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Peter Griffin's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Peter Griffin's rumours posts


06 Jan 2023 12:20:05
Hi Ed, quick one on Vincent Aboubakar rumours.

Got any foundation or nonsense?

Peter Griffin

{Ed002's Note - Vincent Aboubakar (S) Al-Nassr are willing to let the 30 year old leave on loan after goals have dried up. Fenerbahce would like to take him back to Turkey. Interest of Besiktas has gone even though Pini has a good relationship with them. I am not aware of interest from Manchester United and it makes little sense to me.}

1.) 06 Jan 2023 13:00:01
Thanks Ed. I guess I am just waiting for our Ighalo esq striker signing which this rumour had a strong smell of.

Glad it's likely nonsense.

2.) 06 Jan 2023 15:31:02
What is Ighalo up to this January?

3.) 06 Jan 2023 16:45:26
Scoring tap ins and doing backstroke in a swimming pool full of wonga!



03 Jun 2021 19:35:11
Evening Ed,

If you have time.

Been reading a few more murmurs of Trippier being a strong possibility. Any update on that?

Also been reading that there may be a De Gea + cash for Oblak situation on the table but that depends on Henderson been sold. Does this have any validity?

Peter Griffin

{Ed002's Note - Keiran Trippier (RB) Atletico will sell. They are likely hoping for Everton interest as well as Manchester United but that may have left with CA.

Jan Oblak (G) PSG will offer an option if available.}

1.) 03 Jun 2021 20:30:12
Thanks a lot for that Ed. Much appreciated.

2.) 04 Jun 2021 09:04:10
Trippier would be excellent for us.
For those games where we play against a 5-4-1 and rely completely on Bruno or Pogba to do something special, Trippier’s delivery would be invaluable.
No brainer IMO.

3.) 04 Jun 2021 09:32:29
He isn't very good. IMO he is overrated.

4.) 04 Jun 2021 14:20:42
Solid EPL proven RB who is quick, works hard and has an excellent cross on him. At 30 years old he'll offer a great rotation option with AWB for a couple of years. While with a bit of luck AWB might learn some of Trippier's attacking traits and improve his all round game.

5.) 04 Jun 2021 18:03:18
2 months ago you posted this shappy changed your mind again again again again again?
Secondly, I find signing a RB frankly ridiculous in itself. In the past 4 years we have spent 20m on Dalot and 50m on AWB both primarily RB's. We also have Williams who is naturally a RB and Ethan Laird who is doing very well on loan.

Why spend money on a RB who isn't better than AWB when we have Dalot, Williams and Laird already at the club who fulfil that role?

I just think its madness and further proof of how poorly run we are as a club.

6.) 04 Jun 2021 20:25:51
I think Trippier is a good option to be fair. Prem proven with Spurs and Burnley before that. Much more attacking edge than AWB so gives a different option. I think if Dalot was going to stay we would have know about it by now. He was a Mourinho buy when clearly we prioritised the wrong 'young Portuguese defender' when you consider we were linked with Ruben Dias around same time period. Another great CB option we let go to a rival!

7.) 06 Jun 2021 10:15:05
The first question is how we spent £50m on AWB if he doesn’t fully meet with what Ole wanted? 2. Why can his attacking not be improved by coaching? 3. Dalot was one of the most highly thought of young right fullbacks in Europe, how did we not coach him better? 4. Williams has the United DNA and all that, would accept being back up, so why ignore him? 5. Laird.

So great idea to spend our money and buy another right back. Lastly, is Trippier one of the 3 main purchases? Trippier, Heaton and who is the last?



11 Aug 2020 21:14:04
Looking through Uniteds alternative options to J. Sancho.

F. Chiesa doesn't seem to keen on a move.

F. Torres has moved on.

Are we still considering the 'risky but viable' Under Ed002 or has there been additions to the list of alternative targets?

Coman on loan is the other I remember being mentioned along the way.

