Manchester United rumours 2


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22 Jul 2024 11:56:48
Now confirmed that we've bid £30m for De Ligt this morning.

In my opinion we absolutely need him, but that must surely mean that the departure of Lindelof (or Maguire? ) is imminent? We can't possibly justify Martinez, Yoro, De Ligt, Maguire, Lindelof and Evans being at the club.

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22 Jul 2024 12:11:41
I'd prefer keeping Lindelof and getting rid of Maguire, but I expect Lindelof will leave.

22 Jul 2024 12:29:02
I would let them both go tbh. However Maguire performed better last season without the Captaincy and didn’t do much wrong. As cover either is fine, DeLigt and Yoro this window would be very good though.

22 Jul 2024 12:31:05
I'm sure they will push to sell both Lindelof and Maguire. From there they can hopefully bring in de ligt.

Having Evans, Martinez, Yoro, De Ligt and AN other would be a fantastic selection. i still think they go back for Branthwaite.

22 Jul 2024 12:31:10
Really good news if true, it would give us 3 very good options at CB.

Maguire surely has to go if he’s got anything about him. He can’t sit on the bench at 31.

I’d sooner keep Lindelof. He’s a good passer of the ball, and I think is better than most seem to think. It wasn’t long ago that Barcelona were sniffing around him.

22 Jul 2024 13:04:50
Would be a great signing at that price. Can see why we wanted to get the Yoro deal wrapped up first. Not sure if he would have signed had he known we’d be bringing in a CB of De Ligt’s quality in the same window. I’m sure that both will get ample game time next season, but between them and Martinez, only two can be first choice.

22 Jul 2024 14:28:00
I would be relaxed with either Maguire/ Lindelof to leave or both if it was possible but we may want to be mindful of injuries again. If one of them stays for a further year as 4th/ 5th choice then that's okay.

I would be happy with Martinez/ De Ligt/ Yoro sharing the game time and think De Ligt/ Yoro are intelligent enough to cover left side when Martinez not playing.

We can then clear out all of the remaining next season with one additional CB/ bring through from the youth team.

22 Jul 2024 13:42:38
If you consider that we didn't have enough CBs last year (see Casemiro playing CB), We have lost Kambwala and replaced/ upgraded with Yoro (prospect ready to play first team games) . Varane (starter) has left and not been replaced - so i would see de Ligt as filling the Varane slot, bringing us back to as many capable CBs as last season, which wasn't enough (granted - bit of a freak with number of injuries) . Lindelof also covered (tried to) a bit at LB last year (as did Amrabat, who won't be staying), and there doesn't seem to be strong links to a new LB so his perceived versatility may count in his favour.

22 Jul 2024 15:52:47
We need another premium cb for sure the thought of going into the season with the prospect of maguire or lidelof playing 20 plus games fills me with dread.

22 Jul 2024 22:40:27
My tuppence worth is that Lindelof is far better than a lot of fans give him credit for. He’s suffered from the anti Maguire campaign by association. He’s actually pretty decent on his feet and can also fill in at right back. I’m not saying he’s a starting selection by any stretch, but as a back up player, the captain of Sweden isn’t a bad option. Maguire on the other hand is only going to get slower given his age and physiology, so it doesn’t bode well!

23 Jul 2024 13:47:33
Agree, Fireman. Lindelof's versatility and comfort on the ball compared to Harry, means if one goes it's Harry for me.

22 Jul 2024 13:49:52

Getting another cb after buying Yoro and De Ligt makes no sense. No club in the world has so many cb options. Martinez, Yoro and De Ligt is amazing, one of Maguire and Lindelof will surely stay, plus we have Evans. 3 top cb options plus two who can get minutes in cup games and when the main guys need rest.

22 Jul 2024 07:56:56
Links with ricardo Rios at palmeiras, I know absolutely nothing about him! Anybody know if he's any good?

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22 Jul 2024 08:55:59
Dunno whether it’s a slow day for transfer rumours but reports also about PSG being interested in Sancho and Bruno Fernandes….

22 Jul 2024 09:12:08
Ugarte or Simons swap for Sancho. Job done.

22 Jul 2024 09:29:48
Tim_99, I’ve watched a couple of 3 minute video compilations of him since I first heard of him yesterday and can confirm he’s probably the best CM in the world currently.

