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14 Jul 2024 16:48:08
Zirkzee completes signing for £36.5M.


1.) 15 Jul 2024 20:34:48
Sorry ed I didn't realise you were brokering deals.

30m+ for mcT ed, that's what he is worth. So 30+McT is a bit more in line. With a couple of achievable add ons and you can have him ?.

{Ed025's Note - only 1 year left on his contract angel so you will have to come in with a lower price than that, and when you do get back to me and your people and my people can meet and thrash out the details mate.. :)

2.) 16 Jul 2024 10:27:58
Haha sound mate ?.



19 Apr 2024 18:44:10
Wilcox appointed technical director with immediate effect.


1.) 19 Apr 2024 19:36:54
It's very good news, thought it was close when they let Murtough go.

Need Ashworth sorted as soon as, then get on with proper planning for the future.

2.) 19 Apr 2024 19:38:19
Good news. Big job and big opportunity for him.
Ashworth is proving to be more difficult than anticipated but hopefully we can get him in for this summer too.
It's doubtful as it's a bit of a stalemate situation by all accounts.

3.) 19 Apr 2024 19:41:16
Another step in the right direction.

4.) 19 Apr 2024 21:41:19
Ashworth will get done too once newcastle settle on his replacement. great news finally one done and one to go.

5.) 19 Apr 2024 22:54:24
Ineos have set their stall on Ashworth so I'm sure it will be done, but it would amaze me if he's in place ahead of the summer. He was involved in a lot of their planning and gardening leave is designed to protect companies from people moving to rivals with sensitive information of this sort. Beyond the summer I think that argument drops off.

6.) 20 Apr 2024 07:14:32
I’m sure he’s sat at home resting Don, providing no feedback or input at all to Utd’s plans….

7.) 20 Apr 2024 07:37:53
Spot on Eric. Pretty sure Ashworth will have already been chipping in and planning in the background. What else is he going to do, play Minecraft all summer?

8.) 20 Apr 2024 08:27:16
He could be designing the new Old Trafford on Minecraft.

9.) 19 Apr 2024 19:52:36
Could someone explain what this role involves in layman’s terms please?

{Ed002's Note - In all probability he will look after the scouting and transfers.}

10.) 20 Apr 2024 14:45:30
You might be right Eric but that sort of thing could land him personally in a lot of legal trouble if proven. As he's not an MUFC employee he'd be very exposed, so I think that beyond giving his blessing to the signing of Wilcox and getting to know the structure of the club etc, I think it's fairly unlikely he's as involved as you imagine.

11.) 20 Apr 2024 18:10:28
… and Real Madrid never spoke to Mbappe over the years, ever.

12.) 20 Apr 2024 23:07:15
Yep Spenno.

When I moved from one F1 team to another I was forced to sign a non disclosure agreement for IP.

But it wasn’t worth the paper it was written on. Was I suddenly going to forget how to design the electronic systems?

Same with Ashworth. They will call him and he will “suggest” options. As long as he doesn’t do the deal, then all good.



05 Feb 2024 18:12:10
Just released. The knee injury to Martinez is indeed serious and he’s expected to be out for at least 2 months. ?.


1.) 05 Feb 2024 19:24:36
Could have been worse, others needs to step up.

2.) 05 Feb 2024 20:19:29
It's ok, he'll be back for the title run-in.

3.) 05 Feb 2024 20:21:23
Saw the list of games and think only City that we will really miss him for. Rest of games with Varane, Maguire and Lindelof back now should be able to cope.

4.) 05 Feb 2024 20:59:36
Especially with two weeks international including, after the rumours last night I’d say 8 weeks is good news!

5.) 05 Feb 2024 22:20:54
Bet he doesn't figure again this season and we don't have anyone anywhere near as good as cover.

6.) 06 Feb 2024 09:58:09
I think that depends on a number of factors Salford.
If we are in race for top 4 and need him then it maybe that he plays but if there is no hope for 4th then perhaps he won't play again this season and in that scenario it might be for the best.

7.) 07 Feb 2024 08:27:52
I agree what's the point of rushing him back if we are out of things. I know they said 8 weeks but knee injuries are tricky and I would not risk it at all.

Huge game this weekend folks. We beat villa and we will reel in both spurs and villa imo with 14 games to go.

We have very tough games later vs city, Liverpool and Arsenal with 2 being at home and will drop points but so will all the other teams above us. I have a feeling we will decide who wins the Pl Title this year even if we are not in it. Would be great if we crush liverpool's chances:) anyone but them imo.

