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19 Jul 2024 21:49:32
Are we interested in Martin Zubimendi. ed02? thank you.


{Ed002's Note - No.}

1.) 19 Jul 2024 23:11:01

2.) 20 Jul 2024 07:34:20
Imagine a whole team with surnames beginning with Z. Zico, Zola, Zabaleta, Zidane, Zoff, Bobby Zamora.

3.) 20 Jul 2024 09:10:43

4.) 20 Jul 2024 09:46:28
The megastore does have 20 years worth of Z's to shift from the shirt printing ?.

5.) 20 Jul 2024 10:30:47
That's a good knowledge question. Who was our last player with a z?

6.) 20 Jul 2024 10:48:48
Zaha I would think.

7.) 20 Jul 2024 11:08:31
Eric Zemba Zemba.

8.) 20 Jul 2024 11:22:22
Maybe zlatan? Cheaper than ibrahimovich??.

9.) 20 Jul 2024 11:59:12
Did hernandez leave after Zaha, think it was pretty close, if so then it is him. If not the it’s Zaha.

10.) 20 Jul 2024 12:28:18
I think we need to get out a bit more lads!

11.) 20 Jul 2024 14:22:11
Does Martinez not count?

12.) 20 Jul 2024 15:48:48
Key ??.

13.) 20 Jul 2024 22:51:39
That belgium flop Arnan a living

Januzay ( Spelled differently i know)

14.) 20 Jul 2024 23:04:36
Didn't even think of Martinez. Think it was Januzaj before him.

15.) 21 Jul 2024 10:50:39
Or maybe Sabitzer. ??.

16.) 22 Jul 2024 10:33:57
I love how this turned into a "how many United players have a Z in their name", for such a rarely used letter there are a surprising number of former United players with a Z in their name.

Hernandez, Januzaj, Zaha, Sabitzer, and Martinez. Zlatan doesn't count as his shirt had Ibrahimovic on the back. Before them the only other one I can think of is Barthez.

So Zirkzee will likely be only the 7th player to have a Z on their shirt for United. The greedy git even has two of them?

Which means the megastore will need to order capital Z's for the first time since Zaha left??.



11 Jun 2024 22:29:53
Ten Hag staying, confirmed by Ornstein.


1.) 12 Jun 2024 00:32:51
Not really news. "He's known for months"

2.) 12 Jun 2024 05:40:43
Ornstien or Ten Hag?

3.) 12 Jun 2024 06:30:04
Finally. Common sense prevails. To sack a manager who has won two trophies in very difficult conditions would’ve been scandalous and undeserved. Not to mention the fan base is very much behind him even before the cup final.

Reports that some of the decision makers believe that ETH has overachieved under the circumstances. I tend to agree. We have much bigger problems to sort out, starting with some of those in the dressing room who have been stinking the place out for too long.

The medical department needs to be looked at more forensically. ETH himself said he spoke to the club doctor more than anyone else last season.

There has been zero in the way of transfer strategy. We have less than 12 weeks to get new players in. If reports are true, bids have been going on for players for a week or two.

ETH has showed us that he’s a winner, and I was very moved by how he responded to criticism from the gutter media immediately after the FA Cup final. He came out swinging, it reminded me of the siege mentality the club had under SAF. Good on him, that’s my manager ?

On to next season, and it’s time for Ineos and the Glazers to back their man with the tools he needs to do his job. Take all the bs noise away from the manager, and give him the players he needs with the ability and mentality to play the right way.

Let’s go!

4.) 12 Jun 2024 06:33:12
Totally correct decision. Every other option out there was fairly terrifying.

It wouldn’t surprise me if we got and spend huge on a player in the next 10 days to appease dans and EtH himself, as INEOS realise they’ve royally screwed up this awfully public process.

5.) 12 Jun 2024 07:19:41
Screwed it up in what way? Please tell us the details if you know? Or are you basing that from what you've been reading/ hearing from the gutter press/ social bull crap media?
Why wouldn't they do a review after the very average season utd have had? Be pretty unprofessional if they didn't imo.
Im also glad they have stuck with eth, but I don't see any royal screw up.

