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11 Jul 2024 21:14:04

Are Utd conducting their transfer business in a more professional manner this summer?

Previously you mentioned how "Amateurish" the club was when dealing with transfers. Of course it is still early days.


Mad Hatter

{Ed002's Note - They are shaping up to move to a better approach, so I guess yes.}

1.) 12 Jul 2024 09:34:53
It's almost criminal that the previous individuals involved in transfer business were so poor, you not only wonder how they even got to that role in the first place but also how they held on to it! The argument can't be that they were there to save Glazers money because they wasted millions of pounds.

I don't know the ins and outs of the process for transfer business but how they previous lot appear to be so spectacularly poor compared to, current performance of new individuals is amazing really.

2.) 12 Jul 2024 09:46:08
That's a good guess ed ?.

3.) 12 Jul 2024 15:56:56
Ports, it comes down to Woodward. He was arrogant enough to think that he actually knew something about football. I am led to believe by one of the football directors that all the decisions were his.

You may also recall him saying (echoing Arsenal? ) something about how winning the title was not important from a financial point of view. I remain amazed that the Glazers kept him in that position for so long. Maybe he had some kompromat on them!

The buck, as they say, stops with him.

4.) 12 Jul 2024 16:08:58
Shaw, I disagree. The book stops firmly with the Glazers. They appointed Woodward with no past experience of such a role. Woodward's ego was never going to stand up and say "thanks, but no thanks".

Business owners employing incompetent people to positions of power should not happen at this level, and if it does, it should be identified and that person (s) be removed very quickly.

This tells you all you need to know about how much the Glazers care about football.



30 Jun 2024 07:48:08

Do you see Utd pushing for a deal for Branthwaite today?

Do Everton still need to sell players before the end of today?


Mad Hatter

{Ed002's Note - Manchester United and Everton are miles apart in valuation.}

1.) 30 Jun 2024 11:22:37
If this deal is to happen it'll be after today's PSR deadline.

In truth the PSR deadline has already passed. Clubs need the funds in their account by today, it's not enough to just have the deal agreed, but the transfer of funds has to have happened. Transfering large sums of money on a Sunday isn't likely or even possible in many cases.

I think United offered as much as they could while staying inside the PSR boundaries for themselves. That's why they looked at including players to bring the offer up as they needed to sell those players to raise the funds to add to the deal. As they couldn't sell them they looked at including them in the deal instead. Which was flatly rejected by Everton.

Once the deadline has passed and one of the really bad years (where we made a big loss) has dropped off United will be able to offer more. This increases further once they start selling some players and bringing in funds.

I fully expect United to go back in for Branthwaite and for a deal to be done for around the 60m mark, maybe including add-ons or with additional add-ons. Depends on how well we can negotiate and how much Branthwaite pushes for the move, as Everton don't HAVE to sell and they know that he will likely increase in value over the next season or so. Keeping him means they keep a great player and have an asset that is increasing in value. Absolutely no reason to sell on the cheap. That said I think United will still push hard for this deal. He is also one of the few players that might be worth paying a bit more for.

2.) 30 Jun 2024 13:01:29
Shappy I would be surprised if your interpretation of football club finance is correct, at least if clubs are run like traditional businesses, the money does not need to be in the bank account.

As for Branthwaite I’d be hoping the club is looking seriously at other options if Everton are demanding in excess of £60m.

3.) 30 Jun 2024 16:00:04
Wazza, that's the interpretation I've heard from several "football finance experts".

Any income after midnight tonight counts to next year's accounts not this year's.

4.) 30 Jun 2024 17:11:13
Shappy sorry pal but you are blurring the lines between cash in the bank and signed agreements. They are two very different things. At least from my experience running businesses. I’d be surprised if it was any different for a football club.

5.) 30 Jun 2024 17:34:32
No it doesn't.

6.) 30 Jun 2024 20:26:48
This is why accountants exist, to make sure the money on paper is where it needs to be when it needs to be.

United seem to think that the have the chance to get a player for a price that suits them quite possibly because of the position that the other club find themselves in.

Everton don't want to sell him cheap, United ont his circumstance have to be prepared to walk away if Everton will not sell for what they are prepared to pay.

Branthwaite isn't the player I would be prepared to go all in on, Silva is if we are looking at young CB.

7.) 30 Jun 2024 22:41:24
Oakbark, while I think Silva and Yoro for that matter are talented young CB's, I don't believe either is any better than Branthwaite is right now, having watched both of them on 5 or 6 occasions.

