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15 Jul 2024 15:41:13
Hey ed002/ eds,

Hope all is well with ye. Just wondering with Onana going to villa do unuted have any chance at all of getting branthwaite over the line and do ye think it will happen in your own opinion? Thanks.


{Ed002's Note - If they meet Everton’s asking price, then yes.}

1.) 15 Jul 2024 22:50:13
Thanks for the reply ed002. i'm assuming that's £70m?

{Ed002's Note - Around that.}

2.) 16 Jul 2024 12:38:15
Think 55 + 5/ 10 bonuses gets it done or maybe something around £50+ Hannibal? Yoro and branthwaite would be ideal CB additions.



29 May 2024 02:49:07
Hey ed002,

Firstly thank you very much for taking the time out of your day for the updates that you are giving us. I know you mentioned you doubt ETH will be staying on and mentioned tuchel, pochettino or de zerbi as the possible replacements. Just wondering are they the 3 main candidates now or do we still need to worry about the possibility of southgate being hired? Thanks.


{Ed002's Note - I think they are the primary options.}

1.) 29 May 2024 09:36:21
It seems if there is a managerial change, Tuchel is being mentioned more than most.
For the posters who know more than me about the tactics that managers use, and types of players they gravitate towards, do Manchester United have what Thomas Tuchel would typically look for? Any glaring gaps, or do you think he'd be lacking the same types of player that EtH is? Or would he make better use of players currently out of favour?

2.) 29 May 2024 10:48:37
Jesus, Tuchel. Short-term, likely to fall out with people, really don't think he's an improvement.

3.) 29 May 2024 11:04:13
Agree AJH, I don't warm to him at all, in fact he comes across as a bit scary if I'm honest and hasn't stuck anywhere for long.

4.) 29 May 2024 12:05:42
Tuchel - has won the most stuff, seems to fall out with his superiors at pretty much every club.

Pochettino - premier league experience, reputation for working with younger players

de Zerbi - won leagues in Romainia and cups in Italy and Ukraine - terrible end to the season, looks like his style of play has been figured out.

I’m not sure these three guys are that suited to the structure being put in place with regards to footballing style and transfers. Also someone needs to come in and be the bad guy to clear the decks and sort out the dressing room culture. I think we are better off giving EtH the opportunity to do it in his last year. Let him clear the ranks, work under the new structure working to their strategy, if it doesn’t work out at least the new guy comes in with most of the squad issues sorted.

5.) 29 May 2024 15:37:30
Personally I'd rather keep EtH for another year, but if the decision is to part ways then of those three I'd prefer Pochettino.

Tuchel has the best record, but has a habit of falling out with people. He's also far too pragmatic for me and doesn't have the best record with developing young players.

De Zerbi plays good football, but is very inflexible in terms of his tactics. He also doesn't tend to stick around long, often jumping ship the moment he thinks a better club is interested in him.

Pochettino plays decent football, and has a good record with young players. However, ultimately he seems to struggle to take a team across the line. His sides seem to lack that steely winners mentality, often crumbling when in sight of the finish line.

However, of the three given the younger players in our squad I think Pochettino looks the best fit.

Oddly though I feel like if we signed Pochettino instead of EtH then the current ownership would still be looking to replace Pochettino, with EtH a likely candidate if he was still doing well with Ajax. It feels more like they are looking to replace the manager to bring in their own man rather than because the current manager doesn't have the requisite skills. Strange old world.

6.) 29 May 2024 19:16:24
Shappy for me it’s pointless keeping ten hag for another season for then us to get rid and then re start this project with someone new

I’m a ten hag in. they either need to give ten hag a new deal and trust what he’s doing and what he’s done over the last 2 years

Or get rid and give the manager they choose time. we can’t be then getting rid if we do worse next season with a new manager

We need to start a new or trust ten hag and trust the short term pain for long term gain.