22 Jul 2024 09:49:19
Not a clue, although with my skepticism cap on I strongly suspect this is one of those occasions where an agent has thrown our name out to try and drum up interest in their client.

The initial report says that United are "considering making a bid", which is just the kind of line used to justify printing something they know isn't true.

If we think about it logically how would any reporter/ journalist know what the clubs intentions are?

No one at the club with any real power or insight would speak to a journalist or anyone about what the plans are.

Journalist/ reporter's can only accurately say what has happened, or quote someone, not what might happen, or what a club/ businesses intentions are.

If the report said the club had scouted a player, or had a meeting with a club/ agent about a player, then that sounds more accurate. They are reporting what has happened without adding any conjecture to it.

When they simply say "X club is maybe, possibly, considering making a bid for X player" you can pretty much write that off as click bait.

In the case of Richard Rios, he is a player whose recently turned 24, hasn't been seriously linked with any major European clubs previously. He's had a decent Copa America and I expect his agent is trying to drum up interest while the irons hot so to speak.

Expect to see him go to a mid-tier club in Spain or Portugal in a few weeks time.

All that said, with INEOS now pulling the strings there is a slim chance that this might have a slither of truth in it. Yet I highly doubt it.

22 Jul 2024 11:58:25
Ideally they sign sancho and Bruno. That should be a dream scenario imo.

22 Jul 2024 12:30:58
Sancho and Bruno out, Ugarte and Olmo in?

21 Jul 2024 12:52:56
Hi Ed002. Hope you're good.

Do we (or any other clubs besides Madrid) have any interest in Alphonso Davies? One suspects Bayern would prefer to get a decent fee for him this summer than let him walk away for nothing this time next year.

{Ed002's Note - Another club has an interest but not Manchester United.}

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21 Jul 2024 14:43:05
Thanks, Ed. Would be happy to see him move this summer, even if it’s not to us. Am not a fan of Real’s transfer tactics as of late.

21 Jul 2024 15:52:01
I don't mind it to be honest, they've earned that level of influence. I'd want us to take inspiration for when (if) we return to the top.

Someone like Wharton on a free when he's 24 to partner Mainoo in midfield for club and country would do me nicely!

21 Jul 2024 23:20:53
They’ve earned their level of influence!? What, like tapping up players left, right and centre!?

22 Jul 2024 05:04:05
No, what Real are doing is taking the p*** out of other clubs.

They're basically saying 'You crack on spending years helping to develop and nurture talent and, when we feel the time is right, we'll swagger over and bully you into a corner. '

Nobody earns the level of influence to go around acting like a w⚓️ towards everyone else, what utter BS that is.

22 Jul 2024 10:18:02
While I appreciate it's a perfectly legitimate way to do business, I think this new approach by Real Madrid is morally questionable at best, bullying and professional abuse at worse.

They are one of the wealthiest and richest clubs in the world, they are one of the few clubs that can currently afford to spend large sums of money on the best players.

There are several tiers of clubs, and Real Madrid are in that elite top tier, reserved for the richest, most powerful and successful clubs.

That top tier hoover up the most talented players to create an elite football team on the pitch.

The tiers below realistically will never climb into that top tier, they might occasionally upset the applecart. Finish in the UCL places, win a domestic cup or even do a Leicester and win a surprise league title. Yet that success tends to be fleeting and often ends with their best players being picked off by those established top sides. Unless they get massive outside investment they will not change the established order. While the new rules actually make it harder for outside investment, further cutting off that remaining pathway to becoming a top side.

Yet, those sides in the lower tiers are vital to the overall success and quality of football. As those sides grow, improve and develop they are the ones that push the elite sides to improve further to stay ahead.

However, those sides do not have access to the same TV revenue (with the exception of the EPL), they don't have access to the same level of sponsorship, and they can't make anywhere near as much through merchandise. For many of them they rely on the funds they make through player sales. Either developing a youth player through their academy or by spotting a rough diamond player and polishing him into a top level player. Then selling them on for a huge fee to bring in money to reinvest in their club.

Theses clubs need and rely on the big fees paid by the elite sides for their best players.

Likewise the elite sides are rarely able to develop their own players consistently due to the need to win every game and perform at the highest level in every game. While that environment is often not conducive for a young player to develop in.

These clubs are needed to produce and provide the right space and environment for players to develop and reach their potential.

The elite sides need these clubs to continue the conveyor belt of top talent for them to sign and create their football dream teams.

