Manchester United banter 3


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19 Jul 2024 18:18:59
There is talk of us allowing Antony to leave on loan this summer as long as someone pays his £70k per week wage.

Anyone daft enough to do that do we think?

19 Jul 2024 18:50:37

19 Jul 2024 19:51:14
70k? That is surpising. Shocked he’s not on more than that!

19 Jul 2024 20:38:54
It could be as high as £200k a week which is laughable.

19 Jul 2024 21:34:03
Tbf to Antony he’s is decent in his defensive duties covers a lot of ground coming back tracking

I would convert him to left back. he’s not a winger

Or even through the middle he just needs to get some confidence but I think this is his last season if he doesn’t perform, massively overpriced and under performed.

Has not adapted to English football at all.

20 Jul 2024 07:27:52
I thought it was widely reported that he was on £200k a week plus goal scoring bonuses, so £200k a week.

20 Jul 2024 09:12:49
I think he’d make a decent left back due to his tenacity. He certainly doesn’t offer anything from RW.

But his ego says otherwise judging by his reaction when told to play there vs Liverpool.

20 Jul 2024 11:10:12
I'm not sure Antony would be a good option at LB, but I do think he could adapt to a LWB role very well.

The problem seems to be that he was clearly not happy when asked to play there for 30 minutes last season.

If he has no interest in changing his role and learning the skills needed to transition to that position full time then he simply won't succeed in switching positions.

If we sign Branthwaite and look to play with a back three of Yoro, Martinez and Branthwaite, then Antony could be an interesting option at LWB if he is prepared to make that move. Otherwise his best move is one out of the club, the sooner the better before he drops completely out of the minds of other clubs.

20 Jul 2024 11:48:20
He would make an awful lb. Can't imagine him defending his back post well at all especially in the air.
He can't tackle very well. He is tenacious but so is my pet terrior. He has not got full back instincts.
Could probably do it on PlayStation better than in reality.

20 Jul 2024 15:26:24
Square pegs and round holes.

Whilst he has a good work rate, it is more of a headless chicken work rate. He looks woefully out of his depth after 2 seasons in the EPL.

19 Jul 2024 11:14:51
I wonder if the club will go back for another bid for Branthwaite now the Friedken group have ended talks.

19 Jul 2024 11:38:53
I expect that United was always likely to go back in with another bid. He seems a primary target and I expect they'll get an agreement at some point.

It will be for more than the club wants to pay, and he will be a little overpriced. But I don't see that as being too much of a problem.

I think the club have been quick to tie up as many of their primary targets for key positions as possible. Ugarte looks to be the next one, probably completed early next week if not sooner.

Once those three positions have been strengthened the club can focus on selling players, raising funds and creating space for additional signings.

Branthwaite will I expect rumble on towards deadline day, with a deal being agreed later in the window. This is still a deal I very much expect to happen.

19 Jul 2024 12:46:51
We should wait until next year, after Everton get relegated, half price deal ?.

19 Jul 2024 13:01:20
If the financial news coming out about their stadium is anything to go by, they may well want us to return with our original bid!

As it is, I actually like Everton FC, terrible situation for them to be in and hope it doesn’t have a massive impact on them.

19 Jul 2024 13:37:19
They may end up trying to sell us the stadium that they cannot afford.

19 Jul 2024 14:51:13
I’ve no issue with us going back in with one more bid, as long as we do it soon. We have a lot of positions to fill and can’t be wasting all summer chasing a target who may not end up coming.

19 Jul 2024 11:59:53
Good ol' Moshiri - what a dodgy muppet. One blaggard leads the club into a darkened backroom full of even dodgier blaggards and now some other invitees have barricaded the room to keep all the blaggards locked in with each other.

Hopefully Everton will formally retire the number 777 shirt by consigning it to a furnace.

As for the club's resolve concerning Branthwaite - this might only trim the price by £10m or so if anything at all - for now.

From my understanding, there could be many legal implications none of us are aware of so United and many other clubs might start circling the club like vultures - again!
Everton fans must be absolutely raging.

I know you might not want to comment, but you must be steaming, no?

{Ed025's Note - im not happy Ork thats for certain, just when it looked like there was light at the end of the tunnel it has been switched off again mate, i dont think its the end of the story though as im sure other investors will want to throw their hand in...but its certainly a kick in the nuts..