I think there is a lot of snobbery when it comes to talents playing in the EPL for "smaller" clubs. With fans preferring the fancy foreign name who they've never seen play more than once if at all.

Maybe Silva and Yoro go on to become better players than Branthwaite, they are both a couple of years younger after all.

Yet neither have shown themselves capable in the EPL, a league that has chewed up and spat out many top class players with more than 5 times the experience of either Yoro or Silva.

Absolutely no guarantees that either of them will adapt to the EPL.

While has proven he can excel in the EPL, that has to be worth something over the the others. He can also comfortably play at both RCB and LCB, meaning he can play with or cover for Martinez. Something neither Yoro or Silva could do. He also ticks a box in terms of homegrown players. Something that we have to consider given that both Evans and Heaton will either leave this summer or next. Along with Sancho, Greenwood, AWB, Maguire and McTominay. Which would only leave Rashford, Shaw, Mount to fulfill the 7 homegrown spots we need. None of which are guaranteed long term options.

Branthwaite is on par with both Yoro and Silva currently (albeit he is a little older), he is EPL proven, and counts as homegrown. For those reasons he is worth paying a bit more for as he is less of a gamble and offers more.

8.) 01 Jul 2024 05:17:19
Branthwaite being on a par with anyone is another completely unmeasurable opinion of course, he’s English and young and I get the appeal. I saw him completely rinsed on several occasions last season and don’t see the fuss. I suspect we’ll get him though and hope he rises to the occasion.

9.) 01 Jul 2024 05:57:58
shappy/ spenno

Everytime i have watched him against better teams and players he has been poor. maybe its everton and who he has around him. he does not strike me as a guy who is a transformational defender to build around. On yoro not being better I would have to disagree shappy. Totally different player and ceiling is very high.

Shappy you keep saying pl proven. The last two pl proven defenders we signed for a total of 130 mill have not exactly proven as good business. The only one I can think of that has being a success is Rio but then again he was different.

{Ed025's Note - you have obviously not seen a lot of Branthwaite ahmad, he is top quality mate and miles better than you have, i think he will end up at Old Trafford but not at the low ball price you are offering im afraid..

10.) 01 Jul 2024 06:17:57
Branthwait is potential. He's nowhere near the england team even when HM is ruled out with injury. So he is nowhere near a $70m player today.

Everton have every right not to sell him. Utd have every right not to buy. If we do end up getting him it will be a slow burner.

{Ed025's Note - he only just missed the cut for the Euro,s DB, so him being nowhere near the England team is not actually true mate, i agree that if slab head was fit he would have been selected before Jarrad but that says more about the incompetent England manager than anything else, i believe he will go to United though as he wants the move but i would have loved him to stay at Everton...hes the future..

11.) 01 Jul 2024 06:30:54
I wouldn't be upset with us getting any of three mentioned. Everyone will have the favourites amongst them, I suspect all three will be good buys over time.

As an aside supposedly as the 30th is a non working day, deals that go through today can be registered for the purpose of the accounts as occurring on the 30th.

12.) 01 Jul 2024 09:13:50
Ahmad, all three are young defenders learning their craft. As such all will make mistakes, it's how they handle those mistakes that will define them. Silva had a nightmare the other night for Portugal. It happens.

There is also a world of difference making a mistake for Lille or Everton and making a mistake at Manchester United.

Branthwaite has more experience, is a little older and has played for different teams and in different countries. From what I hear from people who have worked with him he has a top class attitude and mentality. Maybe Silva and Yoro do as well, but I've not spoken with anyone who would know that.

Considering that all three will be around the same price, and are probably all around the same level currently (potential might be different between them, but that means nothing unless it's realised) . We need to consider other aspects to see which is a better deal. Branthwaite is EPL proven, will have a lower chance of failure, is British and counts as homegrown, and is more flexible and able to offer more tactical flexibility to the squad. It's also likely that Branthwaite has more longevity at the club as English players rarely push for moves to big continental clubs. We know Yoro has his sights set on Real Madrid, and I wouldn't be surprised if Silva would want to got to either of the two big Spanish clubs if they came calling in the future.

Branthwaite isn't the sexy name, but for all those reasons when all three will cost the same it means Branthwaite is probably better value and the better option.

The only argument I've seen anyone put forward for either Yoro or Silva over Branthwaite is the very wooly and subjective "more potential" debate. Maybe they do, maybe they don't. They are different players who at this moment in time suit different styles of play. All three in my opinion have the potential to be amongst the best CB's in the world in 2-4 years time. Which for me means their potential is fairly similar. Yet as I've said potential is also potentially nothing.