6.) 12 Jun 2024 07:47:10
Well said Wazza. I'm delighted.

7.) 12 Jun 2024 08:24:01
Dare say ETH will agree to a new contract that focuses on him as a coach rather than a manager having to sort loads of extra stuff out.

Has probably also agreed to lose his veto on transfers also.

Hope review able to sort out cause of all injury problems last year also.

Guessing preferred options didn’t fancy the coach-focused role in new INEOS structure and wanted more power in decision making.

Can see us biding our time for Kieron McKenna now.

8.) 12 Jun 2024 08:54:04
There has been nothing messed up at all, you should know by now that everything you read in the media needs to be taken with a pinch of salt, one moron reported that Ten Hag was losing his job whatever happened and he is staying, so you know for sure you can ignore everything he says, that goes for most of them.

Good process, I’m not convinced they have come to the correct decision but the other options weren’t necessarily appealing either so I’ll back to the decision and the manager and let’s hope the board do too with correct and sensible transfers.

9.) 12 Jun 2024 08:54:45
I agree with Wazza, I think it's the right decision.

10.) 12 Jun 2024 10:01:51
Good post Wazza.

11.) 12 Jun 2024 13:08:30
I'm not ETH's biggest fan, but I have to agree that sacking him because of results would have been a terrible decision.

The results were not good enough this season, but taking into account the injuries we've had this season, they weren't bad enough to justify sacking the manager. The cup doesn't really factor into it for me.

12.) 14 Jun 2024 10:33:52
While I don't think the cup win should be a deciding factor it should be part of the consideration.

Lots of very talented managers don't have the ability to get their teams over the line. Having that ability to turn good performances in to silverware when it really matters is the skill that separates the good from the great.

In that respect EtH's two cups in two years with a struggling side that needs rebuilding is a great achievement.

Was there luck and good fortune along the way? Absolutely, but even the best need the occasional rub of the green to go their way.

You still need to be able to devise the right tactics, prepare the players physically and mentally, and you need to make sure they can get over the line.

No one can argue that beating Man City in the FA cup was down to us having better players or even dumb luck. It was the tactics, team selection, the game plan, and the changes made during the match. These are all down to the manager. He deserves credit for that.

It shouldn't be the main factor in whether he keeps his job. But it definitely counts for something.

Ole managed fairly well in the league, actually developed a style of play, and even got us to several finals. But he didn't have the ability to get us over the line.

We know EtH has the ability to do that. If we can give him the support he needs and allow him to focus on what he's best a then he will likely win more with us.



31 Jan 2024 19:49:29
I feel sorry for even asking but any truth in rumours jose wants to come back to Utd?


{Ed002's Note - I would doubt that he would be interested in a return and is certainly not on the list of preferred option.}



12 Jan 2024 16:40:02
Have Utd showed any interest in Archie Gray from Leeds ed02? thank you.


{Ed002's Note - Archie Gray (DM/CM/RB) Leeds kiddie having an excellent season in the Championship and showing versatility. Will not be for sale but Leeds have noted Crystal Palace have enquired. Scouts from Manchester United and Spurs have attended games but it would be a waste of the player wth neither club looking to utilise him in the first team with both having preferred options.}

1.) 12 Jan 2024 23:55:05
He's going to be a top player, snuck into Elland Road on a free ticket with a mate a couple of months back. He played in midfield and was clearly a level above everyone else on the pitch.

Just natural poise, and decision making, last time I saw someone under the age of 18 looking a cut above the rest in the Championship his name was Jude Bellingham. I'm not sure he'll get to Bellingham's level, but he is going to be a UCL level player.

Unfortunately he's Leeds through and through and I'd be stunned if he'd consider a move to United. Which is a shame as he won't stay at Leeds, which probably means he joins a title rival and improves them.

2.) 13 Jan 2024 10:14:27
Ed02 - whilst on the topic of young English players in the Championship, is our interest in Hayden Hackney genuine? Been a few reports in recent days linking us and other PL clubs to him.


{Ed002's Note - Hayden Hackney (DM) Manchester United and Spurs have sent scouts. The issue will be playing time if he moves from Middlesborough.}

3.) 14 Jan 2024 20:15:55
I wouldn’t sneak into Elland Road if someone paid me.