19 Jul 2024 16:20:27
Jimbob, or maybe they don't get relegated, Branthwaite has a stormer of a season and we have to enter a bidding war next summer.

That's the gamble.

I feel sorry for Everton, or any club that suffers similar financial issues. Owners mismanage the club but it's is always the fans who have to suffer and ultimately pick up the tab.

Our own struggles with poor owners I'd imagine has made most of us aware how crappy a situation it is for the fans.

From a United perspective I hope we get Branthwaite on a decent deal. As a fan of football I hope Everton and navigate their current struggles and stay in the league (as long as they play well enough and deserve to stay up) .

I think with Yoro in the bag we can afford to make sure we spend the time and the money chasing the right player at CB to join Yoro and the existing defenders.

A lot of people get caught up with not wanting to overspend on players. Yet it's better to overspend on the right player, than to get a good deal on the wrong player.

Much better for the club to spend 60m on the right player this summer, than buy the wrong one for 40m and then have to spend again next summer on the same position.

I'd have thought that most United fans would have learned that after spending 30m on Amad and Pellistri one summer, to then spend 75m on Sancho the following summer, to then spend a further 75m on Antony. 180m+ spent on right wingers and we still might not have the right player in that position.

Better to scout the right player now and if that means spending a little more on them then that's probably a more efficient and sensible option than spending slightly less on a player we'll need to replace in a couple of years time.

19 Jul 2024 16:31:28
I like Everton as a club and its fans. Proper club, with real tradition. The Premier League would be a much worse place without them.

I feel greatly for their fans as we can have a great deal
Of empathy that they have bandits in charge and bandits circling them.

As for Branthwaite, selling him would only scratch the surface of the club’s huge debt it has no way of repaying. Sadly for the club, administrators are beckoning, and that’s when the fire sale of its assets begins, and that’s when clubs will come knocking for Branthwaite and others.

19 Jul 2024 16:40:46
Everton have every right to charge what they want for their crown jewel. If they don't come down in price from 70 then he might just play another year of Dyche ball and his development in key aspects required at stronger more ball dominatant teams will lag behind.

Feel bad for Everton, I think their issues started with russian money drying up? Chelsea ownership seemed to be cleared up nicely for them, but Everton have been sent up a creak with no paddles.

I like the sound of de ligt, rcb, experienced beyond his years, leader. If we got him then surely branthwait would be a luxury? Although 2 older, 2 younger for both LCB and rcb would be ideal and set us up for years. Surely our budget cannot stretch that far.

19 Jul 2024 17:49:10
I reckon we should go back in with the 70m now.

Probably get the whole club ?.

19 Jul 2024 18:01:50
I’d still prefer MdL in there myself. There was a chat on here a few days ago pondering who would start if we got de Ligt and Yoro alongside Martinez. What happens if Branthwaite is thrown into the mix as well? I see one of the other with either Maguire or Lindy moving on leaving Martinez, Yoro, De Ligt/ Brainthwaite, Lindelof/ Maguire, Evans.
Maybe snare the other in winter or next summer.

19 Jul 2024 18:34:28
I too rather quite like Everton. Solid club with likeable fans. I hope they can get past their financial problems. Hopefully they sell us Braithwaite at a reasonable price too.

19 Jul 2024 19:55:38
There also seems to be a myth developing that a left centre back has to be left footed…. it really doesn’t matter. Our best recent pairings (Bruce/ Pallister and Rio/ Vidic) were very right foot dominant.

19 Jul 2024 20:38:00
Eric, ETH is fixated on that left footed LCB for balance. I think that's what we will end up going for. Branthwaite can play there and cover LB.

19 Jul 2024 22:12:15
MDL and Yoro for rcb, martinez and Shaw (backup) LCB. Buy some creative attacking fullbacks that can cross and stay fit.

20 Jul 2024 10:23:42
Feel really sorry for the Everton fans - great club and don’t deserve to be treated like this.

{Ed025's Note - we are getting used to it now Wallace," it never rains but it pours" was written for Everton mate..

20 Jul 2024 11:34:16
Angel, a right/ left footed axis is better as players both defend and more importantly are able to pass out from the back with more balance.