Peter Griffin

{Ed002's Note - Chiesa will likely move but to elsewhere. Torres has gone to Manchester City. I would not hold your breath about Coman. A third party "representing" Ousmane Dembele has spoken with Manchester United and is trying to get a discussion going with Barcelona.}

1.) 11 Aug 2020 21:49:34
Thanks for that 002, can you see O. Dembele wanting to move to the EPL, more importantly, to Manchester?

I now its not a question you can answer easily but thanks in advance for any extra info . if there is any.

{Ed002's Note - Ousmane Dembele knows that his time is up in Barcelona and that options are few. Barcelona have him on their lengthy list for sale or trade and he could be the only way they could do something with Neymar this summer. There is no reason to assume a move to England would be out of the question - perhaps even a move to the grim, wet and cobbled streets Northwest of England where there would be a significant cultural change, overweight tattooed women pushing wheelchairs with kids who look like their brothers, smog, dead & dying pit ponies laying on the street with only chips & fried curry to eat.}

2.) 11 Aug 2020 22:02:12
Dembele would be a disaster. talented for sure but he doesn’t seem fully invested and committed and he also gets injured even more than Phil Jones. No doubt that’s who we will end up signing 🤦‍♂️.

3.) 11 Aug 2020 22:06:37
Loan move for Bale? I’m sure Real would subsidise some of his wages.

4.) 11 Aug 2020 22:13:48
You're wrong Ed! He can also have a Yorkshire pudding wrap if he heads down to Piccadilly Gardens

The rest is pretty accurate though.

5.) 12 Aug 2020 07:42:54
How about bringing back Zaha?

6.) 12 Aug 2020 08:52:59
zaha- he plays on the left when we are needing someone on the right Eric?
If we are going for a right sided player, Bernadeschi if available would be a good shout.
Costa 29 seems a bit like the perisic of last year, ed002 has already give info on chiesa, coman and dembele so it looks like we are reeling down the list of alternatives. Probably put a bid in for Kanchelskis or do what we usually do and pay up for sancho:)

7.) 12 Aug 2020 09:49:23
In addition, just noted ed002s comment on the european pages that Bernadeschi is being offered as available by exchange or sale.

8.) 12 Aug 2020 10:58:24
With good reason cooky. He is decidedly average. mind you could fit in well in that case.

9.) 12 Aug 2020 11:08:00
Cookyman, Bernadeschi has poor goal scoring ratio.
He has scored only 5 goals in 2 years.

If Sancho is not attainable, we must go for Adama Traore.
He is improving every year.

10.) 12 Aug 2020 11:10:38
I read an interesting article about Dembele recently. It suggested that Barcelona had conducted a internal investigation to understand why he gets injured there. He was never injured at Rennes or Dortmund so they contacted his former coaches and had the Aspetar Clinic in Doha Go over his GPS data in games and training. In training, only 20% of the time he is involved in plays was spent sprinting, while in matches that figure rose to a staggering 90%.

Apparently his lifestyle is good these days he has a personal chef and his agent and family support him to be a good pro.

Essentially the article concludes that Barca’s training style is responsible for his injuries. Apparently De Jong has found their training challenging in a similar way.

If managed correctly it sounds like he could be a great asset.

11.) 12 Aug 2020 11:14:23
I hope we give Dembele a wide berth, he neither has the attitude or the ability to stay fit long enough to be worthwhile.

12.) 12 Aug 2020 11:37:52
He looked the business before he went to Barca. I’d love him to join.

13.) 12 Aug 2020 12:08:28
what do you mean by that ken.

14.) 12 Aug 2020 12:27:11
TRD again it comes down to opinions -traore isn't an outstanding scorer to be fair -
i think we will get sancho by paying up as this drags on but although he is a talent, imo he is vastly overpriced and success has come in the bundesligue not the EPL which is a much tougher place to shine. we have other positions that could be sorted using the figures quoted for 1 player ; don't think it makes sense to put all our eggs in one basket.