What Real Madrid are doing by putting pressure on players to run down their contracts so they can leave for free undermines the whole system. It's an abuse of power and position.

While not breaking any rules or laws of the game, it is morally corrupt and threatens the stability of football.

I understand that the spiralling costs of players is staggering, and becoming a problem within itself. Personally I think this is a bigger issue for the smaller and mid-sized clubs who are being pushed to spend representatively more on players due to the incomes of the elite sides growing at a much quicker rate than the rest of the clubs.

When an elite side has a net income of 500m, then a 100m player represents a 5th (20%) of their income. Yet those clubs just below them might only have a net income of 150m, which means that 100m player represents two thirds of their income (66%) .

That is why the inflated prices impact those clubs outside of the elite teams more than those like Real Madrid.

There needs to be a solution to stop these spiraling costs, but it cannot be by all clubs adopting Real Madrid's current approach as that will lead to the financial collapse of those smaller and mid-sized clubs that prop up the entire football structure.

22 Jul 2024 10:32:16
Too right Ork. I’m no fan of PSG, but Real have had them right off.

22 Jul 2024 11:39:31
It's not a new approach, Bayern made a habit of that strategy with Lewandowski, Goertzka, Gnabry and Rudy. Is it morally questionable? Of course. But you also could argue that so are transfer fees in itself. I can potentially see a day where the 'Bosman' rule gets expanded and fees no longer exist.

I doubt anyone would've complained if it was us that enticed Mbappe, whilst lining up the likes of Yoro and Davies etc for free in future windows. I definitely would've been bragging about that level of influence to my Liverpool friends that's for sure.

22 Jul 2024 11:45:30
Not Gnabry I'm confused with someone else who I can't remember now.

20 Jul 2024 15:44:13
ED002 if you can please- think i saw mason mount mentioned as a player the club will be willing to part with. Is that a possibility and if so any interested parties?
thanks in advance.

{Ed002's Note - Mason Mount (AM) Aston Villa and Spurs consider Mount an alternative to Gallagher.}

Agree2 Disagree3

21 Jul 2024 09:26:17
It would be a shame if things didn’t work out for Mason. He’s a very good player.

21 Jul 2024 09:56:12
I agree Wazza. He’s worth keeping for definite imo.

21 Jul 2024 10:32:45
I think a lot of people have written him off, that's partly due to him not playing, but also because I think there is still some confusion about how or where he fits into this United team.

The truth is he's a very good player, someone capable of playing several different roles/ positions to a high standard.

If he can stay fit this season then he'll get plenty of minutes and over time I think his best role/ position in our team will become apparent.

Personally I think he is best played as either a No.10 or as a wide playmaker. While he can play as a No.8, I think that he is better playing a No.8 in a three man midfield as one of two 8's rather than as a double pivot with an 8 and a 6.

He might have to wait until Bruno leaves to fully prove his worth.

Either way when we were struggling last season with creativity he'd have been a great option to have and would have helped us out considerably. With Greenwood gone, Sancho throwing his toys out the pram, Amad injured for over half the season, Rashford in terrible form and Antony confirming that he isn't good enough with a second poor season. We only had Garnacho who was in any sort of good form and available, leading to a 19 year old having to start nearly 40 games in a row.

Mount would have been an absolute blessing last season if he was fit. Which while it's a bit of a cliché he will be like a new signing this season.

21 Jul 2024 10:41:39
I wouldn't think he will be one to leave this summer.

21 Jul 2024 11:35:54
Many thanks ed002.

21 Jul 2024 11:56:33
Mount is an amazing player, I just pray he stays healthy and he will show it. Not only his skills can help us but also experience. He knows how it is to lift a big trophy and he was also the best player in that UCL winning campaign for Chelsea.

20 Jul 2024 11:41:46
Xavi Simons being mentioned as a target. I haven't seen much of him apart from the Euros but he struck me as very similar to Martial with his body language, always frowning and sulking.

{Ed002's Note - Xavi Simons (CM/AM) PSG will talk to the player and assure him of game time and tell him he is not for sale. Barcelona would like him back but would need to persuade PSG to take players in exchange or accept an initial loan - that is not going to happen. Manchester City see him as another potential de Bruyne replacement. Bayern Munich has agreed personal terms with Simons' representatives but the club are a light year away in terms of valuation and will need to talk to PSG with the possibility of a player being used as part of a deal. Else they will look to a loan with an obligation to buy at the end of next season - and I can't see PSG being open to that. A wildcard could be Chelsea if PSG continue to press for a Chelsea player. Manchester United has a declared interest but may not be something the player wants given the situation with Bayern Munich. RBL would like another loan. Bayern certainly have the edge if he is to be sold.}

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22 Jul 2024 10:26:22
He's a talented player no doubt, but there is something about him that just puts me off him.

