anything to elevate his teammates performance or moral.

I'm not saying Bruno is any better, just that Maguire has no leadership credentials at all.

Martinez would be my choice as captain, and if this was last season Casemiro would have been in with a shout as well. Unfortunately his decline in form doesn't make him a strong candidate. I wonder once he's settled and if he can make a regular impact if Mount might be an option. He has captained Chelsea on a few occasions and was a leader by all accounts at Derby while on loan there as a youngster. Although I'll be honest this is based on what others have said and not what I have observed. Although to be in with a shout he'd have to be playing regularly and performing well.

7.) 31 Oct 2023 11:28:34
It really is quite basic. Bruno and rash need to be subbed off Round 60 mins unless they have created scored goals. That is a bare minimum. Eth has tried to play them back into form and it hasn't worked. Now the fans are desperate for him to either start one or both from the bench, or see one of both subbed off and give someone else a chance.

No way EtH should be sacked, but he is losing the crowd by refusing to take a look at the team without those 2 in it.

He showed with ronaldo that he was all about team, but with these 2 he is not doing it. Do they have contracts that say they must play unless injured?!

8.) 31 Oct 2023 11:34:37
Nature is not playing that well at all. Mistake waiting to happen. Not a good option for captain ad we know and not a good option to play. When all are fit he will be well down the pecking order imo.

9.) 31 Oct 2023 12:19:15
We should have been looking at Rice as our future captain 3 years ago and getting him in give him a couple of years to bed on and then handed it too him.

His charactwr was obvious for all to see, his triumph over adversity in his career his uetly improvement. Everyone ways plays better around him.

It's another glaring mistake not as big as the one where we didn't puah for Hendo because he ran funny. Might never be Ballon d'Or material but by god can he led nd make nteam better, plus he gives it all every match.

10.) 31 Oct 2023 15:37:58
Oakbark, in hindsight I think most fans would have rather spent the 70m we paid for Casemiro last summer on Rice instead.

Would have probably been as good as Casemiro last season and would still be as good this season and beyond.



05 Sep 2023 06:12:41
Here we go again, this one has been in the offing for a while, so should we suspend Antony now Brazil have?


1.) 05 Sep 2023 07:16:50
Can see it happening. He will also be arrested if he goes back to Brazil apparently. not a good look.

Anthony on the run . -insert your own joke here.

2.) 05 Sep 2023 07:22:39
Suspend? His actions are abhorrent, irrespective of his call of innocence on social media. Get rid.
Manchester United don't permit criminals, innocent or otherwise.
A precedent has been set.
If he doesn't go, then that break clause in Mason's loan contract looks like a great move.

3.) 05 Sep 2023 07:35:37
Surely we have to the same as we did with MG, suspend and do investigation.

4.) 05 Sep 2023 07:40:53
That will depend on what happened if anything and how much media/ celebrity attention it is given.

In this case the media teams of the celebs are warning them to be careful as the Police are investigating it prior to them being able to share their opinions and therefore they run the risk of being held in contempt of court.

5.) 05 Sep 2023 07:56:16
The difference here is Antony has come out with his own statement to flat out deny the allegations.

Try not to put his and MG’s case together. The two are totally separate.

I’m not defending Antony but I always think it speaks volumes when the player flat out refuses the allegations. He’s also said he’s in contact with Brazilian authorities and cooperating, so where has the arrest rumour come from?

6.) 05 Sep 2023 08:23:37
These allegations have been hanging over his head for a while now. Will be interesting to see if the club’s stance remains consistent or whether he gets a pass because he’s a Ten Haag player.

Charges were dropped against Greenwood and the club’s own investigation apparently found him to be innocent, yet he was still moved on, so things aren’t looking good for Antony.

7.) 05 Sep 2023 08:24:26
Wasn’t he in England when the “allegations” were suppost to have taken place.

8.) 05 Sep 2023 08:47:14
One of the alleged assaults is supposed to have taken place in a Manchester hotel room. His former partner reportedly required medical treatment after two of the incidents, so it should be fairly easy to prove (or disprove) the allegations.

9.) 05 Sep 2023 09:19:59
To me as things stand I think it is different due to no public evidence. Mg was called innocent but let's be honest and say this call from the club press release was more because legally he has not been found guilty of anything than him being innocent (seeing the video) .