15.) 12 Aug 2020 12:47:03
ID take Dembele over Jadon if it is half the cost and then go and buy a CB and CM.

16.) 12 Aug 2020 13:30:22
I know we all have our opinions on particular players but you make a good point Singh - let's say we could get Koubilay-VD Beek + Dembele rather than blow all the money on Sancho would make sense ( offloading Smalling, Rojo Lingard) .

The 3 I mention are just the first 3 that popped into my head - they are quality and would improve the team which was always the first objective according to SAF.

17.) 12 Aug 2020 14:47:07
I’m not sure what price people think Dembele will go for, but if people think we could get him, a midfielder and a cb for the Sancho price, he’d have to go for about £10m.

18.) 12 Aug 2020 21:07:39
Hi cooky i don't ever remember him having a good game. I've seen lots of him coming on as a sub or being taken off. He gives away the ball a lot. He does work hard but imo is decidedly average.

19.) 12 Aug 2020 23:34:26
Bfb I would take Vdb and Dembele and go for another cb instrad of Koulibaly as i think he is reckless and we got a player like him in Baily already.

I remember ed sayin Barcelona are desperate to get rid of Dembele and will listen to decent offers and nothing as extravagant as Jadon.

If he puts his head down then he could be a very good player for us.

He is fast, technically very good and can score goals.

It is the attitude which has been the issue and that's the only concern I have with him.

20.) 13 Aug 2020 13:50:52
Dembele would struggle to get through the medical. If we miss out on Sancho and Dembele is an option on loan then I would entertain that idea but I would not purchase him at this time unless it was for a very low fee, on low wages and a small contract length. He missed 30 league games last season which is a worry.

21.) 13 Aug 2020 18:20:28
Ed I’m not sure if you’ve answer this, but do you know if dembele would be a permanent transfer or a loan? Only reason I ask is the links to Coman being a loan deal.

{Ed002's Note - There are no agreements in place about these players.}

22.) 13 Aug 2020 18:24:38
What type of fee are Barcelona looking for with Dembele Ed? Thanks.

{Ed002's Note - As much as possible. You should ignore the fees.}



14 Jul 2020 20:29:47
Just been reading that Sneijder is thinking of coming out of retirement. Just wondering if we have any interest 😂.

Peter Griffin

1.) 14 Jul 2020 21:01:47
Backup to Grealish is what I hear 😂.

2.) 15 Jul 2020 06:57:35
Schnieejdar is exactly what we need. Let’s hope we can get the deal over the line this time!

3.) 15 Jul 2020 11:03:30
We've signed Bruno we don't need Sneijder now, we need a winger. I wonder when Gaitan will sign, he's been lost at the airport longer than my luggage.



22 May 2020 19:55:29
Evening Ed.

A bit out the norm but are you aware of any ins and outs with the coaching staff? Always an interesting way to look at the direction on the field.

Thanks in advance.

Peter Griffin

{Ed002's Note - No, I am not aware of changes to the coaching staff. A scout has recently left but that is noise in the big scheme of things.}

1.) 22 May 2020 22:26:31
Nice one Ed. Enjoy your weekend.

{Ed002's Note - And you Peter.}




Peter Griffin's banter posts with other poster's replies to Peter Griffin's banter posts


08 Jul 2024 10:57:15
The club working on multiple deals at the same time is quite refreshing though isn't it!?

Peter Griffin

1.) 08 Jul 2024 13:14:20
Sure is lois.

2.) 08 Jul 2024 14:26:00
I'm still more interested in the outs than the ins.
I know they are interlinked so it's a matter of waiting.

3.) 09 Jul 2024 21:28:13
Ken of course you're more interested in the "outs" being Irish it's your favourite method ??.



21 Apr 2021 00:35:32
TeamViewer will be checking out that cooling off period!

Peter Griffin



26 Mar 2021 21:39:26
I'm going to focus on the general point of your post and say it was very well made and I agree with it all. Would really improve the club.