They could flop at a bigger club, or in a different country, or they could pick up serious injuries that detail their progress.

While there is an argument that Yoro and Silva are performing at a similar level at a younger age, you can also argue that the physical nature of playing CB on a younger body that is still developing and growing could bring about more injuries in the long term. When I think of CB's who were playing regularly at the top level at 17 or 18 years old I think of Varane or more recently De Ligt. Both have struggled with injuries throughout their careers.

I hope that neither Silva or Yoro go on to have injury issues, but it has to be a consideration. While bringing them to the most physically demanding league to play in one of the most physically demanding positions at such a young age and while their bodies are still growing/ developing should also be something to consider.

13.) 01 Jul 2024 08:44:14

I've not really seen much of JB, but he what I have seen of him, is that he does slightly remind me of Vidic.

Personally I think he would thrive alongside Martinez at Utd.

{Ed025's Note - i would think so too MH..

14.) 01 Jul 2024 09:52:33
Ed25, correct me if I am wrong but you support Everton? If so can you tell me if he is predominantly left footed or not? Obvs if we got him he'd play next to Licha, so would be on the right hand side and I've seen JB say himself he is both, but just wondering what your thoughts were. Thanks.

{Ed025's Note - hes left footed Elvis, i do support Everton mate and thats why i can tell you you would be getting an excellent young player if you did sign Jarrad, him and Martinez both being lefties would not be a problem though imo because they are both decent with their right foot as well..

15.) 01 Jul 2024 13:57:28
JB is best option available imo and I think he will do well.
Much better option than Silva or yoro imo if they are looking at him coming straight into the team. Miles ahead of yoro in terms of experience and proven ability.
All 3 are very good players obviously with JB carrying the least risk imo due to his epl experience.
Personally I wouldn't go near de ligt.
I think that ajax team had a freak season. None of the star players sold went on to achieve very much after their moves. All talented players who were young at the time had momentum on their side that season but no real superstars and they have proven that over time.

16.) 01 Jul 2024 14:52:22

I have watched him quite a few times given we got linked to him early in the year. I do actually watch a lot of games just to see players we get linked to or if its someone who all the big clubs get linked to. I am not slagging him but not a player I have watched that grabs my attention and I go wow. Solid decent young Pl defender but vey basic passing and distribution imo.

Tarkowski has better stats than Branthwaite by the way, that's for Shappy who loves stats.

All I am saying is maybe maybe the club did not low ball the bid and genuinely see him for that kind of value and there is a major valuation gap between us and Everton.

I think we would have already signed Todibo had it not hit a snag, which I would assume is a priority for us to get a right footed CB and might have nothing to do with BT signing or another left footed CB.

IMO if we are going to sign a left footer, Inacio from Sporting is a better player and makes a lot more sense, Release clause not too far away from BR bid that we made. age, passing, technically no comparison and speed all tick the box.

Finally, Is the Branthwaite interest really a back up for Martinez. Lots of reports last few days about us signing two CB's and maybe the club thought we can get him in as cover for Martinez at a reasonable price given ETH desire to have a left footed CB on the pitch at all times.

Finally, if he as good as some think, where are the other bids given Everton's need to sell. Chelsea, Villa, Spurs, United and even city who seem to buy a CB every year and a host of teams are looking for CB's.

If people are advocating paying 60 or 70 million for branthwaite then i am not in that boat. I would put that on the table on someone like arujo from Barcelona and see if we can get someone like him. oceans apart imo.

Finally, united fans never change, we all get transfer heat and want the club to splash money to only later say we were stupid paying that much for this player and that player lol.

{Ed025's Note - i think he will end up at UTD for £50m +add ons ahmad, but he will not be back up to anyone mate, if you get him he starts..

17.) 01 Jul 2024 15:02:05
@shappy you should go back to your 'several' football Finsbury experts and tell them they are not exists. They are talking rubbish or else you have missed heard or misinterpreted what they told you.

18.) 01 Jul 2024 15:17:45

You may be correct on that one. I am just going by what eth has said in the past, where he wants a natural right footer and left foot cb combination.

Last year we had 5 right footed and one left footed cb in the squad and he always talks about balance and passing lanes. I don't believe he will play BR and Martinez together but let's wait and see. It goes against his philosophy, which btw most other top teams do the same thing.

I trust whatever the club decides to do and believe we are in the market for two cb's. Lefties are harder to find and he may be our best option if Inacio is not gettable.