Currently Antony disputes the charge so he could be innocent and there is nothing in my mind to state what is true either way at this point. No doubt any self respecting hr department would talk to the player about this and investigate but do not see why they would suspend at this point as the reputational damage or risk is different.

I don't think the fact he is a eth signing would have any bearing on how it is handled.

10.) 05 Sep 2023 09:49:48
Without evidence against him, the club should not be playing the role of judge. That's the role of the courts. The Greenwood case was unique in that there was evidence in the public. As others have said Antony is disputing the charge, so it's a matter then for the courts. If he gets charged then the club have a decision to make on whether to temporarily suspend him pending the outcome, but there's no decision before then imo. Also @bookredmole there is no hope in hell a HR department should or would want to interfere in a criminal investigation by conducting their own. The one thing United did correctly in the MG case was to do their investigation after the criminal one was dropped.

11.) 05 Sep 2023 10:30:04
Greenwood would be back playing for the club now if people hadn't heard the recording, he isn't not playing for the club because he was accused of something, he isn't playing because of the fan backlash. If someone has a video or recording of Antony doing something then he will be suspended, until then it is her word against his and nothing like the same situation.

12.) 05 Sep 2023 10:46:54
Before we condemn someone let's wait and see if there are any facts supporting the story. With the current cancel culture its seems easy to ruin someone's life even before anything is proven or substantiated.

The idea that it happened in Manchester and he is wanted in Brazil is a bit farcical. If there are any facts to this I would think there are jurisdictions and hard to imagine how it can be litigated in Brazil.

13.) 05 Sep 2023 11:04:21
I think Antony’s fate ultimately lies in Rachel Riley’s hands.

14.) 05 Sep 2023 11:16:28
From what I read, it appears that there are allegations of multiple instances, both in the UK and in Brazil. The UK police are also investigating, but it sounds like the Brazilian police are taking the matter more seriously. Perhaps because they are both Brazilian nationals, or it could be that she didn’t report the alleged abuse until after they broke up and she returned back to Brazil.

I guess we’ll never be privy to all of the details. Let’s hope the allegations prove to be false, though I’m not sure what she’d have to gain by lying.

15.) 05 Sep 2023 16:41:58
It’s a separate/ another/ alledged incident issue the one in Brazil, clearly enough in that one to suspend him too… Countdown is on for Rachel Riley to pipe up with a vowel or two.

Does this club even look into all and sundry of there personal life’s anymore, was common knowledge, Sancho had timekeeping and attitude problems at Dortmund, yet we still bought him, Don’t sound like the Antony thing is a one off either, did no one not pick up on this earlier, been known for what 2-3 years, surely you can tell a wrong un!

Same with Greenwood, attitude been bought into question many times allegedly, even with England as we all see, either other clubs got much better people installed to keep all this in house, or all the wrong uns, head for united!

It’s a mess that’s for sure if Antony now goes the wrong way, with Greenwood value had been say 80mil, Antony 80Mil Sancho 75Mil best part of quarter of a billion smackers gone west! Bet Glazers are happy about that!

16.) 05 Sep 2023 16:44:22
Welp. Images of her injuries are now starting to circulate online. Not quite as damming as the Greenwood material, but it doesn’t look good. Worse still, unlike Greenwood’s partner, it appears as though Antony’s ex intends to press charges.

I’m guessing the club are regretting getting rid of Greenwood now, as it kinda forces their hand with Antony. That said, if there’s any kind of truth to this then that might not be such a bad thing.



04 Aug 2023 20:02:10
If you could bring in a radical rule change which would transfer football what would it be?

I would remove the penalty box, all fouls are treated equally, wherever it happens on the pitch. Penalties would only be for handball on the goalie or a defender hacking down a player who is one on one.


1.) 04 Aug 2023 21:44:56
I would chsbge the rule about booking of deliverate fouls. You kniw the ones where you lose possession and then foul the opponent to stop a counter.

Its quite professional, the idea is that a dominate team playing highb.

2.) 04 Aug 2023 22:43:58
Bigger goals, keepers on pogo sticks, crash mats - what's not to love?

3.) 04 Aug 2023 22:48:29
1. I would make it so I you can only be offside if you are offside when you receive the ball. All these rubbish free kicks when a player comes from an “offside” position just make no sense.

2. You cannot be pinged for a head high kick when the player comes from your blind side and/ or the player is stooping for the ball. If you go in with head at waist height then tough!

3. Ping every player that abuses a ref or linesman. Will not take long for the abuse to stop when players are missing games.