8.) 07 Feb 2024 09:51:02
Martinez isn't the type of player that will want to sit it out on the side lines, he will want to back playing ASAP even if it means playing the last 3-4 games.
The guy is a winner through and through.

9.) 09 Feb 2024 09:56:28
It's a totally different injury to his foot so there shouldn't be any issues with that.

However, knee ligament injuries need to be given ample time to fully heal or you risk reinjuring it if you try to come back too soon.

Ultimately a players health should always be put above the sporting aspirations of the club.

If we have to wait an extra few weeks for him to come back then that's what we need to do.

I'd rather miss him for an extra few games this season then risk him reinjuring it, missing pre-season and maybe the start of next season.

This season is pretty much done for us at this point. Bar a run in the FA cup and an outside chance of top four. But to get top four now probably means a big drop off in form from one of the teams up there already as well as us putting a consistent run together.

For me this season now is mostly about getting players fit, giving youth an opportunity to develop and having a go in the FA cup.

10.) 09 Feb 2024 11:26:50

No so fast my friend, a win this weekend and we are right there. Spurs and villa have to play each other and they also have a tougher remaining fixture list imo. 14 games after this weekend 5 point gap is really nothing. Its all up to us and I am an optimist:)

11.) 10 Feb 2024 09:23:06
Ahmad, and a loss to Villa this weekend and it's an 8 point gap with 13 games left to play.

We've managed to play better in the last few games since we got a few players back from injury. Martinez being probably the key one. Unfortunately he's now injured again.

Our form is finely balanced on keeping players fit. A couple of injuries and our season falls apart again.

I'm optimistic that we can get top four, but I'm tempering that optimism with the reality that injuries could well derail our season again as they have the first half of the season. While we also need two teams above us to drop more points than us over the remaining fixtures.

Which means that the odds are slightly stacked against us. Can we beat the odds? Sure of course we can. But I wouldn't be banking on it or expecting it.

12.) 10 Feb 2024 10:01:13

I agree a loss would be 11 point gap and then it too far gone. I think we will win a tough/ close game 2-1 or 3-2 imo if villa show up. we will show up and If Martinez was playing I would have us winning with bigger margin. The options as cb pairings don't give me a lot of confidence, the rest of the pitch we are good imo.



20 Jul 2023 19:05:13
Onana done.




07 Jun 2023 13:38:09
Reports on Sly Sports that Sheikh Jassim submits fifth improved bid for the club. Allegedly a final offer with a Friday take it or leave it deadline.
Please Glazer take his money and go!


1.) 07 Jun 2023 14:48:04
They won’t when it’s below the asking price and supposedly below the valuation on the club by Ineos.

2.) 08 Jun 2023 07:57:41
I find it strange how the Qatari's stuff is getting leaked all the time and nothing on Ineos. They are very quite and hardly making any statements. If there is deal its Ineos I believe.

One other interesting thing about this whole thing is Raine group has Mubadala as one of its shareholders. Chairman of Mubadala and City same person Khaldoun Mubarak. I guess Chinese walls must be in place.

I was at an event post the FA cup with people associated with the club. No one knows a thing about where things stand on the takeover or numbers or who is the proffered bidder.

A lot of this stuff and what's being reported is sometimes far from the truth. The recent LIV golf/ PGA Tour stuff for example is not what really happened. Amanda Stavely from Newcastle brokered that deal.

3.) 08 Jun 2023 13:02:43
Ahmed, top insights.

Would it be fair to say if Raine are part owned by Abu Dhabi they’d purposefully make it difficult for Qatar?

To me Qatar seem desperate hence the public bid and deadline. They want to walk away rather than be rejected.

Personally I’m not all supportive of state ownership in football but something doesn’t quite add up with the clubs sale.




Fizz's banter posts with other poster's replies to Fizz's banter posts


16 Jul 2024 15:32:43
Who is to replace Southgate?
Sarina Wiegman anybody?


1.) 16 Jul 2024 20:26:57
It's going to be carsley you heard it here 1st. The fa have been trying to mould him into the position.

Let's be honest and I'm not being sexist but it won't be any woman manager.

2.) 16 Jul 2024 20:41:39
Potter is the clear choice in my opinion.

3.) 16 Jul 2024 22:15:25
Carsley, Lampard or Gerrard. It will be a yes man.

{Ed025's Note - lets hope its not one of the chuckle brothers (Lampard and Gerrard) Wazza, they have had their chances and proved to be absolutely crap mate, Carsley has brought a lot of the young lads through with the U21,s so would not be a bad choice imo, but im not holding my breath that the FA will make the right choice..