The problem with a right footed LCB is that they are often uncomfortable passing out with their right foot. Meaning that teams can press them onto their left foot to improve their chances of winning the ball, or if the defender insists on going onto their right foot they move the ball into a more dangerous central position.

Maguire for example always does one of two things when playing at LCB, he either plays the long ball over the top to the left wing (the problem is that this pass has to be perfect as if not it's natural movement will take it out of play for a throw in), or he is forced more central and he plays a sideways passing to his CB partner. Which of you are being pressed well can either be cut out, losing the ball centrally in front of your goal. Or the obviousness of the pass means the RCB is quickly under pressure with limited options.

When Maguire plays at RCB he has more passing options and his more limited technical skills aren't as exposed. With him having more passing options and thus less pressured when pressed.

From a building out from the back perspective, a left footed LCB has far more natural passing options, making the play out structure far less predictable and giving the side greater control.

Is having a right/ left foot CB axis the most important thing? No offers course not, talent and tactics play a much bigger role. However, at the highest level it's all about those marginal gains, those small differences that give you an extra 1% here and there. Those marginal gains are often the difference between the teams that win major honours and those that fall just short.

So I fully understand why many managers have a preference for a left footed CB, it is why Pep has spent so much money signing players like Laporte, Ake and Gvardiol.

Dodgy, given Shaw and Martinez's injury histories in recent season's I'm not convinced having them two as the only options at LCB is ideal. Especially as with Malacia's injuries as well then we still have a need for Shaw at LB even if we signed a new LB.

I like the idea of signing Branthwaite as it gives us long term stability on the left side of defence. His skills match well with Yoro and he has shown he can play RCB if needed to a good level as well (at PSV under our new coach RvN no less) . He is also able to play at LB if you were to structure the side with him staying deep and forming an in possession 3223 type shape. Allowing the RB to either push forward down the right or play inverted in the midfield pivot along side a CDM. Both roles suit Dalot well.

That would also allow for us to sign a RB to support/ compete with Dalot rather than sign a LB. That would create a pathway for the talented Harry Amass to potentially make his way into the first team squad.

Branthwaite makes so much sense in every way bar the price. Yet that might be something we just have to swallow to get the ideal player in.

It'll be interesting to see what Everton are prepared to accept now the takeover has fallen through. I can see a deal happening, the player wants it, United want it, and Everton might need it.

If for whatever reason a deal can't be done for Branthwaite this summer, then I'd hope the club looks at signing Mario Hermoso on a free.

He ticks a lot of the boxes, technically excellent, defensively solid, can play CB and LB. At 29 years old on a 2-3 year deal he'd provide excellent cover and competition. While being free he wouldn't eat into the budget meaning we could still potentially go back for Branthwaite or another longer term option next summer without any issues.

19 Jul 2024 06:36:30
Leny Yoro: "Since my first conversations with the club, they set out a clear plan for how I can develop in Manchester as part of this exciting project, and showed a lot of care for me and my family. "

I read the above and what a difference from the previous senior management. A clear plan and care. Very pleased to hear those words and the structure above the manager coach looks very good.

19 Jul 2024 07:05:30
Nothing to do with reports that "Lille were prepared to make Leny Yoro sit out for a season if he didn't join Manchester United as the French club made sure they got a profit for their asset amid interest from Real Madrid".
Makes me wonder if 'his quote' isn't a release by the club. I hope not.

19 Jul 2024 07:17:12
Fizz, correct me if I wrong but i'm sure that 'story' was first reported by marca, if so that says it all.

19 Jul 2024 07:20:55
Fizz why would that be? Imagine what a new signing would think, if the announcement from the club included a quote from the player that he didn’t actually say? ? it’s like Twitter on here at the moment with all these conspiracy theories.

Red Man - I read that too and immediately assumed the same will be happening with our youngsters and they will finally be offered a clear path to the first team, which didn’t exist under the previous structure.

It’s all looking more positive again. The De Ligt deal has gone very quiet which is my only disappointment, but there’s still loads of time remaining in the window and the club are moving a lot faster than they had done previously.

