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22 Jul 2024 11:56:48
Now confirmed that we've bid £30m for De Ligt this morning.

In my opinion we absolutely need him, but that must surely mean that the departure of Lindelof (or Maguire? ) is imminent? We can't possibly justify Martinez, Yoro, De Ligt, Maguire, Lindelof and Evans being at the club.


1.) 22 Jul 2024 12:11:41
I'd prefer keeping Lindelof and getting rid of Maguire, but I expect Lindelof will leave.

2.) 22 Jul 2024 12:29:02
I would let them both go tbh. However Maguire performed better last season without the Captaincy and didn’t do much wrong. As cover either is fine, DeLigt and Yoro this window would be very good though.

3.) 22 Jul 2024 12:31:05
I'm sure they will push to sell both Lindelof and Maguire. From there they can hopefully bring in de ligt.

Having Evans, Martinez, Yoro, De Ligt and AN other would be a fantastic selection. i still think they go back for Branthwaite.

4.) 22 Jul 2024 12:31:10
Really good news if true, it would give us 3 very good options at CB.

Maguire surely has to go if he’s got anything about him. He can’t sit on the bench at 31.

I’d sooner keep Lindelof. He’s a good passer of the ball, and I think is better than most seem to think. It wasn’t long ago that Barcelona were sniffing around him.

5.) 22 Jul 2024 13:04:50
Would be a great signing at that price. Can see why we wanted to get the Yoro deal wrapped up first. Not sure if he would have signed had he known we’d be bringing in a CB of De Ligt’s quality in the same window. I’m sure that both will get ample game time next season, but between them and Martinez, only two can be first choice.

6.) 22 Jul 2024 14:28:00
I would be relaxed with either Maguire/ Lindelof to leave or both if it was possible but we may want to be mindful of injuries again. If one of them stays for a further year as 4th/ 5th choice then that's okay.

I would be happy with Martinez/ De Ligt/ Yoro sharing the game time and think De Ligt/ Yoro are intelligent enough to cover left side when Martinez not playing.

We can then clear out all of the remaining next season with one additional CB/ bring through from the youth team.

7.) 22 Jul 2024 13:42:38
If you consider that we didn't have enough CBs last year (see Casemiro playing CB), We have lost Kambwala and replaced/ upgraded with Yoro (prospect ready to play first team games) . Varane (starter) has left and not been replaced - so i would see de Ligt as filling the Varane slot, bringing us back to as many capable CBs as last season, which wasn't enough (granted - bit of a freak with number of injuries) . Lindelof also covered (tried to) a bit at LB last year (as did Amrabat, who won't be staying), and there doesn't seem to be strong links to a new LB so his perceived versatility may count in his favour.

8.) 22 Jul 2024 15:52:47
We need another premium cb for sure the thought of going into the season with the prospect of maguire or lidelof playing 20 plus games fills me with dread.

9.) 22 Jul 2024 22:40:27
My tuppence worth is that Lindelof is far better than a lot of fans give him credit for. He’s suffered from the anti Maguire campaign by association. He’s actually pretty decent on his feet and can also fill in at right back. I’m not saying he’s a starting selection by any stretch, but as a back up player, the captain of Sweden isn’t a bad option. Maguire on the other hand is only going to get slower given his age and physiology, so it doesn’t bode well!

10.) 23 Jul 2024 13:47:33
Agree, Fireman. Lindelof's versatility and comfort on the ball compared to Harry, means if one goes it's Harry for me.

11.) 22 Jul 2024 13:49:52

Getting another cb after buying Yoro and De Ligt makes no sense. No club in the world has so many cb options. Martinez, Yoro and De Ligt is amazing, one of Maguire and Lindelof will surely stay, plus we have Evans. 3 top cb options plus two who can get minutes in cup games and when the main guys need rest.



08 Aug 2022 09:54:53
Adrien Rabiot is this morning's link. Reported by Ornstein though, who is usually fairly spot on.

Another with an attitude problem and an agent who loves the limelight.

Interestingly, we are starting to get linked with £20m players. Has ETH decided the squad is so poor/ light thaT he'd be better off with four £20m signings than one at £80m? Interesting week ahead.


1.) 08 Aug 2022 10:19:19
Hope neither is true. Would be better off with neves and take a risk on the young kid from salzburg, although i suspect he will find it difficult and will need time and probably will get slammed here as the pl is a tough school for a 19 year old from austrian league.

2.) 08 Aug 2022 11:00:49
I'm hoping the Rabiot and Arnautovic rumours don't lead anywhere. Both decent players, better than what we have, but neither look good enough for where we want to go and both have had attitude issues in the past.

Given our dressing room issues we need players with good attitudes, ideally players with EPL experience as we need players who will get to grips with the league immediately and not take half a season to acclimatise.

Fabian Ruiz would have been a great option, but given his impending move to PSG it looks like that boat has sailed.

Ruben Neves gets a lot of love and I wouldn't be against it, that said he would likely cost MORE than FDJ.

Matheus Nunes seems to be the hipsters pick, always seemed a gifted player when I've seen him. Although personally I think he's more suited to a box to box role than as a holding midfielder.

Youri Tielemans is probably the player I'd target, EPL experience and available for a reasonable price. While also probably being closer to the skillset EtH seems to be looking for in a midfielder (technically gifted, mobile, quick, press resistant, with an expansive passing range) .