4.) 16 Jan 2024 20:31:00
I don't live far from Elland Road now, and as someone who just loves football I'm not inclined to turn down free tickets. I've also got to a few Barnsley and Huddersfield games in the last 18 months or so.

I love going to Old Trafford, but I don't get to go as often as I'd like. Watching footie on TV is fine, but there is something so much more enjoyable about watching from the stands. The experience and actually a game can be more fun to watch when it's not your team and you aren't invested.




IF22's banter posts with other poster's replies to IF22's banter posts


12 Feb 2024 19:57:54
hello Ed01, have you ever done a player profile on Hojlund? if not can i please request one, thank you.


{Ed001's Note - I don't think I have, so I have added him to the list for you.}

1.) 13 Feb 2024 10:26:00
Thanks Ed. Keen to see that. I'd also be curious what your thoughts are on McTominay. Such an enigma.

{Ed001's Note - McTominay just needed guidance and coaching when he first came through and never got it. You can see when playing for Scotland that he can be better when he understands what he is meant to be doing. Unfortunately it is too late for him now, he will never achieve what he could have been and all he is useful for now is late runs into the box. So you either build a team around that or he is not much help.}

2.) 13 Feb 2024 13:21:15
Jesus ed that is harsh.

So when he plays for Scotland it's fine but it's too late now? He's still playing for Scotland and playing well.

{Ed001's Note - international football is a much lower level and he has a very much more limited set of instructions to follow there.}

3.) 13 Feb 2024 14:45:17
Thanks Ed. Insightful.

{Ed001's Note - very welcome and thank you too.}

4.) 13 Feb 2024 15:04:34
Do you have the same opinion of Rashford Ed? As with McT he's really good (possibly great) at some parts of the game, but is incredibly lacking on a lot of the rest. I'd assumed that with dedicated coaching he could push on. We've all been putting it down to attitude that he hasn't done so, but perhaps the lack of good coaching over the period that he was first coming into the first team is the issue.

{Ed001's Note - to a large degree, yes. He has also massively suffered through a lack of coaching. You can see he has no idea how to press or when to press. Watching him on the ball is frustrating as you can see he has not learnt how to use his options to open the game up for himself and others. Attitude can also become part of a problem through that lack of coaching, as a player with no ideas becomes frustrated with themselves when things are not working. Because he has not had coaching on options when his play is not working, it means he doesn't know what to do to change things.

I do think attitude is not helping him. His lifestyle choices have become more geared towards living it up than living the game. A few more hours spent watching players who play his position and seeing how they look to do more than just cut in and shoot all the time would do him good. A bit of 1-on-1 coaching after the main session has finished would also be a benefit, but both things need to come from him. He needs to be looking to improve now, he has to want it.

In McTominay's case, he has and does put in a bit more effort in training, he clearly does want to be better. However he has shown to operate at his best when his responsibilities are limited and his role is laid out for him. It is very difficult to do that for a midfielder at a high-level club, they need to be capable of more. Someone like Roy Hodgson would give him that limited role, as does Clark with Scotland. But I can't see him ever getting that luxury at United.}

5.) 13 Feb 2024 17:59:35
Thanks Ed. In both cases I think you're absolutely right.

6.) 13 Feb 2024 21:28:55
So would McT want a bigger role with a smaller club, or a bit part role at United.

I think he is like a Fletcher, O'Shea or Smalling, can do a decent job when called upon.

One thing for sure, I'm glad he stuck around this year.

7.) 13 Feb 2024 22:34:02
100% agree on rashford.
I think he would benefit from a move abroad. I think he could do really well but it will come down to him and his desire. If doesn't matter if he stays or goes its down to him and his application to his profession.

8.) 13 Feb 2024 22:43:52
Grim no he’s not. Oshea and smalling were defenders and pretty poor ones at that. Oshea had a solid career fair enough.

But to Fletcher, he was a very good player and well coached, won multiple league titles, very under rated. Mctominay is not even close to him. Fletcher went to other clubs and became their captain, Mctominay doesn’t have that in his locker.

