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24 Jul 2024 20:24:53
Hi. Unless I have missed anything and kind of Utd related. What is happening with De Gea. A United legend in my eyes and surely has to get a new club soon and i am surprised he never got a contract at any club after end of his United contract. Would not mind him back at United tbf.


{Ed002's Note - He has been asking for significant wages and that accounts for the time off.}

1.) 24 Jul 2024 21:07:38
He's a great keeper playing at the wrong time. A truly world class shot stopper, but he has too many weaknesses to play for a top side in the modern game. He can't play out from the back, he can't sweep and he's weak in the air.

I doubt he's prepared to take the step down in terms of the teams he can play for or the wages they can offer to extend his career.

2.) 24 Jul 2024 21:36:39
I think his weakness in the air would have been exploited more if he played in an earlier era. Probably the most instinctive shot stopper I’ve ever seen. His reactions are so quick. But the fact he wasn’t able to improve the weaknesses in his game is a red flag. A great keeper who could have pushed himself to be world class. Telling that he never impressed at international level, and that he was prepared to take a year off rather than a lower wage.

Still think the club treated him very poorly last summer.

3.) 25 Jul 2024 00:03:21
De Gea was the highest pad goalkeeper in the EPL by a wide margin and quite frankly he did not justify it. I would go so far as to say that it was yet another piece of poor business by United to hold on to him when his contract was renewed by using what can only be regarded as a financial bribe. In the end, of course, he left and the club made no money from it. It was the correct decision to let him go and thereby rectify the previous error. He was not treated badly. On the contrary he was treated too well.

4.) 25 Jul 2024 01:00:25
Yeah, Danny, he deserved a proper send off, whether it was a testimonial or whatever. Give the fans a chance to say thanks and goodbye. It was all very low-key and anticlimactic for a player who saved us in a fair few seasons.

5.) 25 Jul 2024 07:24:01
It baffles me how a player would rather take a year out than play and be paid, unless he just doesn’t have the love for the game.

And at what point is silly money still not enough? It must be difficult asking for example £200K a week, but interested employers are only offering a measly £100K a week. How would he live?

I’ve been a huge De Gea supporter over the years but there’s always been question mark around desire and responsibility.

6.) 25 Jul 2024 08:29:08
I’ve been a massive supporter of De Gea too in the Stretford End. But let’s get a few things straight, he only stopped with us rather than go to Real because of the astronomical amount of money put in front of him. If it hadn’t been for that he’d have been off (plus the fact we bungled the paperwork last minute on one occasion) . So in terms of loyalty he might say he loves Manchester United, but as soon as his head was turned that love soon went out the window.

In terms of having a year out, that smacks of a goalkeeper who’s tapped out on his career. A season on any wage is better than none. You can only assume he just doesn’t want to play football. Eventually he will need to make a decision on his career, for me he will probably retire if I’m totally honest.

I think for the majority of his career he’s been in the correct era. Any earlier and his aerial fragility would have really let him down. He got away with it because of the move towards referee protection of goalkeepers. It’s only the last season or two where he started to come unstuck with the ball at his feet, and to be honest, he wasn’t as bad as what we all make out.

7.) 25 Jul 2024 13:02:09
Exactly Stevie, player of the season on multiple occasions. Deserved some recognition.

8.) 25 Jul 2024 13:03:51
Wazza, he has a young family and a famous wife. They made sacrifices for his career and for him to stay in Manchester.

Maybe he doesn't feel either forcing his family to move to somewhere they don't want to be or choosing to spend a year or two living away from his family isn't worth it to play for a mid-table club somewhere.

Supposedly a big driver for his desire to move to Real Madrid was for his family. For his wife's career and to be closer to their extended family. While also playing for a top club challenging for major honours.

In the end he stayed at United, probably because of the astronomic wages on offer.

Either way I can understand why he might have chosen not to take any of the potential offers he had. He knows his time at the top is over, he won't be first choice for a title challenging side. So does he choose to keep playing on a reduced salary, for a smaller club not challenging for major honours over what is best for his family?