Too many keyboard warriors on this site. If you think for a second before seizing the opportunity to shoot someone down you would realise that he MAYBE meant Dalot. You know with MA clearly being muted as a RB option.

I usually Wade through the bullsh*t to find the good stuff on this site but these snap comments are begining to really grate on me.

P. s. There's probably loads of typos in this post for you to pick at. Enjoy.

Peter Griffin

{Ed014's Note - sorry Peter you’ve submitted this as a new post and I’m assuming you were replying to someone but don’t know who.

1.) 26 Mar 2021 22:26:21
Sorry Ed. Jodler was the O. P of the thread I was responding to. Just after the "Damian has left the club and already been sold mate. " was my intended slot. Apologies.

{Ed014's Note - no probs mate I just couldn’t move it for you.

2.) 26 Mar 2021 22:36:24
Maybe I should practice what I preach eh? 😅.

{Ed014's Note - that’s a good point! 🤣

3.) 27 Mar 2021 07:48:12
Get used to it. Any mistake, typo different view etc and they are on to you.

Amount of out of work world class international football managers on this site must be staggering.

4.) 27 Mar 2021 19:22:28
You are obviously referring to me as I said it. Also I was being polite when I said it and wasn't sure if the poster knew Darmian had left the club. Chill your beans I wasn't having a go in the slightest 👍.

5.) 27 Mar 2021 19:46:33
One of the good guys Damon. I think Peter read your post in a tone it wasn't written in. 🤝🤝.



21 Mar 2021 20:59:47
I expected the worst as soon as I seen a midfield of Fred and Matic. Even with Fernandes starting we have been poor when ever those two are paired from the start. Seriously can remember one good display that they were both a part of.

I generally stay clear of the player and manager bashing as I think it's pointless but the decision making of the coaching staff, and I guess the buck stops with Ole there, has been poor far too often.

Peter Griffin

1.) 21 Mar 2021 21:31:46
I think that’s another game that can be laid squarely at the managers door and another example of his poor in game management.

The team selection was curious considering the international break but despite an appalling first half we somehow got in level at 1-1.

Matic and Fred were absolutely dreadful in that first half and both should have been hooked at HT. Fred conceded an abhorrent goal yet Ole can’t complain he hadn’t been warned. Fred had needlessly given the ball away in dangerous positions at least 3 times before he assisted for Inheanacho. Had he been subbed after only 20 minutes he couldn’t have complained such was his carelessness on the ball.

Matic is completely finished at the highest level. His legs have gone and he looked every inch the veteran midfielder playing in a game which was just far too fast and beyond his physical capabilities. He’s now started in our defeats to Spurs, Istanbul, Leipzig, Sheffield United and Leicester. I thought he was absolutely dreadful in the first leg against AC Milan last week and was hoping we’d seen the last of him. It was no surprise to me we struggled when I saw him partnered with Fred in midfield again. If the Milan game wasn’t enough to illustrate this is now a redundant partnership then today has surely done the trick.

I have no idea how both players survived beyond HT. Matic was about as mobile as a statue when Tielemans left him for dead with a simple 1 - 2 and Ole’s indecisiveness and reluctance to make the most obvious tactical changes cost us another game.

It’s strange that we actually have technical midfielders such as Pogba, VdB and Bruno that can actually play football yet for nearly 12 months Ole has shown absolutely no inclination to try and get his best players on the pitch in an attempt to try and dominate the football.

That was another horror show to add nightmares of Palace, Spurs, Istanbul, Leipzig and Sheffield Utd it’s becoming quite the collection.

2.) 21 Mar 2021 23:37:47
Good post DLIB. Have to agree this defeat is entirely on Ole. Curious team selection for me. We had to win both of our cup games this week and after a poor first half in Milan got a great result. Given there is no United game following the Leicester match I am surprised we did not go with our full strength team that finished v Milan. Could then have replaced tired legs if needed when we had an advantage.