The faces he pulls, and his on pitch attitude doesn't portray a mentally strong individual. He sulks, he pours, he whinges and complains. When things get tough he often goes into hiding.

Maybe he's just an emotional guy who struggles to keep those emotions in check. Although that would also be mental weaknesses. Nothing wrong with having strong emotions and feeling them, but you can't let them control your behaviour or your mentality.

From what I've seen of Xavi Simons he looks like a phenomenal talent when things are going your way, but he doesn't come across as a player I'd want lining up alongside me when things get tough. He isn't going to get in the trenches with you and knuckle down.

That's fine if you are a club that is full of top quality players, and you are rarely ever playing on the back foot or having to dig yourself out of a hole.

Yet that isn't where we are now. We lack strong characters, we need more leaders. Which is why I won't be worried if we don't go after Xavi Simons. I just don't think he's what we need right now.

19 Jul 2024 22:33:27
Ed002, I read on your reply a couple of days ago that Joao Neves is expected to go somewhere other than PSG, would that other destination be Manchester United? Also do we hold any genuine interest in Zubimendi? There has been an article mentioning him tonight. Thanks Ed.

{Ed002's Note - You misread something - I expect him to move to PSG to upgrade on Ugarte, who Manchester United do have an interest in.

Martin Zubimendi (CM/DM) Barcelona may still look to an offer although they are looking at preferred options first and would likely want to include a player in any deal. Bayern Munich, Arsenal, Manchester United and Chelsea have sent scouts with Arsenal declaring an interest with his club - and is very likely their first choice option to replace Elneny, Jorginho and Partey. Bayern Munich see the cost of his release clause as too high. Real Sociedad may look to refusing a transfer unless his buy out clause is met in full. Player wants Barcelona and I suspect will stay another year in San Sebastian to seek a move to Barcelona in 2025.}

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21 Jul 2024 10:57:42
Thanks for your reply Ed and for clarifying things. Hopefully we manage to tie up the Ugarte deal and then ship a couple of players out. If we manage to move a Mctominay and Casemiro is another midfielder on the cards?

{Ed002's Note - Manchester United have midfield targets. Rabiot is a serious option.}

19 Jul 2024 21:49:32
Are we interested in Martin Zubimendi. ed02? thank you.

{Ed002's Note - No.}

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19 Jul 2024 23:11:01

20 Jul 2024 07:34:20
Imagine a whole team with surnames beginning with Z. Zico, Zola, Zabaleta, Zidane, Zoff, Bobby Zamora.

20 Jul 2024 09:10:43

20 Jul 2024 09:46:28
The megastore does have 20 years worth of Z's to shift from the shirt printing 🤣.

20 Jul 2024 10:30:47
That's a good knowledge question. Who was our last player with a z?

20 Jul 2024 10:48:48
Zaha I would think.

20 Jul 2024 11:08:31
Eric Zemba Zemba.

20 Jul 2024 11:22:22
Maybe zlatan? Cheaper than ibrahimovich😂😂.

20 Jul 2024 11:59:12
Did hernandez leave after Zaha, think it was pretty close, if so then it is him. If not the it’s Zaha.

20 Jul 2024 12:28:18
I think we need to get out a bit more lads!

20 Jul 2024 14:22:11
Does Martinez not count?

20 Jul 2024 15:48:48
Key 🤣🤣.

20 Jul 2024 22:51:39
That belgium flop Arnan a living

Januzay ( Spelled differently i know)

20 Jul 2024 23:04:36
Didn't even think of Martinez. Think it was Januzaj before him.

21 Jul 2024 10:50:39
Or maybe Sabitzer. 😂😂.

22 Jul 2024 10:33:57
I love how this turned into a "how many United players have a Z in their name", for such a rarely used letter there are a surprising number of former United players with a Z in their name.

Hernandez, Januzaj, Zaha, Sabitzer, and Martinez. Zlatan doesn't count as his shirt had Ibrahimovic on the back. Before them the only other one I can think of is Barthez.