19 Jul 2024 07:57:28
Completely agree with wazza, we don't need to look for hidden meanings and overtime everything.

19 Jul 2024 08:05:32
Fizz, Madrid have missed out on Yoro (for now at least), and their pet paper suddenly claims Lille threatened to leave him on the bench if he didn't sign for Utd. You don't think they might be making stuff up to help RM save face?

Marca have done similar things before when RM didn't get a target, because the idea of a RM failing to land a player they set their sights on goes against the RM brand.

19 Jul 2024 08:20:13
In fairness most, if not all statements like these are written on the person’s behalf and released by the club and its media staff.

It is very unlikely those are his words.

Standard big business methodology.

19 Jul 2024 12:47:13
Red man, I heard ETH really convinced him in the end. Well done Erik.

19 Jul 2024 12:59:25
Not only that quote but also the quote on how we treated his family

Says a lot about how the club are being ran and the people in those positions are no longer amatures.

It will take time for 10 years of a rotting mess to be fixed but early signs are positive signings are always 50/ 50 to work but I like what I’m seeing atm with the profile of players being targeted.

Not only with signings but the way we have handled players being sold

Not overpricing players and getting good deals selling.

19 Jul 2024 13:03:00
And there was me thinking these threads were for ‘banter’ and ‘transfer rumours’……. turns out I was wrong and they are actually serious, factual, and legally binding……….

19 Jul 2024 13:24:29
Nonsense Keefy, of course the player is involved.

20 Jul 2024 11:53:34
It was what the player said during his unveiling interview with the club.

It's almost certainly a bit of both, it probably reflects how he's feeling to a certain extent, while he has probably been briefed by the club and his entourage about what to say. Finally the club publish which parts of the interview they want, so have almost certainly picked out the bits that reflect most positively on the club.

Did Lille put pressure on him to accept the United offer? Maybe who knows, but personally I doubt they'd have gone as far as saying he'll not play for the first team next season if he stays at Lille. That literally makes no sense for the club to cut their nose off to spite their face. Having to pay one of their best players all season and not play him. Surely a better tactic would be to try and convince him to accept a new deal, maybe with a release clause or gentlemen's agreement to get his a move to Real Madrid next summer.

As someone pointed out the first place this was published was the Madrid publication Macia. A publication that is known as being Real Madrid's mouthpiece. Whether that was published to put pressure on Yoro to wait for them, or as a saving face exercise as the club knew they would lose out on the player who knows.

Either way I wouldn't give it any credence.

What we know is that Madrid were interested in signing him next year for free, the player (like most players, wanted to play for Real Madrid) . Yet it was United that showed the most ambition to sign him, making a big offer this summer and have presented a plan for him and how he would fit in at the club, how they hope to help him develop and become a top player.
The player then willing accepted the offer from United, so while Real Madrid might have been his preference initially, he willing chose to join us.

You'd think if he still harbours ambitions to play for Madrid that he will be focused on becoming the best player he can be, making himself a player Real Madrid feel they have to come back in for at some point down the line.

While if he settles well, develops and becomes a top player at United, while the club successfully gets back to challenging for the major honours, then maybe he'll want to stay at the club. If not then the club can sell him if an acceptable offer is made, wish him the best and thank him for his years of good service and then bring in the next young great player to build into the side.

Players are transient, even the greatest players eventually wane and need replacing. That's football. If we are a well run club (and it looks like we will be) then the club will have a plan A, B, C and D for all eventualities. Be that players getting injured and not coming back to the same level, them declining, or if they want to leave.

A well run club will have a young hungry player in the squad ready to step up, and/ or a list of potential replacements they could sign.

Ronaldo became the best player in the world with us, won the Balon d'Or, and left as he was hitting his prime for Real Madrid. He had great success, but people forget that we continued to challenge for and win titles after Ronaldo left.

If the same thing happens with Yoro then so be it. We will continue to be successful after he leaves, be that in 5, 10 or 15 years time.

19 Jul 2024 01:52:43
Is Ugarte what we need? For a guy who has never watched him, how good is he and will he be able to replicate Casemiro's first season at United?

19 Jul 2024 02:59:55
Ugarte is an elite ball winner.
Another player about to hit his peak. Would complement Mainoo well.

19 Jul 2024 03:59:45
Ugarte is certainly a different type of player to Casemiro.
While the latter is more physically dominant and a little better at reading the game, the former is a far more aggressive and busy player who should offer more to the high press.

