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DodgyBanter's rumours posts with other poster's replies to DodgyBanter's rumours posts


01 Sep 2022 23:13:12
Just want to thank Ed002 and all the other Ed's for another window full of information and updates. I know you get asked repeated questions over and over by fans desperate to get blow by blow updates. We really do appreciate the time spent and knowledge shared each window.

Hope you get a well earned rest before the first post asking for lists for January start showing up!


{Ed002's Note - Thanks. We appreciate it.}

1.) 01 Sep 2022 23:23:04
Never a truer word spoken DB.
Thank you ed002 and the entire editing team. Top stuff. Some dodgy opinions but lots of good banter. ?.

{Ed002's Note - Everyone has done well on the MU pages. Club is doing OK.}

2.) 01 Sep 2022 23:32:00
Ed002 if i am ever in Cornwall dinner and drinks on me, you pick the venue :) and if you ever get to Dubai same goes. thank you. we did okay I agree. Long way to go.

{Ed002's Note - I am not allowed to visit Dubai, but thanks.}

3.) 02 Sep 2022 00:08:47
Too works Eds, top site, love it.

Decent work by Utd too all in all. New manager and 6 good new signings.

{Ed002's Note - Thanks Eric.}

4.) 02 Sep 2022 06:21:55
Thanks EDs.

Thankyou all for the time and effort you put into all of the sites.

{Ed002's Note - Thanks, you are welcome.}

5.) 02 Sep 2022 08:37:52
Yeah, a big well done and thank you to all the Ed's who give up their time to run this site and divulge excellent information.

Thank you all.

{Ed002's Note - Thanks, you are welcome.}

6.) 02 Sep 2022 10:45:27
A huge thanks to all the eds. Some amount of work to edit all the pages.

This place is like a little cosy home on my phone.

{Ed002's Note - Thanks, you are welcome.}

7.) 02 Sep 2022 12:37:45
I agree that ypu very much to all the Eds for their uodates and work to keep the site alive.

A specoal thanks for Ed14 for his constant championing of the brilliant way United are run and support for all their well thought out and planned moves.

{Ed014's Note - thank you mate and I’m sure they’ll get it right one day!

8.) 02 Sep 2022 15:16:47
Echo that. Thanks for all the input eds ?.

9.) 02 Sep 2022 16:23:08
Ed002 - thanks so much for all your time during the window. First class, accurate info as always. Really appreciate your bright insight amongst what is often a dark cloud of uncertainty and confusion.

10.) 02 Sep 2022 21:06:44
Couldn’t agree more thanks to all involved, really look forward to scanning this site daily fantastic feedback back constantly, all the years I’ve been on here I trust nothing without you lot confirming.

11.) 04 Sep 2022 19:46:26
So, Ed002. January. what's happening? ?.



21 Mar 2020 22:26:27
Rumours of Auba to Utd. No idea if this is now just crazy time due to lack of content. But I have to say, that would be an excellent signing for us. Last year with Arsenal, so they may be tempted to cash in. Almost has the feels of an RVP but he's not quite so deep into his career.

He would be an upgrade on Martial as a 9. Scores goals for fun. What do you all think, would you take him?


1.) 22 Mar 2020 10:38:16
Rumours started last summer when Andy Goldstein from talksport said he was told Utd were in for him so maybe there is something in it who knows. Good player though wish he wasnt as old as he is.

2.) 22 Mar 2020 10:54:42
I think we're done buying older players on high wages. He's a fantastic player but you'd imagine he'd demand Sanchez type salary. Just doesn't seem to go along with Solskjaer's plan.

3.) 22 Mar 2020 12:02:02
I'd prefer lacazette to be honest. Although he's seemed a bit off this season.

4.) 23 Mar 2020 11:10:01
I would rather save the money and buy ighalo and spend the big money on right wing, cm, pogba replacement and pacey centre back.

5.) 23 Mar 2020 12:03:35
Thanks for replies guys. I think that Auba allows us to play how we have been playing, direct and very dangerous on the break, but hs also makes runs in the 6 yard area like a striker. He can score headers with more consistency. Depending on fee he could be interesting. Not for silly money either in transfer or wages.

6.) 26 Mar 2020 16:05:39
who is Auba?