So Zirkzee will likely be only the 7th player to have a Z on their shirt for United. The greedy git even has two of them😂

Which means the megastore will need to order capital Z's for the first time since Zaha left🤣🤣.

19 Jul 2024 15:29:34
Afternoon Ed002, hope you’re enjoying the UK weather!

If you get a minute, would you mind giving us the latest on Casameiro pls?

Lots of conflicting reports in the media today, such as

Saudi lost interest in him due to wanting to bring in younger talent (and question marks over his fitness)

United telling the PIF that they want to keep him

The player desperate to leave the club.

Any info gratefully received!

{Ed002's Note - Casemiro (DM) Manchester United would be willing to let him leave but will take a huge loss. Michael Emenalo spoke of him as one option for Saudi clubs but will be concerned about persistent injuries. PSG offer a wildcard option but only as cover and that option has likely moved on. The player will want to understand his options before deciding with the club what to do.}

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19 Jul 2024 23:32:34
Id prefer we move SMc on and keep Casemero (IYKYK) on. As long as we bring someone in circa Ugarte. Case is better cover.

(Here come the salary police)

20 Jul 2024 06:53:49
You’re assuming Casemiro would be happy in a role as cover though. Not sure at this stage in his career he would be.

20 Jul 2024 07:34:28
IYKYK? Spill the beans big boy.

20 Jul 2024 07:38:47
I think that all depends on which Casemiro stays. The one from his first season, or last season’s?

That being said, nobody in the squad covered themselves in glory last season.

20 Jul 2024 09:07:48
Cas’s legs have gone, and positionally he was all over the place last season, which was a big factor in our midfield being overrun.

He was great in his first season up until the league cup win, but since then has proved to be an expensive mistake.

We need to solidify our midfield with an out and out DM who’s happy to sit and allow others to take the glory. Kante style.

20 Jul 2024 10:05:51
It seems likely that it'll be one of McTominay or Casemiro who leaves this summer. Although ideally it should be both out with two new signings coming in.

That might be a bit too much change and will potentially be difficult for the club to do.

The question over which is better to move on though really depends on what you value.

McTominay is a model professional, hard working, a leader and is a United lad through and through. He also counts towards our homegrown quota. I also suspect he'll be more accepting (although not happy) with being a back up player. He is also on lower wages.

That said he really isn't a defensive midfielder, and shouldn't be playing deeper in midfield. His best role is probably as a No.10, a physical presence who can press from the front and create chaos with his physicality in the final third. He's also excellent at being that late arriving player in the box who finds pockets of space to score.

Yet that isn't really the profile we need, he's a useful option off the bench for certain stages of play in some games.

What we really need though is a deeper, defensive option. Which is where Casemiro is a much better profile for our needs. The issue with Casemiro though is that he doesn't have the mobility or stamina to be a single pivot or cover a large area anymore. Which is why we are seeing him dive into tackles much more as he knows he doesn't have the legs to stay with the runner. Yet if we play with a double pivot and have someone who can provide more energy alongside him then I don't think his days are as numbered as some would have you believe. I think if he moved to Italy where they tend to play far more compact and keep the spaces much smaller that Casemiro could play there at the top level for another couple of season's.

The problem with keeping Casemiro is not as some have suggested his high wages, although they are less than ideal. It is both his lack of interest in being a back up player at this point in his career, along with the much bigger issue in that he is the type of player who needs to play regularly to stay match sharp.

We saw even during his first season, where he was generally excellent, that after he missed a few games that it would take him 2 to 3 games to get back up to speed. This was most evident when he had his suspensions, he'd miss a few games, then when he was back he'd be a yard or two off the pace for the next couple of games.

That inability to stay match sharp when not playing, and the length of time it takes him to get back up to speed make him a very poor option as a squad player.

I think half of the issue he had last season was niggling injuries meaning he was in and out of the line up, meaning he rarely had a run of 5-10 games to get fully up to speed. Add that to the tactics/ decisions of other players, meaning our midfield was very open and he had too much space to cover just exasperated the problem.

Which for me is why I'd probably look to sell Casemiro first if possible, as if he isn't going to be first choice and play most games then his ability to be useful as a squad player is minimal.

Although ideally we'd sell both and bring in two new midfielders capable and comfortable playing deeper in defensive midfield.