Just imagine how scary the triumvirate of Licha The Butcher, Leny The Bulldozer and Manu The Piston could be - ?.

19 Jul 2024 07:21:21
Yes, as Messi what he thinks of him.

19 Jul 2024 08:10:25
I haven't seen a ton of him, but from what I've seen he looks very, very good in many respects. Some question over his positioning following turnovers, and he isn't amazing in his distribution, but the latter is an acceptable weakness, as he'll be playing safe passes to players like Mainoo and Martinez who are better at progressing the ball.

19 Jul 2024 08:19:52
My kind of player, running around mopping up and protecting the back four without any glitz or glamour. Maybe a disservice to his skills but that's exactly what we've lack for a long time. Another cog for the wheel.

19 Jul 2024 11:42:38
He will add the aggression and work rate our midfield needs.

He isn't an expansive passer, but with Mainoo and Bruno in midfield we don't lack for players who'll progress the ball forward, what we lack is defensive work rate and nous.

Ugarte has that in spades and seems very well suited to the EPL.

18 Jul 2024 22:16:33
Finally looks like we are getting our act together. Some reasonable money in and spending it wisely.

Hopefully a few more along with a medical team with more than a first aid kit and we might have a good season!

18 Jul 2024 21:10:32
Surely this could be a fan's song for Yoro.

To the tune of 'Maybe Tomorrow' by Terry Bush - 'He's Leny Yoro'.

18 Jul 2024 17:06:53
Yoro deal completed, according to fab ? fabulous signing and another step toward how the club should be ran ??.

18 Jul 2024 12:36:23
Just wondering what the likelihood is that United start looking at Kiwior?

Left-footed CB who can operate adequately at LB. With both Martinez and Shaw each having injury-ravaged seasons, the concerns are perfectly valid, and with Arsenal chasing Calafiori, I wonder if they'd bite if United made, say, a £25m offer for a very good defender who is thoroughly underappreciated by his club?

Obviously, we'd need to sell first ourselves, but I think he'd be a very astute purchase.

What say yous?

18 Jul 2024 13:43:43
No thanks.

Watched him get rinsed v Bayern this year. Wouldn't go near him.

18 Jul 2024 13:59:38
Not me. Not at the level we’re after.

18 Jul 2024 10:48:22
AWB to West Ham, then active Frimpong's €40m release clause which expires at the end of July? Yes please!

18 Jul 2024 15:54:39
No thanks unless we plan to play 3 at the back. He would be badly exposed defensively imo playing as a rb.
I don't think it's a great idea to sign a player that plays in a position and then ask him to play in a different position expecting him to do as well.
Lots of better right backs we could target imo.

18 Jul 2024 16:57:07
He only played 1 game at RB last season according to TransferMarkt, playing 38 at RM and 6 at RW (14G 12A) He can cover LB too, plus he's homegrown.

I've suggested previously that I can see us progressing to the increasingly popular 343 (which transitions to a 541 without the ball and 145 when attacking) . If we offload Maguire or Lindelof and bring in MDL or JB then we'd have flexibility and depth. Dalot can cover LB too, plus Yoro looks like he could cover RB as a more defensive / supportive option.

18 Jul 2024 17:01:14
Thumbs up from me. Can also play RW which is a problem position also so theoretically could play in the same XI as Dalot.

18 Jul 2024 18:39:05
That's my thinking Spenno. With potentially 55-60 games in all comps next season there'll be plenty of games to share around.

20 Jul 2024 12:14:48
I don't think we should sign Frimpong unless he'll be both first choice and we plan to play with wingbacks.

We've seen this before, we sign players who have excelled in a very different system/ tactical set up to what we are looking to play, only to be surprised/ let down when that player doesn't adapt to this totally different way of playing.

We saw this with Kagawa, Mkhitayran and Sancho from Dortmund. A side committed to playing a very high pressing game, compacting the pitch and having their players play in close proximity to eachother. We then played them in a side that doesn't press as high, that looks to play with width and expand the pitch rather than contract it, then we wonder why they can't replicate their Dortmund form with us.

