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30 May 2024 22:23:22
FIFA warned players may go on strike if they continue to be overworked!

Please please tell me it’s April 1st.


1.) 30 May 2024 23:02:19
They should. The number of games is ludicrous. It damages the spectacle for everyone.
There are more international games than ever with tournament sizes getting far too large, the CL has too many games, it goes on and on. What exactly is the April Fools aspect of that. I'd love to have fewer games if it means more knockout football where there is actual risk associated with the play.

2.) 31 May 2024 03:40:06
The very small minority of these overpaid privileged people have to play in these games. And they are the ones that get paid the stupid money week in week out win or lose.

Tell me how the majority are overworked? They chose this profession. If you do not like it, move on. There are plenty (millions) who would take their place for a lot less and not whinge about it.

There are people out there that work considerably harder for 50 years plus, not 15 and then retire. Some of which risk their lives daily! Nurses, doctors etc work double shifts for a pittance with high suicide rates but still turn up day in day out whilst these primadonnas are out playing golf or getting there hair cut in some fancy style paying more than some people earn in a week!

Overworked my proverbial A$$!

There is the April fools bit!

3.) 31 May 2024 11:19:51
Keefy I hear what your saying but.
1 their wages are irrelevant imo. Who cares what they earn.
2 the top players are desperately over played. No other sport plays as often as they do. Maybe basketball.
Athletes may have 1 big race every couple of weeks.
Rugby one a week at most.
Swimming galas once a month
Even horses rarely race more than once a week.
They are being pushed further than their bodies allow.
It's too much and the quality is being affected adversely imo.
Something has to give and at the moment it's their health and well being that is at risk.

4.) 31 May 2024 13:40:26
Agree to disagree. Accept your wage argument to some extent. Less over inflated wages for poor players would allow bigger squads and lesson their “workloads”. Poor loves.

I played to a reasonable level and loved every minute of it and couldn’t wait to get the boots on again. I played twice a week and would play 5 a side in between.

As I said, overworked? Hardly. Perhaps their heartstrings are a little weak?

Remember in the 70’s players played up to 42 league games, 9 European cup games, FA cup and League cup games being kicked up in the air every week, not like these protected species these days. Can’t remember any of them saying they were overworked.

Games gone soft.

But then I’m old school and from a different era. A fossil if you like!

5.) 31 May 2024 13:42:58
There is no doubt the football schedule is not ideal if you want players at their physical peak.

Post match recovery is 72 to 96 hours.

The season last 10 months.

Post season the athlete should rest 2 to 4 weeks in most cases to allow the body to heal. The training should then follow an active recovery period then pre season, there isn't enough time in the year to allow this. Skipping on this period will put players at risk of injury and hamper their conditioning.

The pre season tours significantly hamper the training staffs ability to build conditioning and injury resistance In the players.

Players routinely play through minor injury that ideally should be rested.

Now the players at the top get fabulous rewards however if the question is purely about does the schedule adversely affect fitness of players and contribute to injuries then it is a yes and the intensity if matches and schedule have both increased in each decade over the last 30 to 40 years I have been watching football.

Football isn't alone, crickets schedule is wrecking players fast bowlers especially.

Rugby which due to collisions and injuries is trying to sort it schedule out due to player safety.

Basketball as Ken says has a ridiculous schedule. Players will wit out games or have minutes on court limited because of this.

Cycling a hugely physical demanding sport has cyclists peaking for different events as you cannot peak for the entire season. that's why generally each of the grand tours have different winners, you cannot reach the required level to win all of them.

The argu, ent isn't that they aren't rewarded, they are, it isn't that they aren't privileged they are, it isn't that they are more deserving, more important to society than a soldier, nurse, fireman or what public service you name, they aren't.

It is that the schedule is too intense for them to perform at the required level and that there performance and injury risk are adversely affected by the schedule.

The schedule hasn't been designed with a thought for the impact on the players it's been designed to maximise revenues of the clubs and associations.

Now a reduction in schedule may correspond to lower wages if the tv deals are lower because of less football and presumably the players have considered this.

6.) 31 May 2024 13:48:03
Prob no older than myself.
Tbf keefy playing the level you played v epl or la liga is probably like comparing the Olympic 100m final to the dads race at your kids school sports day. ??.

7.) 31 May 2024 13:55:39
Just because footballers earn a lot of money and have a privileged lifestyle, does not mean they can't suffer from fatigue and burnout. They play the sport at a very high level, intensity is so much higher compared to even 10-15 years ago. The amount of games they play seems to grow every season and they almost get no break, the quality of the games is going to suffer.