DodgyBanter's banter posts with other poster's replies to DodgyBanter's banter posts


05 Jun 2024
New image uploaded to the
Manchester United Player Sightings page entitled,

Click picture for larger image


1.) 05 Jun 2024 08:12:33
Fire him, he's useless. sigh. Yey get Southgate in to replace him. Sigh.

2.) 05 Jun 2024 10:20:55
Really interesting stats. My earlier view was that Ten Hag should go for all the reasons we've discussed.

I've now moved to being undecided because it's easy to believe the grass is greener and to be very wrong.

Also, the paucity of better candidates is really puts me off changing.

Plus despite everything, Ten Hag has led Utd to win two trophies in two years and under the circumstances I think that's a laudable achievement.

So while I'm not wildly enthusiastic about keeping Ten Hag I think it could be worth giving him another season to see what happens when he hopefully has less injuries to deal with and a better squad more suited to his brand of football.

3.) 05 Jun 2024 11:49:05
Stats don't really show everything. For example it doesn't show that this season in the Premier and Champions League we were vv poor.

Nor does it show the defensive injury crisis Utd had all season.

4.) 05 Jun 2024 13:03:38
We also won 2 trophies, had terrible injuries. Off field player issues. The club was being sold. Our 2 best players from last season (rash and cassemiro) had awful seasons. The club had financial difficulties and brought in loan players and avoided the Jan transfer windows. One striker all season (thanks to AM injury) no leftback all season, with quite a few games playing a midfielder at leftback. No consistency at CB, with many games playing a midfielder at CB.

EtH is a guy who can win things, he has shown this throughout his career. We need to keep him, back him, remove the players that he needs to remove. Bring in players that suit his style and move forward.

5.) 05 Jun 2024 14:37:30
Remember Hoiland joined and he was injured and hardly played early season and so was Ambrabat. Then if If I recall correctly the Sancho saga started and injuries to Shaw, Martinez, cas and just continued, mount too and rash's form.

it was a season of everything that can go wrong went wrong. People will argue that's an excuse, some argue eth is injuring players and want him gone.

We sacked our head physio and doubt everything can be hung around eth neck but some want to do it.

I have zero doubts about his ability as a top manager if he has the tools and support structure around him and will win everything if he stayed. Its a toxic club and environment and the media lives on writing negative stuff about the place some may be true but a lot of it is just bad journalism.

Anyways looks like decision is coming and eth is in Ibiza enjoying some down time and good for him. I would be doing the same. Contrary to some posters here who think he is awful, its clear the new people in charge don't remotely see it that way or they would have made a decision quickly.

Make a decision and let's move forward.



28 May 2024 04:26:20
Saf only won 5 fa cups. Utd have won 13 in nearly 150 years. I think people are underplaying how big an FA cup win is. How many has harry Kane got? Or Arteta since he started managing? How about Alan Shearer, greatest scorer in epl history? We cannot allow top 4 to become more important than winning the second biggest prize in english football. And we can't be sacking managers who win the FA cup in a season when they have suffered major injury crises throughout the year. Make the smart choice ineos and put some trust in EtH.


1.) 28 May 2024 07:40:06
Agreed Dodgy. Winning a trophy is much more important than any league position beyond 1st. We are averaging an FA Cup win every 11.5 years.

Imo we’ve had a better season than Arsenal in both of the last two years.

Give me a trophy and 3rd/ 8th over 2nd and no trophy every single day of the week.

{Ed025's Note - the FA cup was a good end to the season Wazza but to say you had a better season than Arsenal is stretching it a bit far mate, they ran city very close in the major trophy where UTD were also rans, its papered over the cracks and to think that it absolves the team for what was a disgrace of a season is foolhardy imo, it seems that all is forgiven now and EtH is the best thing since sliced bread again and the slate is wiped clean...United should be better than that..

2.) 28 May 2024 08:55:04
Hear hear!

3.) 28 May 2024 09:46:23
Wazza, although I agree with your sentiment, sadly, getting champions league has almost become a trophy in itself over the past 20 years due to the financial reward and ability to attract better players. Performance in the league now will always outweigh any cup win which is a sad indictment of how people hold the FA Cup. I’d love (even more so this season ?) if the FA Cup winners got champions league ahead of 4th. No sport in the world rewards 4th place with a more significant reward than winning a cup. And I don’t care if a Palace, Fulham, Brighton won it, good for them, they deserve a crack at the big time. But the truth is, apart from Leicester, it’s usually won by won of the “top 4/ 5” clubs anyway.