7.) 29 May 2024 20:24:02
The sad thing about those 3 candidates is none give me any level of comfort that we would do better and if anything we may be back in the market not too long after any of them being appointed for a new manager. Rinse and repeat shall continue.

8.) 29 May 2024 22:45:26
I’m really grateful to EtH and the team for the FA cup!

But over the course of the last 18 months we have not been good enough. Eth’s people management has been a consistent issue.
Tactically we have rarely looked good and seem to drop or raise our level as per our opposition.

Being objective EtH has failed to consistently get results. Which is to me is the people managing, he fails to get the best out of all his players.

The cups in two seasons show he has something but they’re anomalies when compared with European and League Performances.

INEOS will look at this objectively and come to a rational conclusion. Can multi million pound investments be trusted with this Coach.

The new set up is intended to make the manager a head coach and this could be a way to put known entity in and change the guard.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see De Zerbi with the ex Nice, new Ajax coach to come in 2028 depending on results. INEOS will be making long term plans.

9.) 30 May 2024 10:57:24
Utd Road, has his man management been an issue?

Surely it's almost impossible to accurately judge from the outside.

We have known for a long time that this squad needed more discipline, and that is exactly what EtH has brought. Discipline and accountability. He seems to have been fair and consistent with his discipline as well, with everyone who has crossed the line facing consequences for their actions.

He's dropped key players for being late, and he's stood up to players who have been overstepping the mark and dealt with them.

At the final whistle on Saturday he had all the players coming up to him to celebrate with him, they handed him the cup despite him trying to let them keep it. There certainly didn't seem to be any issues between the players and the manager. While reports since have suggested that the players want the manager to stay next season.

Again that doesn't sound like a man who has alienated his players or a playing squad that doesn't want to play for the manager.

Tactically I think EtH is very good, he clearly really knows football and can come up with tactics that almost completely nullified City (arguably the best team in the world right now) .

Looking at the tactics last season and this season something has clearly happened at the club. Last season EtH regularly changed his tactics to suit the players he had and to counter the oppositions. And he was fairly successful with it, making two finals and finishing 3rd. However, the one complaint many fans had was that we didn't have a clear or distinct style of play.

That was something the tried to install at the start of the season but for several reasons it didn't work.

This season however has been very different. We have tried to stick to the same game plan, to install a style of play. EtH even stated at the start of the season he wanted us to become the best transitional side in the world. He set his stall out and he stuck to it.

Now those same fans who complained that we didn't have a distinct style of play last season are complaining that we didn't changes things enough tactically this season. Sounds like some people want to have their cake and eat it.

The issues with inconsistent performances this season are more likely linked to the inconsistency of team selection due to injuries as much as they could be put down to a lack of motivation or determination.

Rashford aside, the majority of players have seemingly played with a good level of motivation and drive this season. They have been lacking in quality and in match fitness/ sharpness, which has led to individual mistakes that have cost us goals.

Besides, a professional sportsman shouldn't need motivating to perform 99% of the time. If they haven't got that mentality and drive then they wouldn't be able to make it as a sportsman at an elite level in the first place.

Loads of super talented kids never make it as a professional, and that is nearly always down to mentality. They lack the drive, fight and determination to push themselves to make it.

If we have players who don't have the mentality to give 100% all of the time then we need to ship them out, it shouldn't be down to a manager to motivate professional players to try their best.

Objectively EtH has won two cups in two years with the worst Manchester United squad in nearly 40 years.

Yes there has been inconsistencies in the league, which is fairly easily explained by the lack of quality in our squad. When we have to rotate the quality in the team drops, as does performance and results suffer. League performance is really a measure of a teams consistency across the season. The most consistent teams will finish near the top, the least consistent near the bottom.

Likewise our struggles in the UCL (the elite club football competition) is equally linked to a lack of quality in our squad. This season that was compounded by injuries and individual errors that cost us qualification from the group stage.

