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01 Jun 2024 12:55:04
Ed Is there any truth in Xavi being approached for the managers job.

Jim Reaper

{Ed002's Note - Xavi Hernandez (C) Xavi will perhaps take a year off and think carefully about his options. Middle East perhaps. Enquiries from Borussia Dortmund and Ajax went nowhere. His agent has said two English sides and one national side approached him but his client wants time off for now.}

1.) 01 Jun 2024 13:16:34
Thanks for the swift reply Ed.



27 May 2024 13:40:02
Rumours going around that Ten Hag will be staying at United but with a reduced role when it comes to transfers.

Jim Reaper

1.) 27 May 2024 14:51:54
I think that after the last decade it was a given that anyone previously involved in transfers should have a reduced or even no role in any transfer.

2.) 27 May 2024 16:54:39
The best possible outcome if you ask me.

Let the "experts" handle transfers and let ETH focus on implementing their desired style of play and coaching the players.

The managers of the last 10 years have had too many responsibilities.

3.) 27 May 2024 17:14:36
That works for me, let him coach and not make decisions on players.

4.) 27 May 2024 17:31:29
Makes perfect sense, hope it’s true.

5.) 27 May 2024 17:57:08
Kind of hope so. That being said, if he stays, any run of dodgy results and he’s canned.

6.) 27 May 2024 19:00:57
I would imagine he'd welcome that. It made sense he wanted control when he came in because it was awful before him, but he operated in a system at Ajax similar to the one proposed and did great there.

7.) 27 May 2024 19:47:45
The issue with if you believe the likes of lvg, jose and ole the ceo bought players they didn't want or ask for. So i don't believe that all signings by ETH as well. So if true how is this any different to what's happened previously. Could be a disaster as personally think all managers should have a massive input into any transfer, as they are the ones who have to manage them.
But then again i'm still abit old school.

8.) 27 May 2024 20:26:38
Do you guys actuallly think that the new board that naive to just buy players if Ten Hag doesn't want them.

The sporting team will discuss with Ten Hag and say this is 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice and they will try get the first choice for him.

You guys are quite naive to think a sporting director will just buy a player without consulting with manager and if that happens then it won't work but I an pretty much sure that is not how things are going tk be run under the new structure.

9.) 27 May 2024 21:41:27
I hope it’s not true. I am sure ETH has given it his all and the injuries have not been kind to him. I am glads he gets to go out on a sort of a higher spot than he would otherwise after winning the FA cup. It doesn’t mask over the whole season of being absolutely below average.

He has not helped his case by being unable to manage the playing style (a goal difference of NEGATIVE 1 after 38 games! ), asking for players (even if you excuse the amount we paid for them) like Antony, Onana, Mount etc.

10.) 27 May 2024 22:26:29
Singh I don't think anyone suggested that version. Merely that he'll have a reduced role. Maybe read the posts before going all in on the criticism (I didn't post above fwiw)



06 May 2024 14:24:38
Ed, Do you think we could see De Gea make a return to the club with Bayindir wanting out and Heaton leaving it seems at the end of the season.

Jim Reaper

{Ed002's Note - No.}

1.) 06 May 2024 15:33:43
Thanks for the reply ED.

2.) 06 May 2024 18:43:56
More chance of Les Sealey.

3.) 06 May 2024 19:34:20
For clarity, no idea Les was no longer with us. Just remembered a GK from the time I first began watching Utd.

4.) 06 May 2024 21:11:58
As a centre back?




Jim Reaper's banter posts with other poster's replies to Jim Reaper's banter posts


01 Jul 2024 10:57:00
Am i missing something Amrabat's loan has finished yet he is on the clubs website still wearing the new shirt.

Jim Reaper



15 Jun 2024 12:46:14
R. I. P Kevin Campbell a proper gent.

Jim Reaper

1.) 15 Jun 2024 15:17:03
I met Kev back 2006 World Cup. England and Trinidad game. He was mates with my Dad. He was a proper gentleman, very generous with his time until kick off, then he wanted to concentrate. He bought the whole bar a round after the game and called out the Crouch foul as it happened. There were other players there like Frank Sinclair (also a top guy) and Marcus Bent (no comment) - Kev spent half his time telling him to shut up and sit down ?. He was mega into music too. Really top fella, genuine and authentic.

Really sad news. RIP.

2.) 15 Jun 2024 15:59:42
Yep, sad news. I was listening to the tributes this morning, he seems a genuinely nice guy who always took the time to speak to fans, even inviting them to take a seat when he was out for meals. He scored a lot of goals, perhaps unlucky breaking into the Arsenal team at the time of Smith and Wright.

Everton and West Brom fans love him for what he did for them.