Up front Sesko is the name that keeps being linked. Supposedly a talented player from everything I seen written about him. Only seen him in a UCL group game last season. Looked decent but didn't really stand out at that level at the time. Maybe by the time he's 22 he'll be considered world class. But we need a player who can make a difference this season not in 2-3 years time.

Mitrovic has been mentioned and I wouldn't be against it, seems a much better player now to the one who was in the EPL previously. Although he would likely cost a lot.

The EPL striker I'd go for would be Ivan Toney. works hard, presses well, good technical level linking well with teammates, and has a clinical finish when in front of goal. He looks very well suited to EtH's style of play. Again though cost could be prohibitive.

Both Mitrovic and Toney would likely cost upward of 40-50m as they are vital in their sides fight for EPL survival this season. Which is a lot of money to pay for a striker who won't necessarily be a long term first choice option.

Which leads me to Moussa Dembele of Lyon, proven scorer decent link play, good technical striker, good in the air and on the floor. While entering the final year of his contract and would be available for under 30m.

For me if you cannot get your first choice option then you cannot be paying top whack for your 2nd or 3rd choice compromise options.

If FDJ isn't going to happen and Ronaldo is determined to leave then maybe Tielemans and Dembele for less than what FDJ would cost initially let alone in total are probably the smartest moves available to the club.

3.) 08 Aug 2022 11:33:42
Shappy come on mate both are average. and one is a complete racist

If we do end up with the 2 players above then we have well and truly fell off. what are we actually trying to accomplish buying cheap mediocre players that would get a sniff in any other top 6 side never mind the top 4 or a team wanting to win trophies.

4.) 08 Aug 2022 12:06:56
Arnautovic can stay in Italy. Why we’re targeting him is beyond me. Rabiot I’d take for the reported low fee but only IF he is not the alternative to De Jong.
Adding Rabiot and Tielemens/ Neves would improve our midfield but it’s surely not the route we want to be taking?
As Shappy has said, Ruiz would’ve been a decent alternative but he’s off to PSG. I can see us getting Rabiot and going for SMS late in the window. I’m certainly not against Savic as he’s better than what we have.

5.) 08 Aug 2022 12:33:06
Bolger, This is literally the first line of my post:

"I'm hoping the Rabiot and Arnautovic rumours don't lead anywhere. Both decent players, better than what we have, but neither look good enough for where we want to go and both have had attitude issues in the past".

All I have said is they are better than what we have.

I don't want them, I don't think they are good enough and their attitudes stink.

6.) 08 Aug 2022 12:42:13
A lot of reports now saying that we’ve agreed a deal for Rabiot. Looks like the pursuit of De Jong is finally over.

7.) 08 Aug 2022 13:07:19
I don’t actually think either are better than what we have

Shappy you just said in that last paragraph I don’t think they are good enough but yet you also said they are decent players ?‍♂️

Not making a dig shappy but these types of players if we are to actually show some ambition on wanting to win are not the players we go for

No wonder ronaldo wants to leave. 0 ambition the club is a shadow of its former self

Play Iqbal or savage play McNeil or ganarcho use the players within and development them if your not going to spend money on a ready made player now

Stop the short term stop gaps it’s not how you produce a winning team

If rabiot is an alternate to de jong then this is a joke of window tbh.

8.) 08 Aug 2022 13:15:58
Rabiot is 27 and is a very good player. His technique is miles ahead of McFred. He'd be a major upgrade. He's not a backup player at Juve. He's a starter for all his time there. Arnautovic would be signed as a squad player. Not ideal but he did really well with Bologna last year. Don't get the doom and gloom about those two.

9.) 08 Aug 2022 13:32:19
MA is 33 years old and would be just as inept at pressing as Ronaldo. I’d rather we brought through a youngster or signed somebody like Sesko than drop £10m+ on a stop gap player who doesn’t fit the manager’s system. We really should have signed Darwin when we had the chance….

10.) 08 Aug 2022 13:44:04
don we already have an abuser at the club we don't want a racist aswell

if they don't want to pay the money and get a striker to help score goals and you know maybe win something then just promote a player from the youth and work with him

this window has clearly become about the owners not wanting to pay the money for players.

11.) 08 Aug 2022 13:50:20
Rabiot I can just about get my head round. Although he’s moody and far from what we need. Arnautovic I’m literally dumbfounded. I reckon he must think all his Christmases have come at once. He’s nothing special and won’t be the kind of player to dig out blind for you, he’s also got dubious morals and he isn’t what we need at Old Trafford. I actually can’t believe we’re in for a player like him…………. panic and desperation spring to mind. We haven’t learnt a thing over the last 10 years. And I don’t care if ETH wants him or not. I’ve got eyes as have other fans, and he isn’t what we need.

12.) 08 Aug 2022 16:15:39
Sorry but perhaps i am missing something. Which players have the owners not paid up for or not willing to. hasn't the fee been agreed with Barcelona for quite some time now and that too in excess of 80M? So where is the issue with the owners here. Its literally EtH running the show here. All 3 signed have been his targets and all targetted are again his. don't get the hatred with the owners here.

13.) 08 Aug 2022 18:06:19
United it would quite glazer esk to bid
For a player who doesn’t want to join for them to then be able to turn around and say we tried getting de jong but instead we paid 15 million for rabiot.

14.) 08 Aug 2022 18:12:23
Bolger2 I wasn't aware of the racist allegations re Arnautovic. If true obviously we should steer clear.

