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23 May 2024 23:54:00
Anyone remember the so called leaks about Mckennas training sessions being likened to academy training sessions and players didn’t take to him

This story now breaking that his reps have held talks with Wilcox and berrada a few days before the final is a complete joke

And what disrespect to ten hag regardless if your going to get rid of him no matter what go about it the right way.


1.) 24 May 2024 07:39:53
INEOS, between the cutting down of tickets for staff and family members, the back to office memo, awards cancellation and handling of ETHs situation, are not covering themselves in much glory at the minute.

2.) 24 May 2024 08:58:36
100%right on extra match tickets for staff and family members
100% right on back to office
I don't think I've seen a quote from the club re eth. But he eth himself has known for some time.
The place has been like a holiday camp.
It's not making money the way it should.
It's a business and needs to be run as one.
Crack down on all bad habits and put the business 1st.
100% behind their ways of working.
They won't get everything right but it's not a holiday camp or charity.
Imagine any company not being as profitable as it can and having 15% 20%too much staff.
Crackdown and streamline.
If people don't like it too bad let them talk when they have but in the sort of money sjr has.
If you don't need 2 te ladies get rid of one.
Poor practice for way too long.
Thankfully we have professionals in now who know how and what they are doing.
Very easy to be so considerate and care free when it's not your money.
Spoken like a man that's never put millions of his own money into a project.
It may seem churlish to you Angel but the waste has been extra ordinary. Every single dept and job should be looked at. Get the costs down all over the place and get the profits up.
That's what we need to do to be able to reinvest into the squad and facilities.
I hear players from the 70s and 80s moaning that their free tickets might or have been moved.
Too bad and they call players of this generation snow flakes ?? they are free, if you don't want them where they are offered jog on.

3.) 24 May 2024 09:24:10
Angelred, INEOS getting a grip on runaway finances and expenditures is absolutely required.

4.) 24 May 2024 09:39:49
Free tickets should be earned and not a privilege. I am sure once the club starts to earn the rights to such things that they will be back.

But until then play because you want to and not for what you get!

5.) 24 May 2024 09:43:45
Long may they continue to get into every detail of every area of the club and look for improvements. You don't get and sustain success any other way.

Whilst Brailsford isn't a football man he is an expert administrator. His thing was always look for improvements everywhere because all those tiny improvements stack. I don't think this will be a quick fix but it will be a gradual and constant process I am very hopeful will work.

6.) 24 May 2024 09:56:59
It happens in the vast majority of businesses when someone comes in, change which proves unpopular. They wouldn’t be hear if the glazers were running a successful club which was performing on and off the pitch.

I’ve been through it before in my own work.

However, I don’t like speculation before such a big game. However at the same time, I’m not sure the club are briefing this and it seems that it’s coming from agents? Could be wrong.

7.) 24 May 2024 10:00:20
Players, employees (some of them) and board members have all been on easy street for years due to the ownership, now someone is trying to instill standards and work ethic and they are all throwing their toys out of the pram. Fair play to INEOS and let’s hope they keep it up. Perks, bonuses have been handed out like confetti, they should be earned not expected.

8.) 24 May 2024 10:36:17
Bolger have you ever moved jobs?
Did you tell your employer you were going to interviews elsewhere?
Did your prospective new employer meet you before or after you informed your current employer?
Why is it a disgrace? In every single walk of life people are interviewed for a position before the incumbent leaves and in many cases the incumbent does not know about these meetings.

9.) 24 May 2024 10:42:48
Yeah, I'm not so sure on it the ticket situation.

Back to office? Lol, I mean a lot of people are working from office and I think that number continues to grow. Don't be a dinosaur.

Also, ridding the club of the awards this year when women's an u18s had stellar seasons. Poor move.

10.) 24 May 2024 11:14:24
They didn't rid the club of the awards angel don't be Peddling nonsense and hyperbole.
All the awards were awarded.

11.) 24 May 2024 11:15:08
Dalot named players player of three year this year. He seems to be very popular within the squad and has a good season.

12.) 24 May 2024 11:19:35
Not the first awards do the club has cancelled, and likely not the last.



23 May 2024 08:53:34
I remember when the rumours of Poch being next manager instead of ten hag were flying round and this page was full of people slagging Poch off

He’s not won anything major, failed at spurs, couldn’t win anything meaningful with psg

Now he’s the flavor of the hour

Now the same people who didn’t want Poch back then are now suddenly he’s number one fan and want him to take control

The guy is a success in failure, backwards step if we get him in imo, his football is just as dross as the football we’ve had over the last 10 years

Don’t get the Poch lovers tbh.


1.) 23 May 2024 09:00:30
Who are those people bolger that slagged him off last year and now want him?