9.) 25 Jul 2024 20:41:21
I read that Spain isn't an option for him and he has no interest in any other team in the EPL, so was looking at a West Coast US team to continue his career.

10.) 25 Jul 2024 22:33:39
Shappy……. I’m not really sure what you said to be perfectly honest. I think you were agreeing with points already made and re-packaging ?‍♂️

Hasn’t he been training at Alty? Could have sworn I saw a video of him training at Moss Lane.

Wouldn’t surprise me if he ended up playing in north Wales………….

11.) 26 Jul 2024 06:38:38
Fireman, that’s a Shappy tactic. Recycle all points from the thread into a huge summary for clout. We know about him moving to Manchester and his wife’s desire to remain in Spain. We know he wanted to go back to Madrid. We know he was on huge wages etc.



28 Jul 2022 17:44:38
Reports of United looking at Ruiz from Napoli for 42 million. One year left on his contract.


1.) 28 Jul 2022 17:53:09
Hope this is true. Excellent player who in my opinion would do well at United.

Maybe we could offer Ronaldo to Napoli as part of the deal since it looks like the only semi viable option of a CL club for him at the moment.

2.) 28 Jul 2022 18:05:00
A lot of money for someone with a year left in my opinion.

3.) 28 Jul 2022 18:34:26
Let's get Ruiz and forget about FDJ. He can stay at Barcelona and be their GK. I really don't care. His wages are astronomical too.

4.) 28 Jul 2022 19:15:43
Anyone knows more about him? I haven't really seen him play.

5.) 28 Jul 2022 22:19:30
Younger Matic with a bit more about him in the final third.

Thats my quick assessment of him from the youtube video i watched lol.

I would still have concerns over his ability to defend the back 4, but those concerns are there with FDJ and with MCFRED.

6.) 29 Jul 2022 07:27:55
That's the thing though, we're not looking for a midfielder to defend in front of the back four.

EtH plays a high press to win the ball back. 80% of the ball winning will be done by players who play in the advanced midfield positions and final third, high up the pitch.

EtH is looking for a holding midfielder who can spray passes, control the tempo, keep the ball and who is not only press resistant but able to dribble through a press to create space.

Fabian Ruiz, FDJ, Youri Tielemans these sort of players. Highly technical, intelligent, ball players who can dictate and orchestrate the side. Not crunching tackle demons.

7.) 29 Jul 2022 08:51:42
Are Rodri and fabinho crunching tackle demons?

No they dictate the tempo and defend the back 4 mainly through interceptions.

Players are allowed to do both, help build up the attack from the first third of the pitch and defend the back 4 when we don't have the ball. Its not against the rules.

8.) 29 Jul 2022 11:20:52
DSG, of course anyone playing in a deeper midfield position will need to do a certain amount of defending when called upon.

The main difference is where a players strengths lie. Very players are equally as good with the ball at their feet as they are defending without it. Generally players will fall one side of the line. They are either better with with ball at their feet than defending, or are better at defending than playing out with the ball.

It's about how you intend to set up the team, which makes what sort of player you want more important.

I think many fans are still stuck on the weaknesses we had under Ole. Whose sit back, defend deep and hit on the counter style encouraged teams onto us and as such we desperately needed a better CDM who could effectively shield the back four and win back the ball.

That isn't how EtH will likely look to play. His style is far more proactive and requires having the ball and clever use of it.

He is looking for a holding midfielder who will do far more on the ball than off the ball work as he intends for the team to have the majority of possession.



14 Jul 2017 17:43:36
Matic and Costa given permission to miss pre season. Obviously Matic is of interest.




31 May 2017 21:37:56
We have apparently rejected 60m bid for De gea from RM.


1.) 31 May 2017 22:16:43
I hope we take a firm stance with Madrid for a change.

2.) 31 May 2017 22:19:06
Let's keep it that way!

3.) 01 Jun 2017 00:06:37
According to reliable sources this is not true at all, Madrid have the champions league final in 3 days it did seem like a strange time. Sly sources don't let the truth get in the way of their anymore though.