A similar thing happened with Donny, he excelled at Ajax playing as a No.10/ second striker. He played more or less in the forward line, or just withdrawn from it. Not deeper in midfield. He also benefited from playing with players close to him, where he could play a quick one-two bounce pass, and then ghost into the box picking up space to score.

Then at United we've played him far deeper than he ever played at Ajax, with bigger spaces between him and his team mates and with greater distances for him to cover. He also plays best in a role/ position that Bruno Fernandes plays to a higher standard. So was never going to get a run of games in his best position.

Last summer loads of people complained about the signing of Mason Mount, a player who has typically played best either in the No.10 or wide as a floating playmaker. Yet he had shown some ability to play slightly deeper as a No.8, but it certainly wasn't his best position. Many fans complained that we should sign players to play in their best position.

Now maybe Mount would have been successful if he wasn't injured or maybe he'd have underwhelmed. Either way I think most fans would agree the best chance he as of being successful at our club is probably as a Bruno replacement if he leaves this year or next.

What I find surprising is the number of fans who complained about signing players to play in their best position last summer when we signed Mount are then this summer advocating signing Frimpong and playing him out of position.

The problem with having Dalot and AWB as RB options is that they are very different in how they play, which means a drastic change in our tactics is needed when switching between the two.

If we sell AWB this summer then we should look to bring in a player in a similar mould to Dalot, probably younger with potential. While in some positions you want variations in abilities and style (particularly in attacking positions) to give the manager different options to change things from the bench. You don't tend to want such variations in defence. Good defending comes down to consistency and clear understanding of each others game, skills, and role. Ideally in defence you want similar styled players as back up to minimise distribution when you need to make changes.

Frimpong and Dalot are probably as different in style as Dalot and AWB. We are just changing an extreme defensive option for an extreme attacking option.

We need someone who can play either on the overlap, or invert into midfield in a similar mound to Dalot. Ideally someone younger who has high potential. Someone to learn from Dalot, challenge him and maybe eventually surpass him and take the role for themselves.

Selling AWB for 15m to spend 40m on signing Frimpong and still have the same basic problem seems foolish. Especially when we'd be expecting Frimpong to play in a very different role/ style than he has excelled in.

18 Jul 2024 03:08:07
While my buzz for the coming season is growing, I have a feeling something brilliant will be unlocked.

I predict that Ruud will refine the talent in Garnacho this season and create a monster.

What are your predictions?

18 Jul 2024 05:10:16
I will go on a limb here and say rash will have a big season and onana will be excellent Gulp:)

18 Jul 2024 05:30:28
Depends on Licha, if he stays fit the whole season, then the defence will look a bit more solid.

The biggest improvement needs to be up front. United have been far too goal shy over the last few years, we have added Zirkzee, will that be enough?

18 Jul 2024 05:33:41
That we will have half the injuries of last season and as a result half the defeats.

18 Jul 2024 06:51:30
That we will be a lot better than last year. Score more goals let in less and finish comfortably in top 4 with a couple of good cup runs.
I've zero faith in the manager but will go into the season in the hope that I'm proven wrong.
The signings are unproven players at epl level but we are signing potential so need them to hit the ground running.
Still lots of players to determine their futures and a couple more to come in minimum, so it's too early to say if we will win the league. ?.

18 Jul 2024 08:50:11
Two strikers rotating upfront will make a big difference. Many games last year we just had nothing to change it from the bench.

Also expect us to play a higher defensive line, closing the gaps in midfield and freeing Onana to play his sweeping role that he played previously.

Hoping we can stay clear of these mass injuries that caused such issues last year.

18 Jul 2024 08:54:28
Well ruud loved the ball into the box and atm our wingers/ inside forwards do not deliver

Hopefully he can make them aware of what a striker likes and we start to see better end products.

18 Jul 2024 09:02:45
Title charge ?.

18 Jul 2024 09:14:19
I hope I am proven wrong and ETH is indeed a managerial legend.

Maguire to gain some pace
Antony to grow a right foot
Rashford to grow a heart

Okay seriously…….

Strikers to get service

Less excuses and more action and most importantly no social/ social media faux pas!