2.) 23 May 2024 09:06:06
I've no real preference at all who comes in.
There are 1 or 2 I'd prefer it wasn't but imo nobody can do worse than 10hag did this season.
Juve gone for the largely unproven month.
Bayern gone for the largely unproven kompany like leverkusen went for the unproven alonso.
Chelsea heavily linked with the unproven mckenna or the chap from Leicester.
Some really interesting appointments at big clubs.
Interesting strategies.
When eth leaves we are not sure what we will be getting but we know for sure he will do better than eth imo.

3.) 23 May 2024 09:48:54
'we know for sure he will do better than eth'
Do we? What if it's Southgate? Or will anyone do better because of a new structure above and therefore so would ETH.
I don't mind whether he stays or goes, or who comes in (other than maybe Southgate. ) but saying anyone one would be better for sure? Post Fergie ETH has been one of the most successful (shows how low successful now is) so by your logic next season, with any new manager, we'll get a trophy and be competitive at the top of the table at the very least.

4.) 23 May 2024 10:12:31
If unproven managers weren't ever recruited they'd never be proven! Might sound obvious, but based on this thread it needs stating.

We're not in a situation where we can cherry pick. Years of poor leadership have gotten us here. We all have our choices. In Poch's defence, he has a good CV despite being laden with the never won anything tag. I thought he was class at Spurs. Managed a toxic squad at PSG very well and was showing signs of turning Chelsea around despite their obvious issues. Them sacking Poch, for me, is less justified than United sacking ETH.

Poch has never had the best, or even second best squad in the EPL. His players let him down the year Leicester won. They should have won the league. Would he win the league at City? Yes. At Liverpool and Arsenal he would do no worse than Klopp or Arteta for me. Would ETH win the league with City? Not with the tactics he used this season at United, no. He would immediately neutralise their best player, Rodri. His inverted wingers would starve Haaland.

I would like to see Poch given a chance.

5.) 23 May 2024 10:21:38
I think you missed where I said in my opinion key.

6.) 23 May 2024 10:42:19
EtH 1st season 3td, league cup won and FA CuP final. Lost in the EL due to the Martinez injury and the players having a weak mentality.

2nd season, blighted by injuries and being unable to play a steady back 4, coupled with some bad substitutions and the playing out of form players.

3rd season . Sacked or stays.

My preference is for EtH to stay for one final season. Poch hasn't won anything. His Chelsea team have been equally poor as their Utd team. They did manage to find some form over the last few weeks.

7.) 23 May 2024 10:47:06
Ok, my reason for wanting eth to be given a shot next season is, I don't agree that he is tactically foolish as some suggest, in fact his peers seems to think he is one of the best. I think he done well last year but his directive was to play a more entertaining style of football and has managed to reach a final while doing it, he is attempting to implement that this year, and yes he has failed so far but he has had to contend with a fair few injuries, players not being able to adjust to the plan, and young players finding their place in the team. I have fault with him too, his signings have not impressed at all, some of claims in his interviews are ridiculous. Maybe 4 or 5 years ago I would be on the side of replacing him but right now, after so many managers I think he should be given a chance to show what he can do with a fit squad and no off field distractions.

8.) 23 May 2024 11:05:13
What magic wand are any of these (not-so) superior replacements going to wave to suddenly make every injured player the squad has had across the season match fit? Are they going to personally drive to the doors of the likes of Sancho and Rashford to pick them up on time and help with their off-field demons? What does a coach who was ridiculed for his ineffectiveness as part of the Ole regime add after a season with a championship side? He'd be eaten alive by the egos, much like Potter was when he made the step up. There's a culture of football fans wanting shiny new things and always assuming the grass will be greener.

9.) 23 May 2024 11:58:51

The injuries are too much of an excuse for absolute bonkers tactical decisions. The same flaws were on display from gameweek 1 to 36 against arsenal where he finally changed. Why did it take to the 36th game of the season?

I said it the other week, if he had of went a bit more pragmatic and started to try and play with as much of a solid base as possible I’d argue even with injuries we could have 10-15 more points and I’d cut him so much slack because we could be validated we maybe could have done more with a full squad. But with a full squad, go back and watch wolves at home in the opening game.

Giving up 20+ shots a game, vacating the midfield to pretty much play basketball was ludicrous. I don’t think Ten Hag is someone who knows nothing about football, nor do I think he’s necessarily a bad coach. Heck I think he’s a decent guy. However, on the balance of what I’ve seen this season, I don’t think he’s the man to take us forward, especially if the football he played for 95% of the season is what he wants to do.

10.) 23 May 2024 12:34:20
There are no guarantees with any manager spenno.
Maybe the leverkusen fans were saying the same as you when alonso was appointed.
Perhaps the bayern fans think the same with kompany to be appointed.
Juve fans may think the same with Motta appointed.
For every ying there is a yang.
Imo the only manager out there that guarantees success is pep.
I think we all know it will take a couple of years to be challenging again, maybe more.
Imo the target has got to continued sustainable improvement on and off the pitch.