4.) 01 Jun 2017 09:52:34
Maybe we are playing Real Madrid at there own game and unsettling them and their players via "leaks" to the media.

5.) 01 Jun 2017 10:44:09
Why people believe in sky sources is beyond me, they only have 1 source it is called skybet and it is not a source of information for us but a source of income for them.

Just after Griezmann made the 6/10 comment sky was full of stories from atletico staff and other such folk about how he is not interested in coming to utd. Now reports come in that ddg is happy at utd and we will not sell, sky come out with exact opposite BS, that everyone else even remotely reliable calls BS.

Call me a conspiracy theorist but i am seeing a pattern here. And it clearly does not help their news reporting but a certain betting company they co-own.

6.) 01 Jun 2017 13:20:09
Sky bet is renowned for making up transfer targets to get the simple minded to place bets on their website. How people aren't clever enough to figure it out is beyond me.



30 Aug 2015 19:35:13
Rubbish Twitter rumours know doubt but Charlie Austin.


1.) 30 Aug 2015 20:16:10
Why you say that Key Darton?

2.) 30 Aug 2015 20:16:25
Sorry darko

3.) 30 Aug 2015 20:16:25
Sorry darko

4.) 30 Aug 2015 20:35:16
Really though Charlie Austin we are above that




KevDarko's banter posts with other poster's replies to KevDarko's banter posts


05 Apr 2024 18:53:06
Can we maybe have a poll please eds.

3 options for next season:

Southgate Manager

Potter Manager

ETH to stay.

Not sure if already been done so apologies if so.


{Ed033's Note -

Utd Manager poll

1.) 06 Apr 2024 09:00:48
At least 15 people are on a wind-up voting for Southgate. Surely!

2.) 06 Apr 2024 09:49:47
I really hope those voting for Southgate are joking.

He’s actually done an abysmal job as England manager for me. A great squad at his disposal, alongside the worst Spanish, Italian and German sides in a generation and he still plays ultra defensive football and won’t ever win a thing.

I’d even take the likes of McKenna, O’Neil etc. over Southgate.

3.) 06 Apr 2024 09:59:23
So it's pretty clear that the majority would rather keep EtH than have either Potter or Southgate.

Yet the overriding narrative on here in recent weeks seems to be that people think we should replace EtH.

So the question I'm asking is which manager would you ideally like to replace EtH?

4.) 06 Apr 2024 10:22:02
I think that SJR, Brailsford and co felt the pushback from the fans when Southgate was mooted, I also feel they know that Potter wouldn't go down to well.

I think the majority have said to stick with ETH, so I believe that's what they will do.

5.) 06 Apr 2024 10:33:14
Shappy the 'overriding narrative' on here in recent weeks is from the same names and they are clearly in the minority. The poll seems to reflect that. The vociferous minority effect.

6.) 06 Apr 2024 10:37:15
Think this is a big problem Shappy, there are no, IMO any outstanding realistic managers that we could get to replace him. And any manager outside of the premier league or English football that people may suggest (Amorim) would come in with question marks and risks over them, experience etc. If ETH goes, I’d personally go for a complete reboot, no manager with any baggage or blotch on their CV, Southgate and Potter will both have huge question marks on them because of England and Chelsea. The more I think about it, McKenna might be the best option outside of keeping ETH if INEOS are looking for a coach.

7.) 06 Apr 2024 11:26:13
Shappy, ETH for me. But I wouldn't be upset if Potter was appointed. I still think he's a very good manager. I know he won't be sexy enough for some, but he seems to be a clever, thoughtful, progressive guy. I wanted him here last time, and my view wouldn't have changed because of his time at a club that are just as much of a basket case as us.

8.) 06 Apr 2024 18:28:02
Nou, agreed, potter is good and I have said so many a time. I just think, not yet. Let ETH have more time and if or when he can't turn it around, then fans will be more open to someone like Potter.

If Potter were to come in now, face similar difficulties, it could quickly turn sour and I think that would be very unfair on him as the current or next coach will need time.