{Ed025's Note - you want him and he wants you ahmad so i believe there is a deal to be done mate, top players can play on either side imo..

19.) 01 Jul 2024 15:42:09
50 mill is decent ed. I think anything around 70m is just crazy.

They're also quoting DeLigt at 40m+, I think that would be a better bet. But I'd imagine they are looking at both. God knows we need it ?.

{Ed025's Note - yeah angel but the home grown factor and the fact he is young may make Jarrad the better option for you mate..

20.) 01 Jul 2024 16:20:57
And now I feel truly old, with de Ligt at 24 being less than half my age. Not even in his prime.

21.) 01 Jul 2024 18:49:52
Ahmad, with Martinez being out most of last season which left footed CB did we play to meet EtH's preferences?

Hell, we played most the season with a right footed left back let alone a left footed centre back.

Yeah, sure I'd imagine most coaches would like a right foot/ left foot balance throughout the team, but given that less than 12% of people in the world are left footed that makes it practically impossible.

22.) 01 Jul 2024 18:51:39
I wouldn't go near De Ligt personally. Massive wages, patchy injury record, and he hasn't truly convinced at either Juventus or Bayern since leaving Ajax.

He has potential flop written all over him.

23.) 01 Jul 2024 19:52:20
Thanks Ed, yer I think so too. Still not certain we will definitely sign him but he is a top prospect for sure.

{Ed025's Note - yeah Elvis, that SJR needs to put his hand in his pocket mate and start spending, its not as if hes spending it on hairdressing or anything is it.. :)

24.) 02 Jul 2024 22:34:20
If your club was not in the PSR door do and needing to make transfers prior to the end of season deadline, I would be delaying sales until after the new season start, could also be the case that teams spending want to wait. There is also the Copa and Euros going on which I think may slow down a fair few deals. I think it's quite understandable if a player wants to sort I tbout post tournament and just concentrate on that for now.

I know the American sports with salary caps, yearly bonuses etc are strongly guided in their actions by the financial aspect and what counts and when and would assume that the number crunchers in football are thinking along the same lines whilst the mechanisms are very different, the timing of the deals will now be important to clubs, they need to account for PSR, amortization etc etc you have to know what you spent over the last 5 seasons and what your still accounting for and then freeing up in sales on the accounts this year money to spend which you may account for over 5 years but knowing that you have to also consider you need to potential nake sales in each of the following four years for this year's purchases.

Football manager is going to start getting really complicated now.



25 Jun 2024 12:32:39
Afternoon ED002,

Is a move for Lunin still viable if Onana leaves this summer?

Do you see Onana staying?


Mad Hatter

{Ed002's Note - Lunin is not an option.

Andre Onana (G) Not worked out and could be offered to Michael Emenalo as Manchester United look to upgrade - could stay as second choice as Bayindir wants out and Heaton will be out of contract.}

1.) 25 Jun 2024 13:21:27
Thanks ED002,

It's quite quiet at the moment for Utd. Do you expect that to change once the Euros have finished?


{Ed002's Note - Yes.}



22 Jun 2024 12:34:40

Is Mourinho interested in taking Lindelof to Fenerbace?


Mad Hatter

{Ed002's Note - Victor Lindelof (CB) Manchester United invoked a one year contract extension in January – although Fenerbahce offer an option. Rejected a proposal to move to Everton as part of a deal for another player. A wildcard might be Inter Milan.}

1.) 22 Jun 2024 14:54:24
Thanks ED002.

2.) 22 Jun 2024 15:31:45
Sounds like we may still be working on a deal for branthwaite.



22 May 2024 14:23:44

With the recent Ashworth fiasco, could Utd still look elsewhere for a Sporting Director etc instead of Ashworth?

Or, are they now going to be forced into doing a deal with Newcastle for Ashworth?


Mad Hatter

{Ed002's Note - They will not be looking elsewhere at the moment. They have to find a settlement.}

1.) 22 May 2024 15:00:08
Thanks ED002.




Mad Hatter's banter posts with other poster's replies to Mad Hatter's banter posts


20 Jul 2024 17:11:52
Watching Yoro play today, he reminds me of Ferdinand. Diallos goal was beautiful.

Mad Hatter

1.) 20 Jul 2024 17:36:20
You can already see that Yoro an elite player. Silky smooth, quick and barely a mistake.

Much better passing than I expected also.

Amad excellent in first half.

Mount and Collyer really impressive too.

Thought Sancho bit too casual at times but some nice moments.

Casameiro weak link to start with but grew in influence.

Thought Onana bit erratic with his passing - get Vitek in!