Ultimately I don't actually think EtH's competency or ability will play a big factor in whether the club decide to keep him or replace him. He has shown at Ajax and with two cup wins at United that he has the requirements needed to be successful at the club, and his limitations at our club are linked to the clubs ability to support him and provide a structure that can be successful.

What will play the biggest factor in whether he stays or goes will be whether he fits the clubs plans and whether he is willing to fit into those plans. Does his tactical philosophy align?
Does his ideas about youth development align?
Does his idea of his role at the club match up to what the club want from a manager?
Is he prepared to work in a structure where he gets less say on transfers and is more focused on working on the training ground?
Finally, does his personality blend well with the new people he will be working with. If he clashes or cannot work cohesively with people like Wilcox then it won't work out.

These are the questions that will ultimately decide his fate. If his tactical and youth development ideas match up with the club then that increases his chances of staying.

If he's prepared and happy to work in the clubs new structure and accept a revised role to the one he's had over the last couple of seasons then he will likely keep his job.

If he has had good conversations with the new people he has to work with, and shows promising signs of a positive working relationship then he will stand a great chance of keeping his job.

These are the things that will decide if he stays or goes this summer, not what he has achieved in a broken structure that SJR himself has said has made it impossible for anyone to succeed.



14 May 2024 22:56:46
Hey ed002,

Sorry to bother you just wondering on the managerial front is kieran Mckenna on the list and is the interest in potter still there? I would like tuchel at united and i know you mentioned he would be 1st choice i just hope he doesn't turn it down. Thanks as always ed002.


{Ed002's Note - Kieran McKenna (C) Will need a year or two in the Premiership to prove himself. Brighton may look to him if De Zerbi moves.

Graham Potter (C) A serious option for Manchester United and West Ham United. Has ties to Jim Ratcliffe and was offered the job at Nice. Ajax and Borussia Dortmund have him on their lists of options but he wants to remain in the Premier League and has already turned down Ajax.

Thomas Tuchel (C) On the list of options for Barcelona. Manchester United will provide an option as he knows Jim Ratcliffe well and he is likely first choice. Wildcard maybe a return to Chelsea but it would not be attractive to TT. Could be an effort from Bayern Munich to have him stay one more year.}

1.) 15 May 2024 11:46:13
Ed, is Xavi not staying at Barcelona?

{Ed002's Note - For another year. It gives them time to prepare. If he were to agree to another year at Bayern Munich, they will have their Plan B as they await their two promary choices and Tuchel could be lined up for next summer. He will consider his options.}

2.) 15 May 2024 11:42:08
Thanks Ed002, your input always appreciated.

3.) 15 May 2024 20:42:25
Called McKenna weeks ago.
EtH stays, completes the clear out.
McKenna continues the Tractor Boys run, secures mid table next year.
In his second year in Prem, pushes them for Europe.
EtH taps out having just missed out on Champions League for the third year in a row.
McKenna is installed in 2 years time.
United continue the process and McKenna is hailed as the greatest United manager in history, in 20years time.

4.) 15 May 2024 22:24:15
You’re still convinced ten Hag is moving on Ed? The media narrative recently has softened on his departure.

{Ed002's Note - I am not convinced but I expect him to go, and the club have spoken to agents of potential replacements.}

5.) 16 May 2024 10:44:19
Thanks Ed. Love your insight.

6.) 16 May 2024 11:21:26
But but but Ken said he is definitely going and that ETH definitely knows he is going ?.

7.) 16 May 2024 13:31:37
I find it hard to believe the club will remove and replace every other key position at the football club but yet keep the manager the same.

Even if Ten Haag has legitimate excuses for this season performance, it makes sense to make a fresh start.

8.) 16 May 2024 15:24:31
Doesn’t make sense if their preferred choice isn’t abailable (Tuchel) and thePlan B is not deemed as good as ten Hag.

9.) 16 May 2024 21:44:58
Think ala Arteta and klopp the are hoping that the 3rd season is where it will all come together. can't think of another reason he would be kept.