15.) 08 Aug 2022 18:44:53
Dembele is terrible.

16.) 08 Aug 2022 19:38:15
Bolger2……exactly what I was thinking. Stick decent bids in for FDJ knowing full well he wants to stay where he is. Also stick a bid in for Anthony knowing full well it’s 20 million below their valuation. Gives the impression everything is hunky dory to shareholders. The club is skint in my view. The fees for Martinez and Malacia were offset by sales (albeit minimally) and would have been lumped on the debt anyway. No sign of the Glazers investing any of their own cash that’s for sure. And for the record, signing Arnautovic is a complete joke.

17.) 08 Aug 2022 20:11:23
RedWhiskey, he's decent without being outstanding. Even at that level he's better than Arnautovic as a footballer and almost certainly a better person.

18.) 08 Aug 2022 20:11:45
Rabiot is not good enough. Is decent but no more. Its no coincidence he can't settle and retain a first team place at the bigger clubs. As a squad member he is OK (and yes he is better than McFred) but he is not the calibre of player we should be looking to rebuild a teams midfield around.

19.) 08 Aug 2022 21:47:32
Good news, the Bologna president says Arnautovic is not for sale at any price. Let's hope he is a man of his word.

Another shambles of a transfer window for United, strangely reassuring.

20.) 09 Aug 2022 00:01:24
You can literally view the accounts if you want to, the club is not ‘skint’ and you’re embarrassing posting stuff like that.

21.) 09 Aug 2022 08:37:22
It’s the complete lack of anticipation and planning that is so troubling: United always so reactive….

Look at what RBL just done: sign Sesko in a year to replace outgoing Nkunko….

Appearing so panic-stricken now…

Surely a huge question mark over scouting also - hope analysts brought in can rectify this.



10 Jul 2022 20:09:37
Leandro Paredes (CM) from PSG seems to be the latest rumour doing the rounds. Could any of the Eds shed any light on this at all please?


{Ed002's Note - Leandro Paredes (DM) May well be available with Roma a possible destination or an exchange with Juventus for Kean. Manchester United and Lazio both stepped back from the €35M asking price.}

1.) 10 Jul 2022 21:41:42
Good for a yellow card on £1 accas!



02 Jan 2022 10:41:28
The Alvarez rumours seem to be really picking up pace. Really don't understand this one - another striker/ inside forward type.

Cavani, Ronaldo, Rashford, Sancho, Greenwood, Martial, Elanga, Diallo, Shoretire, Pellistri.

I know he's had an injury but I'm already disappointed by the lack of game time given to Amad Diallo - a far better prospect than Elanga IMO.

The only reason I can see for Alvarez is if Martial (thank goodness), Cavani (gutted) and Diallo/ Elanga (loan) exit in January.

EDs - is Alvarez likely? If so, how about the above mentioned exits? (HNY to you all, too and thanks for all your continued hard work) .


{Ed002's Note - He would be a Martial replacement. I have explained about potential departures.}

1.) 02 Jan 2022 12:41:11
Only based on ropey YouTube footage (sorry, not a frequent visitor to the River Plate stadium) he looks an exciting player, with lots of goals from outside the box so he's not afraid to have a pop. Whether there is any substance to the rumours I have no idea but it looks like the front-line is up for a little fine-tuning.

2.) 02 Jan 2022 14:55:22
I don't know much about him, supposedly highly rated and has a better record in Argentina than Lautaro Martinez had before his move to Inter Milan.

If we are going to persist with a front 2 formation then we will need to find a younger striker.

Martial will be leaving, possibly in January While Cavani will be off in the summer.

That leaves a by then 37 year old Ronaldo, as well as Rashford and Greenwood as our options in the striker positions.

At a reported 17m and on fairly low wages I think he could be a excellent replacement on Martial.

3.) 02 Jan 2022 16:41:46
Lets just hope there is some kind of clear thinking behind it. Diallo, Pellistri, VDB seem to have been bought in with no clear plan what to do with them.

4.) 02 Jan 2022 23:29:32
Pellestri and amad are clearly for a couple of years time. both would have been out on loan but amad got injured. I'd be interested to see if we send pellestri somewhere else in January because he's not getting much game time this season and he seems a bit behind . i have a feeling donny will go to Newcastle on loan this month they need to sign decent players and he could help dig them out if the hole their in.



04 Jun 2021 09:08:25
Morning all.
Wondering if any of the EDs can shed any light on Martial leaving this summer please?
For me, he seems the obvious saleable asset to bring in some much needed funds for the essential minimum of four purchases we require this summer.


{Ed002's Note - There are no plans to sell him.}

1.) 04 Jun 2021 09:30:52
I'd imagine players like Pogba and even DDG would be ahead of Avram's favourite player in line for the exit door.

2.) 04 Jun 2021 10:16:11
If the plan is to keep him, I just don’t understand where he fits in. OGS is obsessed with either Rashford or Pogba on the left, it seems almost certain that Sancho will come in on the right, where Greenwood and the ever-impressive when given the chance Diallo are also good options. Cavani certain to start the big games up top, with Greenwood and Rashford other options through the middle. That’s without mentioning James, Elanga, Shoretire.
Where does Martial play?

3.) 04 Jun 2021 11:43:43
i expect pogba to leave this summer unless Ole wants to shoe-horn him into midfield of play alongside bruno with a CDM like rice / saul in midfield. so we will have martial, rashford, cavani, greenwood, sancho and james as our forward line options - pretty decent if you ask me.