20 Jul 2024 10:19:49
Thank you for taking the time to reply Ed002!

20 Jul 2024 16:23:13
McT is an excellent squad player if not a starter. Casemiro's legs appear to have gone, we should take whatever we can get for him. Sorry to be brutal it i don't see this one as complicated.

20 Jul 2024 16:32:13
I’d keep McT, sell Cas if possible and Eriksen.

20 Jul 2024 23:45:11
Cant remember the last time I made it through the whole of one of shappy's posts 😆.

21 Jul 2024 08:13:50
Dodgy Banter……. got to be honest mate, I skip ‘em! 🤣.

21 Jul 2024 10:36:24
Don't worry, I know some people ain't got the stamina 🤣🤣.

19 Jul 2024 18:53:15
Hearing that 16 year old Chido Obi-Martin has just agreed to join us after visiting Carrington yesterday.

6ft2 striker who scored 32 goals in 18 appearances in the U18 Premier League for Arsenal last season, including a staggering 28 goals in the last 9 games. He was also in the 2024 u17 Euros Team of the Tournament.

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19 Jul 2024 18:59:05
Just read that. No idea if it’s true or not but it continues the building for the future if it is true.

19 Jul 2024 19:12:03
Insightful planning by United Youth leadership: heard they recruit youngsters in terms of gaps in their youth teams.

As can’t remember any strikers coming through (Rooney in Under 14/ 15s I think) so guessing they’re now filling that gap.

A team working towards a cohesive plan, now and for the future.

19 Jul 2024 19:40:05
Just Biancheri Wallace who we signed from Cardiff in February last year.

With Wheatley 18, Biancheri 17 and Obi 16, that's an impressive conveyor belt up front. The latter 2 look capable of playing in the wide positions too.

20 Jul 2024 00:58:49
Don't think a deal has been agreed yet, it is expected he will make a decision in the next few days.

He does seem to be a hell of a prospect, last season he scored 10 goals in an U16s game for Arsenal v Liverpool in a 14-3 win.

He is Danish, so if he does come hopefully Rasmus can help him settle.

20 Jul 2024 10:21:13
I like the fact that the academy has been allowed to carry on their recruitment drive that started a couple of years ago when Nick Cox took over as head of the academy.

There was definitely a shift towards trying to bring in the best young players into the academy and develop more players for the first team.

I'm not sure if initially that didn't bare fruits because it just took time to feed through or because there was a lack of opportunities/ pathway into the first team.

Yet in recent years we have seen the fruits of the academies labours with both Garnacho and Mainoo. While others have been sold at a profit for once to help raise funds. We also have for the first time what looks like an actual conveyor belt of prospects coming through, be that Collyer, Vitek, Wheatley or Amass. Or players who maybe need another year or two before having a chance to break through (the Fletcher twins, Williams, Lacey, Harrison, and McAllister) .

Hopefully the club can continue to reshape and trim down the first team squad, with an eye on creating pathways for these young players to make their way into the first team squad and get game time in the first team to see if they can step up.

Best case scenario we get another Garnacho or Mainoo, while the worst case scenario is they fail to step up, but with first team experience they will likely be able to be sold for a higher fee. Bringing more money into the club to spend either on more youngsters for the academy, players for the first team, or on improving the club in some other way.

18 Jul 2024 21:58:37
Personal terms agreed for Ugarte. What is happening to this club!

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18 Jul 2024 22:11:03
It's like Glazers are not running the club anymore :D.

18 Jul 2024 22:15:55
Club now being run by competent people who form a dynamic, agile and proactive structure.

imagine where the club will be in a few years time if this professional approach is maintained - and reflect upon the previous incompetence and wasted years previously. We're now finally acting like other well-run clubs such as Liverpool and Man City.

still SO much to do to rectify the mess the club has become but a really good start to the window.

18 Jul 2024 22:20:33
If we pull this one off too, that would be 3/ 3 so far for me in terms of acumen and identification.

19 Jul 2024 08:51:54
We certainly seem more ruthless and clinical don't we. Would just temper the expectations of Zirkzee Yoro and (potentially) Ugarte. I haven't seen evidence they are necessarily starting quality for us. Not trying to be negative about them, as I'm pleased to have them at the club; but I'm not getting carried away.

19 Jul 2024 11:04:04
Absolutely love to see it. I don't expect every signing to work out perfectly, no club gets it right every time no matter how well run they are.

Yet the difference between this summer and the past decade is absolutely night and day.