9.) 13 Feb 2024 23:44:11
G_Nev2 say what you want about O’Shea but he never let us down.

10.) 14 Feb 2024 08:08:40
Damning about lack of coaching…

Wonder what other players (past and current) have had their potential limited by United because of this.

Woukd hope new regime bring in players that can be coached and really raise their games.



05 Sep 2022 00:24:47
ed01, couldn’t find a brighton page so was just wondering have you written a manager profile about graham potter? his Brighton team is one of the best teams to watch in the world at the moment in my opinion, do you think he will be the man to replace klopp?


{Ed001's Note - yes mate I did one a long time ago when he was in charge at Swansea: Graham Potter profile. He is one of the best managers in the world imo and I would be happy to see him be the eventual replacement for Klopp yes. However I think it will be Pep Lijnders, who wouldn't be my choice.}

1.) 05 Sep 2022 07:21:35

Surley he must be a contender to take over from Southgate. Although I think he would be wasted as an International manager.

He has Brighton playing some really good football.

{Ed001's Note - he is a day to day coach, I don't see him enjoying the international scene. Maybe as a retirement at the end of his career.}

2.) 05 Sep 2022 08:26:55
Great manager, would happily have seen him at United, even though Ten Hag was my first choice. Done so much with so little over his career so far.

I'm guessing Chelsea or Spurs will be his next move after Tuchel or Conte fall out with their boards, just whoever does it first.

3.) 05 Sep 2022 09:37:37
Think so RJ. His stock is high and rightly so. Very intelligent man.

4.) 05 Sep 2022 10:56:37
Thank you ed01, i’ve just had a read through it now, sounds like a highly intelligent man, whoever gets him next will be a lucky team.

{Ed001's Note - I agree, given time he will be a huge success I think wherever he ends up.}

5.) 05 Sep 2022 15:07:24
Ed if you don't mind me asking what makes you think they will give it to Lijnders? Interesting!

{Ed001's Note - because Klopp is giving him more and more responsibility as if he is preparing the water for Pep to take over.}

6.) 05 Sep 2022 16:58:15
Do you think that would be a good thing Ed? I remember thinking giggs would take over after LvG- thank god that never happened.

{Ed001's Note - no, I am not keen on the idea.}

7.) 06 Sep 2022 00:36:52
Fair enough Ed. Usually those pre planned things sound a lot better than they turn out.

Thanks for the insight, appreciate it.

{Ed001's Note - very welcome Caolan.}

8.) 06 Sep 2022 09:45:01
One would assume that the next big Premier League vacancy would have Potters name thrown heavily into the ring. For me that's Tuchel, I just get the feeling something isn't quite right there currently.

I did think that Potter might end up at Newcastle in a year or 2 especially after signing Dan Ashworth from Brighton but they appeared committed to Howe.



02 Sep 2022 12:27:13
Hi Ed01, watching Martinez so far this season looks like an excellent buy but lots of criticism about his lack of height, i'd just like to know your opinion of him? Because I know you have a good eye for spotting good players.


{Ed001's Note - I remember reading about Paisley moving Thompson to centreback and all of the height stuff was said then and he did alright. Height is not that important. A good leap and most of all good timing of the leap is far more important and he possesses both. What I like about him most is that he exhibits leadership characteristics. He looks a very good signing to me.

There is no question about his ability on the ball or overall defending, that tells me a lot that the only issue being brought up is height.}

1.) 02 Sep 2022 12:49:29
Yeah, the leadership is massive. Varane needs to be directed and is playing way better alongside him. It’s what United needed because De Gea isn’t a leader either, and Maguire can’t even hold a line, let alone organise others.

2.) 02 Sep 2022 13:21:17
His enthusiasm is infectious. Dalot sliding in and blocking a cross that resulted in a goal kick and they pop up high fiving each other. Although from the outside it may look a tad cringe celebrating something as innocuous as a goal kick, but it's showing there's a togetherness and a bond beginning. That's something the squad has lacked for a long time. They were a bunch of individuals all blaming everyone else for our failings. Now we're working hard for each other. Very refreshing.

3.) 02 Sep 2022 13:25:45
There is a great video on TIFO about Martinez and the height conundrum for CBs.