4.) 04 Jun 2021 13:49:48
He is only obsessed with Pogba/ Rash on the left as Martial is unfit a lot. When fit he starts there regularly.

5.) 04 Jun 2021 14:17:56
While I don't think Martial is going to prove good enough to be a long term first choice option. He is still far above any of our other sub options.

If we sign someone like Sancho then our front four will be Bruno, Rashford, Sancho and Cavani.

Greenwood will be the first choice as an attacking sub either wide right or up top.

That leaves Martial, James, Diallo, Pellistri, and Hannibal as other options assuming Mata, Lingard and Andreas Pereira leave this summer.

Most of them are kids with little experience. Considering Cavani will likely pick up several injuries next season it makes little sense to sell Martial.

{Ed077's Note - Martial is on a lot of money to not even be the first choice attacking sub.}

6.) 04 Jun 2021 15:16:15
I can't see anyone stumping up the cash for Martial nor paying his wages. So I don't think he leaves sadly. I would much rather seeing his playing time given to one of the youngsters coming through.

7.) 04 Jun 2021 20:19:00
Martial has been bang average for 80% of his 5 seasons with us. He's not consistent enough. Clearly has talent but its nothing without consistent application.

One of the Eds noted on the City page that United were looking at Kane back in March. That may have cooled now that Cavani has signed but there is 1 or 2 years tops there and likely Edi plays what, 30 of our potential 60 games next season?

We do need another striker but it absolutely is not Martial.

I know it's a pipe dream but Martial + Lingard + cash for Kane would solve 3 problems in one hit!

Dear Baby Jesus .

8.) 04 Jun 2021 21:59:06
Unlike many, I like Martial, and if we didn’t also have Rashford, I’d want to see him kept as LW. However, we do have Rashford at LW, and sadly I don’t think Martial is going to learn the movement and positioning need as a CF, or at least not soon enough to take over from Cavani.

We can’t afford to wait another 2-3 years for him to learn, we need a CF good enough to take over from Cavani by next summer, and right now, Greenwood looks closer to being ready than Martial does.




Downsie53's banter posts with other poster's replies to Downsie53's banter posts


05 Apr 2024 09:29:29
Genuine question:

If INEOS came out and said that next season would all be about getting high earners off the wage bill, giving kids a try and having a year that looks great for FFP, ready to go for it the year after when all the back room team are finally in place, would you accept it?

Personally I'd rather a season of removing Bayindir, AWB, Varane, Eriksen, Casemiro, Rashford, Martial etc. and blooding the likes of Amass, Kambwala, Gore, Amad.

Give me an 8th place finish with kids who look like they actually want to run and be here over a 6th place finish with the multitude of mercenaries we have currently every day of the week.

The key would be communicating that fully to the fans. That next year is about saving money and trying youngsters, to see who could really be a United player the following year and longer. Then we go for it in 25/ 26.


1.) 05 Apr 2024 10:05:55
As long as the manager goes with the players you've mentioned I'd have no issue with that downsie.

2.) 05 Apr 2024 10:20:42
Think it has to be a mix of this and signing good young players. Take away the expectations of a title charge for the next couple of years but make it clear that the vision is building a squad of players who fit the system being implemented and that will grow together to make a real title winning team. No more 30 year olds, max age of 25 for signings unless it’s a great opportunity for example free signings or very good prices. Get rid of the old underperforming players and bring through a young core who want to play for each other.

3.) 05 Apr 2024 10:44:34
Downsie, that's a no brainer. I'd rather watch the ball boys/ girls playing.

4.) 05 Apr 2024 10:51:04
we would get relegated or fighting for survival. Never going to run a football club like that. Most of these kids people talk about are never going to be good enough or close to being ready.

Most team that is are good and competes at the highest level have a mix of very seasoned pros and yes they earn a lot of money and some young players. some of these kids you are mentioning are 2/ 3 years maybe more away even being physically ready to cope with the pl and good way to ruin them is sending them out there to get beat up.

Mainoo looks close to picking up an injury imo. watch that space.

5.) 05 Apr 2024 11:06:34
Mainoo looks close to picking up an injury? How does that even make sense.
I think he is being overplayed for his age right now but how you can say he like close to picking up an injury is bonkers.
Really and truly some peoples faux expertise is too much to take??.

6.) 05 Apr 2024 11:10:57
Expectations of a title charge? Have not had those for over a decade.

7.) 05 Apr 2024 11:33:08
Getting rid of many of these players and predominantly bringing youth is probably the best use of any transfer budget we may have.
Ten Hag? Not perfect, but who is.
I think he has suffered more than the fans as a result of this bag of moronic self serving gits.

8.) 05 Apr 2024 11:36:59
I think most would accept that right now, but I suspect most would also me moaning about it halfway through next season having watched inconsistent football and having had to endure a few humiliating defeats.

I said yesterday we need to be careful when making changes, evolution over revolution has always tended to be more successful in football.

Chelsea have tried to change too much too quickly, and as a result have dropped from a top four side to a mid-table side who still looks a season or so away from really being able to challenge for a UCL place.

I've said our first team squad is far too big, we need to reduce it from 36 players down to 26 players at most. So that's 10 players leaving without being replaced. There should be another 4-6 players leave with replacements brought in.