11.) 23 May 2024 13:13:42
Exactly my thoughts caolan.
I was 100% behind eth until Jan.
I think he has some great qualities but imo is missing some key leadership traits for united.

12.) 23 May 2024 13:42:09
I just don't see an obvious replacement or upgrade who will have done any better with the issues EtH has had. Poch was deemed not good enough two years ago. Granted I suspect he is a fantastic man-manager. Maybe that's what is needed in a few cases.

13.) 23 May 2024 13:53:38
The best managers in world football atm seem to be larger than life characters, a little spiky, and the likes of Klopp/ Pep/ Arteta taking the Prem examples (plus Slot) by all accounts seem like they have an incredible relationship with their players. Fair to say EtH maybe doesn't come across in those ways but then again does Ancelloti, prob second only behind Pep. Completely different characters.

14.) 23 May 2024 14:03:11

I don’t care who the manager is to be honest. I just want to enjoy watching the team again, and look forward to games.

Moving forward the game is going the way of coaches instead of the traditional manager like Fergie was for example.

If ten hag remains, I’d hope to see a continuation of the stability of the team from the last couple of games and build from that foundation. I just don’t have any confidence that he will.

15.) 23 May 2024 15:19:39
It shouldn't make a difference but unfortunately in life it does but one of ETHs problems is he doesn't seem to be very warm towards people- now I've lived in Holland for 6 years I get it with the aloofness but Poch, McKenna do seem to have that likeabilty factor players lean towards like Klopp and Ange have . Its all balance I guess, no one is more likeable than OGS.

{Ed007's Note - Ange Postecoglou definitely doesn't have any likability factor among his players. There were rumours since confirmed by Celtic players about how AP kept his distance from the players, he didn't have much of a personal connection with players, refusing to socialise in and around the training ground.
Even AP's No.2 at Celtic has spoken about how Ange liked to keep a distance between players and coaching staff etc.}

16.) 23 May 2024 15:25:24
Spenno I can't think of a 1st choice player or manager that Woodward got right so perhaps being his 1st choice is a bad thing. Poch not being his 1st choice may turn out to be a compliment?.

17.) 23 May 2024 19:06:39
Not sure why people are so hung up on Poch like he is God's gift. Has won nothing in his career and was sacked from PSG for having no clear style of play. and people think he'll be better than ETH.

I'm not saying ETH is the right man, but Poch certainly isn't going to take the club forward.

18.) 23 May 2024 19:20:21
All the speculation about the manager is mostly baseless and let the chips fall after Saturday. Its a bit sad to see all the stuff written which a lot of it is bs and imo quite unsettling if you are a player or the coaching staff imo.

Going to the game and quiet optimistic. It will be a very close game and finally a team without massive injury problems, although fitness levels will not be there for players who have just come back. GGMU.

19.) 23 May 2024 19:21:04
Just my opinion looking in, ETH is never going to be the guy to get United back to the top. He might improve next year, he might not. But I can never see him being able to take United back to the top.

I don’t buy into the injuries being the reason it all went wrong. Yes it had an effect, but he still managed to field a team of internationals most weeks. If the players you have available can’t play the game plan you want then change the game plan. You don’t just throw the players on the pitch and hope it works out. However, if that style of play is ETH’s game plan then it won’t work no matter who is on the pitch. No back four can cope with that many attacks in a game.

Getting outplayed by city or Arsenal is one thing and is understandable at the current time. But when teams fighting relegation can have that many shots, out fight and often out play you, then there is something really wrong.

I’m 100% in the camp of trying somebody else now. The rebuild starts this summer, so if the new regime isn’t sold on ETH then why start a rebuild with him. Might as well start with the guy you want in charge.

However, I do agree with some of the posters above. Taking a chance on McKenna is probably not the best move right now. Probably a little too inexperienced right now. Maybe as the next boss.

I don’t see any reason not to go with Poch. I think he’d jump at the chance. Players seem to like him and play for him. He pretty much had a team full of brand new players at the start of the season, most of them very young, once he had time to nail down his starting 11 and get them drilled in what he wants they started to perform.

Just my thoughts, I’m not an expert. So can only hope the people at United making the decisions get it right.

20.) 23 May 2024 19:39:12
In complete agreement fallguy.
I still think potter would be a good option aswel.
Poch I always look at as a utd manager don't know why.
I believe it will be tuchel but still can't shake the idea of Southgate.

21.) 23 May 2024 20:51:30
News tonight saying united have met with McKenna’s representatives.

Every appointment is a risk. But he would be a massive risk.

22.) 23 May 2024 22:35:27
Well Fallguy the people at Utd whoever they have been haven’t made one right decision since Fergie left.
Let’s hope the next one is right, but the form book isn’t good.