Loads more!

4.) 04 Aug 2023 23:07:35
I'd change games to 60 minutes, 30 minutes a half, but the clock stops every time the ball goes dead and doesn't restart until the ball in live again.

For me the toughest games to watch are the ones where one team is just trying to run down the clock, making cynical fouls, and generally constantly stopping the flow of the game.

To me that is anti-football and unsporting. The fans pay a lot of money to be entertained, so I feel clubs have a duty to provide that entertainment.

While the facts speak for themselves, very few teams have ever been successful when playing that way. If you make yourself the underdog, then just like the underdog you'll lose more often than you win.

5.) 05 Aug 2023 00:08:05
Sent accidentally before i had finished.

I would change the punishment for deliberate fouling when you lose possession and in order to ensure the other team can't counter you commit a foul. It is entireky deliberate and clearly is being coached. It is a ploy that the big teams use so when they ade dominating possession and are therefore as a team advanced therefore vulnerable to the counter to eliminate that risk. The foul is committed in their own half usually but always well away from goal o little risk of a booking, these only come after persistant offe dinf if ever.

I would give one team warning then next offence its a booking. Will keep the game flowing, stops the big teams from eliminating probably their biggest vulnerability football should never be a sport where fouling is rewarded with little chance of punishment and right now it is.

6.) 05 Aug 2023 01:15:13
I'd make shielding the ball without intent to touch it an obstruction and stop the constant time wasting of defenders shepherding the ball out.

7.) 05 Aug 2023 03:59:24
I would consider introducing an orange card with a sin bin for 5 mins.

There are yellows that should be orange, and reds that should be orange. Sometimes yellow is not enough, sometimes red is too much.

If a players disrespects the ref they are more likely to hive an orange so they can cool off. These pathetic flick on the chin red cards could be orange instead of red - think Beckham on simeone, rooney on Ronaldo.

8.) 05 Aug 2023 05:31:28
£20k per week wage cap.

9.) 05 Aug 2023 06:23:10
My 2 big issues are abuse of referees and time wasting.

1. Swearing at a ref, immediate yellow card.
2. Getting in a linesmans face, immediate yellow card.
3. Appealing to get an opposition player booked, immediate yellow card.
4. Sarcastic clapping of a decision, immediate yellow card.
5. Wagging your finger at the ref, immediate yellow card.

You get the picture.

I would also add

6. Shielding the ball by sticking your arse out whilst making no attempt to play it, free kick awarded.
7. GKs who catch a ball with no-one near them who then drop to the ground for 30 seconds, free kick awarded, GK to be publicly flogged post game.
8. Taking too long to take a goal kick, free kick, 6 months in prison for GK.

There are so many more.

10.) 05 Aug 2023 07:16:36
A lot of thibgs i agree with here.

11.) 05 Aug 2023 08:38:32
No stoppage of play for injuries or subs a la rugby. i. e. rolling subs and medics come on to treat injury while play continues. The ref’ can stop the clock and play if he deems it necessary . A system of sin binning whereby yellow, for dissent etc is a 5/ 10 minute sin bin and a second offence is a sending off. The clock is ‘owned’ by an official off pitch and it’s stopped automatically by ball out of play or the ref’ orders the clock to stop. Each half ends on a hooter like in rugby. I have some others but they’ve been largely covered above.

12.) 05 Aug 2023 08:38:41
I'm with oakbark, the deliberate breaking up of play to stop counter attacks, I remember watching fernandinho do about a thousand times in a season . Serious foul play imo and a red card would nip it in the bud.

13.) 05 Aug 2023 09:09:54
In terms of change,
1. Time. take the time control away from the ref and give to official in the stand. Add time for time wasting to injury time and extend injury time if time wasting is carried out in the injury time itself. Ensure the stadium screens show time remaining and inform the players and crowd that time was added for incidents. Play loud horn when up and the game finishes at the next stoppage.
2. Cards. “Professional” fouls to stop movement and a break, especially by certain teams are being allowed too much. What is the official point at which the ref gives a yellow? Looks inconsistent to me. Introduce better controls, perhaps the off field officials can tot up the numbers of fouls and display them on a stadium screen against the players names. Introduce three card system, player gets to, for example 5 fouls yellow card. Another 3 orange card, another 3 red.

14.) 05 Aug 2023 09:57:17
Good point about inconsistency Red Man, some minor fouls get a booking whilst potential leg breakers get a telling off. ?‍♂️.