We need to be signing first 11 player quality, and shy away from signing squad players or good back up.

80% of our summer signings need to be better than the current first 11 and go straight into the team, with at most 20% of them being highly talented players with huge potential who maybe need a little developing to be first team players.

None should be "solid" back up players. There are positions where we need to strengthen where we probably have a good enough first choice option.

For example with Højlund, but we have no one else. We shouldn't be signing a solid back up player, we should be aiming for someone as good as Højlund or possibly better. That could be someone who has a proven track record or someone with the potential to be as good or better than the Dane.

We need to stop spending money on players who aren't good enough and who would only weaken the side of they played. If we are going to play a player who isn't good enough then I'd rather it be a kid from the academy who might actually be able to step up and show themselves as good enough. If they don't then it's someone we could then sell for a decent price to a club lower down the league.

Players like Elanga and Mengi have had very good season's at Forest and Luton. While ultimately I don't think either will be good enough to be first choice at United, I'd rather be giving lads like that a chance, and pushing up their value than spending 25-30m on someone who will never really be good enough, but patches a hole for a season or two.

We need better, but that will take time. 14-16 players out this summer, 5-6 players signed to replace them.

Get them settled, build them into the team with those who are good enough and start to give the team an identity.

Then the following summer it's a case of one in one out. Sell/ release a further 4-5 players, and bring in 4-5 players to replace them. Make sure the ones leaving are for the most part the 4-5 weakest players in the squad and replace them with top level talent who are or will soon be good enough to be first choice.

At that point we would be starting the 2025/ 26 season with 10-12 new players from our current squad, 17-18 of our current squad will be moved on by that point, those new players will be blended with the core of Onana, Martinez, Dalot, Mainoo, Mount, Garnacho and Højlund to give us a squad of 17-20 players who are good enough, hopefully with a few more academy lads who've stepped up and are in and around the first team squad by that time (maybe players like Harrison, Amass, Gore, the Fletcher twins, Lacey, Biancheri and McNeil) .

That's next season starting the rebuild (2024/ 25), the following season bringing most of that squad rebuild together (2025/ 26), then it'll probably be the season after when we can add the finishing touches, those few cherry on the top players or just improve on those who haven't kicked on as hoped to round out the squad. At that point we should be able to mount a serious title challenge (2026/ 27 season) .

It has to be a three year project, changing too much too soon will not shorten the length of time it will take, it will just mean we will have a bigger drop off initially and have a bigger gap to close.

We need to be able to balance this rebuild while still ideally qualifying for the Europa league at least each year. The European football is essential for several reasons. Firstly we need it for the revenue, rebuilds cost money and we need to make it to spend it. Secondly, for the prestige and the ability to attract the players we need, top players might be prepared to go to a top side playing in Europe's second tier competition, especially if they can see a plan and progress towards getting back to the top. But they will be less willing to join a side that has dropped off the map entirely. Finally, the squad needs it to help them develop. A new squad will only get better by playing games together, losing out on 8-12 games a season by not being in European football will slow that development down. Also players need to get into the rhythm of playing twice a week, keeping fitness levels up, staying match sharp etc. You often see a club have a great year and make it into a European competition, only to see them drop off the following season when they are having to get used to playing twice a week, international travel and the changes that makes to their training regime.

We need to make sure that we don't drop off too far as it just makes making up the ground again that much trickier.

That probably means that some of the players we know aren't good enough stick around next season to be replaced the season after. Players like AWB, Maguire, Lindelof, McTominay, Rashford, Bruno etc maybe they stay for another season. They do after all at least contribute to the side, even if they aren't ultimately good enough.

This summer we need to prioritise getting rid of those who add little to nothing to the side, players like Donny, Pellistri, Hannibal, Alvaro Fernandez, Williams, Sancho, Greenwood, Malacia, Shoretire and Martial. That's 10 players who have contributed literally nothing to this season, or last season.

Then we need to look at those who need upgrading due to decline/ injury players who are having a diminishing impact on the side. Players like Varane, Evans, Casemiro, Bayindir (if he wants to leave), Antony if we can find a buyer.

After those players have gone only then can we really look at moving on the likes of AWB, Lindelof, Maguire and McTominay. In truth they probably need to stay next season otherwise we'd be looking at moving on 19 players in total, which is just far too much.

Focus on the spine of the team, two CB's, at least on CM ideally two, a ST who can challenge Højlund, then a LB who can challenge Shaw.

We probably need to keep AWB as we won't be able to bring in full backs on both sides and as we have seen this season LB needs to be the priority. We probably won't be able to bring in a RW, especially if we can't shift Antony. While it's a position of need we do have Garnacho who is making the position his own this season, as well as Amad and potentially Mount who can play there. We need to focus on that spine, games are won and lost by the centre of defence and in midfield. We currently have one defender (Martinez) and one midfielder (Mainoo) who are good enough, they both need a partner AND top quality competition/ rotation option as neither can be expected to play 50 games next season due to age or fitness.

Maybe we can sign a player or two who if flexible enough to cover two positions, a first choice in one and a top quality back up in another. Maybe we sign a CB who can play LB, or a ST who can play RW. We might need to look at players like that in the short term until we can bring in improvements across the whole squad.

9.) 05 Apr 2024 11:53:08
Ken how can you argue that Mainoo doesn't look close to picking up an injury, then make a statement that you think he is overplayed? They are intrinsically linked.