23.) 24 May 2024 10:09:07
The people making the decisions for last 12 years are gone spenno. So it's a new form book.

24.) 24 May 2024 10:56:15
He is at the wrong club if he needs no off field distraction.
There will always be off field distraction at united banjoe.



23 May 2024 07:47:44
Ed, can we get a poll on if ten hag gets sacked on who people want to take over?


De zerbi



{Ed033's Note -

Manager poll

1.) 23 May 2024 09:54:42
Should be an option for none of the above.

2.) 23 May 2024 12:00:18
The order was ;
De zerbi

3.) 23 May 2024 12:24:18
I went for Southgate out of pity as I knew he would be bottom.

Four more years V_O_V.

4.) 23 May 2024 12:45:36
99 votes in and a really diverse response. 3 of those appeal to me a lot more than the other 3 options but I've no real knowledge about any of them.
Southgate not my type of guy. Although imo he has done a fantastic job for England.
Potter. Again not the type of personality that I can identify with.
Tuchel. I like but he seems to be a little abrasive.
De zerbi. Great job at Brighton their best ever finish came under him. Looks a bit emotional to me but I don't know much about him.
Mckenna. I think is the youngest ever pro license coach (or was) brilliant job at Ipswich and he has seen his star rise considerably.
Poch. Again I like him and his demeanor is one I admire.
Decent options I think all of them would finish higher than 8th with united.

5.) 23 May 2024 13:00:38
Mckenna? ? stop it. Just because he’s coached here before, we were trash then as well.

6.) 23 May 2024 13:22:36
Would be interesting to see the same poll but with Ten Hag added in to see how many want him gone.

7.) 23 May 2024 13:56:57
Without ETH included and none of the above options available I cannot vote.

8.) 23 May 2024 16:46:59
Now you know how the Americans feel fizzy poor choice there too. Come 4th July I'm sure you won't find it easy to vote either?.

9.) 23 May 2024 20:06:20
Cannot believe mckenna is the people's champ! Jesus ?? I'd keep ten hag above all of them but if I was forced to choose it would be poch, simply on the basis that he seems to have a great relationship with his players and the give their all for him ?‍♂️.

10.) 24 May 2024 07:20:44
This just show how bad all the options are. I voted for McKenna as he is at least an up and comming manager. Perhaps I would be fine with Poch as well.




Bolger3's rumour replies


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25 Jul 2024 12:50:34
Think Erickson and casimiro should be moved on first

Then promote collyer from the youth and get ugarte in

Only thing with selling mctominay is that it gives us more in terms of psr to buy this summer.


{Ed002's Note - It is nothing to do with PSR.}



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18 Jul 2024 08:53:20
Good. 2 good games shouldn’t warrant signing him.




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17 Jul 2024 12:33:56
Ronaldo’s dream was always to play for Real Madrid as long as he makes the team better and we win some things with him in the team

Then if he wants to go so be it

Players come and go.




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17 Jul 2024 10:52:45
Must have said he’s going to be the starter along side Martinez.

Sell Linder and get another cb in, will we still go after de ligt now?

Like the fact we’re are looking at young players with high potential.

Still need to try and sell a few players but it’s looking professional so far this window, early on good signs.




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12 Jul 2024 19:55:26
Or sancho has realised this board ain’t getting rid of another manager for players and he’s having to knuckle down

Still hope he’s gone tho.





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19 Jul 2024 21:34:03
Tbf to Antony he’s is decent in his defensive duties covers a lot of ground coming back tracking

I would convert him to left back. he’s not a winger

Or even through the middle he just needs to get some confidence but I think this is his last season if he doesn’t perform, massively overpriced and under performed.

Has not adapted to English football at all.




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19 Jul 2024 12:59:25
Not only that quote but also the quote on how we treated his family

Says a lot about how the club are being ran and the people in those positions are no longer amatures.

It will take time for 10 years of a rotting mess to be fixed but early signs are positive signings are always 50/ 50 to work but I like what I’m seeing atm with the profile of players being targeted.

Not only with signings but the way we have handled players being sold

Not overpricing players and getting good deals selling.




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18 Jul 2024 08:54:28
Well ruud loved the ball into the box and atm our wingers/ inside forwards do not deliver

Hopefully he can make them aware of what a striker likes and we start to see better end products.




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01 Jul 2024 23:17:54
More the injuries for me dodgy. he did look a cracking player for Ajax in the ucl and like you say is a cb that couldn’t be a perfect partner for Martinez

But is he injury prone big risk especially after last season and we have not got a ray of quality cbs.




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01 Jul 2024 23:15:56
Teams can loan players and play against each other in the same competition, can they not loan with the option to buy with a significant loan fee with the expectation that we might be in different competitions next season

Or would that be classed as bending the rules sort of?

Maybe a way of getting around the blocking of a transfer.