2.) 20 Jul 2024 18:17:18

I agree with all your points. The 1st eleven that played today put in a good performance.

Wheatley played well. He showed his physical side today too.

3.) 20 Jul 2024 19:17:16
Thanks MH - Yoro just looked really comfortable and composed, hopefully will develop into a Ferdinand or Varane type player for us. On evidence of today, won’t take long.

In second half, though Max Oyedele looked really good also, as well as Fish.

Hannibal was nothing special - needs to be sold.

Can see Collyer getting plenty of first team minutes this season also.

4.) 20 Jul 2024 21:23:07
Yoro stood out already, very smooth, great passing technique, makes the game look easy. I thought Mount played well, helped to create Amad's goal with his pass and run to occupy defenders, and showed some leadership defensively. Sancho, on the other hand, slows the attack down every time he gets on the ball.
Wallace, I agree about second half, no one stood out besides some good work by Fish and Oyedele creating for Hugill.

5.) 20 Jul 2024 21:28:59

I didn't really get a chance to see much of the second half. Oyedelle pass through to Hugill was too notch, as was the finish

Collyer looks good and I thought Murray looked decent at lb. It looks further along the path than Amass.

6.) 20 Jul 2024 21:39:46
Amass looks talented but not physically ready yet - was too easily pushed off the ball. Agree about Murray though - thought he did really well.

7.) 20 Jul 2024 21:42:04
I thought Oyedelle was the standout in the 2nd half. Even before the great assist, he looked strong and composed.

Again, Amass looked good going forward, but again needs to work on his defensive duties. But he's still very young. I know there was a lot of talk about him being a good squad option at the end of last season, but he doesn't look ready just yet.

8.) 20 Jul 2024 23:36:20
Imagine yoro playing RCB and martinez LCB, both good defensively and can play forward passes.
Looking forward to the start of the season already!

9.) 21 Jul 2024 08:20:42
I’ll love that defensive partnership for 3 matches…. until Licha loses his head and nails someone and himself and is out half the season.

10.) 21 Jul 2024 09:53:32

What are you on about.

11.) 21 Jul 2024 10:08:09
If Oyedele was the no4 in the second half, he looked good to me, natural and assured, felt like he belonged. Yoro at 18 looks natural and assured. Where did Murray at left back come from? Not really tested but nice balance. Amass, nice touches going forward, but defensively physically light just yet and positioning needs experience. Collyer is raw but may have something, we need to get Ugarte in but give the lad Collyer some time in up coming games that will be more difficult, then we may know more.

Amad looks so much better than Antony. I spent a lot of time last season saying he should get a chance, sorry that told you so comment came out again. However, he glides with the ball very naturally, I watched him at Sunderland and he flows with the ball in control at full pace. The club was a mess when they allowed £85m to be spent on useless Antony when we had Amad, Garnacho, even Pellestri on the books.

Lastly, when we get the defence lined up it has to push up 10 yards and give Onana room, this playing around on our own goal line is nuts.

12.) 21 Jul 2024 12:02:34
Red Man, you’ve always been telling everyone everything for years ?‍♂️ I think the vast majority of United fans have been clambering for Amad to get a chance, which he duly received.

13.) 21 Jul 2024 17:02:47

They were not clamouring for Amad on here last season.

14.) 21 Jul 2024 20:10:45
Red Man, you were not the lone voice crying out for Amad to be given a chance last season. Many people on here said they wanted to see him get a chance, they said it last pre-season, they voiced their disappointment when he got injured in pre-season, they questioned why he wasn't getting more game time when he was fit and back training with the first team, and they asked the question again after every cameo performance he made last season. No one is denying that you were one of those voices, but you were not the only one.

15.) 21 Jul 2024 21:32:31
@madhatter - I would also like to know, strange comment.



19 Jul 2024 11:14:51
I wonder if the club will go back for another bid for Branthwaite now the Friedken group have ended talks.

Mad Hatter

1.) 19 Jul 2024 11:38:53
I expect that United was always likely to go back in with another bid. He seems a primary target and I expect they'll get an agreement at some point.

It will be for more than the club wants to pay, and he will be a little overpriced. But I don't see that as being too much of a problem.

I think the club have been quick to tie up as many of their primary targets for key positions as possible. Ugarte looks to be the next one, probably completed early next week if not sooner.

Once those three positions have been strengthened the club can focus on selling players, raising funds and creating space for additional signings.

Branthwaite will I expect rumble on towards deadline day, with a deal being agreed later in the window. This is still a deal I very much expect to happen.