Being overplayed in football significantly increases the likelihood of picking up an injury. There is an increased risk of immediate impact injuries but also a greater susceptibility to overuse injuries due to repeated stress on the body.

10.) 05 Apr 2024 12:18:53
Kurtis I think he is being overplayed because he is 18 and is getting used to the physical demands of the league.
It's impossible to ascertain if his body is going to get injured right now. Totally impossible. There is no way to judge that.
Bruno made his pro debut at 19 and has never once missed a match through injury. Yet Phil Jones spent his career in the treatment room as has Shaw.
Prevention is better than cure but there is no way of knowing if he is close to an injury by watching him it's just nonsense talk.

11.) 05 Apr 2024 12:22:08
I’d be playing the kids now tbh…seasons gone so what’s to lose. At least they’d show the application and desire this other lot miss.



19 Jan 2024 21:06:27
This window is looking like:

Experienced CF on loan from somewhere

Alvaro Fernandez

A FFP-wary window, banking money for the summer sounds like the plan to me. Fine, assuming we can guarantee European football next season. Otherwise, Solanke may well be a viable option. ;)


1.) 19 Jan 2024 22:11:41
Not sure why Martial (or anyone for that matter) would leave this window, when a nice signing on bonus may well be on the table in 5 months.

2.) 20 Jan 2024 06:38:14
Martial is injured and would not even pass a medical. he is not going anywhere. we are not signing anyone imo. only outs.

3.) 20 Jan 2024 11:37:21
How many times has Martial been injured during transfer window so no surprise he is injured again!

4.) 20 Jan 2024 12:21:10
Martial is so lazy he’d struggle to pass wind, never mind a medical.

5.) 20 Jan 2024 15:01:38
Plus looking like Pellistri out. Not looking like many RW options now although with Garnacho being highly effective on that side it's maybe not as much an issue.

6.) 20 Jan 2024 21:54:30
Can’t be coincidence that Martial is ‘injured’ every transfer window surely. I firmly believe he’s been trying it on for years.

7.) 21 Jan 2024 11:17:36
Antony, Amad, Garnacho, Mount and Bruno can all play on the right. We’re well covered.



31 Aug 2023 08:09:26
Fabrizio Romano saying we never made a €2m loan bid for Amrabat but are simply discussing. Typical journalists trying to tarnish our name.

Bayindir and Cucurella announced today, Amrabat and (hopefully) one more tomorrow that comes out of nowhere a la Casemiro, is my guess.

I think today will be the day vdBeek and Henderson finally leave, too. I also wouldn't be surprised if Everton come in and throw £30m+ at us for McTominay.


1.) 31 Aug 2023 08:35:42
Fabrizio is a total flog!

2.) 31 Aug 2023 09:59:57
Downsie53 - good luck with those predictions mate.
I certainly don't see VDB and Mctominay going anywhere and if that's the case we are going to struggle to get the Amrabat deal over the line because Fiorentina don't want a loan deal.
I still don't understand why two midfielders and a striker wasn't the priority instead of paying nearly 50 million out for a goalkeeper, it's madness!
I really hope your predictions are right Downsie53.

3.) 31 Aug 2023 12:43:07

I don't think Mc will go anywhere and we are not selling at this stage of the window for 30 mill. DVB and Bailly are two that I would think the club wants gone and putting a lot of effort into it. Your guess is as good as mine who comes. 100 percent a lb coming the rest who know.

I am an outlier and not abscessed by selling mc. I was hoping maguire would go and was replaced and more relevant in my view as what we need.

4.) 31 Aug 2023 13:08:22
DDG had to do Simmo, he was costing us games and offered nothing to the manager's style of play. I see Donny going on loan and us signing Amrabat on loan. Mainoo returning will be great and McTominay if here will have a point to prove.

Bruno - Mount - Erisken - Mainoo - Casemiro - McTominay - Amrabat

Then you get to the ones who can play there like Martinez, Cucurella potentially.

Rumour has it we want Amrabat on loan because EtH wants to sign a permanent forward. But that's just rumour.

5.) 31 Aug 2023 13:26:53
Forgot Hannibal if he doesn't go out on loan.

6.) 31 Aug 2023 15:52:28
Sydney - I agree DDG was costing us games and he had to go.
My point is that their were other keepers available that would of cost less which means that we wouldn't be trying to scrape money together for a loan deal for Amrabat.
Onana cost far to much money IMO, the striker and midfield positions should have been the priority.

7.) 31 Aug 2023 16:08:32

If you want to build a team you go get a great keeper. Onana and the guy from AC milan best out there. Milan priced out for everyone including big spending chelsea.

Look at city and liverpool, their keepers are excellent. Average keepers will cost you more points than an average midfielder. We had to buy a porper keeper for the next 5-7 years.

8.) 31 Aug 2023 16:35:28
Ahmed, we don’t know yet if we got a proper keeper now, he not had greatest start, was chipped from half way line, should have given a pen away in next game, got put on his pants far too easily in last game, fallen out with Ten previously fell out with Song, but we know he got very good feet, so still a lot to prove, before we can put him in that bracket.

9.) 31 Aug 2023 17:00:04
Trafford, Onana is up for player of the month. I think he has done very well so far.

Simmo, that's fair. From what I heard though through rumour is Onana was a player who was promised to EtH by the Glazers. He was his main target.