10.) 17 May 2024 05:47:42
When EtH first arrived I thought his strength was taking young unknown players and turning them into a team and he would be doing that with our academy players.

Now he has brought through Mainoo, given more playing time to Garnacho and bought Hojlund. With the likes of Willy, Harry and Ethan now on the fringes of the first team is this the way forward for Ten Hag.



05 Apr 2024 02:24:35
Thanks very much for the swift reply ed002 really appreciate that. Do you mind me asking who the preffered options to Amorim are?


{Ed002's Note - Southgate and Potter will head the list.}

1.) 05 Apr 2024 09:32:17
Having watched last night's debacle, the idea of either Potter or Southgate taking utd back to the top is hilarious.

Both would be completely out of their depth and would fail spectacularly.

I'm watching Utd now for the laughs, not with any expectation that they can seriously compete or ever will if they are seriously considering Southgate (ha ha ha ha ha ha) or Potter (tee hee hee hee) . Oh dear, it's too much.

Utd should start performing at the Edinburgh fringe or at the London Palladium. Funniest act since Peter Kaye.

2.) 05 Apr 2024 10:10:53
Out of those 2 potter all day long Jesus Christ.

3.) 05 Apr 2024 11:50:43
Ye God's and little fishes. We are in very deep cack!

4.) 05 Apr 2024 11:49:04
Hi Ed001, please correct me if I’m wrong, but think you rated Potter quite highly and how he did things differently in Sweden. Do you think he could be a success for us with the right setup?

{Ed001's Note - yes, given time he could be. But is he likely to get that? I am not convinced he would. I am not sure there is any big club right now that would give him the time and public backing he needs to succeed. So yes he could be, but I don't think the conditions are right for him at the moment.}

5.) 05 Apr 2024 12:15:11
Is Peter Kaye a tribute act?

6.) 05 Apr 2024 12:33:25
If that's the 2 choices heading the list then dear me. Ineos clearly starting off on the wrong foot. Does the incoming CEO have a say in the matter as to who the new manager should be ED02 or does that decision falls squarely on the shoulders of the DOF.

{Ed002's Note - The DoF will certainly have a significant say, but right now they are yet to appoint one.}

7.) 05 Apr 2024 13:43:01
Ed001, the problem with Potter is that he failed spectacularly at Chelsea which is a similar loony bin to Utd.

Maybe he is a good coach but e doesn't have the gravitas or the temperament for the overhaul that Utd needs to go through.

{Ed001's Note - I agree, the way the club is it would not be the right choice.}

8.) 05 Apr 2024 16:59:40
I would rather ETH stayed than appoint Southgate. Awful choice.

9.) 05 Apr 2024 16:07:04
Ed002 obviously the Dan Ashworth situation hasn't been resolved, do you think they may move onto another target or will they stick with ashworth.

I'm aware the optics of moving away from that after causing disruption may not be good, so just curious.

{Ed002's Note - I suspect they will need to look to talk with Newcaste.}

10.) 05 Apr 2024 21:52:46
Potters post match talks often reminded me of the dark days of Moyes and partially of OLes last days- that beaten, defeated rabbit in the headlights look that just screams I really don't want to be here the job is too much for me.

11.) 06 Apr 2024 07:07:04
What’s your view on ETH Ed 1? I’ve mixed feelings, but I think they’re more in hope that he does well and succeeds rather than an expectation he will come good.

{Ed001's Note - it is very difficult to judge him, he is being hampered by the club itself and the mess it was in, but he has not helped himself. His judgement on signing players is suspect and he seems unable to get the most out of the players at his disposal. Taking away the recruitment and putting a professional set up in that area will help him a lot. I just don't see a man capable of coping with the huge egos in the dressing room. Being strict is not a problem, both Guardiola and Klopp are strict with their players, but he doesn't seem to have that motivational quality that is needed to just get that tiny percentage out of the players. That is often the cause of inconsistency. Players are up on their own for the big games, they don't need to be motivated to give everything, they are hyped up ready. But for the grind of every day Prem games, there is a need for a little motivation from the head coach. You just don't feel that players will run through brick walls for Ten Hag.}

12.) 06 Apr 2024 10:39:01
That’s why I’m conflicted, it’s hard to judge. You’re absolutely spot on though. I made a comment about teams like Liverpool, City, Spurs, Luton, Arsenal etc all running through brick walls for their teams and coaches. We just don’t seem to be able to do it. Whether that’s a coaching issue, or a personality issue with the current squad, or a little bit of both is tough to call.