29 Jan 2024 22:58:08
Wonder if Amad will go back to Sunderland on loan. Can't see ETH been happy with him liking a post from a Sunderland fan saying he can't even start against Newport so why not just come to play football at Sunderland again.


1.) 30 Jan 2024 05:44:50
Whilst he shouldn’t be doing that on social media, can you blame him for feeling that way?

Two things
1) These players have no respect for the manager, Rashford Sancho and Amad using social media to dig at authority. At least with Amad I think he has a point but shouldn’t have done it
2) If Amad can’t get any minutes on the pitch against mighty Newport it tells you how desperate the manager was to win, how he was too scared to take any chances and how he keeps Antony in no matter what. Not even a few minutes for Amad, very poor.

2.) 30 Jan 2024 06:08:32
Red man did you watch the game? He brought on the other young lad? What’s your point? Your favourite amad didn’t come on because he gave game time to another promising youngster at the expense of Antony so what’s your point or just a dig at the manager?

3.) 30 Jan 2024 07:49:13
My favourite is now Amad?

Omari came on in what minute? How long was he given and how many minutes did Antony play?

Did he bring Omari on because the lad is not signing a contract apparently because he can’t see a path to the first team. The Ed has mentioned about no perceived path to the first team for youngsters and Amad looks like another one. They have to be good enough but surely Newport should have been an opportunity for some. Why not start Omari and give Amad minutes instead of Antony? Or even rest Garnacho?

4.) 30 Jan 2024 09:56:20
Love this site lol
Regardless, footballers should just stay off social media completely. In society even liking, disliking or putting a wrong smiley can have far-reaching consequences. Sure they're people and should be able to have these accounts like the rest of us, but public figures have to act differently to the rest of us muggles.

5.) 30 Jan 2024 10:18:55
Can you imagine the tantrum youd of had if he’d of rested Garnacheo god forbid!
It’s people like you who preach about anything negative but would be the first to jump on a player if they weren’t good enough! I can’t think of many managers in the top 10 who’ve given more youngsters game time than ETH, since he’s been at club 18 months he’s now got two academy graduates as first choice starters, not bad for someone who doesn’t offer a pathway eh!
I’m not a big fan of Antony but Sunday he scored, assisted and should have scored more so hardly a bad selection, he influenced the game! Amad will get chances if he deserves them simple as that!

6.) 30 Jan 2024 11:24:34
I honestly don’t think Amad is good enough, people will say he hasn’t been given the opportunity but when he has has he really done anything to warrant starting

The manager and coaching staff see these players day in day out and yes I know everyone will slate Anthony me included

Surely ETH isn’t stupid enough to keep playing Anthony just because he has worked with him before.

7.) 30 Jan 2024 11:55:54
I'd suggest the Newport game was a perfect game for Anthony to play the majority of the game and hopefully get some confidence. Got an assist and a goal. He really does need to kick on at some point but not sure starting him on the bench would have helped him.

I agree with Blackpool Red, unfortunately, perhaps Amad just isn't good enough.

8.) 30 Jan 2024 12:20:44
Ports you are right, and your reasoning is why ETH is the manager, and not Red Man.

This fixture was ideal for players to play themselves into form.

You saw the relief of Antony finally getting his first goal of the season. That’s more important than giving a youngster 20 minutes.

9.) 30 Jan 2024 12:42:08
Please stop saying a player has no respect for EtH. He is the clubs elected manager. They have no respect for the club and the fans.

It is not okay for players to disrespect the club.

For specific issue about liking a social media post, what a world we live in! Sure EtH will be able to deal with this without it being a huge issue, even though the media are desperately trying to create mountains out of mole hills wherever they can.

10.) 30 Jan 2024 13:28:08
We are now in a situation this season where we have 1 game a week and no European football so I expect us to pick the best team available for every game. There may be some rotation but only minor.
Therefore I expect there to be minimal opportunity for any of the young players to get more than 10/ 20 mins here or there for the rest of the season.
We will go all in on the FA Cup so similarly this will be our best avcailable team.
EtH is playing for his future so his priorities will be success game to game and this is understandable.
Amad/ Pelestri I am not sure will make the grade with us, both seem at least 12 months away from being ready to hold down a place. It is a shame they have not had more of a chance but we also don't see what they do on the training pitch to judge.
I think both will go come the summer.