10.) 31 Aug 2023 18:32:08
Every keeper gets chipped or something that makes them look silly a mistake. The mistake was not his but dalot, who gave it away and we were playing high up the pitch and you can already see he is not coming out as much as preseason.

He is a major upgrade on DDG imo when on the ball and even when he clears the ball. ddg sometimes could not get the ball past the half way line and his kicking was poor.

11.) 31 Aug 2023 18:58:12
I agree he is better with his feet and kicks the ball better, and supposed to be more commanding, does that alone make him a better keeper, far too early to say that after 3 league and couple of preseason games measuring against 10 years! But if that’s the case why don’t teams just put there most skill full player in the goal! If saving the ball is not such a requirement anymore, I was a bit shocked how easy he was put on his pants too.

12.) 31 Aug 2023 19:11:32
Chipped in a friendly, get rid. He’s started well, a couple of hairy moments but I’d expect that early on, DDG was terrible when he first joined, it’s an upgrade we really needed.

13.) 31 Aug 2023 19:20:21
Onana was our best player against Spurs. I like to see the keeper laying into his defenders. Call me old fashioned. We finally have a keeper who isn’t going to let his defenders off the hook for mistakes, which should hopefully raise their level. He’s looking our best signing of the summer so far.



25 Aug 2023 10:46:50
Altay Bayindir
Jean-Clair Todibo
Sofyan Amrabat
Marcos Leonardo

How many (if any) do people realistically believe will be United players by the end of the window?

Dean Henderson
Harry Maguire
Donny van de Beek
Scott McTominay
Anthony Martial

How many (if any) do people realistically believe will STILL be United players by the end of the window?

I think Bayindir and Amrabat in, Henderson and van de Beek out.


1.) 25 Aug 2023 11:30:08
Honestly bayendir in

Maybe hendo out but only on loan.

Can’t see any better which is scarey. We seem to be neglecting the biggest concern in our team MIDFIELD! Not sure what the thinking is or if there’s any at all.

2.) 25 Aug 2023 12:13:41

Nothing like a bit of negativity, I think we will get a few more deals done in and out, teams start to panic towards the end of the window, things will get done.

3.) 25 Aug 2023 12:21:46
We will sign a midfielder. Because it would be suicide not to.

Henderson will go, but perhaps on loan with obligation to buy.

Maguire will play hardball, probably stay, but maybe leave on loan. We will pay half his wages.

McTominay maybe the only decent money that comes in. But I can still see us pricing him out of a move over a couple million.

4.) 25 Aug 2023 12:31:01
After today’s news, we could do with a younger Daley Blind - someone equally adept as a no.6 and at left back!

5.) 25 Aug 2023 12:45:03
Difficult to say, I think two in two out but if things ramp up and the Maguire thing opens up again maybe three in three out. Maybe an unexpected wildcard third signing who hasn't been mentioned yet on loan if someone becomes available.

6.) 25 Aug 2023 12:58:32
This is what I think will happen:

We sign Bayindir and move Henderson on loan for some fee + some mandatory buy clause at certain appearances. He would work at crystal palace and seems best for us and them.
It was high time the previous keepers left and newer keeps comfortable playing the modern way came in.

With Shaw's injury, I expect Maguire to stay till Jan.
Evans I am not sure what player we are getting at his age but at best he is there to play 5-10 games this year.

McTominay, Donny and Hannibal, surely someone has to go atleast 1 of them maybe even 2. I expect McTom to be sold and Donny to go on loan. Hannibal I am not sure, but i'd rather see him play than donny or mctom.

Amrabat in would be perfect, games like Tottenham is where we need 2 defensive minded midfielders and I hope we sign Amrabat.

Letting Martial go would be mad. We have no strikers. I'd rather his contract expires.

7.) 25 Aug 2023 13:02:05
Maguire out
Handerson out
DVDB out

Jonny Evans to replace Maguire
A backup keeper in
Amrabat in

Positive net spend for the remainder of the window (including future loan to buy values) .

8.) 25 Aug 2023 13:09:22
Sorry but I don’t know your name so I’ll just reply to giggs to sheringham. Not meaning to be negative I just don’t have the faith that some seem to have in our recruitment team. I’ve seen nothing to prove that they can get in the requisite players and move on those we need. Really hope to be proved wrong. 7 days left and we’ve got a lot of work to do.

9.) 25 Aug 2023 15:42:37
With injuries picking up I think the club will Panic a bit and get all in. I can see a lot of activity this next week.
Have said before I may look stupid but think we will be active both in and out.

10.) 25 Aug 2023 17:27:19
Just watching Sky Sports News, I know they’re not always reliable, just passing on what they said. Their “sources” in the last hour have said United don’t see anymore outfield players coming in.

11.) 25 Aug 2023 18:08:32
It's all dependent on player sales Fallguy. So unless players are sold, none will be replaced. It's not looking like Maguire or McTominay are going anywhere.

The club will look to a new keeper as Henderson wants to leave and it's looking highly likely. There is also concerns regarding our 3rd keeper's fitness.

12.) 25 Aug 2023 19:06:46
United will go into full panic buy mode on 31st and sign at least one midfielder and another on loan. I'd ignore sky as they love bashing United to get clicks etc as they haven't a clue most of the time.



23 Aug 2023 21:12:26
So it's seems as if West Ham are going to sign Kudus for £37m.

What an absolute disgrace that we haven't
matched this bid.