I’m still inclined to say give him a season under the new structure, but he’s not helping himself that’s for sure.

{Ed001's Note - that's the thing, he certainly hasn't helped himself. But you would have to say if the alternative is Southgate, then I would not want to change either!}

13.) 06 Apr 2024 11:57:43
Ed001 it's very hard to judge for me I think it's best to change, that's not just on the manager but because we will be changing so much over coming months, if we stick with ten hag then things are still as they are in November December next year and you end up sacking him then it feels like you've wasted 5 months if you include pre season.

I agree on Southgate I just don't understand what he's done to earn such a big job, and if we get him and he has an awful euros it looks even worse.

Think it will be potter or Amorim, I think Liverpool may end up with naaglesman because they won't pay sportings fee for Amorim. I only think we may get him because sporting may be more willing to negotiate with us, I've seen ed002 saying about the strained relationship with Liverpool and sporting.

14.) 06 Apr 2024 15:06:07
Those two are very underwhelming choices imo. if we are going to make a change which I don't want at least get someone who can handle the job and expectations and the players.

15.) 06 Apr 2024 18:47:32
J just don't think these are the types of players that will run through brick walls Ed001. We have many very weak mentality players Nd although our captain does keep running and gets fired up (in his own way) he doesn't really rally and organize the players on the pitch in moments of adversity.

I could see EtH having more success with a fresh squad after the longest serving players have been removed. Much like arteta has at arsenal. His ajax team was full of players playing for him and running through walls. Not sure he will get that chance at man utd, but I would much rather see a big clear out and EtH given a chance to build a new team than to endure a new manager coming in and trying to pander rashford into trying a little harder and bruno into trying to keep the ball for longer than 3 seconds.

16.) 07 Apr 2024 09:32:29
Another worrying thing about Potter is he hasn't worked since leaving Chelsea.

You would have thought that he would have taken another job to re-establish himself and his credentials.

Going from complete failure at Chelsea to somehow the saviour of Man Utd just isn't credible.

{Ed025's Note - he may be just taking time out to recharge the old batteries MM?, i think he is a top coach myself mate..

17.) 07 Apr 2024 12:39:08
While Ed002 would know better, it strikes me as odd if those two headed the list. Ineos have been clear about targeting the best in class. They've done so with Berrada, Ashworth, Wilcox. All of those are rated universally highly. That just isn't true of Southgate and Potter. They certainly have admirers but not without question marks.

18.) 07 Apr 2024 14:02:17
Im not saying he is a bad coach ed025 and i can understand him wanting a rest, but it's over a year since he was sacked by Chelsea and you'd think he would be back in the saddle by now both to show that Chelsea was an aboration and to put himself in contention for another top job.

He certainly had something to prove so the idea that he just walks straight into the Utd job is ridiculous.

{Ed025's Note - to be fair to him MM I don’t think he stood a chance at Chelsea mate. He probably got players he didn’t even want and ended up with a bunch of individuals who have got no team ethic..

19.) 07 Apr 2024 19:15:59
Sounds just like Utd Ed25!

{Ed025's Note - it really does Eric..

20.) 07 Apr 2024 21:27:53
Mmm ed0025, that sounds like another club we know.

{Ed025's Note - that will change when you get a DOF MM..