He lived in Wilmslow not too far from where I lived at the time, he was always out and about living a very normal life.

RIP to one of the good ones.

3.) 15 Jun 2024 21:07:59
Very sad day indeed. Seemed like a really nice bloke whose smile seemed infectious. Thoughts with all his loved ones at this very difficult time!

4.) 16 Jun 2024 08:16:17
Sad news and thoughts with his family and loved ones.



25 May 2024 19:03:34
Great performance from the lads today, tactics worked a treat, everyone to a man did the job they was asked and the move for the second goal was sublime.

If that is Ten hags final game in charge then he has gone out with a bang and it feels more sweet because it is against our derby rivals.

Jim Reaper



13 Apr 2024 00:18:05
ETH saying he definitely needs another striker next season, not new news I know but who do you think we will go for, Ivan toney would me guess.

Jim Reaper

1.) 13 Apr 2024 01:15:46
Does not matter a hoot if we are not providing service to them. First thing we need is someone who can and will cross the ball. Not someone who gets there and then turns and plays it back because he is on the wrong flank!

I don’t disagree we need a striker but there has to be a plan to utilise them properly.

2.) 13 Apr 2024 06:19:22
I think it’s a great idea. When he gets to his new club whenever that may be.

3.) 13 Apr 2024 08:46:11

I agree we need someone who will cross the ball, too predictable with the inverted wingers.

4.) 13 Apr 2024 09:18:43
We do need another striker and people talking about service, Hoiland is very raw and some the runs he makes are poor so its not just about service and finding him, its also about clever runs into space where wingers can find you with a cross or a pass. He is work in progress imo and we need another striker to provide competition and something different as an option.

5.) 13 Apr 2024 10:02:26
Hojland is very raw, needs to be coached on his runs, finishing and controlling hold up play. He looked quick when he came but hasn’t looked it more recently.

We have people who can cross the ball, we have got rid of people who could cross a ball. It is tactics that are at fault. I saw against Chelsea, for probably the first time, Antony running the full back and not stopping turning inside passing back. We just don’t cross and it looks an instruction. We don’t move the ball through the lines back to front, we don’t cross, so it will be tough for any forward until the tactics change.

6.) 13 Apr 2024 10:39:58
Højlund will be our starting CF long term, but he is still very raw in some parts of his game. He can't be expected to start every game as he will need rest both physically and mentally. Sometimes with a young player you just need to take them out of the spotlight every now and again.

I think we aren't set up to create enough goal scoring chances, which is why Højlund hasn't scored as many as his talent and ability suggest he should. He just isn't getting a the ball enough. He actually makes some great runs, but most of our forwards play with their head down looking to shoot themselves. Only when that option is ruled out do they look to pass to a teammate. By which time Højlund is marked and not an option. Personally I'd scrap bonuses for goals scored and increase the bonus for assists. It might make a few of the financially motivated players play with their head up a bit more.

That said next season if we can solve the issues with our defence and midfield then we should have greater control in games and hopefully that will lead to creating more chances, and hopefully better chances. Currently it's very much a case of win the ball and attack, lose it, then try and win it back again. Rinse and repeat.

Ideally he needs someone with experience to come in and rotate round with him, take the heat off of him and guide and help him improve in those key areas.

The problem is finding someone who ticks all or at least as many of the boxes as possible without costing a fortune.

In the last few days I've mentioned on here that there is a lack of quality forwards available, and that even fairly average strikers are costing a kings ransom due to the lack of options on the market. Leading me to suggest looking for a flexible forward capable of playing across the front line so as to make sure we are getting better value for money. Maybe someone who has some experience and proven ability, but still with potential to be better and improve.

However, yesterday rumours surfaced that Ivan Toney might be available this summer for around 40m. If true then we absolutely have to be front and centre for that deal. Toney for 50m or less would absolutely be as near to a perfect signing as we could make. EPL proven, perfect age (just turned 28 and in his prime, would be looking to be replaced in 2-3 years time when Højlund would be 23 and ready to be first choice), stylistically a great fit, and would count towards our homegrown quota.

The real challenge is can we get him for less than 50m, as we really can't afford to be spending more than that. Not when we need a couple of CB's, at least one midfielder, and probably a LB as well.

7.) 13 Apr 2024 11:11:31
Won't be a concern for eth he won't be our manager hopefully.

8.) 13 Apr 2024 11:27:18

It wouldn’t matter if Hoijlund was making good runs. Our wingers would not get the ball to him.

We would make a lot of top strikers look rubbish with current tactics.

The only way Hoijlund will improve is with service. Until he starts to get it can he improve his timing.

Yes he is raw but we ain’t helping him at all.