- false 9
- can play wide
- can play 10
- can play 8
- far more of a goal threat than all in our squad bar Rashford and potentially Hojlund

Hate to say it, but Alvarez, JWP and Kudus are three signings for West Ham that would all vastly improve our squad (maybe not first XI, but better options than McT, vdBeek, Eriksen, Martial etc. ) We're being out-bought by bloody West Ham, let alone City, Arsenal, Newcastle.


1.) 23 Aug 2023 21:30:46
And yet his old. manager appears not to want to sign him.

2.) 23 Aug 2023 21:40:47
LOL don't get me started. I think he will do very well. always liked him.

3.) 23 Aug 2023 21:58:44
Maybe there’s a reason he’s off to West Ham and not United, Liverpool, Madrid, Bayern etc… he may do well in the league but that doesn’t mean he’s good enough for United. We will have our targets that the managers identified, and the club will be pursuing the deals accordingly. I don’t understand people having a meltdown because the club hasn’t spent tens of millions of pounds on a signing they've mostly likely watched on YouTube a few times.

4.) 23 Aug 2023 23:27:12
How is it a disgrace ???.

5.) 23 Aug 2023 23:42:02
Because that is what the internet is for.
It also doesn't help that we have been poor of late with our signings. No one thinks oh United signed him he must be good.

Had Texi gone for him then we would be more confident in the signing because he seems perfectly competant.

6.) 24 Aug 2023 08:58:33
I distinctly remember getting torn a new one when I suggested JWP could be worth a punt.
Not glamorous. 'We're Manchester United' etc.
We haven't been Manchester United for about 12 years, this is the new norm. We're a sleeping giant.

7.) 24 Aug 2023 10:43:54
Its the internet, last year after 2 games Martinez was getting slated for being a soft midget who couldn't hack the Premier League.

Turns out The Butcher knew how to jump, and has hacked mercilessly and without prejudice most of the Premier League living up to his nickname in full.

I think i recall suggestions he should be dropped for Harry Maguire.

8.) 24 Aug 2023 12:22:23
I don't remember that perception of Martinez once he'd arrived. thought he was an instant hit. But in the month leading up to his signing he couldn't have been a worse player.

9.) 25 Aug 2023 07:42:28
There was a goal i think against Brentford from a Corner and basically he got beat from a standinf by a guy charging in, he had no chance had he been Jaap Stam.

That wasnt the narrative displayed though even remember the pubdits banging on about it.




Downsie53's rumour replies


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25 Jul 2024 20:18:49
Nope. Dumfries would be ‘first reserve’ at fullback.
Dalot RB
Shaw LB
Either of them get injured and Dumfries would be next cab off the rank, with Dalot moving to LB if necessary.
Stylistically, Dumfries is far more similar to Dalot than AWB is.




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13 Jul 2024 16:30:37
With Everton selling Onana to Villa, they won’t sell Branthwaite too. Yoro will go to Real.
Our CB options (in order) next season will be:

1. Martinez
2. De Ligt
3. Maguire
4. Shaw
5. Evans.




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12 Jun 2024 06:33:12
Totally correct decision. Every other option out there was fairly terrifying.

It wouldn’t surprise me if we got and spend huge on a player in the next 10 days to appease dans and EtH himself, as INEOS realise they’ve royally screwed up this awfully public process.




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05 Jun 2024 20:14:39
Would much rather keep Evans over Lindelof.

Centre half options of:


Would be fine by me. We need a DM, CM, LB and CF before a sixth centre half, in my opinion.




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31 Aug 2023 17:54:03
Reguilon is poor. Dalot will be first choice LB until Shaw returns, whereas Cucurella would have walked into our side. Depressing.





Downsie53's banter replies


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27 May 2024 07:29:51
Bayindir, Lindelof, Malacia, Casemiro, Eriksen, vdBeek, Sancho, Greenwood, Martial.

There are a few more who I’d like to go, but moving that amount on is going to prove tough. The above should bring in £100-£130m.

Johnstone, Todibo, Hato, Amrabat, De Jong, Fofana, Olise, Haller.

Around £250m spent, so a net spend of about £120m-£150m, which doesn’t seem unrealistic.




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26 May 2024 09:37:31
ETh needs to be kept and backed in the summer.

Allow him to bring in Todibo/ Bremer, Branthwaite, De Jong, O’Riley (nobody has mentioned him but for me he’d be a fantastic signing from Celtic), Olise, a cheap backup striker (Morata? ) and back-ups at keeper and left-back.

Clear out Lindelof, Malacia, Casemiro, Eriksen, Antony etc.

Hopefully no commentator’s curse here, but EtH cannot possibly be as unfortunate with injuries next season. Let him build - none of the other options to replace him are particularly exciting, either.




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14 Apr 2024 10:29:36
Casemiro and Rashford should never play again after yesterday. They genuinely do not care.

The team for the rest of the season should be something like:

Maguire (Evans if fit)




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06 Apr 2024 09:49:47
I really hope those voting for Southgate are joking.

He’s actually done an abysmal job as England manager for me. A great squad at his disposal, alongside the worst Spanish, Italian and German sides in a generation and he still plays ultra defensive football and won’t ever win a thing.

I’d even take the likes of McKenna, O’Neil etc. over Southgate.




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19 Feb 2024 09:53:20
No idea why Onana's getting stick. I thought he was very good yesterday: distributed well and claimed a few crosses to stem the tide.