4.) 02 Sep 2022 13:36:56
Every centre half in the world has been bullied by a centre forward at some point but you can bet your bottom dollar when Martinez does it will be highlighted 10 fold and his height mentioned constantly especially Numpty Souness and Agbonlahor who can’t wait to have a dig at anything Utd.

5.) 02 Sep 2022 14:05:47
Gotta say I'm happy to be eating humble pie on Martinez. He has made me think twice. Was not convinced with his height but he has not faltered.

6.) 02 Sep 2022 14:42:45
Martinez has played well, looks a good reader of the game, gets his angles right and makes key blocks, decisive and forceful. Alongside Varane he has looked solid, no gaps. I think it was a mistake to throw him in for his first game away at Brentford but against more footballing sides he has definitely looked the part.

7.) 02 Sep 2022 14:52:16
Martinez has been our best signing of the summer so far. Which is saying something considering that Malacia and Eriksen have both looked very good for us. Obviously we can't judge Casemiro and Antony yet as they haven't started a game.

He's a real leader, has fight and attitude. He also has the brains to read the game well and defend intelligently. While he has all the technical qualities on the ball to play out from the back with skill and class.

Top class signing and I am enjoying him make the ABU's eat humble pie.

8.) 02 Sep 2022 14:58:34
I’m more than happy with that pairing now. I, like many, were sceltical about Martinez. But so far, happy to be proven wrong. He’s a warrior. As close to Rio and Vidic as we’ve had for some time.

9.) 02 Sep 2022 15:20:12
Foreman C. Vidic was great but he got bullied by Torres. Height notwithstanding, sometimes the matchups don't work. You can't ask for more than Martinez gives you: quality + 100% every minute of every game.

10.) 02 Sep 2022 16:30:20
Thing I like best about him is he's a bit of a wind up merchant. Lots of little niggles like hand in the face while getting off the floor with an opposing player after a tackle.

11.) 02 Sep 2022 17:12:05
I would suggest for me Eriksen has been the strongest signing so far. Literally the first time in a decade a player has gone into that midfield and shown anything whatsoever. But they've all done great. You can see the impact of getting in the right players to fit a specific system.
Long term future doesn't look great for any of the defenders we've been leaving out. I think it's likely we'd move for Timber next summer again once Ajax have had a chance to calm down and spend their £200m or whatever it is.

12.) 02 Sep 2022 21:05:06
I did say on here after the first 2 games that Martinez was going to make some pundits look very stupid, it’s almost like judging a player on his first 2 games isn’t a sensible thing to do.

It’s like people now saying Arsenal will challenge for the title when they are yet to face a decent side. They may do well this year but until they have played a lot more games it’s impossible to know. People are so reactionary now, 2 weeks ago we were getting relegated, now we are challenging for top 4, the league this early means very little.

13.) 02 Sep 2022 23:19:13
Pundits gds2?
He was slated on here by many of the above as was malacia before he even kicked a ball.

14.) 02 Sep 2022 21:11:02

What are your thoughts on Malacia aswell?

So far I've been really impressed. He is another player whi really puts the effort in on the pitch aswell.

{Ed001's Note - I am with you on that. He looks a major upgrade. I know that might not be saying much, but I think he will grow as a player and become a key part of the team. I can see why Ten Hag was so keen to bring him in and it was definitely an area of the pitch that you desperately needed to improve. He really looks so well suited to the English game that he could very well be a fixture in the team for years to come.}

15.) 03 Sep 2022 10:47:08

I know, it was ridiculous, but my comment was more about Carragher who said he will never make it in the premier league because he’s small. It’s such a lazy thing to say about a player that won the Ajax player of the season last season. Won’t be long before he loses a header and people are all over him again, yet what he lacks in height he makes up for in brains, passion and aggression 10 fold.

16.) 03 Sep 2022 11:34:11
Totally agree.




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05 Sep 2022 10:56:37
Thank you ed01, i’ve just had a read through it now, sounds like a highly intelligent man, whoever gets him next will be a lucky team.


{Ed001's Note - I agree, given time he will be a huge success I think wherever he ends up.}