They have assessed what the team needs most, scouted, shortlisted suitable targets and have just gone about getting them done quickly and efficiently.

We will still over pay on a few targets (everybody does), and we will still pay more than most other clubs (impossible not to when you are one of the biggest clubs in the world) .

Most signings will work out, but some will not. That is always going to be the case when dealing with individuals. You can scout talent, you can select players with skill sets you need, you can even background check players to see what kind of person they are.

Yet how they fit in with the other players in the squad, how they adapt to that new environment (possibly a new country), how their loved ones who move with them adapt, and how they blend with the current players are all things you cannot predict. Those are the reasons players should be failing. Not because they don't have the right skill set or are not at the required level.

That is something that excites me most about our signings so far. They all seem to have the right skill set for what we need and have either shown themselves to be at the required level or have the potential to get to that level.

Zirkzee has shown himself to be a great player in Serie A, won the young player of the year award and been a key player for an exciting Bologna side. He has a complimentary skill set to Højlund, offering something different. His style of play should work well in creating space and chances for a forward line that has shown itself capable of scoring goals, but lacking in creating chances.

Leny Yoro is a phenomenal talent, someone whose skills seem very well suited to playing alongside Martinez. He's a mobile, athletic, sweeper who can clean up behind the more aggressive, front footed Martinez. He is also comfortable with the ball at his feet and can build up from the back. He's a good replacement for Varane who made a great partnership with Martinez when both were fit and playing. Obviously with a young player there are concerns over his ability to adapt to a more physically demanding league. He might take time to adapt and he will make mistakes as he learns. But the talent is there, it's now down to the player and the club to develop him into the player his talent suggests he can be.

Manuel Ugarte looks like he'll be the next through the door. Terms reportedly agreed, the player opens to the move, and PSG open to a sale. He looks every inch the kind of combative, ground covering, ball winning midfielder we need to pair alongside Mainoo to give him licence to focus on progressing the ball. His passing isn't expansive, but his safe controlled passing is what we probably need alongside a young player who will be looking to progress the ball forward and Bruno whose preset pass is an aggressive, high risk forward pass. He could be an excellent deal, especially if it's a loan with an option/ obligation to buy in a years time. Off-setting expenditure this summer when funds seem tight.

All three signings seem well suited to improve the team and add skills we need to become a better side. Hopefully all three settle quickly and adapt to the club, country, and the league.

While being decisive in making sensible signings the club have also been quick to move players out.

With Greenwood finally leaving and drawing a line under a very unfavorable period at the club, making it 10 departures already (Greenwood, Varane, Martial, Donny, Alvaro Fernandez, Kambwala, Shoretire, Forson, Williams and Amrabat) .

While they continue to discuss possible departures of players like Sancho, Casemiro, McTominay, AWB, Lindelof, Eriksen, Hannibal and Pellistri. These players are the ones who are likely to bring in fees to bolster the transfer budget and enable more signings.

I expect to see us continue our pursuit of Branthwaite, who would provide cover for Martinez and looks a good potential fit alongside Yoro in the long term. We will over pay for him, but that is always the case when signing homegrown players.

We are reportedly exploring the possibility of signing Adrien Rabiot, who on a short term (3 year) deal could offer us some quality and experience for a minimal cost. He isn't a perfect signing, but he would represent good business I think. Whether a deal happens or not remains to be seen.

While signing a player like Rabiot on a free might free up funds to make the signings of Branthwaite and possibly a new fullback if AWB departs to West Ham or somewhere else. Although I've heard that we have spoken with Bayern about Sascha Boey on a loan with an obligation/ option to buy. We have reportedly looked at a few options like that, both in terms of players we could sign and players we are struggling to sell (Sancho) .

It's so refreshing to see our club actually being well run, with a plan, and with experts pulling the strings. While we won't be back challenging for major honours this season, if this approach continues and even improves further then it will only be a matter of time before we get back to the top.

19 Jul 2024 18:19:00
Agree with all the points.
Only caveat is no one signed is EPL proven.
It could take a season to come together.

19 Jul 2024 23:44:42
ThaT os The THing THough, these signing s aren't for mext year. They are picking players they think will developing players who will be part of a title challenge in 3 to 5 years and going forward.

I expect us to to develop each year, and these. Players to improve.