9.) 13 Apr 2024 15:39:39

If ETH is there or isn't next season we still need a striker, would also like to see Mitoma on our left wing and cash in on Rashford.

For me Toney and Mitoma are the types of player we need to be getting in both will run for ever and close down.

10.) 14 Apr 2024 00:17:08
No value in the market, reinstate Mason ?.



06 Apr 2024 00:22:10
So, on to Liverpool this Sunday, all I ask is that we don't sit back and play defensive or it will be another goalfest for the scouser's, we have to get at them from the start.

If players can't be up for this game in front of there own fans then they need to be shown the door, as long as we have a good go and put a dent in Liverpool's title hopes.

Jim Reaper

1.) 06 Apr 2024 07:22:58
I have the opposite view actually. I would like to see us sit with 2 6's and back 4 as a unit. Watching mainoo and cas get passed through and with massive gaps between the lines because our cb's generally don't get tight or step up is a recipe for disaster. way too easy to pass through us between the lines and space to run.

Watched the chelsea game again and kobe and cas were running and chasing back too many times being out of position and way too high up the pitch and massive gaps between the two lines.

Need to be compact imo liverpool will love an open game. Their back 4 is better than ours and will handle things better in an open game than our current back 4.

2.) 06 Apr 2024 08:21:39
Yeah because playing in our own half has worked soooooo well so far this season!

3.) 06 Apr 2024 09:05:53
What would you do Keefy?

4.) 06 Apr 2024 11:53:10
Ahmad, sitting back would be a disaster, we have to be closing them down high up the pitch and winning the ball back in there half like we did in the cup game.

Rashford will start but its a case of can he be bothered, if he is on it we know he can be a difference maker but we have not seen any of that this season, If again he doesn't look bothered ETH can't be afraid to take him off even if it is before half time, it has to be made clear its not acceptable.

5.) 06 Apr 2024 13:13:38

Our cb are not good playing high up the pitch and will get caught for pace which liverpool has plenty. They will shred us to pieces if we go loosy goosey and are ill disciplined, which was the case in that 7-0 game. They have fully fit squad with a an exception of a couple of players. They love having space with their wing play and almost a bit like us. I was at the FA cup and we were very good for 30 minutes but don't have the players to do that for a whole game.


I wish we had sat in more this season most of our horrendous results is us being too far up the pitch and midfield gets caught when we loose possession which we do all the time and teams break on us. Most of the embarrassing result We have had is because we were wide open and I am wondering where is our midfield not because teams passed their way through us when we were compact.

I recon 80 percent of goals we have conceded has been from team breaking on us.

They need to win and will push up and maybe suits us to hit them on the counter.

6.) 06 Apr 2024 14:09:40
Bring back Ole!

7.) 06 Apr 2024 14:21:15

I understand what you are saying but we are conceding far too many shots on our goal this season more than any team in the league and sitting back won't help that.

As long as we have a good go at them that's all I ask.

8.) 06 Apr 2024 14:47:54
Jim fair enough. BTW our under 18s beat liverpool 9-1 earlier. maybe we should just play them :) and that with lacey being out for some time now.

9.) 06 Apr 2024 22:23:32
Manc Man.

Given the cattle available?

I would apologise profusely for the FA Cup game and hope they are benevolent.




Jim Reaper's rumour replies


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21 Jul 2024 10:41:39
I wouldn't think he will be one to leave this summer.

Jim Reaper



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01 Jul 2024 10:57:58
Glad it has finally been sorted out, now let's get some of these transfers completed.

Jim Reaper



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15 Jun 2024 22:07:45

I saw something the other day that mentioned his assistant rubs a lot of people up the wrong way and had run ins with McLaren so to me it doesn't sound like he has made it all up.

Jim Reaper



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01 Jun 2024 13:16:34
Thanks for the swift reply Ed.

Jim Reaper



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24 May 2024 16:47:39
I for one would be delighted if Bruno stayed, I don't want him to go anywhere but if the club get a big offer for him they may accept.

Jim Reaper




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08 Jun 2024 13:29:45
Think this has been on the cards since getting the stake in United, he also wants to up his shares in United.

Jim Reaper



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08 Jun 2024 13:27:53
Maybe they are waiting till he gets back from his holiday.

Jim Reaper



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27 May 2024 19:05:15
Too early for him to manage United anyway, get a season or 2 in the prem before coming back.

Jim Reaper



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27 May 2024 15:18:53
Seen reports he will be kept on but have a reduced roll in transfers.

Jim Reaper



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27 May 2024 12:25:17
It certainly was Ork, A great end to a poor season and i think we all got a little pickled on saturday night.

Jim Reaper