The point about Matic and Fred together is well made - they are a woeful combination and knew we would struggle once seeing that line up. Fred runs around a lot and breaks up play. Then passes the ball to the opposition numerous times in a game. Poor first half in Milan and woeful today. What photos does he have of Ole that ensure he plays every game? Clearly VDB doesn't possess the same!

There is a sad reality we have signed some players who just aren't good enough and extended some on contracts which which some unfathomable and are now players we will simply never get rid of. Matic and Jones best examples of the latter.

We are obviously all down after a defeat. Especially with a semi v Southampton in the offing given we beat them 9-0. This feels a game we needed to bounce back from straight away and with that regard I'm not sure the international break actually does us any favours.

Still a long way back to the top ain't it!

3.) 22 Mar 2021 00:40:42
Most normally run clubs would give OGS 10-12 games to save his Utd career. We’re more likely offer him a new deal.

For me the time has come. I’ve been a defender of OGS but even I can’t see where he is taking this. The fact all my City, Liverpool, Chelsea etc fan mates are hoping he stays on says it all.



12 Mar 2021 11:40:22
Kessie was a delight to watch last night. Haven't seen enough of him to know if that's his normal level of performance but if it is then he is exactly the type of midfielder we need to be looking at in my opinion.

Peter Griffin

1.) 12 Mar 2021 13:02:48
He was immense. Would be a good option to replace matic.

2.) 12 Mar 2021 14:13:29
Yh it was an impressive performance from him, Fred should be watching videos of how he controls/ passes the ball.

3.) 12 Mar 2021 14:25:00
Another one of Atlanta’s products. Ed02 called him out a while ago as one to look out for.

4.) 12 Mar 2021 14:26:24
Fred could watch a video of United U16s and probably still learn something about passing.

5.) 12 Mar 2021 14:41:51
He looks he could be a great addition. However it was one game. That's the first time I've seen him play.

{Ed077's Note - and there is no interest in him from Man Utd}

6.) 12 Mar 2021 15:52:35
The fact that he is exactly what we need made me come to the conclusion that we would wouldn't be looking at him to be honest.

7.) 12 Mar 2021 17:43:58
Cheers ED077.

{Ed077's Note - Kessie has been good for Milan for the past year or so, been playing well for them.}

8.) 12 Mar 2021 19:00:47
I'm sure he's a United fan. Although he did say it when we were linked to him a few years ago.

9.) 12 Mar 2021 18:49:03

Do you rate him to be good enough for Utd?

{Ed077's Note - he is better than Fred let me stop at that 😂😂




Peter Griffin's rumour replies


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21 Jul 2024 10:50:39
Or maybe Sabitzer. ??.

Peter Griffin



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20 Jul 2024 23:04:36
Didn't even think of Martinez. Think it was Januzaj before him.

Peter Griffin



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19 Jul 2024 23:32:34
Id prefer we move SMc on and keep Casemero (IYKYK) on. As long as we bring someone in circa Ugarte. Case is better cover.

(Here come the salary police)

Peter Griffin



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19 Jul 2024 23:11:01

Peter Griffin



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08 Nov 2023 13:05:41
You just did 2toms.

Peter Griffin




Peter Griffin's banter replies


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13 Jul 2024 23:49:36
More like a rich tea Shappy.

Peter Griffin



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06 Jun 2024 00:38:35
7th down Shappy! Does that mean we have a replacement already if Onana moves on? ?.

Peter Griffin



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13 May 2024 20:47:14
If only Woodward were still here. He would be charging fans £30 to have their photo taken in front of the 'World famous waterfall'

Peter Griffin



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22 Feb 2024 20:44:29
That's a shame. Does anyone keep an eye of the Portuguese league? How has he been getting on?

Peter Griffin



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22 Feb 2024 19:22:08
Fernandez needs recalling from Benfica. Unless there's something in place that stops us from doing that.

Peter Griffin