11.) 30 Jan 2024 16:49:02
Completely agree with Blackpool Red, i don't think he's anywhere near good enough for what we need. If he was pulling up trees in training the ETH would have played him.

12.) 30 Jan 2024 18:41:41
I thought it was just me at least everyone is seeing it now and growing equally sick of it.

13.) 30 Jan 2024 20:21:08
What on earth are you talking about Ken?

14.) 30 Jan 2024 22:11:23
You're his latest fetish Red Man. jred, GDS, me, there have been others, it's currently you.

15.) 30 Jan 2024 22:27:45

Thanks, ooh err. Didn’t know it was that kind of site….

16.) 31 Jan 2024 02:30:04
Klopp managed to win back to back Bundesliga titles and reach a Champions League final with Dortmund, then won everything there was to win with Liverpool. He’s reached four European finals in 8 seasons at Liverpool (as many as SAF reached during his entire tenure with us) and were it not for City’s financial doping, would have picked up three league titles in his first six full seasons.

Considering where Liverpool (and Dortmund) were when he came in, to suggest that Klopp hasn’t done exceptionally well as a manager is, quite frankly, deluded. To try and downplay his achievements by comparing him with Zidane (who inherited a team teeming with talent and was given huge transfer budgets to improve it) is just bitter. Klopp will be remembered as one of the best managers of the premier league era, and rightfully so.

17.) 31 Jan 2024 04:08:27
We lost a cup final in something like the 15th penalty kick with Ole and people use it as a stick to beat him with - that he won nothing. Klopp won the UCl, which is no mean feat. He won the empty stadium cup, when the crowds weren't there to put pressure on the players. He lost every other duel for the title. Been a very good manager, but he didn't win what he didn't win.

18.) 31 Jan 2024 10:30:10
Surely not even Utd would move on three players (Sancho, Pellistri and Diallo) from the same position in one window, with one gone and Pellistri supposedly on the brink.

19.) 31 Jan 2024 14:44:28
Let’s be real. Liverpool had the C.V. cup in the bag long before the stadiums were emptied. In fact, iirc, their form actually dipped once the season resumed.

You guys can choose to remember him however you like, but most people see him as one of the league’s best ever managers, myself included. Perhaps when City are finally found guilty of all of their financial doping and their titles are stripped (wishful thinking, perhaps, but definitely deserved), those second place finishes won’t look as bad.



25 Oct 2023 14:42:23
Hi can anyone confirm if this is true, I mentioned on a post elsewhere about ETH benching Mount last night. Whose role was meant to be to replace Mcrtom ( who ETH wanted to sell) and also to help Erickson in a part.

They stated "they make 50 million so far off shirt Sales and marketing that why they gave Mount number 7 shirt so that the fans and sponsors would pay for the transfer and it wouldn't end up costing the club anything and be a good investment because he's homegrown and good to have as part of the squad because they need so many home grown English players in the 25 man squad"

Baed on that surely Mount would never bring in that amount of shirt sales. How do shirt sales even work club to club.


1.) 25 Oct 2023 16:54:15
Sounds like tin foil hat theory.

2.) 25 Oct 2023 19:47:17
Unless they sold 50m worth of Mount shirts through the megastore at Old Trafford then someone is talking out their rear end.

Adidas pay a huge fee each year to the rights to sell shirts with our badge on.

3.) 26 Oct 2023 12:12:56
We do get something from shirt sales although it is a small percentage of the sale, unless we sell directly ie the mega store etc.

We already have a sponsorship fee up front from the supplier Adidas, the more sales made, then the larger the sponsorship deal is likely to be.

4.) 26 Oct 2023 15:33:14
The homegrown part has an element of truth to it, the shirt sales stuff is nonsense.



31 Aug 2022 09:08:23
Dialo to Sunderland on loan. Good move for him. Will be loved by the Sunderland fans, go to a few games myself with my son as live close.