The nurses point is so reductive and tedious man, noone is saying they work harder than these people or have a more difficult job.

8.) 31 May 2024 15:13:24
The issue is no rest period. A busy hectic schedule in the season is fine. But some of these players are getting 2 weeks max in the off season. It is crazy.

Argentina want Garnacho to play at the Olympics after the Copa America! The lad is still a baby and needs proper rest in recoup in the off season before we go again.

9.) 31 May 2024 17:49:36
DB I fully agree.
I can fully understand why garnacho would like to play in both.
He is not 1st choice for Argentina so I suspect his minutes will be sparce in the copa but your absolutely right even if he doesn't play much its not rest.
Maybe sancho will be in his spot when he gets back???.

10.) 31 May 2024 23:22:39
Agree tumble. But still relative. Still run around as much if not more. Get a lot more time on the ball the higher level you play.

11.) 31 May 2024 23:23:47
Tedious and reductive. Wow!

12.) 01 Jun 2024 00:24:47
Yeah, not so much the minutes played. They need to have downtime. Maybe work on fitness/ power I. The gym but stat off grass and away from ball.



13 May 2024 05:24:59
Remember when breaking records that had stood for 50 years was a good thing?


1.) 13 May 2024 06:40:42
14 Premier League defeats this season and 19 overall, eighth in the table, with a -4 goal difference, worst defensive record since 1978-79. The midweek fixtures could confirm the lowest finish since 1990.

Still some want to keep ETH, make excuses, try to make out there are no other suitable managers, whilst watching turgid, sideways passing rubbish.

2.) 13 May 2024 07:54:22
I suspect a record FA Cup final defeat could be added to the list too sadly.

3.) 13 May 2024 09:05:13
On that topic red man. I see Neville wants the club to keep eth to show some stability. Granted that’s a lovely idea and constantly sacking managers isn't a great idea, but neither is keeping the wrong guy in there for another 12 months. If there was evidence to suggest we are on an upturn then fine but it’s more heading the other direction. If we have another season anywhere near as bad as this one then we are in big trouble, with the majority of those players probably still here, then keeping the coaching staff is a recipe for further disaster.

4.) 13 May 2024 09:32:41
Hang in there BRD, most here predicted a record defeat yesterday and in all honesty if you'd have told me afterwards that Arsenal could lift the title in a week's time I'd have spat my drink out after watching them.

5.) 13 May 2024 10:02:53
RedMan I think you're mischaracterising the position of most of those here suggesting ETH not be sacked. I think I'm in the majority that believe that doing so is a distraction from the main issue that we have an awfully constructed squad, with a bunch of mid- to lower- table players, and a scattering of genuine quality players. With only really the former category available this year, we are going to end up in mid-table. The play has been awful but it was really good last year when he had a consistent and fit squad. So I do not know how to judge him. The players, on the other hand, it is abundantly clear. ETH has brought through Garnacho and Mainoo, has won the Carabao Cup and brought us to the FA Cup final.

6.) 13 May 2024 09:36:48
Who are the other suitable managers Red Man? That are realistically available? Don't make the point that Pro EtH fans say there are no suitable managers, and then not name any yourself.

Its the same old boring anti-ETH propaganda and choosing not to point out any of the other variables affecting the club.

7.) 13 May 2024 12:48:02
Good post DonRed. The world is not as black and white as people would like it to be.

Make that two FA Cup finals and a European semi final, as well as CL qualification after being exactly where we are now two years ago.

Someone posted last week that it would be 4 years until we got into the top 4 again. Well ETH took us from the exact position we are in now, to top 4, in his first season.

Right now we are exactly where I’d expect us to be in the league given that our back 4 currently consists of a past-it DM, a 36 year old CB, and a left back who can’t even play his preferred position of right back effectively.

I’m not saying ETH has been perfect. But it doesn’t require more than half a brain to see that the circumstances he’s worked under have been extremely difficult.

8.) 13 May 2024 13:02:35
Agreed wazza. Quite a few brains missing on here though ?.

9.) 13 May 2024 18:52:12
Ah the brain is missing because you don’t agree on ETH.

Tim99 Gary Neville saying don’t sack managers whilst having a conveyer belt out of Salford is rather funny.

10.) 13 May 2024 20:35:05
No Red Man that’s not the case at all.