4.) 28 May 2024 08:47:16
I get your point Ed25, but I posted similar recently that we need to realise where we are in the pecking order right now.

We’re a club actually starting again with an actual professional footballing structure being put in place to finally to fill the void left by Sir Alex. To win two cups in two years in this mess, with a takeover happening, certain players making life very difficult (I’m looking at you Sancho, Ronaldo, Rashford and Greenwood), and an injury list longer than an A&E ward all centred around defence, I think ten Hag has done as good as anybody could. I think he deserves a shot. He’s not all of a sudden a bad coach this year when last year and his time at Ajax proved otherwise. He invests in youth, has a track record of decent football (maybe not this year granted), and wins trophies.

If he was still at Ajax now, they wouldn’t be in the mess they are, and he’d be exactly the type of manager we’d all be wanting to be appointed right now. He’s had an average seaon, but we beat our arch rivals and beat them deservedly so in the cup final. I for one and pretty happy with that, with expectations league form must improve.

Backed by a proper football structure (training facilities, medical teams, fitness coaches), with proper recruitment and scouting, he’s got as good a chance as anybody.

It’ll still be Tuchel mind after my long Shappy style essay.

{Ed025's Note - i get what you are saying Eric but for a club of United,s stature its just not good enough mate, how long is this transition going to take?, yes the cup was a nice boost but CL qualification should be a given for a club of this magnitude and for me the FA cup has just papered over the cracks, i really expected better after 22/23 where it looked like progress but the same old flaws seem to have come home to roost again and United should never accept mediocrity imo, i dont think its all down to EtH but i dont think hes ruthless enough to stem the tide, its not an easy fix though and whoever (if anybody) takes over will have a massive job on their hands, but i do wish you well because the premier league needs a strong United team and you all deserve better..

5.) 28 May 2024 08:56:41
Ed I get that side of the argument, but before a ball is kicked, I’d take a trophy and no CL over CL and no trophy.

The rest is just noise and will soon be forgotten.

{Ed025's Note - im not buying that Wazza, CL qualification is your bread and butter for a club of United,s history mate, not scraping through against Coventry for a day out in London, it should be nights out in Barcelona and Madrid that should be the aim of a club of your stature, but i suppose we all have our own standards..

6.) 28 May 2024 09:17:17
Total delusion ed025 we had nowhere close a season to Arsenal. The fans were seething every game yet people come out with these wild statements we had a better season than Arsenal.

What have we become? Total Liverpool levels of delusion, shocking. The manager has been allover the place and will continue to be next season because he doesn’t get the league.

{Ed025's Note - im with you G nev, it just shows how low expectations have fallen to mate..

7.) 28 May 2024 09:18:00
I daresay in the history books only the facts will remain, which are that I will remember the season more for Manchester United winning the FA Cup than Arsenal 'almost' winning the league. :p.

{Ed025's Note - but even Wigan can win cups spenno, no disrespect to the likes of Villa and Spurs but if you are happy to finish behind the likes of them then it just shows how far this club has fallen mate..

8.) 28 May 2024 10:00:04
Well said DB.

9.) 28 May 2024 10:14:00
I must be old fashioned, but I just do not see CL qualification as better than a domestic trophy.

The only way CL qualification can be deemed better is if the team goes on to win it. So let’s see if Arsenal win the CL this coming season. But I very much doubt they will as it’s very difficult, and therefore I’m taking the trophy every day of the week.

{Ed025's Note - i can just picture you Wazza standing on your own in a nightclub with your shirt open sporting a Del Boy like medallion around your neck mate.. :)

10.) 28 May 2024 11:12:48
We had an awful season, but we did win a trophy, taking us to 2 behind Liverpool. The obsession with the a champions League is pretty silly, qualifying generates cash but even if we had scraped top 4, we would be a long way from winning it.

Arsenal had a great season, they have an awesome team, they are well positioned to challenge for the League and Champions League. We won a cup off the back of a terrible league showing.

But I still like to keep the trophies clicking over.

11.) 28 May 2024 11:29:11
Fair point Ed025, I don't doubt that the club has fallen considerably in the last decade. But got to cling onto the few rays of sunshine they've provided in that time!