14 Aug 2022 17:01:59
Does anyone feel we should be going for some current Midfielders in the PL who know the intensity and fight every week for their team. e.g Caicedo . We have not one player who is aggressive at all. Issue is why anyone would want to come to a sinking ship.


1.) 14 Aug 2022 17:27:41
Or players that fit the managers way of playing.

2.) 14 Aug 2022 17:33:15
soley based on buying better than we have - a quote from SAF - Bissouma/ Neves/ tielmans were all getable this window.

Players like Rice/ De Jong/ veratti etc wouldn't touch us at the moment but its all about incremental steps, play good football get into top 4 and attact better players from a better position.

3.) 14 Aug 2022 17:36:05
We just need a clear plan. Ideally we should be targeting younger, hungry players for who a move to United is a step up in their career and not a sideways or even backward step. Players ideally between the ages of 22-25 who have at least 2-3 years experience of playing in a top fight league. Ideally the EPL.

I think we need to focus less on the ceiling of a players potential but on the bottom of their actual performances.

For example there are many EPL players who don't appear to be sexy signings, who might not have that Balon d'Or winning potential. But they are steady 6-7 out of 10 EPL players who could maybe step up and play better in a better side.

Get a team that can at least compete in the EPL before we try and build a side that could win the EPL.

4.) 14 Aug 2022 17:49:41
It’s all lovely and fluffy saying we need players that fit the managers way of playing but I’m yet to see what that way is. I can’t see where a 5’ 9” centre half fits either. Plus, there are other leagues outside the Dutch league which we are allowed to look too!

5.) 14 Aug 2022 18:15:06
Gallager from chelsea who they just brough on is a good player. Very underrated imo. Woukd be vast improvement on our midfield.

6.) 14 Aug 2022 20:14:16
Caciedo who we turned down for £5m.

7.) 14 Aug 2022 21:00:56
There's no way they will sell Gallagher.

8.) 15 Aug 2022 08:00:14
You can’t just get 1 player in and there you have it the team instantly changes to his way and style

We needed 5 or 6 first team players in this team not 1 or 2 if you include Erickson

The manager has been shafted, he’s expecting to work miracles

These players are not fit for purpose but the glazers are not going to sanction 8 or 9 players in one window

They find it hard to let players go never mind come in

Get use to mid table finishes until these snakes are gone.

9.) 15 Aug 2022 08:46:11
Bolger we have purchased players for ETH thinking, problem is they are suited to the Dutch league and not premier as is ETH thinking at the moment, that needs to change first and foremost.




KevDarko's rumour replies


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20 Jul 2024 10:48:48
Zaha I would think.




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09 Jul 2024 21:23:39
Don't count your chickens just yet. The mayor of Marseille has “I will ask the president of Olympique de Marseille not to recruit Greenwood. I don't want my club to be covered in the shame of someone who hits his wife. I don't want my club to be covered in the ashes of someone who hits his wife like that. It's not acceptable. "
Hope it's already signed and done.


{Ed025's Note - im with the Mayor Kev..



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27 Feb 2024 21:29:37
Ross Barklay looking decent and weird rumour Jim wanta him not sure if he the answer.




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18 Nov 2023 17:10:50
Quite away. We not exactly falling down the table are we.




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28 Aug 2023 13:48:23
Well reports now are saying we won't be letting him leave.





KevDarko's banter replies


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08 Jul 2024 12:17:15
Its guaranteed he comes on against England and scores the winner and is then booed by all away fans at United next season.




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25 May 2024 19:52:20
As you were.




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16 May 2024 15:12:35
Rather play him over Anthony or Rashford all day. Seen him loads for Sunderland and his a class act. He plays even better when he knows the fans appreciate him like they did at Sunderland and he still talks about them.




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01 Nov 2023 20:56:55
Well going well.




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29 Jan 2023 17:10:20
Think we need to give Amad a decent pre season prior to next season. Seen him a few times for Sunderland and offers a lot more than Anything. Of course in a league below.