Failure to see the circumstances the manager works under, saying that 90% of the squad needs selling, and then blaming it on the manager. That’s where the brain is missing.

Nobody cares if you have a different opinion ?.

11.) 13 May 2024 21:16:37
Said many times that I understand the circumstances, I have been saying since before SAF retired that changes were needed, so don’t need telling that. However, the manager should not be doing as anywhere near as badly as this, there should be far more signs of a structure, pattern.

12.) 13 May 2024 22:13:57
I agree Red Man there has been no style of play but I blame that on a considerable number of injuries including to players who are key to how ETH wants to play, countless off field issues, and a toxic football club. The feeling right now is the same as it was two years ago. This manager wasn’t at the club the.



04 Oct 2023 01:17:42
Galatasaray have never won a game on English soil.

UTD players. hold my beer!


1.) 04 Oct 2023 07:16:02
we lost a game playing really well for very long spells and can argue we should have put it to bed. Defensively a shamble and don't blame Cas for the red its a split second decision on a hospital pass by Onana.

Still completely back this manager to get things right, can't coach for moments of stupidity by individual players.

2.) 04 Oct 2023 07:53:10
Can’t blame Cas one bit. He was doing his absolute best to resurrect a disaster served up to him by Onana. Quickly becoming a Massimo Taibi style signing.

But we have no ability to close out games and it matters not one jot how well you play for periods of time if you royally screw it up for the remainder.

We are collectively a shambles and there is no amount of polish that can cover the current cracks.

I am still backing ETH. I refuse (at the moment) to join any ETH OUT campaign but we have been lucky to get the points we have so far and at the moment I cannot see a way out of this spiral.

Keeping my chin up for now!

3.) 04 Oct 2023 08:03:56
My only criticism is that he doesn't like to drop players he bought. The very players that are not doing it right now. let's be honest. Antony- huge waste of money. Onana - shocker. Mount - Chelsea are still laughing.

He let a great left back go out on loan, he could be doing a better job of what we have right now. Its poor.

On a positive, i have moved the sofa so i can hide behind it for the next match ?.

4.) 04 Oct 2023 09:41:48
Off the pitch I have no doubt EtH is getting things right, despite those above him determined to put every problem they can in his path.
On it, I can't say I've seen much if any improvement over what we've been used to. You could argue defensively at CB in particular we've regressed. What happened for that third goal was a shambles, let alone what happened for the penalty which was an individual error leading to a Casemiro special. Should have conceded 4 if not 5 which is woeful at home to a team that has never won in England comprised of Premier League cast-offs.
It's all difficult to judge with so many injuries (another mystery) and therefore players playing out of position. We should have 6 fullbacks to chose from, we have one. At least we got to see Rash on the right, although if he's on the left I'm sure he shoots and scores the one on one. Maybe he's heard the constant moans on here that he's selfish and decided to square it. Think he was caught in two minds and ended up hashing it up.
One positive of course was Hojlund. A great display of hold-up play, pace, power, positional sense and rugged determination, likes to get in the opposition defenders' faces too.

5.) 04 Oct 2023 10:18:28

Have to disagree on Mount. I thought he was really good. The Left back left before our injury crisis so can't blame the manager especially if you are trying to get the kid games and help in his development.

6.) 04 Oct 2023 11:01:25
Mount was very good again last night, take your blinkers off! Chelsea certainly won’t be laughing they lost him!
Who’s this great left back we let leave on loan? Surely we’re not talking about a kid who did well at Preston that none of us have seen?

I agree with Ahmad, I thought second half in particular we were really good up until the chaos!

Should have been out of sight and not let the comedians at the back ruin it!

7.) 04 Oct 2023 11:33:50
Dalot? Who needs a defender who can’t defend? Fernandes? He does one positive thing every few games and he is a big hero. I firmly believe that he is our biggest problem. Insists on playing the ball to the opposition. Neither of these two players merit a start. Central defence a shambles. You could drive a horse and cart through it. I think that many of our players are vastly overrated. It’s not a time for panicking but we need to get the basics and the structure of the team right.

8.) 04 Oct 2023 12:21:18
Mount was really good? A player we never needed who hasn't shown a glimpse of anything and fits in nowhere in the team.

9.) 04 Oct 2023 13:20:48
Not sure on this criticism of Mount. He’s barely played, and is a very good player. He seems to be the latest target for unhappy fans.

It’s going to be months before we get our strongest XI on the pitch together. Until then we are going to have to deal with some less than ideal results.