Now I do think each is am upgrade, Zirkzee better than any of our options to spell Hojlund. Yoro better than what happened last year to us at CB, Ugarte is not a significant upgrade in fairness. But I also understand their will be growing pains, they will make mistakes they are developing and learning. I can live with that as long as we are developing as a whole.

I am not excited next season because I think we will challenge or these lads are the finished article, I am excited because I think these lads could be one day and will grow into the players we need with some luck.

I think there are youth players coming through that will make it too, Amass I eel very confident about. So much so I would ignore left back and focus elsewhere, he is very young but is good enough that I think we have to avoid blocking his pathway with a new signing. Lacey too I think will make it, but unlike LB we don't really have anyone currently playing at a high enough level. Garnacho could develop into that player on the right, Diallo I am less sure of.

20 Jul 2024 10:40:42
Oakbark, I think we are on the same page. I'm excited to see the shoots of growth this season, not because I think we will genuinely challenge for major titles. That said I think we should focus on the Europa League as I think we have a good chance of winning it. EtH has shown he is good at winning in the cups, with three finals in two years. While there is no UCL drop down into the Europa league this season, meaning who is in it to start with is the only competition we will have. I think we are one of the stronger teams in the competition, with a winning manager and a history and pedigree of winning.

Personally I'd focus more on that competition as winning it means UCL qualification, while it would also improve our UEFA coefficient meaning we would be less likely to draw a tougher UCL group then following season.

I'd play the kids and squad players in the domestic cups. With our main focus being the league and the Europa League.

Yoro and Zirkzee in theory improve us, although until they play in the EPL you never know how they will adapt. Yet the real benefit of them is as you say the potential they have, and the players they could become.

I actually think Ugarte would be a big improvement, finally having a tenacious, aggressive, high energy, ball winner in midfield who'll pair nicely with Mainoo. Giving Mainoo more licence to progress the ball forward, which is his best quality.

I'm hopeful that Amad can get more game time, he looked promising every time he played last season. He probably should have got more minutes.

While if Mount can stay fit he'll be like a new signing.

I agree with Amass, he looks like he could become a top level player. Defensively he still has a lot to learn, but a real threat going forward. If we do sign Branthwaite, then I could see either Branthwaite or Martinez covering LB with them either staying deep or dropping into midfield rather than bombing down the wing. That would give us more options on the left, along with Shaw and Malacia hopefully staying fit.

I'd certainly be more inclined to sign a RB to compete with Dalot and allow AWB to move on. As our options on the right are far more limited. Maybe Yoro could play there in a pinch, which might be good for him as he adapts to the EPL. Other than that the options seem very limited, with no one in the academy who looks ready to push for the first team squad. Unless there is a change of position for one of the midfielders like McAllister for example. That sometimes happens with academy players, moving into a different position when stepping into the first team. Although we can't count on that.

20 Jul 2024 15:32:34
Utd Road, while I personally prefer to see us sign players from within the EPL as they tend to be successful more often and adapt quicker, the reality is that there are many players who have moved to the EPL and hit the ground running.

If they are well scouted, and well suited to fulfill a specific role in the team they are moving too then they tend to work out fairly quickly.

We'll see with Zirkzee and Yoro. Personally I think Zirkzee will adapt quickly, being Dutch he shouldn't have any issues understanding what the coaching staff want him to do, and he seems fairly well suited to both the EPL, and to be the link man in the forward line who makes space and creates chances for those around him.

I expect he'll quickly become first choice, with Højlund being an option off the bench, or possibly playing some games from the right hand side.

Yoro I think might take a little longer to settle and will make a few more mistakes. If he learns quickly from them then he'll be fine.

21 Jul 2024 08:15:44
We need another right back 👍🏻.

21 Jul 2024 10:42:09
Fireman, it's an awkward situation as with Shaw's and Malacia's continued injury issues there is a fair arguement that we need a consistent and regularly available LB.

However, assuming everyone is fit we have Shaw, Malacia, Martinez, Dalot and Amass who can play at LB.

Whereas, we only really have Dalot and AWB who can play at RB.

If the club looks to sign a second CB, if they get a left footed player who can play LCB and possibly LB then I think that should be fine. Then we can look at a RB as a higher priority.

Ideally it would be best if we can delay trying to bring in another LB for a season or two. That would give us time to see how Malacia fairs and give time for Amass to develop. If they don't step up or are enough then we could look at bringing in a top young LB.

I do worry though what we would do next season if Dalot misses a big chunk of the season.


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