2.) 19 Jul 2024 12:46:51
We should wait until next year, after Everton get relegated, half price deal ?.

3.) 19 Jul 2024 13:01:20
If the financial news coming out about their stadium is anything to go by, they may well want us to return with our original bid!

As it is, I actually like Everton FC, terrible situation for them to be in and hope it doesn’t have a massive impact on them.

4.) 19 Jul 2024 13:37:19
They may end up trying to sell us the stadium that they cannot afford.

5.) 19 Jul 2024 14:51:13
I’ve no issue with us going back in with one more bid, as long as we do it soon. We have a lot of positions to fill and can’t be wasting all summer chasing a target who may not end up coming.

6.) 19 Jul 2024 11:59:53
Good ol' Moshiri - what a dodgy muppet. One blaggard leads the club into a darkened backroom full of even dodgier blaggards and now some other invitees have barricaded the room to keep all the blaggards locked in with each other.

Hopefully Everton will formally retire the number 777 shirt by consigning it to a furnace.

As for the club's resolve concerning Branthwaite - this might only trim the price by £10m or so if anything at all - for now.

From my understanding, there could be many legal implications none of us are aware of so United and many other clubs might start circling the club like vultures - again!
Everton fans must be absolutely raging.

I know you might not want to comment, but you must be steaming, no?

{Ed025's Note - im not happy Ork thats for certain, just when it looked like there was light at the end of the tunnel it has been switched off again mate, i dont think its the end of the story though as im sure other investors will want to throw their hand in...but its certainly a kick in the nuts..

7.) 19 Jul 2024 16:20:27
Jimbob, or maybe they don't get relegated, Branthwaite has a stormer of a season and we have to enter a bidding war next summer.

That's the gamble.

I feel sorry for Everton, or any club that suffers similar financial issues. Owners mismanage the club but it's is always the fans who have to suffer and ultimately pick up the tab.

Our own struggles with poor owners I'd imagine has made most of us aware how crappy a situation it is for the fans.

From a United perspective I hope we get Branthwaite on a decent deal. As a fan of football I hope Everton and navigate their current struggles and stay in the league (as long as they play well enough and deserve to stay up) .

I think with Yoro in the bag we can afford to make sure we spend the time and the money chasing the right player at CB to join Yoro and the existing defenders.

A lot of people get caught up with not wanting to overspend on players. Yet it's better to overspend on the right player, than to get a good deal on the wrong player.

Much better for the club to spend 60m on the right player this summer, than buy the wrong one for 40m and then have to spend again next summer on the same position.

I'd have thought that most United fans would have learned that after spending 30m on Amad and Pellistri one summer, to then spend 75m on Sancho the following summer, to then spend a further 75m on Antony. 180m+ spent on right wingers and we still might not have the right player in that position.

Better to scout the right player now and if that means spending a little more on them then that's probably a more efficient and sensible option than spending slightly less on a player we'll need to replace in a couple of years time.

8.) 19 Jul 2024 16:31:28
I like Everton as a club and its fans. Proper club, with real tradition. The Premier League would be a much worse place without them.

I feel greatly for their fans as we can have a great deal
Of empathy that they have bandits in charge and bandits circling them.

As for Branthwaite, selling him would only scratch the surface of the club’s huge debt it has no way of repaying. Sadly for the club, administrators are beckoning, and that’s when the fire sale of its assets begins, and that’s when clubs will come knocking for Branthwaite and others.

9.) 19 Jul 2024 16:40:46
Everton have every right to charge what they want for their crown jewel. If they don't come down in price from 70 then he might just play another year of Dyche ball and his development in key aspects required at stronger more ball dominatant teams will lag behind.

Feel bad for Everton, I think their issues started with russian money drying up? Chelsea ownership seemed to be cleared up nicely for them, but Everton have been sent up a creak with no paddles.

I like the sound of de ligt, rcb, experienced beyond his years, leader. If we got him then surely branthwait would be a luxury? Although 2 older, 2 younger for both LCB and rcb would be ideal and set us up for years. Surely our budget cannot stretch that far.

10.) 19 Jul 2024 17:49:10
I reckon we should go back in with the 70m now.

Probably get the whole club ?.

11.) 19 Jul 2024 18:01:50
I’d still prefer MdL in there myself. There was a chat on here a few days ago pondering who would start if we got de Ligt and Yoro alongside Martinez. What happens if Branthwaite is thrown into the mix as well? I see one of the other with either Maguire or Lindy moving on leaving Martinez, Yoro, De Ligt/ Brainthwaite, Lindelof/ Maguire, Evans.
Maybe snare the other in winter or next summer.