04 Apr 2024 00:03:57
Hey ed002,

Hope all is well and sorry to bother you as i know you are very busy. Just on the manager front, do united still have a chance in hiring Ruben Amorim or is he definetly off to liverpool? Who do you think would be a good fit at united? I feel if he goes to liverpool our options aren't good. It feels as though the structure is being set up for an english manager though whuch in my opinion is a bad idea. Thanks in advance.


{Ed002's Note - He is not definately off to Liverpool but Manchester United still have preferred options.}

1.) 04 Apr 2024 11:48:50
There are definitely options when you look around, I'd imagine they will be looking for a younger more progressive manager whose ideas match that of the clubs (whatever those are now) .

Managers like Ruben Amorim, Xabi Alonso, Thiago Motta, Roberto De Zerbi, Arne Slot, Simeone Inzaghi, and Julian Nagelsmann are probably the most obvious options.

Although if Amorim is a serious option for Liverpool then I'd imagine he'd choose to go there over coming to us this summer. While Alonso has ruled out leaving Leverkusen this summer (I actually think that is the best option for him right now) .

Motta seems to be the hipsters choice, while Nagelsmann is probably the best option available all things considered. That is if he is to leave the German national team, if they win the Euros this summer then he might want to stay. While he might also have other better options than us this summer.

You then have the outsiders like Tuchel who is available (although he is linked with Real Madrid) and some of the younger British managers like Potter (outsider in terms of who the fans would want, but seems well in the running with those who will actually make the decision), O'Neil and McKenna.

I've even heard whispers of Ole being potentially considered. Although I'd imagine that would be a challenging appointment to sell to the fans.

The problem is that while there are some potentially very good options available, there are a number of top jobs open this summer, Liverpool, Bayern, Real Madrid and possibly Chelsea as well. Three of which would definitely be more appealing to many of the potential candidates. Meaning we might have to take our 2nd, 3rd or even 4th choice option if the others choose to move elsewhere.

So it might not be a case of is our 1st choice option a better option than EtH, but is our 3rd choice option a better fit than EtH.

2.) 04 Apr 2024 13:17:42
OMG, the return of Solksjaer? That is mind blowing. Surely you're on the wind up Shappy?

I'd go for Arne Slot, just on the name alone.

3.) 04 Apr 2024 16:37:02
MancMan, that's the rumour, how accurate it is who knows. Personally I'd be very surprised if INEOS thought Ole was the right man. Although there is a small part of me that wants to see that just for Ken's reaction ???

Of those I've listed above my opinion is that Nagelsmann would be the best option. Great record everywhere he's been, tactically astute, good communicator, experience at a top club. The only things that count against him is that he apparently rubbed a few people up the wrong way at Bayern (particularly in relation to his new girlfriend), and he has never managed outside of Germany, so we don't know how he adapts to different leagues/ counties.

After that it'd probably be between Amorim and Inzaghi.

Slot I don't think has enough experience, Alonso won't move, I like De Zerbi, but there is something about him I can't quite put my finger on that makes me feel like he isn't ready for a top job. Thiago Motta is an interesting one, tactically he is out on his own, doing things no one else is doing. While it would be interesting to see if he could get his style to work in the EPL or at a top club, it very much is his style and if it didn't work then we would have started to rebuild the squad again to suit a manager who does things so differently that there isn't someone similar to step into his shoes if he left.

I think he'd be great at a club just outside the elite sides in Europe, somewhere with a little less pressure. Where he'd have more time and freedom to pursue his style without demands of immediate success.

He could be similar to Simeone at Atletco Madrid, someone who has success by bucking the trend and doing things differently to the top clubs, but doing it so well that he is successful with it. I'd like to see him at a club of that level.

I'm not as against Potter as most, I still think he's a very good manager who can be very successful. I don't think he had the support or was given the time at Chelsea to be successful. The problem is that failures like that hang around your neck and heal the pressure on to prove them wrong despite the context or reasons for why you failed.

Pochettino has a near identical record in terms of results this season to Potters at Chelsea. Despite having a more settled club than the one Potter was having to deal with.