18 Jul 2024 09:17:49
I’ve not seen anything as yet to make me think this season will be a lot different to last season.

At the moment, based on what players have come in and gone out I wouldn’t be surprised to see ETH under severe pressure or even gone around Xmas time.

Signing a new striker won’t solve the not scoring problem. You need to create chances for them in the first instance, that was the major issue last season.

We’ve only signed one new CB, an untested 18 year old. To play alongside Martinez who we hope stays fit. As soon as one of those two gets injured, suspended or loses form we are back to Maguire and Lindelof/ Evans.

And then we have decent no cover at left back for Shaw who can’t stay fit. Once he’s out the whole left side fails.

We still need new midfielders. Nobody to anchor the midfield, Cas can’t do it anymore. And you can’t play Mainoo for the entire season, he’s still very young and needs time off before he burns out. We can’t play the likes of McT in there if we want to challenge near the top.

Without a strong midfield and back line we will continue to give up 20+ chances each and every game.

This is all based on the transfer window as we are today. This could all dramatically change before the season starts.

But at the moment other than blind optimism I don’t see how the team’s performance will be that different to last season.

That’s my glass half empty view. If you’d prefer a glass half full perspective, then don’t worry guys, Rashford will be back in form, there won’t be many injuries and we will easily finish top 4.

18 Jul 2024 09:39:56
I was having a similar conversation with my 11 year old boy and we came to the conclusion that our improvements will come from:
- Back 5 will improve with less injuries and better skilled players on the ball. We will see the real Onana as well who does not need to hit the ball long all the time
- Midfield will improve with a better player at HM with good fitness allowing Mainoo, Fenandes, whoever else to be more progressive and push higher up the pitch
- Attack will improve with a better second option at striker and Hojlund into second season. Solving the right side, whether that is new player, giving the position to Garnacho or Amad develops.
- Selling the dead wood - we have so many players that we can move on without impacting the first team. We will need to fill the gap with new players or develop from the youth teams. But, big wages on players not benefiting the team

Could be an exciting year.

18 Jul 2024 10:26:03
Most of all I just want to enjoy watching my team again. Other than the FA Cup Final it's been a long time. I'd rather see them play really well and lose than be completely uninspiring and draw half their games.
Predictions? I think like many managers' remits Erik's will be top 4 and a cup. So that's what I'm hoping for. Should be an exciting season as there are a good half a dozen teams at least who are capable of that.

18 Jul 2024 12:08:48
To me midfield is still a big problem. Still no defensive enforcer and no one to replace or help Bruno as and when needed.

City have not really flexed their financial muscle yet and if this is Peps final season he will want to go out on a high

Liverpool will surely sign more players to add to an already good squad

Arsenal likewise

Villa have already shown their intent

Spurs yet to really do anything but surely will aim to get into the champions league

So overall whilst I am hopeful that Utd will improve hugely with their new signings I think it is going to be very difficult to break into the top four.

18 Jul 2024 14:06:27
Absolutely no reason why we can’t improve dramatically next season. The initial signings, and the way we’ve gone about our business so far, is really encouraging. I’d just like the bulk of our players to stay fit so that we can get a decent benchmark of exactly where we are.

18 Jul 2024 15:33:39
We seem to be going for younger profile players, which I am very happy about. This of course will require patience from fans as these players grow into their potential.

We look like we will have a very strong young core that we will be building around. I like that approach mich better than trying to bring in older more expensive stars who are negotiating their last big contract.

Would like ugarte and de ligt next, and to see some more of the older generation leave.

18 Jul 2024 16:26:15
I don’t really have a prediction, but if I could choose what happened this summer and season I would ask for all players that offer nothing to be sold (Lindelof, Maguire maybe, Casemiro, Eriksen, Pellistri, Sancho, Antony, Greenwood, Rashford if the money was right), more players to be added along with Zirkzee and Yoro (another CB, a RB if AWB goes, CM x 2 and a wide player if Sancho and Rashford leave) .

Promote some more younger players and secure a top 4 finish with some good cup runs and maybe a piece of silverware. Then next summer get a new LB and RB as i really don’t like Dalot defensively and fill any other positions that this seasons shows we need to upgrade in.

Not much to ask.

19 Jul 2024 05:57:27
Brendan. You been playing Championship Manager again!?


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