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10 Mar 2019 10:36:44
heya! lfc fan here. genuine question if you could choose between Liverpool winning the league or winning CL which would you want the least!?
1.) 10 Mar 2019 10:55:04
You are doing very well so far.
But to answer your question, hand on my heart - none. 🤣
If you win either then kudos to you.
I’m sure many a pool supporters will wish the same for us.
Other than that, we are all sharing this earth so peace to you all.
2.) 10 Mar 2019 11:00:20
I know some Utd fans will disagree with me here, but I really want to see Liverpool win the league this year. I'd rather Utd win it obviously, but that's not realistic at this stage, even if we keep up the recent form and win most or even all of our remaining games.
I really rate Klopp as a manager, and I wanted him to replace SAF at utd. His style of football is different from SAF's, but has a lot of similarities, and would have been a natural evolution of style which the players could have adjusted to and fans would have appreciated. Instead we got 3 managers who didn't have us playing anything remotely like the style of football we came to expect under SAF.
The way Klopp has Liverpool playing is great to watch, and since Utd aren't going to win the league this year, I'd rather see the title go to Liverpool, playing the way they are, than City (even though City play a more entertaining style than Pep used at Barca, it's still using possession defensively a lot, which is the antithesis of good football in my opinion) .
Also, if it's one or the other, I don't want Liverpool winning the CL, because Utd could still win that, whereas the EPL is gone for us. You can have the EPL, we'll take the CL, sound fair? ;)
3.) 10 Mar 2019 11:49:49
Thorne that right there is treason!
Off with your head!
4.) 10 Mar 2019 12:45:24
Thorne you need to take a long hard look at yourself.
5.) 10 Mar 2019 12:58:10
Whoever wins the league deserves it but i never want Liverpool to win anything.
That question is akin to asking a bloke would you prefer me to chop off your right or left bollock.
Thorne i think you have lost the plot🤣🤣🤣.
6.) 10 Mar 2019 13:01:00
Oh dear oh dear thorne.
Eds, can webhave thorne banned? Hahah.
7.) 10 Mar 2019 15:16:15
Its his opinion, just because we disagree with it doesn't make it invalid. Personally I think klopp is a plonker and salah is a cheat so obviously I don't want to see them winning. But the berties is as bad. If only Tottenham hadn't bottled it.
8.) 11 Mar 2019 15:13:22
Would you guys prefer City to win it?
It's going to be Liverpool or City. Personally, of the two, I'd rather see Liverpool win it, because I prefer their style of football to City's.
If Spurs where still in it, I'd prefer them, but they aren't.
13 Mar 2018 22:41:46
liverpool fan quickly stopping by. just want to congratulate you lot for the way you have commented on this defeat. disappointment and anger is clear, but find that many of you are quite constructive in your comments and mostly staying away from being abusive. something many posters on our page can learn from.!
to the game, didn't watch it and was admittedly happy ya'll are out and we are in! makes losing at the weekend feel a liiiiittle bit ok! #YNWA.
1.) 13 Mar 2018 23:03:38
Is losing ever ok? Even a little? We expect to win something if some significance every season. I don't think Liverpool have the same expectations, and I don't think I've ever thought losing an important game was ok after a result for a different team in a different tournament. We've almost forgotten about the Liverpool game already as we are as good as our last game which at the moment is a bunch of players who looked sluggish and not having a fear of going out. There was a real lack of intensity in our game play which in a CL knock out game is worrying.
2.) 14 Mar 2018 01:29:25
clearly banter isn't in your vocabulary.
to your point tho we are heading in that direction. obviously it is one thing to want to win stuff and another to be developing the squad to actually be competitive and achieve that goal aye!?
next year ( I knooooowww! ) will be the year where i think liverpool fans should raise their expectations for a title challenge. for this year tho, we're still in a shout of competing for a trophy and well in the race to secure top 4 finish. like you guys, that is about as good as its going to get this year.
3.) 14 Mar 2018 08:54:29
you won vs Liverpool because of cheating and a refree who gets paid under the table. Real referee, lose at once. bam bam
22 Apr 2019 08:50:23
liverpiol fan here. I must say, that whilst we are riding the crest of a wave it has been trophyless so far.! so kudos to manU for picking up titles aling the way!
But, that aside, one thing I have really enjoyed about FSG and Klopp's relationship is their shared vision and identity for the club. Rodgers had lost our identity and you could feel as a fan that there was little plan or direction. Since Klopp has come in that purpose has been common and we've progressed from there. Yes you make mistakes along the way, but the core of the machine is in tact. ManU look a bit like us from decades ago, trying to panic buy players that will shoot them straight back to past glory. it doesn't work like that and manU should really be look at the fabric of the club and putting key pieces in place to deliver on that.
Hope you guys turn up on wednesday. ! have some pride lads!
10 Mar 2019 10:38:03
amazing run. do ya worry that the temperamental players will put in a stinker if their feelings get hurt next season tho? seen it at chelsea a few seasons now and my wonder is whether manU are stuck trying to find siccess rather than build again?
14 Mar 2018 01:29:25
clearly banter isn't in your vocabulary.
to your point tho we are heading in that direction. obviously it is one thing to want to win stuff and another to be developing the squad to actually be competitive and achieve that goal aye!?
next year ( I knooooowww! ) will be the year where i think liverpool fans should raise their expectations for a title challenge. for this year tho, we're still in a shout of competing for a trophy and well in the race to secure top 4 finish. like you guys, that is about as good as its going to get this year.