{Ed025's Note - its ok to bask in the sunshine sometimes spenno, as long as you prepare for the cold and rain that inevitably comes your way mate.. :)

12.) 28 May 2024 12:24:30
If we had just had Arsenal's season then no way would there be any discussion of Ten Hag being sacked.

13.) 28 May 2024 13:19:31
Agreed. A great end to a truly awful season.

14.) 28 May 2024 12:38:59
Agree 100% Ed025. There's a real lack of reality with some of the posters in here. I just don't get what they've been watching all year.

{Ed025's Note - they have been watching guff BRD, a bunch of players some of them very good individuals who have not played as a team mate, unfortunately that has to be laid at the door of the manager im afraid, turning up for a cup final is just not good enough and some of them should be ashamed of themselves, hes a nice man EtH...maybe too nice and far too loyal to some imo, would these players have acted up like they did if SAF was in charge?...not a chance, get someone in with a backbone i suggest..

15.) 28 May 2024 16:39:46
Ed, I don’t think anybody is claiming that United have played well all year. I think every poster on here, regardless of their opinion on ETH, will accept that 8th isn’t good enough.

There is a difference between dropping standards and accepting where we are. This conversation has veered well away from the subject of winning a trophy vs CL qualification. As for the night club, you’re more likely to catch me in the Thomas Frost!

{Ed025's Note - love it Wazza, for me mate the domestic cups are a bonus and are mainly for the supporters than the club, the generation of money and the players it will attract it would be CL every day of the week personally, some will have a different view i suppose and thats fine..

16.) 28 May 2024 16:59:40
Backbone Ed? Poch? Lol.

{Ed025's Note - not for me angel..

17.) 28 May 2024 18:34:53
Nor me ed, smart thing would be to let ETH carry on. If it doesn't go well, no harm done, more time will have passed, structure in place and a new man will be appointed.

Sack ETH now, puts INEOS right under the cosh straight off the bat.

{Ed025's Note - they say the biggest act of stupidity is to do the same thing and expect different results angel, i see it as a great opportunity for SJR to put a marker down here and show he can steer the club in the right direction, but maybe thats just me mate..

18.) 28 May 2024 18:37:16
It’s a totally fair argument Ed - and what you say about fans… we are all fans. Nothing more (despite what one or two on here think ?) . The cups are great and I have to admit I’ve been over the moon since Saturday. As they say, you’re only as good as your last game, and our last game was an FA Cup win which was also a derby AND dropped Chelsea to the Europa conference AND knocked Newcastle out of Europe. As a fan, surely that’s something to celebrate.

{Ed025's Note - im not knocking the excellent cup win Wazza, its the best i have seen you play for quite a while mate so enjoy it..

19.) 28 May 2024 20:30:31
Well 25, that we can agree on.

{Ed025's Note - i knew there had to be something we agree on Wazza mate.. :)

20.) 28 May 2024 22:54:18
Spurs comparison is harsh Ed025, there was a trophy win after all!

{Ed025's Note - thats a fair point actually Kev.. :)

21.) 29 May 2024 08:24:41
I'm alright with insanity if it means winning trophies ed.

if you think so ed. But if SJR does, he better get it right because there won't be much sympathy if it goes tits up. That's why I think he should give ETH the rope. He will either pull himself up or hang himself. And if he does hang, we'll SJR can turn around and start from a completely new slate. He doesn't by sacking a man that majority want to stay.

{Ed025's Note - in the end its just my opinion angel, i just dont think one great game can define a season mate even though lifting the cup was a massive boost for the fan base, i could be wrong....but that has never happened before.. :)

22.) 29 May 2024 09:30:38
Was this poll that states the majority want ETH to stay carried out before or after the FA cup?

I wonder, if it was done afterwards, how much the result was swayed by the immediate euphoria of winning the cup and what the results would have been if it wasn’t done afterwards? I’m not advocating either way. I have already decided what I would prefer but will accept a decision either way.

As far as FA Cup goes, I would have preferred CL over an FA Cup (or both! ) . It’s not about winning the CL. It’s about being there to attract the right players to support the rebuild.

23.) 29 May 2024 09:28:43
I'm looking at the 2 seasons, 2 cups, 3 finals and we should have went further in Europa league last year. All under an absolute mess of a club. He needs time. Our two most successful managers of all time, had time.

I'm sick of this carousel and I will not judge him on last season. There's been huge upheaval at the club.

Haha Ed, we will see ?.