4.) 17 Jul 2024 00:35:42
Surely it’s got Potter all over it….

5.) 17 Jul 2024 07:31:57
I’d take Brian Potter over Southgate tbh.

6.) 17 Jul 2024 07:50:21
I think it will eventually be carsley. He has been waiting in the wings for this moment.

7.) 17 Jul 2024 08:17:26
Would put potter as the favourite but think the fa would like howe as first choice. Newcastle would fight to keep him and don't think the fa would stump up the compensation- potters easier as he isn't with a club atm and probably wouldn't be the expensive option wages etc.

8.) 17 Jul 2024 07:51:20
Ed025 the biggest surprise for me would be if it’s anyone other than those three (with the exception of Potter) .

I have a funny feeling that Lampard will be very high up their list. He fits the FA’s profile perfectly.

{Ed025's Note - then god help us all Wazza..



28 May 2024 17:57:15
Erling Haaland's dad Alf-Inge Haaland had a lengthy conversation with Lisandro Martinez after the FA Cup final. The two parties have yet to agree on the release terms of Haaland from the Argentine's pocket. Haaland was last seen with Martinez leaving Wembley.
We'll update you as the story develops.
In other news, heard licha out for 3 months with a hip problem now. That’s some weight in one pocket.


1.) 29 May 2024 08:19:55
Love it fizz.

My son, asked me where Jeremy doku was on Sunday and I had no idea what he was talking about. He just smiled and said, in Wan Bissakas pocket ? ? he's 9, but even he saw it.

2.) 29 May 2024 09:03:12
angel ???.

3.) 30 May 2024 10:38:02
Doku tore wan bissaka apart tbh but good joke for a kid.



26 May 2024 08:15:45
Waiting for the view of Ken the oracle on yesterdays tactics and performance. Personally I saw a group of players definitely not lost by ETH. Still sack him given that he apparently has known for weeks that he's a dead man walking? Not for me. I think ETH showed his true colours and deserves a chance going forward. In fact I'd say we would be foolish to lose him to yet another rinse and repeat excercise. That has been my view consistently and not only in the euphiria of the cup win.


1.) 26 May 2024 08:33:58
Fizz, there are reasons for him to get the sack, and reasons not to.

Tomorrow he showed he can play a XI, that can beat Pep in a final.
Something we have never done as a team even under sir alex.

He has actually earned another season in my eyes,
2 major reasons:

That was a performance where it never looked like we were going to lose.
He would have stability now. We've always sacked manager and restarted again. This time maybe we stick by a man and see what happens. Weve done it with jose, ole, moyes, lvg, where they have a bad season and next year we get a new coach. Perhaps it is time we as a club ride the tide and see what happens next year.

{Ed025's Note - im not so sure backpass, yes it was a good performance yesterday against what looked to me a tired city side...but im taking nothing away from UTD who thoroughly deserved the win, but one swallow does not make a summer mate and the rest of the season was appalling so sticking with ETH would be a massive gamble imo..

2.) 26 May 2024 09:11:06
Match posts fizz. Never once do I fall to pursue any coach or the team when they win. Done within 20 mind of the game. Great win great performance. Why would you think I would think anything other than that.

3.) 26 May 2024 09:17:31
I know the recency bias kicks in.
And I am honestly 51:49 split on keeping him and letting him go.

But I'm not too confident about who comes next and if there is someone I could really back.

I do not like Tuchel, Poch would not be a huge upgrade and Mckenna is untested.

Of course we have to see what the board decides, but I could take another season of eth.

But I truly hope the medical department and injuries is given a second look.

4.) 26 May 2024 09:37:31
ETh needs to be kept and backed in the summer.

Allow him to bring in Todibo/ Bremer, Branthwaite, De Jong, O’Riley (nobody has mentioned him but for me he’d be a fantastic signing from Celtic), Olise, a cheap backup striker (Morata? ) and back-ups at keeper and left-back.

Clear out Lindelof, Malacia, Casemiro, Eriksen, Antony etc.

Hopefully no commentator’s curse here, but EtH cannot possibly be as unfortunate with injuries next season. Let him build - none of the other options to replace him are particularly exciting, either.

5.) 26 May 2024 10:04:18
ETH has won 2 out of the 5 major trophies since SAF left in the same number of years. Granted this was a terrible PL campaign, but despite this he still has the backing of the large majority of fans.

Its clear they will wait for him to return from his holiday so the buzz has settled.

If Ineos want to start their era off by ignoring the fans, it doesn't bode well.