10.) 04 Oct 2023 14:43:01
Onana? Too early to say but doesn’t bode well so far
AWB Keep for me as he can actually defend
Dalot Get rid can’t defend can’t attack
Maguire Get rid no more to say
Lindelof Bang average get rid
Varane Legs gone ship out
Martinez Keep
Shaw Keep probably but also frustrating
Malacia Keep not had long enough
Ericksen Get rid far too slow
Casemiro Keep but needs better players around him
Mount Too early but I’m not a massive fan for the outlay
Bruno So frustrating gives the ball away far too often so I’m on the fence with him
McTominay Get rid never good enough
Hannibal I like his energy but needs a run of games to see if he is good enough
Anthony One trick pony but is still young so? for me
Sancho Goodbye
Rashford I don’t rate him and personally would get rid as we would get good money for him
Martial Lazy injured all the time had his time Goodbye
Garnacho Needs time to develop
Hojlund I like the look of this kid. I think in a few years he will be excellent

Basically were doomed ha ha.

11.) 04 Oct 2023 17:16:32
Watching United this season, and many times last season even, there are basically a handful of players I would say keep, the rest can go and I wouldn’t have any issues with it if they did.

The players that are in and around the first team and I would keep are AWB, Martinez, Shaw, Casemiro (for now), Mainoo, Hannibal, Mount (needs time but he’s done ok), Pellistri, Amad, Garnacho, Hojlund.

I wouldn’t care if any others were sold and top of the list of exits for me would be Sancho, Martial, Maguire, Dalot, Fernandez and Rashford in that order.

Onana isn’t looking great either so it could be a new keeper very soon for me too.

12.) 04 Oct 2023 19:42:59
Not a massive fan of Mount for the outlay? What’s the outlay got to do with anything?

Mount a player we didn’t really need …

Jesus here’s the new scapegoat! An excellent player, Chelsea best player over last three years and will prove to be excellent addition! Then our fan base can go after another new signing after a handful of games and make them the new fall guy!

13.) 04 Oct 2023 20:12:32
The outlay has everything to do with it as it could of been spent elsewhere

60 million come on.



15 Jun 2023 05:06:33
Need to vent…….

Who is this Fabrizio Romano bloke?

He throws a 1000 darts at the board and gets one bullseye. He states the obvious week in week out and covers himself by adding “may” or “could” to every report.

Todays “exclusive”

………. Manchester United are convinced that they can agree personal terms with Chelsea attacking midfielder Mason Mount, Fabrizio Romano has exclusively revealed to GIVEMESPORT……….

Guys a flog!


1.) 15 Jun 2023 06:11:49
Each to their own, I find his updates pretty interesting.

2.) 15 Jun 2023 07:10:57
I find him summarizing what's out there and nothing new. If you read the various newspaper or online stuff one day its on one day its off when it comes to united. One day we have money to sign everybody and anybody and one day we can't afford anyone.

Its hard to ignore it and not get frustrated but probably the best way to deal with it. We can't influence anything so live with what happens and hope we improve the team substantially this summer and get key players in.

A lot of things being reported is common sense. All the major teams have a lot of the same players on their list as everyone's scouting network does their homework to a decent degree. what varies is how one looks at a player compared to another and also what's their immediate needs and requirements and budgets available.

For example, nothing new there when you read Psg, Chelsea, Bayern, RM all strikers we are looking at. only difference maybe their rankings of target may be different to ours given their playing style, budgets and max age restrictions.

Romano regurgitates what is out there and even when he says deal is done plenty of other have reported the same thing.

3.) 15 Jun 2023 08:44:24
Found him and David Ornstein to be most reliable - not sure what OP is on about.

4.) 15 Jun 2023 09:12:28
I agree with the OP, every time i watch his YT videos, I hope to hear something I don't already know, but it never happens. He is just recycling news and bringing them as "exclusive", even though they are not.

5.) 15 Jun 2023 09:25:31
He's made a good living out of stating the obvious.

6.) 15 Jun 2023 09:45:22
He's clearly someone with a few connections, probably through agents. He seems to have some kind of deal where he gets the nod when a deal is done before it's publicised and then he gets kudos for breaking the deal.

But the rest is just filler, he said she said, etc. No doubt the talks are happening, but the reality is clubs will talk with dozens of agents about hundreds of players every season. Yet only serious pursue a few.