15.) 05 Aug 2023 11:33:21
Players guilty of diving with no contact, retrospectively punished with 3 match ban. Players even back chatting any officials (only captain can speak to them) yellow card no question. Raised arm contact with another player, pulling / holding is a freekick.

16.) 05 Aug 2023 17:41:01
City are expert at it. They foul almost immediately before even a threat of a counter attack develops with the result that they rarely even get yellow cards. Doing so enables them top press really high without much risk. When they lose possession an immediate foul allows them time to reset.

17.) 05 Aug 2023 19:44:42
Pep has played the percentages and decided the reward is greater than the risk.

I do realise that if Ten Hag is abke to fully implment his system with playees capanle of it then we may well also resort to this.



14 Jul 2023 06:42:31
Saw this on social media, our longest serving players now DDG has gone

Shaw - 9 years
Martial - 8 years
Rashford - 7 years
Bailly - 7 years
McTominay 6 years

How many of those will be here at the beginning of the season.


1.) 14 Jul 2023 07:32:47
Hopefully 2, I’d accept 3.

2.) 14 Jul 2023 09:13:51
Probably 4 and maybe even 5.


Martial, can't see anyone wanting the crock.

Rashford, I think he is about to pen a new contract or already has.

Bailly, again with a poor injury record but probably the most likely to leave from the list.

McTominay, unless we sign a holding mid I'd have thought ETH would block his departure.

3.) 14 Jul 2023 11:16:55
Martial and Bailly won't be around.
McTominay you never know.

If we can sign someone like amrabat, then mctominay can actually be somewhat effective but he will be 6th choice.

4.) 14 Jul 2023 12:56:34
I wouldn’t bat an eye lid if none of them were here. They are all lacking the mentality to win this league, all soft in the head.

5.) 14 Jul 2023 15:12:47
Yeah Shaw really fell apart after that horrendous leg break didn’t he FZZ. Real soft attitude he showed there.

6.) 14 Jul 2023 20:00:44
Shaw was one of the best players in the league last year. I don't think we get top 3 without that run of games where Shaw and Lindelof were a solid CB pair for us. Crazy to wish him gone.

Rashford I understand, he is one of my favourite players, but then the way he refuses to challenge for headers or put a shift in has really started to turn me against him. Last season he had end product and definitely should stay, but I am hoping EtH can sort out his attitude.

7.) 15 Jul 2023 19:05:43
Yeh Shaws soft in the head constantly whining when things go wrong. Useless over rated footballer couldn’t lace Evras boots never mind Denis Irwin.

Just because he recovered from a leg break doesn’t mean he isn’t soft mentally to be in a league winning side. He pulls out of tackles.

He’s decent enough but not good enough. Can’t cross to save his skin. Couple of stone overweight his whole career. That’ll do.




Grim's rumour replies


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25 Jul 2024 20:41:21
I read that Spain isn't an option for him and he has no interest in any other team in the EPL, so was looking at a West Coast US team to continue his career.




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25 Jul 2024 20:35:13
He was very hit and miss at Burton, hopefully he can find some consistency at Wigan and a permanent move come the end of the season, somewhere he can build his career.




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20 Jul 2024 07:34:20
Imagine a whole team with surnames beginning with Z. Zico, Zola, Zabaleta, Zidane, Zoff, Bobby Zamora.




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19 Jul 2024 08:21:22
Isn't United's new transfer strategy to buy younger players with potential rather than players at the end of their careers on big wages?


{Ed002's Note - No.}



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17 Jul 2024 18:59:51
Little bit shocked, must be a good sign that we are beginning to move forward as a club instead of the regression we have all witnessed.





Grim's banter replies


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22 Jul 2024 06:18:53
Unfortunately for players like Hugill and McNeill, they were very good at youth level, but found the transition to senior football difficult.

They will have a decent career in football, but probably Championship is their ceiling.




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20 Jul 2024 19:31:35
Sancho is back, when did he arrive?




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20 Jul 2024 07:27:52
I thought it was widely reported that he was on £200k a week plus goal scoring bonuses, so £200k a week.




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19 Jul 2024 13:37:19
They may end up trying to sell us the stadium that they cannot afford.




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18 Jul 2024 05:32:57
If the new signings are a success, then they look like geniuses, if they flop then they will be derided as clueless. football supporters are the most fickle people in the entire world.