{Ed025's Note - we certainly will mate.. :)

24.) 29 May 2024 10:52:54
It was before the cup final Keefy.

Honestly it’s mostly noisy internet fans that want him out from my experience. The feeling in and around the ground, and amongst friends who are local and lifelong Manchester United fans, is very positive towards ETH. As I have said before, I’ve never heard so much discontent towards players inside OT. But one or two of those players are leaving / have left, which bodes well for the coming season.

25.) 29 May 2024 12:13:17
Fair enough.

As I have said I am not completely against ETH but admit to sitting in the out basket. But as I have said will happily get behind him and team if he stays.


He needs some educating or vetting of his post match comments. Some may be lost in translation but jeez he has spouted some tripe! That is possibly what has alienated him more than his strange tactics and substitutions as he often comes over as having lost the plot.

Time will tell. Going to be a very long and drawn out close season!

26.) 29 May 2024 13:46:01
He can talk double dutch for my liking Keefy mate, as long as he keeps bringing home that silverware ?.

27.) 29 May 2024 17:12:04
I was a 9 year old in boarding school and had no affiliation until I saw united win that 77 fa cup vs the scousers. its always been a great trophy for me and my induction to becoming a lifetime united fan. I wonder how many young ones watching that game of Saturday are the next lifers.



26 Apr 2024 04:44:13
Still think EtH can get there, needs another season and an overhaul of players. Bring through more youth. A few signings in key roles to establish more of a front foot style and see what we can do next season. I know it is not my choice. But I live in hope.


1.) 26 Apr 2024 09:52:21
Agreed DB.
If you'd have told me 3 cup finals (1, maybe 2 trophies) and top 3 finish within his first 2 seasons. Under the constraints and absolute shambles he has had to work with, I would have bitten your hand off.

Give him the time.

2.) 26 Apr 2024 10:24:08
I agree. He has had to manage poor players but also poor leaders of the club.
My only real complaint is his game management. he changes this and we unravel.
Can't wait to see the back of some of the rubbish pulling our club down.

Our youth system seems primed!

3.) 26 Apr 2024 10:51:27
+16 goal difference over almost two full seasons says it all….

4.) 26 Apr 2024 11:05:38
We have given more minutes to academy graduates this year than the top 6 combined.

5.) 26 Apr 2024 11:29:00
We have less points than 5 of them.

6.) 26 Apr 2024 12:21:01
The main problems I see are where we are in the league, the performances we have, the relationship he has with players and the transfers (Onana, Antony, Mount costed 180M)

With new owners trying to effect change, there is no way he gets another go.

7.) 26 Apr 2024 13:55:04
ETH has wasted tens of millions not least on Antony, on other players. He has not given a hint of a pattern other than inverted wingers. His mouth is a big problem especially after games, alienating the press and his players, throwing a young player under the bus at a press conference was unforgivable and that is before we get to his ingame management and substitutions.

In the positive side he has given young players time in the team, think he could have given more at home to Sheffield though. Whoever is in charge next year needs to command respect of the players and ETH will have to get that back, if still there and give the U18 a chance instead of the Malacia’s and Antony’s.

8.) 26 Apr 2024 14:06:02
From what ed002 has said, Southgate is a front runner for the job.

I’ve been in favour of giving ETH another year, if only to give the new directors time to develop a strategy and identify a few coaches they think can achieve it. But ETH’s performance over the last month has raised some huge question marks. Specifically his game management in winning positions and his increasingly baffling defence of the team allowing so many shots against them. Added to this are the rumblings about his difficult personality and tensions with the players.

It feels like we’re headed for a lose lose situation. Either Southgate gets hired and we start the rebuild with a coach of limited experience and ability that the new directors did not, necessarily, choose. Or we stick with ETH and are stuck with a failing manager and a fractured dressing room.

If it’s a straight choice between another year of ETH or a rebuild under Southgate, I’d stick with ETH. It will mean another bad season, but at least it gives the directors time to put a real plan in place. If a better candidate than Southgate can be identified, that’s a different story. I just think sacking ETH for Southgate will put the club back years in a rebuild, and we’ll be in the exact same situation two years down the road.

9.) 26 Apr 2024 14:31:33
I don't think the cost of any player can be thrown at the Hag's (or any other manager's door) . There are people above the manager whose job is to oversee transfer negotiations and the people we've had for the past decade have been woeful. Should Antony have been on the shortlist at all is a better question. Probably not because at that point we had Sancho and Diallo. Now we're looking at Olise. The right wing is a problem position.