He's a smart guy who's found a niche and is making a fortune talking about deals that mostly will never happen, but it keeps people engaged.

7.) 15 Jun 2023 10:14:48
Remember he posted a video jumping the gun over Ole being sacked? He talked about how his sources at the club have told him all this information. He made a video ready to go about a month too early.

People think of him as some kind of god. He's a tap in merchant who announces news a few minutes before it breaks officially.

He's not hurting anyone and he's nowhere near the worst of his kind.

I wonder does he have an account on here?

8.) 15 Jun 2023 10:39:21
He's just very, very good at self-publicity.

9.) 15 Jun 2023 10:53:20
Watching him reminds me on a post-match Ole interview. Goes round in circles repeating what you heard the day before, without ever really committing to anything or telling you anything you didn't already know.



25 May 2023 10:58:46
Wayne joined United at 18. If you are good enough, you are old enough.

If we want an absolute bargain, we should look at a young kid here in Oz. Nestory Irankunda. 17 years old, a beast, very brash, very fast and skilful. Has it all. Yes, he could well struggle initially at the level, but for 2-3 million it’s worth the risk. There are already teams in Europe (Bayern) looking at him.


1.) 25 May 2023 11:26:12
Ronnie, is that you?

2.) 25 May 2023 11:30:07
Rooney joined a united side that was dominating English football and was stocked full of quality experienced players to guide him through. Plus he had already played 2 full seasons in the EPL.

Know nothing about this kid, but it’s a completely different situation. If bought it would be for the youth team because throwing untested kids in at the deep end with no experience at a top level club is a recipe for disaster.

3.) 25 May 2023 11:59:32

United's non-European scouting network is pathetic.
They've probably already seen him, but have likely already decided that excellent value and great potential isn't worth the travel time.

For years, PL clubs allowed non-European prospects to be brought into other European leagues, only to then pay big fees once the 'audition' has proved successful.
Now, PL clubs are more keen to cut out the audition process and take the punts themselves - all except United who seemingly cannot be bothered.

Even City, yes big moneybags City who have apparently only got their success because they bought it, even they can be bothered to do some proper continental scouting.
United only look at players like Julián Álvarez, whereas City will follow up on their interest.

4.) 25 May 2023 12:33:08
Woggle it’s hard to know. There’s plenty of stories of scouts being unhappy their recommendations were not being followed up.

We’ve been a shambles behind the scenes for years and all I hope is that the new owners bring a proper structure and plan.

5.) 25 May 2023 18:30:42
I thought it was going to be evan ferguson.

6.) 25 May 2023 18:41:33
AJH, what a shout. Ronnie did love an obscure kid from a lesser league. Definitely brought something to the discussions.
In essence I agree that if you good enough you are old enough, however the pressure needs to be taken off by also having other players to pick the load up which is why Rooney worked when he came in.
Ferguson would be great if we also bring in another experienced striker.

7.) 26 May 2023 00:27:23
Don’t disagree Danny. My point is that we can get bargains and let them develop. This kid will go far. City group are trying to get him to swap teams here in Oz. He would certainly need to be nurtured but need to speculate to accumulate.




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23 Jul 2024 12:15:24
The harder you work the more mistakes you make. Those that don’t work can’t make mistakes.

Only my opinion but his “limitations” were exacerbated by the system we were playing and a lack of cattle around him for the most part.

Let’s see how he goes with a better team around him before you hang him out to dry.




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15 Jul 2024 23:13:15
Romano said that he THINKS that MAYBE he POSSIBLY MIGHT sign and it COULD be in the next few hours.

Until the random dart thrower says “here we go” then it’s can’t be true!




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14 Jul 2024 02:04:28
we spent north of 80 for a donkey!




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13 Jul 2024 11:09:54
Romano……. pah!




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12 Jul 2024 23:45:46
I would suspect that the big boys “suggested” that ETH needed to sort it out between them both as well as Sancho realising he was damaging his chances.

I am also in the out basket.





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24 Jul 2024 21:31:41
But what about the poor donkeys? What have they done to deserve this? Poor defenceless creatures.




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24 Jul 2024 21:06:46
Sigh. What is the world coming to?




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21 Jul 2024 22:14:25
We shall see.




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21 Jul 2024 12:44:44
ETH obsession with Antony will cost him his job if he isn’t careful. He is bang average and should and will fade into obscurity.

There is absolutely not an EPL player in there……period.




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20 Jul 2024 02:54:08
Surely Maguire would be pulling the cart?