6.) 26 May 2024 09:13:44

You make a good point. I'm a fan of EtH. I'd like him to have a other season, given that the current available options aren't that appealing. McKenna needs at least a season in the EPL under his belt.

{Ed025's Note - i think your right about there not being much out there MH..



23 May 2024 20:04:08
Sky News reporting that we’re in talks with Ipswich re McKenna. Talks alleged to have started last week. Really?


1.) 23 May 2024 20:37:36
Moyes is free.

2.) 23 May 2024 21:19:05
So is Jose and OGS….

3.) 23 May 2024 21:30:20
It’s an absolute disgrace that the week before an Fa Cup Final all the talk is about sacking yet another manager! I despair at what this football Club has become!

4.) 23 May 2024 22:03:41
Tbf dlib it’s the media circulating this stuff not the club.

5.) 23 May 2024 22:33:26
It's funny if they had sacked him before the final people would have complained we sacked/ planned to sack/ let go a manager when we still had a final to play and basically gave up on it.

I think they could have clarified probably after the palace game but they want the season done and it could be partly to do with finances etc.

The issue becomes how ten hag finds out and how he was treated with it we probably won't find that out.

6.) 24 May 2024 01:14:23
He has known for a while.

7.) 24 May 2024 07:39:23
Are you on the board, weed? I thought this was a fan forum, but we appear to have people with insider boardroom knowledge here. How lucky for us.

8.) 24 May 2024 11:16:58
Lucky indeed banjoe.



18 May 2024 18:04:42
Oops. Our ladies took a hiding from Chelsea.


1.) 18 May 2024 21:23:37
And as a result city didn’t win the league…oops indeed ??.

2.) 18 May 2024 22:18:47
There is that Tim. But isn’t that a bit like Spurs cheering City scoring because it stops Arsenal?

3.) 18 May 2024 23:01:38
I was only messing tbf, I’m sure it never crossed anyone’s minds until the game was over. Not sure the city fans would agree though.

4.) 19 May 2024 05:32:40
It was a terrible performance on the day, big gap this season between us and the genuine title challengers.

Maybe extending Skinners contract so quickly after the FA Cup wasn't the best idea.

But if we are serious about doing the WSL properly then let's not mess about and invest, spend the money and get in the likes of Bonmati. I know the Glazers have got some extra cash recently, if he likes the women's game so much he should put his money where his mouth is for the first time in 20 years.




Fizz's rumour replies


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13 Jul 2024 10:19:39
Absolutely bang on the money Ed001. Bang on it. Get rid asap.




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15 Jun 2024 12:53:02
Peterborough United? Cracking source/ sauce! ???.




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15 Jun 2024 08:19:00
Ed025. That we paid up for slab head doesn’t follow that we should do the same for other players now. The ethos of the club in that respect is hopefully changing dramatically and what we value a player at and pay will, again, hopefully, be way more realistic.


{Ed025's Note - the likes of Utd and other big clubs will always have to pay a premium Fizz, everyone puts at least 25% on their price when the big boys come a calling thats just the way it is mate..



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12 Jun 2024 08:45:12
redseven, what team are you going to support now?




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12 Jun 2024 07:49:40
Nice1 Ken. Nowt wrong with a bit of humble pie. ????.





Fizz's banter replies


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19 Jul 2024 07:05:30
Nothing to do with reports that "Lille were prepared to make Leny Yoro sit out for a season if he didn't join Manchester United as the French club made sure they got a profit for their asset amid interest from Real Madrid".
Makes me wonder if 'his quote' isn't a release by the club. I hope not.




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09 Jul 2024 06:47:37
Thanks, as ever. Ed001.


{Ed001's Note - very welcome Fizz.}



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08 Jul 2024 18:33:01
Ed001 if Ruud VN does come on board I suspect it’s hoped that his coaching will greatly help both Zirkzee and Hoiland move on from being ‘raw’?


{Ed001's Note - is he good at coaching strikers? Often defenders end up being better at coaching attacking play, as they look at what caused them problems. Top class finishers like RVN are often instinctual, which is something you can't really coach. It will be interesting to see if he was just instinctual. He always seemed a bit more cerebral.}



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08 Jul 2024 11:11:32
Almost 60,000 fans have now signed a petition calling on the Bayern Munich bosses to keep Matthijs de Ligt.

The petition states that "he is a world-class defender, probably the best in our squad" and has "a long and promising future ahead of him".

The defender is also praised for his "admirable maturity and mentality".




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04 Jul 2024 12:27:17
FFS can’t do right for doing wrong ?.