10.) 26 Apr 2024 15:54:36
I agree Danny but don’t necessarily think that if EtH is here next year we’ll have a bad season. I think he can’t turn it around, some may call this wishful thinking but that’s what I believe.

I think there’s loads of mitigation and much will depend on the return and fitness of key players such as Martinez and Shaw but I’m certainly not expecting another bad season if EtH keeps his job.

I agree Spenno EtH did not negotiate those deals or tell the Club to spend £80m on Antony. That’s on the incompetence of Arnold and Murtough. Both have now left. If they were semi competent at their jobs they wouldn’t be relying on EtH to recommend players anyway. I think a lot of criticism can be laid at EtH door but overspending on players is not his fault and has been going on for years before he arrived. Pogba, Sancho, Sanchez, Di Maria, Lukaku et al!



22 Mar 2024 14:16:51
Ed's can we run a poll for posters on the site.

If it was up to you, would you give Ten Hag another year or would you replace with new manager.

I realised Ineos will do what they do, but interested what the posters on here would do given the choice.


{Ed033's Note -

Man Utd Manager poll

1.) 22 Mar 2024 15:53:01
How come Ken got 6 votes?

2.) 22 Mar 2024 16:02:46
Replace for me.

Don't get me wrong, he's a good manager and he's done OK.
Unlike some, I'll consider the unusual pressures he's faced with the respect they demand - he's had a proper rough ride.

However, I cannot lie and pretend to have the belief that he's the answer. Some decisions he's made are utterly baffling to me. Pursuing the signing of Antony over Kudus was bad enough, but not taking the option on Sabitzer was just ridiculous imo.
The portrayal of him as some kind of revelation after standing his ground against Sancho is absurd - any vertebrate manager would do the same.
I don't consider his style to be anything like the 'United way' beyond the promotion of youth.
There is little to thrill or get the punters properly buzzing before they reach their seats. Where Klopp likes the heavy metal approach, ten Hag seems to adopt the random playlist approach.

OT can be an uncompromising gauge of how things are and it's the sound that attests so vividly the consensus.
While I'm sure the Liverpool match drew the claustrophobic cacophony I love so much, I have heard the strained silence of disappointment that usually precedes a managerial change at OT.

Honestly, I hope I'm wrong because I do like the guy.
I hope I'm hearing things.
I hope Erik has more to him.
I hope he oversees a period of success.
But I just don't see it.

For me, humbly, replace.

3.) 22 Mar 2024 16:14:43
Sabitzer? Who? Oh yes him. I'd forgotten all about him for a while.

4.) 22 Mar 2024 16:28:44
I'm not alone ports and no issue at all being in the minority.
I can understand why people feel the way they do.
You see things I don't and I see things you don't.
For every positive stat there is an equally damning negative one like in most situations.
At the end of the day sjr and team as dodgy says in his request are the guys that will decide. Their opinion will be the only one that counts.
I will support the team whomever is in charge. It really makes no odds to me. I can't control it so just have to accept it.
I would prefer a change for the reasons I've posted. If the new investors see what your seeing then eth will be kept in place and be given the chance to improve things further.
Honestly it's not that big a thing to me. Because I support the team even if I don't agree with selection or tactics or players or coaches. I'm a loyal customer simple as that, I won't agree with everything and I won't like everything but I'll always support and want the team to win.
Even when we won under ole I was 1st on to congratulate performances or subs, whatever. Because my feelings for the club would override any feelings towards an employee.
I realise that I'm not an expert and that any opinions I have are unimportant. We don't get a vote it's not a democracy. Its a business so we either support the decisions or put up with them grudgingly.
I've been wrong a million times about all sorts of stuff united related and in everyday stuff. If I'm wrong about this it will just be another thing I was incorrect about. I won't be losing any sleep over it either way.
I didn't want Jose fired and he was I didn't want ole to be given the job and he was. Its no big deal.
If eth is kept and does well I be singing his name like all supporters.
If eth isn't kept it's a case of the king is dead long live the new king, whomever that is and I'll want and expect him to do well.
We have a new dof and management team in place or coming into place. That's what everybody here wanted.
So I'll be happy to follow whatever road they go down. I may not be best pleased but I'll bow to their better judgement and knowledge and continue to be a loyal customer and supporter. If decisions they make turn out to be poor ones or look like poor ones after a reasonable period of time I'll voice my opinion on it full in knowledge that not everybody will agree.