12.) 19 Jul 2024 18:34:28
I too rather quite like Everton. Solid club with likeable fans. I hope they can get past their financial problems. Hopefully they sell us Braithwaite at a reasonable price too.

13.) 19 Jul 2024 19:55:38
There also seems to be a myth developing that a left centre back has to be left footed…. it really doesn’t matter. Our best recent pairings (Bruce/ Pallister and Rio/ Vidic) were very right foot dominant.

14.) 19 Jul 2024 20:38:00
Eric, ETH is fixated on that left footed LCB for balance. I think that's what we will end up going for. Branthwaite can play there and cover LB.

15.) 19 Jul 2024 22:12:15
MDL and Yoro for rcb, martinez and Shaw (backup) LCB. Buy some creative attacking fullbacks that can cross and stay fit.

16.) 20 Jul 2024 10:23:42
Feel really sorry for the Everton fans - great club and don’t deserve to be treated like this.

{Ed025's Note - we are getting used to it now Wallace," it never rains but it pours" was written for Everton mate..

17.) 20 Jul 2024 11:34:16
Angel, a right/ left footed axis is better as players both defend and more importantly are able to pass out from the back with more balance.

The problem with a right footed LCB is that they are often uncomfortable passing out with their right foot. Meaning that teams can press them onto their left foot to improve their chances of winning the ball, or if the defender insists on going onto their right foot they move the ball into a more dangerous central position.

Maguire for example always does one of two things when playing at LCB, he either plays the long ball over the top to the left wing (the problem is that this pass has to be perfect as if not it's natural movement will take it out of play for a throw in), or he is forced more central and he plays a sideways passing to his CB partner. Which of you are being pressed well can either be cut out, losing the ball centrally in front of your goal. Or the obviousness of the pass means the RCB is quickly under pressure with limited options.

When Maguire plays at RCB he has more passing options and his more limited technical skills aren't as exposed. With him having more passing options and thus less pressured when pressed.

From a building out from the back perspective, a left footed LCB has far more natural passing options, making the play out structure far less predictable and giving the side greater control.

Is having a right/ left foot CB axis the most important thing? No offers course not, talent and tactics play a much bigger role. However, at the highest level it's all about those marginal gains, those small differences that give you an extra 1% here and there. Those marginal gains are often the difference between the teams that win major honours and those that fall just short.

So I fully understand why many managers have a preference for a left footed CB, it is why Pep has spent so much money signing players like Laporte, Ake and Gvardiol.

Dodgy, given Shaw and Martinez's injury histories in recent season's I'm not convinced having them two as the only options at LCB is ideal. Especially as with Malacia's injuries as well then we still have a need for Shaw at LB even if we signed a new LB.

I like the idea of signing Branthwaite as it gives us long term stability on the left side of defence. His skills match well with Yoro and he has shown he can play RCB if needed to a good level as well (at PSV under our new coach RvN no less) . He is also able to play at LB if you were to structure the side with him staying deep and forming an in possession 3223 type shape. Allowing the RB to either push forward down the right or play inverted in the midfield pivot along side a CDM. Both roles suit Dalot well.

That would also allow for us to sign a RB to support/ compete with Dalot rather than sign a LB. That would create a pathway for the talented Harry Amass to potentially make his way into the first team squad.

Branthwaite makes so much sense in every way bar the price. Yet that might be something we just have to swallow to get the ideal player in.

It'll be interesting to see what Everton are prepared to accept now the takeover has fallen through. I can see a deal happening, the player wants it, United want it, and Everton might need it.

If for whatever reason a deal can't be done for Branthwaite this summer, then I'd hope the club looks at signing Mario Hermoso on a free.

He ticks a lot of the boxes, technically excellent, defensively solid, can play CB and LB. At 29 years old on a 2-3 year deal he'd provide excellent cover and competition. While being free he wouldn't eat into the budget meaning we could still potentially go back for Branthwaite or another longer term option next summer without any issues.



02 Jul 2024 13:06:45

What are your thoughts on Ugarte?

Do you think he would be a good signing for Utd?


Mad Hatter

{Ed001's Note - yes I do. I think he is a very good player, though not the best on the ball. Sometimes you just need someone to break up play and give it simply though. I actually think PSG are making a huge mistake letting him go to be honest.}

1.) 02 Jul 2024 13:27:50

Do you seem him going to Utd?