I would back the club if they decided to go for Potter, but would appreciate that he would probably be given less leeway by the fans who will likely be skeptical of his appointment.

I really like O'Neil and McKenna and think they are doing great things, it might just be a little too soon in their careers for the step up to United, especially at a time where the club will be in a state of flux. Maybe in the future with a settled backroom team, and the club running as a well oiled machine, then we might be able to take a chance on those inexperienced up and coming managers who look to have great potential. I'm not against the idea of hiring a manager like O'Neil or McKenna and giving them the space to develop, while also helping to mould them into the ideal Manchester United manager. But to do so we would need much more support behind the scenes for that manager. Experienced people for them to lean on, and who can keep the pressure off when things aren't quite going to plan.

4.) 04 Apr 2024 18:22:24
Weirdly enough, I’d not be against OGS. Not sure why, it think he did a decent job. Also very much not against Erik being given a chance next season under the new structure. If he fails in year 3, time to go.

5.) 04 Apr 2024 18:40:44
Ed, if you don't mind me asking. Do you still expect ETH to be moved on in the summer?

Sly sports reported Ineos planned to keep him, but I'm not sure if that's just lazy journalism as 24 hours before they did a story on Southgate.

{Ed002's Note - I think that there is a strong chance that he will be replaced and the club options. Right now he is not the solution that the club need.}

6.) 04 Apr 2024 22:18:05
Shappy seems strange that Real are looking to offload Ancelotti a couple months after giving him an extension no? Are Barcelona not also looking for a manager after Xavi announced he’s leaving at the end of the season?

Out of the managers you listed, Amorim, Alonso and Motta are pretty much 100% not options for Utd. Think the list is Tuchel, De Zerbi, Potter and Nagelsmann. Some outside shouts of Zidane, Southgate and maybe OGS.

Think De Zerbi is top of the list for Deco at Barcelona also high up for Bayern I believe. Nagelsmann could end up staying with Germany. So realistically think it’s Potter and Tuchel as the front runners.

7.) 05 Apr 2024 10:48:03
Shappy’s whispers are as reliable as the game in primary school where you try get the kids to pass the same sentence the whole way round the circle ???.

8.) 05 Apr 2024 11:21:43
What's that song the cranberries had zombie.
It's in your head
It's in your head
Zombie zombie zombie hey hey hey.

9.) 05 Apr 2024 13:52:52
Who would be your choice to succeed him Ed2?

{Ed002's Note - Arne Slot would be a great option.}

10.) 05 Apr 2024 14:12:20
Thanks Ed. Let’s hope the club are considering this.

11.) 05 Apr 2024 15:19:11
To stand any chance of success the next Utd manager has to be a rare beast indeed. A good coach and a sound tactician, sufficient experience at the top level and with a strong personality without being a bit of an arse. Oh, and they need to have an attacking football philosophy and a commitment to developing youth.

That all sounds like Ange at Spurs.

12.) 06 Apr 2024 14:15:44

Spurs have spend 385 million in 3 windows on 13 players and no loan deal and all proper buys. They have no european football this year and were out of both domestic cups early on. They had a bit of injury issue with Maddison and Van der ven but nothing major. Their fullbacks are really good imo and have made a big difference.

He knows how to charm the press and talks a big game but let's see how they do next year with european football a congested schedule which will bring injuries and how he deals with first signs of real adversity. They are The Newcastle of last year for me.

13.) 06 Apr 2024 22:56:02
You might be right Ahmad and when you put it like that perhaps I'm one of those who has been charmed.

Like you say, it's perhaps too early to say for sure

However, I do admire his approach to the game and he has brought in some excellent players which I think will gell into a really good team given another season.




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15 Jul 2024 22:50:13
Thanks for the reply ed002. i'm assuming that's £70m?


{Ed002's Note - Around that.}



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26 Apr 2024 02:33:35
Are united looking at coaches who will play 3 at the back?


{Ed002's Note - No, they are look at coaches - some may play different formations.}




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