5.) 22 Mar 2024 16:41:30
One thing to consider for everyone is who's the replacement going to be? Southgate or Ten Hag is different question for many than say Nagelsmann, Amorim, etc or Ten Hag?

6.) 22 Mar 2024 18:11:20
I voted to keep ETH.

7.) 22 Mar 2024 17:54:04
Good point ed077.
There are some coaches I would definitely prefer we don't pursue.

8.) 22 Mar 2024 18:47:38
Could we have a second poll Ed.

Keep ten Hag or bring in Southgate :D.

9.) 22 Mar 2024 20:04:20
22 percent to replace. You may not be alone ken, but you're in the minority so far.

10.) 22 Mar 2024 20:36:27
If it’s sack and bring in Southgate then absolutely not. Who is there available to replace him though.

I’m not convinced by ten hag yet. If I’m honest I’m sceptical that anyone will be a success until our new mob upstairs have had 18-24 months.

If we get someone new in and there’s teething problems with the new hierarchy then we’ll be back in the same boat.

I’d say get the board sorted, give him another season, Christmas at least then make a decision.

11.) 22 Mar 2024 22:19:42
Ken, I thought it was great when you said “Honestly it’s not that big a thing to me” ?.

12.) 23 Mar 2024 01:06:07
Its not. I don't feel like I did with ole I don't dislike eth I just don't see him doing the job we need. I see traits I don't like in a manager and ones I do like.
He has been far from a disaster.
I don't care who coaches or plays for us a long as they are doing a really good job and the team are playing well and attractive football.

13.) 22 Mar 2024 19:32:26
Ed, I think this is the most important consideration. Personally, I’m not overwhelmed by any of the current rumours so see little value, personally, in changing.

{Ed077's Note - I think the most likely candidate is Potter (no inside info) and that is, I'm sure, going to divide the fan base I'm the least.}

14.) 23 Mar 2024 07:30:52

I rate Potter. He was unlucky at Chelsea. He made the wrong choice in joining the T Boehly revolution. That's hindsight for you.

But I think it was a good learning curve for him. He perhaps is the right man to help set the club up again, as he has done this before.

Also he has worked with Ashworth. His Brighton played some really good football aswell.

{Ed077's Note - I like him but I'm not sure he can hit the ground running, he comes across to me like a coach who needs time to build a team and time is the thing that isnt given to managers anymore. Maybe he's learnt from his stint at Chelsea ? }

15.) 23 Mar 2024 09:45:03
I like potter but he was a disaster at a big club, you could see in his appearance the pressure and toll literally ate him alive! We’re much bigger than a big club with scrutiny he can never imagine! Big no for me regarding potter.

16.) 23 Mar 2024 10:23:26
34 votes to replace the manager, one from Ken and 33 from Maze's various accounts ???.

17.) 23 Mar 2024 08:26:15

Who would be your pick for manager then?

Based on available managers.

{Ed077's Note - Nagelsmann for me from the possible options. ( but who I think possible or unrealistic may not be seen as such by you guys) Obviously I don't consider Alonso or Klopp realistic options.

I think there's still a way for Ten Hag to earn another year but change of ownership and higher management usually means change of manager is inevitable.}

18.) 23 Mar 2024 09:43:11
Ed077, potter is a fine coach and no doubt would do a job anywhere.

But to replace ETH?

Ornstein made the point, if we were hiring a new coach today, ETH is exactly the type of coach we would be looking at. Let him cook, give him time, he has all the ingredients required. The club just have to truly back him, buy clever and allow him to coach. I think what he has done so far with this squad, the mixmash that it is, the injuries they have had to endure, and players he did not want, is fantastic.

{Ed077's Note - fantastic is going too far for me, the manner of defeats at certain parts of the seasons have been bad if you ask me, but he's not completely stunk the place IMO, when all things are accounted for.

Another thing for me is, many of our current squad members have failed to deliver under various managers with different ideas, CVs, everything. The same players who threw the towel in under Jose, pulled the plug for OGS and didn't turn up under Rangnick either. So a change of culture, and mentality has to happen in the dressing room or else we run the risk of getting back in the same spot in another 24_36 months time.}

19.) 23 Mar 2024 15:49:52
I voted to keep eth, but then I'm an Arsenal fan.