{Ed001's Note - I have no idea, it looks certain he will move but I don't know who else is in for him. I see no reason why he wouldn't join based on that. He would be a good fit and wanted, which can be very important for a player.}

2.) 02 Jul 2024 14:11:25
PSG have gone through a phase of buying all the midfielders recently so it's difficult to say anyone who doesn't play is bad.

They've signed in the last 2 years

Renato sanches

They've had already

Zaire emery

There are others that can play cm like Kang in sarabia asensio so with that kind of turn over it's difficult to judge everyone.

3.) 03 Jul 2024 14:38:09
I can't claim to be an expert on Ugarte, but from what I've seen, I think he'd be a good signing for us, and I can see him and Mainoo really complementing each other. My one concern was that at Sporting he looked a little slow getting back when they lost possession sometimes, which could be an issue in the Premier League.

I've seen a number of people saying his passing is too "safe", tending to go sideways and backwards a lot, but I'm not too bothered by that. With players like Mainoo, Martinez and possibly De Ligt around him, I'm absolutely fine with him just laying it off to one of them and letting them progress the ball.



02 Jul 2024 11:42:42
I can't say that I'm too thrilled at the prospect of signing De Ligt.

He is quite injury prone and I'd question his suitability to the EPL. His lack of pace is worrying.

Furthermore, if Bayern want to sell him, then tells you a lot about a player who is 24 years old.

Mad Hatter



01 Jul 2024 13:08:19

I've read a few articles claiming the SJR will hire a lawyer to appeal the decision to the CAS.

Is there any truth in this?


Mad Hatter

{Ed002's Note - Manchester United are looking to CAS to overturn part of the rules.}

1.) 01 Jul 2024 14:36:07
Hi Ed - is there any precedence to overturning the rules?

{Ed002's Note - They will argue on two points but I doubt it will go anywhere. It would not be a problem if they were in different tournaments.}

2.) 01 Jul 2024 14:58:54
Thanks ED002.

3.) 01 Jul 2024 19:35:04
Thanks Ed. Was this not anticipated when SJR took over control of the football side? Bit of a massive oversight if that’s the case as he has been promising everyone who would listen that him having control over two clubs isn’t an issue. Also, how do the RedBull and City groups do it?

{Ed002's Note - It is to do with the structure of the ownership - Manchester United relied on being less than 30% and a one year period to sort matters out - which has been granted. Red Bull have already resolved issues. Manchester City are laregely in the same position with one player - but they have a complicated situation which may help them out.}

4.) 01 Jul 2024 23:15:56
Teams can loan players and play against each other in the same competition, can they not loan with the option to buy with a significant loan fee with the expectation that we might be in different competitions next season

Or would that be classed as bending the rules sort of?

Maybe a way of getting around the blocking of a transfer.

5.) 01 Jul 2024 22:55:38
Thanks Ed. Nice one.




Mad Hatter's rumour replies


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25 Jul 2024 22:43:12
Tumbleweed!, Ken,

Dalot was brilliant at times last season. Although he did have the occasional bad game.

However, considering how the squad was ravaged by injuries and poor performances, it is hardly surprising that he had those bad games.

Last season was a season to forget, other than the FA Cup final win.

Mad Hatter



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24 Jul 2024 21:37:00

He wouldn't be expensive either.

Mad Hatter



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24 Jul 2024 09:27:57
ED001 said he would be an excellent choice.

Mad Hatter



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16 Jul 2024 15:05:31
Fingers and toes crossed Caolan_2.

Mad Hatter



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15 Jul 2024 21:55:46

That's a fair point. Would you be happy with MCT at Everton?

Mad Hatter

{Ed025's Note - personally i would MH, we dont really have a box to box midfielder which i think McTom could fill, i also think his style would suit Dyche to a tee mate as hes a grafter if not the most cultured of players, i like him..




Mad Hatter's banter replies


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23 Jul 2024 13:02:56
Due diligence on players is a must.

Mad Hatter



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22 Jul 2024 14:18:38
Eriksen is lightweight and gets bullied far too easily.

Casemiro has lostvhus legs and the fight.

Mad Hatter



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21 Jul 2024 20:23:15
Too early to say.

Mad Hatter



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21 Jul 2024 12:32:14

Grealish flatters to deceive. Yet he receives little or no criticism.

Mad Hatter

{Ed001's Note - I would say that is overly nice about him. His biggest strength was winning a free kick when he was the one committing the foul, but that seems to have deserted him at City. Without it, he is being shown for what he is - not actually very good at all.}



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21 Jul 2024 09:53:32

What are you on about.

Mad Hatter