20.) 23 Mar 2024 17:04:41
Best of luck for the rest of the season Davy. Hope you win the league. The cl may be a step too far this season but imo arsenal have been the best team to watch this year and I really hope they can keep it up.

21.) 23 Mar 2024 16:36:48
Yes Ed, Fantastic is OTT. But the problems are bigger than the manager for sure. Considering that we have been in 2 Cup finals, hopefully a 3rd in 2 seasons is very good IMO, when taking in everything.

{Ed077's Note - the issues at the club, from what it seems to me, doesn't begin or end at the manager's door; but it may pass through it ??}

22.) 23 Mar 2024 18:22:52
Thanks Ken, I think one of your biggest misses this season, was Martinez, he doesn't solve all the problems, but his stability could free up the midfield a bit more, to play further forward.

23.) 24 Mar 2024 00:11:36
Thanks for the poll ed. Interesting to read the room after all the chatter these past few weeks. I agree with Ken's point further up, that the southgate rumours are just clickbait stories during international week. He may well be on some long list somewhere for consideration, but the media are running it for everything they can for clicks.



06 Feb 2024 12:44:15
Forever in our hearts, the flowers of Manchester ❤.


1.) 06 Feb 2024 13:52:31
The Flowers of Manchester.




DodgyBanter's rumour replies


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20 Jul 2024 23:45:11
Cant remember the last time I made it through the whole of one of shappy's posts ?.




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01 Jul 2024 06:17:57
Branthwait is potential. He's nowhere near the england team even when HM is ruled out with injury. So he is nowhere near a $70m player today.

Everton have every right not to sell him. Utd have every right not to buy. If we do end up getting him it will be a slow burner.


{Ed025's Note - he only just missed the cut for the Euro,s DB, so him being nowhere near the England team is not actually true mate, i agree that if slab head was fit he would have been selected before Jarrad but that says more about the incompetent England manager than anything else, i believe he will go to United though as he wants the move but i would have loved him to stay at Everton...hes the future..



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16 Jun 2024 03:03:40
Jeez wazza, there was a few ways to make that point, and that wasn't it. Yes, it is disappointing that a player who was listed as the most valuable player in europe in some circles at one stage, could be worth less than scot mctominay. But the blame lies firmly with him, and I am happy he is not coming back.




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13 Jun 2024 03:35:04
Pellestri will surely leave. Amad I expect will stay and fight for a place.




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29 Apr 2024 04:27:22
Quite simple Trololo. The club doesn't need the circus that will come from bringing him back. They are trying to turn the page and move forwards with positivity, and bringing Greenwood back would not help to deliver that.





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26 Jul 2024 18:27:53
I saw somewhere that one of the first things arteta did when joining Arsenal was to pinch city's set piece coach, who he had worked with previously. Arsenal instantly jumped to the top of goals scored and least goals conceded from set pieces and started challenging for the title.

It is a hugely underestimated part of the game by utd. We can't take corners, we a poor at defending them. And we surely must be the worst team in the league on our own throw ins. The number of times we lose possession with 5 seconds of our own throw in is disgusting.




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24 Jul 2024 15:16:54
Lol tumble, tumble in the sheets with an Ajax fan was it!

Let's see how he is doing by the end of season 2, wouldn't be the first player to take a long time to settle, and with the stuff going on in his personal life, plus sancho clearly making it public he doesn't rate him, he had a few things going on. I admit he looks at times like a league 2 player, but stranger things have happened.




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21 Jul 2024 09:22:52
Exactly. Now he also has to make the movements to be in the right place, and later in the season he had been ignored so much he stopped making as many sharp movements - probably also tired from overplaying. Sure the new coaching set up will take him to a new level.




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21 Jul 2024 09:20:18
Pound for pound brings anderson into it, who was an excellent player, but those burgers in manchester.




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20 Jul 2024 23:29:58
How many goals do you think a young rasmus should have scored in his first prem season? His chance to goal ratio is excellent. He needs to keep improving, and we desperately need to start looking for him is a1 position. Too often he was in the right place and our wingers ignored him, cut back to option 2 or 3, shot from stupid positions or lost the ball.

We had 1 striker. It is not enough. Now we will have 2 plus youth, that is a good start.

Looking forward to seeing this new squad come together.
